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"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
The reader contains 32 selections from some of the most important and best-known works of Cambodian literature in a variety of genres - historical prose, folktales, epic poetry, didactic verse, religious literature, the modern novel, poems ...
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
In this substantial and referenced study, nine leading scholars present from inside the history, society, geography, economy and governmental institutions of each of the 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, ...
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
In this substantial and referenced study, nine leading scholars present from inside the history, society, geography, economy and governmental institutions of each of the 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, ...
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
Leaving the safety of America, Teera returns to Cambodia for the first time since her harrowing escape as a child refugee.
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
From the Land of Shadows surveys the Cambodian diaspora and the struggle to understand and make meaning of this historical trauma.
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
This compelling true story demonstrates the making of a legacy from adversities such as war, starvation, slave labor, deprivation of freedom, immigration and divorce.
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
These documents are supplemented by interviews with survivors and former workers to bring to life the story of a people consumed in a course of auto-genocide.
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
This fascinating book recounts the remarkable tale of a career UN official from Indonesia caught in the turmoil of international and domestic politics swirling around Cambodia during the tumultuous period after the fall of the Khmer Rouge.
"subject:"Cambodia"" sur books.google.com
Based on his observations over three decades, Henry Kamm, Pulitzer Prize-winning NEW YORK TIMES Southeast Asia correspondent, unravels the complexities of Cambodia.