The Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prynce Charles the Grete

Sidney John Hervon Herrtage
Early English Text Society, 1881

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Page v - Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prynce, Charles the Grete" survives only in the unique copy preserved in the British Museum (Press Mark c. 10, b. 9). It is a folio volume, containing 96 leaves, the signatures running from A ij to M viij, and is perfect, but without title-page. The colophon tells us that the " werke was fynysshed! in the reducyng of hit in to Englysshe the xviij day of Juyn, the second! yere of kyngi Eychard!
Page 3 - Eome / the second? of the thre worthy / to thende that thystoryes / actes / & lyues may be had! in our maternal tongue lyke as they be in latyn or in frensshe / For the moost quantyte of the people vnderstonde not latyn ne frensshe here in this noble royame of englond / And for to satysfye the desyre & requeste of my good!
Page 41 - I haue threats, thys day so ofte called!? wythoute more lenger delaye sende to luste ayenst me rolland or Olyuer, of whom 24 thou makest so grete counte and been so valyaunte, or ogyer the danoys whom I haue herde preysed!. And yf perauenture one of them dare not come allone hardyly late come the two or thre or foure of the moost valyaunt28 est and that they be courageous hardy and! wel armed. And! yf the four dare not come late come fyue, For vnto the nombre of vj of the moost valyauntest of thyn...
Page 3 - And for to satysfye the desyre & requeste of my good! synguler 4 lordes & specyal maysters and! frendes I haue enprysed! and! concluded in my self to reduce this sayd! book in to our englysshe, as all alonge and! playnely ye may rede, here, and! see in thys book...
Page vii - Woodcuts are freely introduced. On the back of sign. A i. is a large one representing Fierabras on horseback, and another on 0 5 representing Charlemagne on his throne, and surrounded by his douzeperes. The preface begins on A ij, the index on A ij b, and the text on A vj. The colophon runs : " Cy finist Fierabras. Imprime a genesue Par maistre Loys Garbin bourgois de la dicte cite. Lan mil cccc. Ixxxiij. et Le xiij iour de moys de Mais. Deo gracias. Amen.
Page 252 - ... theym that shal fynde faute to correcte it, & in so doyng they shal deserue thankynges, & I shal praye god! for them, who brynge them and me, 4 after this short and transytorye lyf, to enerlastyng1 And tins work i blysse.
Page 147 - ... bore armes, and! as I suppose, he shal be valyaunte. And! yf it happene that in doyng1 thys message 12 I be taken & slayn of the paynyms, After my deth he may receyue & hold, myn herytage in my name, and! doo seruyce to Charles. And! I ought wel to doo it, for to doo playsyr to Charles aforcsayd. 1For whan he had 16 gyuen to me my lande, and! possessed! me in my contrey, I wold not accepte it but by one moyen, which is suche, that yf it happed!, a strange man not subgette to my contreye, & that...
Page 1 - Henry Bolomyer, playsyr somme hystoryes as wel in latyn & in romauwce as in other facion wryton, that is to say of the ryght 20 puyssaunt, -vortuous, and!
Page 37 - ... the chylde was reysed! to lyf. And!! whan he came to Aeon in Almayne, 2whyche is a moche fayr cytee where as kyng charles had made his paleys moche fayr & ryche and! a ryght deuoute chapel in thonour of 24 our lady, wherin hym self is buryed!. There atte laste with which he ,,.(,,,,,,, j , ... performs numerwere guarysshed!
Page vi - Eoyal Fierabras described below, but much coarser and plainer. They are also frequently reversed, and, as in the royal copy, the same woodcut is at times made to serve for two or more incidents of a similar character. In the library of the late Mr. Huth is a version, undated, in folio, black letter, with woodcuts, and the colophon : " Cy finist Fierabras. Imprime a lyon par maistre Guillaume le roy. Le cincquiesme Jour du moys de Juilliet. Deo gracias.