Becoming Heidegger: On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927Northwestern University Press, 7 juin 2007 - 534 pages In the decades since Martin Heidegger's death, many of his early writings--notes and talks, essays and reviews--have made it into print, but in such scattershot fashion and erratic translation as to mitigate their usefulness for understanding the development, direction, and ultimate shape of his work. This timely collection, edited by two preeminent Heidegger scholars, brings together in English translation the most philosophical of Heidegger's earliest occasional writings from 1910 to the end of 1927. These important philosophical documents fill out the context in which the early Heidegger wrote his major works and provide the background against which they appeared. Accompanied by incisive commentary, these pieces from Heidegger's student days, his early Freiburg period, and the time of his Marburg lecture courses will contribute substantially to rethinking the making and meaning of Being and Time. The contents are of a depth and quality that make this volume the collection for those interested in Heidegger's work prior to his masterwork. The book will also serve those concerned with Heidegger's relation to such figures as Aristotle, Dilthey, Husserl, Jaspers, and Löwith, as well as scholars whose interests are more topically centered on questions of history, logic, religion, and truth. Important in their own right, these pieces will also prove particularly useful to students of Heidegger's thought and of twentieth-century philosophy in general. |
Table des matières
List of Abbreviations | ix |
Editors Introduction | xi |
Chronological Overview | xxxiii |
Part 1 Student Years 19101917 | 3 |
Part 2 Early Freiburg Period 19191923 | 93 |
Part 3 Marburg Period 19241928 | 185 |
Appendixes Supplements by Heideggers Contemporaries | 333 |
Annotated Glossary | 429 |
Notes | 443 |
Bibliography of GA Editions of Heideggers Lecture Courses19191930 | 507 |
Selected Bibliography | 511 |
515 | |
521 | |
529 | |
533 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Becoming Heidegger: On the Trail of His Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927 Martin Heidegger Affichage d'extraits - 2007 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
actualization already APPENDIX Archive Aristotle basic be-ing become being-true Briefwechsel Catholic chapter CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW concept concrete consciousness context critique Dasein degger Dilthey Dilthey’s Duns Scotus EARLY FREIBURG PERIOD edition Edmund Husserl entity epistemology existence experience fact factic Faculty Freiburg University fundamental Georg Misch German Göttingen habilitation Heidegger's Heinrich Rickert hermeneutical HUSSERL AND HEIDEGGER investigation Jaspers Jaspers's judgment Kant Karl Löwith knowledge lecture courses letter living logic lovgo MARBURG PERIOD Martin Heidegger matter means Messkirch Metaphysics Misch Natorp NOTES TO PAGES object one’s ontology original particular Paul Natorp Phänomenologische PHENOMENOLOGICAL INTERPRETATIONS phenomenology philo philosophy position possibility precisely preconception present problem professor proper psychic published pure psychology question radical reality regard relation religion Rickert Scholasticism scientific semester seminar sense situation speech structure student temporal Theodore Kisiel theology theory things Thomas Sheehan thought tion trans transcendental translation understanding University Wilhelm Wilhelm Dilthey