GB/T 17799.1-2017 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T 17799.1-2017, GBT17799.1-2017): Electromagnetic compatibility -- Generic standards -- Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

Couverture, 15 déc. 2023 - 14 pages
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) immunity requirements specified in this Part of GB/T 17799 are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment used in residential, commercial and light industrial environments, covering the immunity requirements in the frequency range of 0 Hz~400 GHz. Frequency bands not specified in this Part do not need to be measured. If there are no relevant specific product or product type EMC immunity standards, the general EMC immunity standards in this Part apply. This Part applies to equipment directly connected to the low-voltage public mains network or to a dedicated DC power supply powered by a low-voltage public mains network. This Part also applies to battery-powered equipment or equipment powered by non-public, non-industrial low-voltage distribution systems that are to be used in the locations described below. The environments included in this Part are indoor and outdoor environments in residential, commercial and light industrial premises. The descriptions of some site environments are listed below, including (but not limited to): - Residential place, such as: residence, apartment, etc.; - Retail outlets, such as stores, supermarkets, etc.; - Commercial buildings, such as offices, banks, etc.; - Public entertainment areas, such as: cinemas, public bars, dance halls, etc.; - Outdoor places, such as gas stations, parking lots, playgrounds and sports centers, etc.; - Light industrial places, such as workshops, laboratories, maintenance centers, etc. Any place that receives low-voltage power supply directly from the public mains network belongs to residential, commercial and light industrial environments. GB/T 17799.1-2017 ? Buy True-PDF ? Auto-delivery. Page 6 of 14 The purpose of this Part is to specify the immunity test requirements for continuous and transient conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharge, for equipment within the applicable scope. This Part specifies immuni...

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