GB/T 687-2011 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 687-2011, GB/T687-2011, GBT687-2011): Chemical reagent - Glycerol [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 21 mars 2020 - 12 pages This Standard specifies the properties, specifications, tests, inspection rules, packaging and marking of glycerol in chemical reagents. This Standard applies to the inspection of glycerol in chemical reagents. |
Expressions et termes fréquents
acid standard titration Add 5 drops add 5 mL Analytical arsenic becomes pure blue blank test blue indicator solution bromothymol blue indicator Calculate the result carbon dioxide-free water Chemical reagent Chloride contains the following darker dilute to 100 drops of bromothymol Esters of fatty fatty acids following amount Heavy metals hydrochloric acid standard hydroxide standard titration Ignition residue mass fraction measure according milliliters mL mL of carbon mL of hydrochloric mL of sodium mL of sulfuric molar mass Packaging and marking pH value prepared by taking provisions of GB/T Qualified Qualified Readily carbonizable substances result according sample mass shake silver nitrate sodium hydroxide solution sodium hydroxide standard solution 1 g/L solution becomes pure solution is prepared solution that contains specifications standard colorimetric solution standard solution standard titration solution standard turbidity solution Sulfate Take 10 mL Take 8 mL taking the standard test solution 5.8.1 titration solution c(NaOH volume