Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational PerformanceRobert A. Giacalone, Carole L. Jurkiewicz M.E. Sharpe, 2003 - 524 pages A comprehensive, research-based, interdisciplinary, and action-oriented approach to spirituality in organizational life. It defines workplace spirituality as all aspects of the workplace that promote individual feelings of satisfaction through a sense of connection to a larger force. |
Table des matières
Toward a Science of Workplace Spirituality | 9 |
Management Practices That Sustain Values | 29 |
The Human Side of Spirituality | 46 |
An Overview of the Literature | 57 |
A Basic Skeleton with Spiritual Tissue | 76 |
An Oxymoron? | 93 |
Spirituality and the New Workplace | 108 |
3 | 121 |
Spiritual Wellness in the Workplace | 290 |
The Role of Spirituality in Occupational Stress and WellBeing | 300 |
Workplace Spirituality in the United States and the Former East Germany | 314 |
Spirituality and Information | 336 |
Hope in the Workplace | 367 |
Spirituality and EndofLife Care | 390 |
Forgiveness in the Workplace | 405 |
How Workplace Spirituality Becomes Mainstreamed in a Scholarly Organization | 421 |
An Exploratory Examination of Theoretical Links | 137 |
A Pragmatic Perspective | 152 |
Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Spiritual Employee | 181 |
A Study of Quality of Work Life Spiritual WellBeing and Life Satisfaction | 209 |
Coming to Terms with Spirituality and Religion in the Workplace | 231 |
Religion and Spirituality in the Workplace | 244 |
Money Spirituality and Happiness | 257 |
Honesty Spirituality and Performance at Work | 277 |
The Gateway to Workplace Harmony and Velocity | 429 |
Finding Meaning Through Serving | 447 |
IT and SelfDiscovery in the Workplace | 461 |
Using the Everyday Challenges of Business to Transform Individuals | 475 |
About the Editor and Contributors | 493 |
503 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Performance Robert A. Giacalone,Carole L. Jurkiewicz Aucun aperçu disponible - 2003 |
Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Performance Carole L. Jurkiewicz Aucun aperçu disponible - 2010 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Academy of Management American argue aspect of spirituality associated beliefs Belk Business Ethics commitment concept conflict consciousness context corporate create creativity culture customers dimensions East Germans economic effects emotional employees environment environmental ethical climate example experience feel focus focused forgiveness goals growth human important individual integrity interac interactions International involves issues job satisfaction Journal leaders leadership learning Lee Meadow lives marchFirst Marketing meaning ment Mitroff moral motivated needs negative norms one's Organizational Behavior Organizational Citizenship Behavior organizational members organizational politics organizations palliative care percent performance perspective positive practices Press productivity Psychology Psychology of Religion relationship religious responsibility Review role sacred self-esteem sense servant leadership Sirgy skills social Social Psychology society spiritual well-being Stakeholder Theory stress theory tion transformation transgression Transpersonal Psychology University values workers workplace spirituality York