The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri: Descriptions and Texts of Twelve Manuscripts on Papyrus of the Greek Bible. Fasc. I-, Partie 1E. Walker, 1933 - 320 pages |
Expressions et termes fréquents
25M DATE DUE authorities BEATTY BIBLICAL PAPYRI Biblical criticism BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS British Museum CHESTER BEATTY BIBLICAL Chester Beatty papyri Codex Bezae codex consisted codex form codices complete the codex confirm Coptic Daniel dating of documentary documentary hands earlier date Ecclesiasticus EMERY WALKER LIMITED Enoch evidence Ezekiel and Esther face recto fasciculus folding form of book four Gospels Genesis Gospels and Acts Greek Bible hitherto important Isaiah Jeremiah large number leaf about 11 lines manuscript from Egypt method number of sheets number of small Numbers and Deuteronomy numeration preserved original Septuagint Oxyrhynchus Pages numbered palaeography papyrus codex Pauline Epistles precede verso probably recto and verso scholars second century Sinaitic MSS single large quire single quire single-quire codex size of leaf small fragments Testament MSS textual third century B.C. throughout the second twelve manuscripts type of text uncial University of Michigan Vatican and Sinaitic vellum codex verso verso throughout viii