Responsible land-based investments in the Mekong region: A comparative analysis of the legal frameworks of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet NamFood & Agriculture Org., 29 avr. 2021 - 72 pages The recognition of customary tenure systems and responsible land-based investments that safeguard legitimate tenure rights and right holders are the interconnected main themes for mainstreaming the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam. This study aims at providing an assessment of the legal frameworks in the four countries to analyse whether safeguards for legitimate tenure rights and tenure right holders can be identified in legal provisions applicable to decisions related to land-based investments in agriculture. Theassessment also aims at informing and supporting ongoing processes of policy and legal reform in the four countries, as well as the work of organizations that provide support to these processes. |
Expressions et termes fréquents
2016 Investment Law approval ASEAN compensation consultations cultural customary land customary tenure systems economic EIAR ELCs ensure environment environmental impact assessment Environmental Protection Plans ethnic Existence of legal expropriation Fallow FAO and MRLG fisheries and forests food systems foreign investors four countries FPIC Governance of Tenure grievance mechanisms human rights ICESCR implementation indigenous investment projects investments in agriculture investors to respect land acquisition land art Land Concessions land investments Land Law land leases land tenure rights land-use rights Lao People’s Democratic legal framework legal provisions legislation legitimate tenure rights livelihoods Mekong Region Ministry MoNREC National Assembly National Food Security natural resources Nay Pyi Taw People’s Democratic Republic Phnom Penh promote responsible investments promotion of responsible recognize relevant reported Responsible Governance responsible land-based investments safeguards sector social impact assessment stakeholders Strategic Environmental Assessment Sub-Decree tenure rights holders tenure security United Nations VGGT Vientiane Viet Nam Voluntary Guidelines