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" whereas in modern times a man feels that he wants something more when he is without it, in medieval times he wanted something more because he had it." A twelfth century writer, comparing his own sense of consonance with that of the Greek, might have made... "
Psychological Monographs: General and Applied - Page 33
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Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 4

1915 - 1096 pages
...which has taken place in the third in the last seven hundred years is described summarily by Parry,81 when he says, "whereas in modern times a man feels...excluded thirds, was set aside just fifty-five years " Evolution of the Art of Music, 88. "Aristotelian Problems, 39 b. "Geschichte der Musiktheorie im...
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Crosstown Traffic: Jimi Hendrix & The Post-War Rock 'N' Roll Revolution

Charles Shaar Murray - 1991 - 268 pages
...words), though 'it is not our intention to forbid, occasionally, the use of some consonances, for example the octave, fifth and fourth, which heighten the beauty of the melody.' Short rhythmic values, like the semibreve (a 'whole note', or full bar of 4/4) and minim (half-note),...
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