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" However, the determination of a difference limen for clearness would be the most important step toward an exact measurement of the concentration of attention. It would enable one, by starting with a certain clearness degree of a given mental process under... "
Psychological Monographs: General and Applied - Page 4
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 20

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1909 - 630 pages
...differential clearness limen which may be just as definite and precise as any other psychophysical difference limen, while on the other hand it may be perhaps more...minimum of attention to the particular process is reached. The results of our experiments also give some indication that the increase or decrease in...
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The Measurement of Attention...

Ludwig Reinhold Geissler - 1909 - 68 pages
...differential clearness limen which may be just as definite and precise as any other psychophysical difference limen, while on the other hand it may be perhaps more...minimum of attention to the particular process is reached. The results of our experiments also give some indication that the increase or decrease in...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 20

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1909 - 626 pages starting with a certain clearness degree of a given mental process under fixed experi- ^ mental conditions, either to increase or decrease that clearness...minimum of attention to the particular process is reached. The results of our experiments also give some indication that the increase or decrease in...
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