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" to arrange a series of tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should from the normal make ever greater demands on the mind until the attention should pass from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state. "
Psychological Monographs: General and Applied - Page 5
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Studies on Children, Volume 14

1869 - 362 pages
...tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind, until attention should pass from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state. The work was begun in full sympathy with Wundt's position, and, indeed, was understood as but a mere...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 7

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1895 - 610 pages
...tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind,until attention should pass from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state. The work was begun in full sympathy with Wundt's position, and, indeed, was understood as but a mere...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 7

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1896 - 618 pages
...tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind, until attention should pass from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state. The work was begun in full sympathy with Wundt's position, and, indeed, was understood as but a mere...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 20

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1909 - 626 pages
...experiments. Their object was "to arrange a series of tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind, until the attention...from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state".8 Although he accumulated.bulky introspective records, Drew does not state in how far he succeeded...
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The Measurement of Attention...

Ludwig Reinhold Geissler - 1909 - 72 pages
...experiments. Their object was "to arrange a series of tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind, until the attention...from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state".8 Although he accumulated bulky introspective records, Drew does not state in how far he succeeded...
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 20

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1909 - 630 pages
...says: "its object was to arrange a series of tasks of increasing degrees of complexity which should make ever greater demands on the mind, until the attention...from a fully concentrated to a completely distracted state."4 Perhaps the most frequent use of the double-task method has been made by Binet and Henri....
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The American Journal of Psychology, Volume 24

Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener, Karl M. Dallenbach, Madison Bentley, Edwin Garrigues Boring, Margaret Floy Washburn - 1913 - 626 pages
...distractors were proportionally increased and complicated. Habituation was therefore reduced to a minimum. In choosing the distractors, our ideal was that of...not successful in obtaining such a series of graded distractors. There appear to be four main reasons. (l) A change in the stimulus may cause the corresponding...
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The Measurement of Attention

Karl M. Dallenbach - 1913 - 54 pages
...distractors were proportionally increased and complicated. Habituation was therefore reduced to a minimum. In choosing the distractors, our ideal was that of...not successful in obtaining such a series of graded distractors. There appear to be four main reasons. (l) A change in the stimulus may cause the corresponding...
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The Intellectual Status of Children who are Public ..., Volume 5,Numéros 33 à 39

John Langdon Stenquist, Edward Lee Thorndike, Marion Rex Trabue - 1915 - 660 pages
...intensity.17 Thus he arranged a series of increasing degrees of complexity which should make greater and greater demands on the mind, until the attention should pass from a fully concentrated state to a completely distracted state. But in this he was not very successful. He remarks that although...
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The Effect of Distraction on Reaction Time: With Special Reference to ...

John Ellis Evans - 1916 - 312 pages
...intensity.17 Thus he arranged a series of increasing degrees of complexity which should make greater and greater demands on the mind, until the attention should pass from a fully concentrated state to a completely distracted state. But in this he was not very successful. He remarks that although...
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