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Decree Fixing Conditions of Eligibility of Deputies. August 2, 18591


Visto l'articolo 84 della legge elettorale dei 3 marzo 1848;


ART. 1. Il presidente di ogni collegio electorale avvertirà gli elettori;

1° che essi devono eleggere due rappresentanti per l'unico effetto di esprimere i voti legittimi della popolazione toscana intorno alle sue sorti definitive;

2° che essi li possono eleggere tra tutti quelli che hanno titolo ad essere elettori dei diversi Collegi del Distretto elettorale;

3° che essi li devono eleggere tra gli elettori che hanno l'età di 30 anni compiuti.

ART. 2. Un esemplare del presente Decreto rimarrà affisso nel locale delle adunanze elettorali per tutto il tempo delle elezioni.

ART. 3. Il ministro dell'interno è incaricato dell'esecuzione del presente decreto.

Dato il 2 agosto 1859.

Il presidente del Consiglio dei ministri e Ministro dell'interno


Il ministro della pubblica istruzione C. RIDOLFI.

1 Le Assemblee, vol. 5, p. 653.


In view of Article 84 of the electoral law of March 3, 1848;



ARTICLE 1. The president every electoral constituency shall notify the voters:

1. That they must select two representatives for the sole purpose of expressing the legitimate wishes of the Tuscan people as regards their final condition;

2. That they may select them from among all those who are entitled to vote in the several constituencies of the electoral district;

3. That they must select them from among voters who have reached the age of thirty.

ART. 2. A copy of this decree shall remain posted at the voting places throughout the duration of the elections.

ART. 3. The Minister of the Interior is charged with the execution. of this decree.

Dated, August 2, 1859.

The President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Interior, B. RICASOLI. The Minister of Public Instruction, C. RIDOLFI.

Proclamation of the Ministry Concerning the Approaching Elections. August 4, 1859 1


Le imminenti elezioni chiamano i toscani all'esercizio della più alta prerogativa che abbia un cittadino in paese libero; lo statuire sui destini della patria. Il Governo ebbe conforti autorevoli per aprire alla Toscana questa via di salute; e se l'Europa non vuol macchiare la pace con opere di violenza, e perpetuare in Italia le cause delle rivoluzioni, possiamo augurarci che sarà dato ascolto ai nostri voti.

Alle accuse maligne di anarchia e di violenza di parti, rispondano dunque i toscani con una elezione ordinata e tranquilla, e con un fermo e concorde volere: e sarà questa una vittoria civile, la quale avrà merito al pari di quelle riportate sui campi di battaglia. Non siano indarno gli esempi dei nostri maggiori, che seppero col senno, colla parola, col sangue fortissimamente propugnare la indipendenza e la libertà della patria. Il Governo riposa sicuro sul senno dei toscani; e confida che le prossime elezioni porgeranno a Napoleone Imperatore un valido argomento per adempiere i suoi benevoli intendimenti verso l'Italia.

L'Europa desidera la pace; ma pace non avrà l'Europa se i leggittimi voti ordinatamente espressi dagl'italiani non saranno rispettati, nè vorrà l'Eu

1 Le Assemblee, vol. 5, p. 655


The impending elections call Tuscans to exercise the highest prerogative that belongs to a citizen in a free country that of deciding the future of the motherland. The Government had due justification in opening to Tuscany this way to salvation; and if Europe does not want to sully peace with acts of violence and to perpetuate in Italy the cause of revolutions, we may augur that our votes will be heeded.

To malicious accusations of anarchy and violence of parties, the Tuscans will therefore reply by an orderly and peaceful election and by a firm and unanimous will, and that election will be a civil victory that will equal in merit those won on the battlefield. tlefield. Let the examples of our betters, who have known how to defend with energy the independence and freedom of the motherland with their knowledge, speech, and blood, not be in vain. The Government has faith in the judgment of the Tuscans and is confident that the forthcoming elections will offer to the Emperor Napoleon a valid argument to fulfill his benevolent intentions toward Italy.

Europe desires peace; but Europe will not have peace if the legitimate wishes regularly expressed by the Italians are not respected, nor will

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Decree of Convocation of the Assembly. August 7, 18591

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della popolazione toscana intorno alle sue sorti definitive.

ART. 3. Il ministro dell'interno è incaricato della esecuzione del presente decreto.

Dato in Firenze li sette agosto milleottocentocinquantanove.

Il presidente del consiglio dei ministri e ministro dell'interno


Il ministro della pubblica istruzione


wishes of the Tuscan people as regards their final destiny.

ART. 3. The Minister of the Interior is charged with the execution of this decree.

Done at Florence, August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine.

The President of the Council of
Ministers and Minister of the Interior,

The Minister of Public Instruction,



Dispatch from Lord John Russell to the British Minister at Turin 1

Lord J. Russell to Sir J. Hudson

Foreign Office, August 10, 1859.

I have to instruct you to acquaint General Dabormida that Her Majesty's Government have learned with satisfaction, from the report contained in your despatch of the 4th instant, that it was the intention of Sardinia, in recalling her Commissioner from Florence, to leave Tuscany wholly unfettered as to her future political condition and choice; .

I am, &c.

(Signed) J. RUSSELL.

Dispatch from the British Minister at Florence to Lord John Russell Commenting on the Election 2

Mr. Corbett to Lord J. Russell

Florence, August 10, 1859.


THE elections of members to sit in the Tuscan Assembly have been carried on throughout the country with the greatest order and regularity.

A very large majority of those entitled to vote have taken part in the election, probably as many as three-fourths of the whole body, in spite of the

1 British Parliamentary Papers, Affairs of Italy [2609], p. 44.

2 Ibid., p. 54.

efforts of the priests, especially in the country districts, to persuade them to abstain from voting. In Florence, out of 5,700 electors, 3,200 voted; and in the districts immediately adjacent to the capital, out of 1,000 voters, 890 voted. Of the priests in Florence, of whom there are about 1,200, the greater part of whom are entitled to votes, only 15 went to the poll, which may be accounted for by the discountenance shown by the Archbishop of Florence to the elections. Four priests, however, have been elected in other districts.

In the list of members returned are to be found the names of most of those most eminent in Tuscany by birth, and of those who have distinguished themselves in literary, scientific, and industrial pursuits.

As a proof of the desire shown in some quarters to choose men of moderate views and opinions, I may mention that Signor Guerrazzi has been rejected by three Electoral Colleges to which he presented himself for election, as holding opinions of too extreme a tendency, and he has not been elected at all.

The Government are well satisfied with the result of the elections, and declare that the wishes which may be expressed by such a body of men, regularly elected, must carry great weight abroad, and that it will be impossible to reproach it with not being the true expression of the opinions and sentiments of the whole of Tuscany.

I have, &c.


Vote of the National Assembly of Tuscany Dethroning the House of AustroLorraine. August 16, 1859 1

Considerando che gli avvenimenti di più anni, e i fatti maturati in questi ultimi mesi hanno dimostrato ad evidenza quanto sia fortemente ed evidentemente radicato nei toscani il sentimento della nazionalità italiana, ed il proposito di costituirla, e di assicurarla:

Considerando che questi sentimenti e questi propositi dimostrati per tanti modi e particolarmente coll'accorrere dei volontari alla guerra dell'indipendenza, si sono manifestati

Considering that the events which have been prepared for several years, and matured for many months, have plainly demonstrated how deeplyrooted is the sentiment and love of Italian nationality, and the intention of establishing and maintaining it in the Tuscan people;

Considering that these sentiments and intentions have been manifested with extraordinary concurrence and admirable unanimity in the election. of deputies for the Assembly, wher

1 From the minutes of the Assembly. Le Assemblee, vol. 5, p. 686. This vote was by secret ballot and unanimous. Translation from British Parliamentary Papers, Affairs of Italy, 1860, vol. 68 [2609], p. 60.

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