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A prayer composed by Pilkington, afterwards bishop of Durham, suited to the beginning of the reformation of religion under queen Elizabeth.

MOST righteous Judge, and merciful Father, which of love didst punish thy people [the Jews] being negligent in building thy house: that by such sharp correction, they might be stirred up to do their duty, and so have pleased thee: wee acknowledge and confess before the world and thy divine majesty, that we have no less offended thee in this behalf then they have don. And that for all the sharp



BOOK plagues which you laid upon us, we could not awake out of II. our dead sleep, forgetting the earnest promotion of thy glory and true religion : but rather consented to the persecution of thy true and faithful people. Until now of thy unspeakable goodness, by giving us a gracious queen, and restoring the light of thy word, thou hast letten us tast of the tresures of thy mercy. Wee fall down therefore flat before the throne of grace, desiring pardon of this great negligence, and of all our former offences, and pray thee, that thou wilt not deal with us as we have deserved: but as of thine own free will thou promisedst thy people, falling earnestly to thy work, and restoring of thy temple, that from thence forward thou wouldest bless all their works and fruits, overthrow their enemies, and save thy people: that thou wouldest make that house also more glorious than the first, by the preaching of thy gospel: so we desire thee for Christ's sake, to be no less good and gracious Lord unto us, yet once again going about to restore thy true religion, trodden down and defaced by the cruel papists.

Send forth, O Lord, many such faithful preachers, as will set out thy glory unfeignedly. Open the hearts of thy people, that they may see how far more acceptable unto thee is the

104 lively preaching of thy holy word, than all the glittering ceremonies of popery. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from all our enemies. Save and preserve our gracious queen as thine own signet. Endue her and her counsil with such reverend fear of thee, that, all policy which is contrary to thy word set apart, they may uprightly seek and maintain thy true glory, minister justice, punish sin, and defend the right. Confound, most mighty God, and bring to nought all the devices of such as go about to overthrow thy word and true worship. Open our eyes, that we may see how dearly thou hast loved us in Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord. Hold us fast, O Lord of hosts, that we fall no more from thee. Grant us thankful and obedient hearts, that we may encrease daily in the love, knowledge, and fear of thee. En-crease our faith, and help our unbelief. That we being provided for, and relieved in all our needs by thy fatherly care and providence, as thou shalt think good, may live a godly BOOK life to thy praise, and good example of thy people: and after this life may reign with thee for ever through Christ our Saviour. To whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, three Persons and one God, be praise and thanksgiving in


all congregations for ever and ever.


Number II.

Another prayer by the same reverend person; for faithful preachers to be sent out by God, to preach the gospel at this needful time.

MOST mighty Lord, and merciful Father; who didst stir up the Jews to the building of thy house by the preaching of thy prophet Aggeus: wee thy miserable creatures beseech thee for thy mercy sake, to have mercy upon us, and thrust out diligent workmen into thy harvest. Send forth faithful preachers, which may by the hard threatnings of thy law, and comfortable promises of thy gospel, awake all thy people out of their dead sleep, wherein they ly wallowing, forgetting thee and their duty.

Wee have all sinned from the highest to the lowest, in not earnestly professing thy holy word and religion, both the princes, rulers, and magistrates, bishops, ministers of all sorts, and all the people, no state nor condition of men hath done their duty herein unto our onely Lord and God. Therefore we all with heavy hearts ask thee forgiveness of our great sins. Open our eyes, O good God, that we may consider the plagues that thou hast laid on us so long for our great disobedience towards thee and thy word. Give us new hearts, and renew thy holy Spirit within us, O Lord. That both the rulers may faithfully minister justice, punish sin, defend and maintain the preaching of thy word; and that all ministers may diligently teach thy deerly beloved flock: and that all people may obediently learn and follow thy law, to the glory of thy holy name: for Christ's sake, our onely Lord and Saviour.




Number III.

Another prayer by the same; against error and popery. MOST righteous and wise Judge, eternal God and merciful Father; which of thy secret judgment hast suffered false prophets in all ages to rise, for the trial of thine elect: that the world might know who would stedfastly stick unto thy undoubted and infallible truth, and who would be carried away with every vain doctrine; and yet by the might 105 of thy holy Spirit hast confounded them all, to thy great glory, and comfort of thy people: have mercy upon us, we beseech thee, and strengthen our weakness against all assaults of our enemies. Confound all popery, as thou didst the doctrine of the Pharisees. Strengthen the lovers of thy truth, to the confusion of all superstition and hypocrisy. Give us due love and reverence of thy holy word. Defend us from men's traditions. Encrease our faith. Grant us grace never to fall from thee; but uprightly to walk according as thou hast taught us, swerving neither to the right hand nor to the left: neither adding to, nor taking any thing away from thy written word; but submitting our selves wholly to thy good will and plesure, may so pass this transitory life, that through thy goodness we may live everlastingly with thee in thy glory, thro' Christ our Lord. Who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reignest one God and Saviour for ever and ever.

Burghlian. penes me.

Number IV.

Richard, bishop of Carlile, to the lord treasurer: upon his remove to Durham.

MY most humble duty and commendation of all faithful service unto you, my dear and singular good lord, ever premised; whose I rest in the Lord Jesus, &c. I am to render not only by these letters most intyre thanks to your honour, for your goodness towards me, in commending me to her highness in way of my preferment to Deereham, and for interposing your credit for my service, &c. which I


understand from Mr. Warcoppe, your good lordship hath BOOK in most amplewise done; but also to devow my self and service unto your honour for ever; and to assure you, that neither I shall be found unthankful or ingrate, nor unmindful to accomplish your lordship's behests: and so, as I trust, shall tend to th'advauncement of God's glory, and her highness good service, and your lordships good comfort: and that within short time, if I may be well backed at the beginning by her highness and your good lordship, and other of the honourable privy council, as I doubt not but I shall be. My singular good lord and patron, I most humbly beseech your honour, to account and accept of me and mine as your own: and so to use and command the same.

Your lordship was mine onely preferrer to Carliell, where I have served my seven years; and I trust, discharged the promise yee then made unto her highness on my behalf; which in this poor and bare living was all that I could do. Now by your good means being preferred to a better, if in time I be not thankful, &c. if I discharge not my duty, and answer not your undertakings, then deserve I to be noted as most ingrate, and as the poet saith, Ingratum dixeris, quidvis dixeris. And so beseeching your lordship of continuance of your good favour towards me, I rest your own. And here cease to trouble your lordship by letters any further, until it may please God that I may come my self to do my duty to your lordship. Which that your good lordship would hasten, and consummate that which you have begun for me your poor client, I most humbly pray. God bless and encrease his heavenly graces upon your lordship, with prosperous health and encrease of much honour. Amen. From the Rose-Castle in Combreland, the xxiiii. of March, 1576.

Your good lordships most bound, and at commaundment,
Ri. Carliolen.

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