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D. William Basset, priest, Henry Benfeld, gent. 40.

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MSS. Burg.

Number XXII.

Prowde, parson of Burton upon Dunmore, to the lord treasurer: exciting him to speak freely to the queen in behalf of religion, (as professed by some,) discountenanced.

THE peace of God is felt in a good conscience. The which I wish unto your honour more and more, unto the end and in the end. Amen. Your bringing up in true religion; things published by you to the comfort of the brethren; (that hath bewrayed the smaching that we have of the sight of sin, and wrath of God against sin;) hath made me ever to love and reverence you with my heart: and sometime when I could pray, to pray and to be thankful to God for you: desiring him so to bless and preserve you, that you might increase in all godliness for ever; to the most furtherance of his glory and your comfort in Christ Jesu.

But afterwards the report was, that ye did openly revolt from your religion, and fell to go to idolatrus sarvys: and so, by your dead doings therein, consented to all the bloud of the prophets and martyrs that was shed unrighteously in Manasse's days. And now in Josia's days ye came not to God's persecuted church, that he builded, maintained, and defended from time to time, against the force of the wolf


of the pro

in exile.

and the lion; which was not corrupted, nor polluted with BOOK idolatry; a wherein was the word of God purely preached, the sacraments godly ministred, and discipline without par-Meaning it tiality executed: and hearty prayer to God was made for fessors of God's afflicted church. By the which I persuade my self, the gospel and for the suffering of the just of that church, that both ye, and others now in great authority, and the whole land be-134 side, fared the better. Ye came not I say, I say thither, [viz. to Frankford, Strasburgh, Zuric, Geneva, &c.] as others did, that were in your fault; confessing there your open falls and sinning in idolatry; axing mercy of God for it, and purposing, by his grace, never hereafter to fall into sin again. And so to have entered into a new league and covenant with him; purposing fully in your heart, by his grace, never to do so ill again. But being rid out of idolatrous bondage, it is said and reported, ye gave your consent to the building of God's house or church; that was not builded in all points so perfectly, as the other that he himself had builded, without any lawful or godly magistrate; and left in those days for an example, as I suppose, for you to have followed.

Also, it is said, that ye were one of them that at the first maintained that, for the which many good men lost their livings: and by little and little the practice of the papists, as it is feared, hath grown to displace good justicers, to put down profitable exercises of the word, as also of prayer and fasting, sometime used: where tears were shed, not only for their own sins, but of those murnyng souls of Sion, for all the abominations of Jerusalem. Which a heathen king seeing his people given unto, was so far from forbidding of it, that he confirmed it by his writing and dede-doing. Which turned the wrath of God from them: as their desire was, that here used this exercise of prayer and fasting: foreseeing the evils now present, and more to be feared to be at hand. For I fear, they see not their practice that first set brother against brother herein.

Also, it is said, that you from time to time, fearing to exasperate the prince, and to-make her worse in religion, have spared your plainness, and have not dealt with her so plainly


BOOK from time to time, as your knowledge hath required, both touching God's chierche, her own preservation, and the safetie and profit of the commonwealth; to the increase of God's gospel to us, and our posterity for evermore.

For alas! my good lord, I know small of these things, for truthe, if any. But this, I say, the knowledge of God, and the benefits of your good prince, should move you (if you be not) to be bold and courageous in both their causes; venturing your life for her; as she doth daily for you. For he that dealeth plainly with her shall find more favour in the end, than he that flattereth. And when can you do God, your prince, country, and posterity, better service than now, in being courageous in all those good matters that ye know full well may serve well these turnes; although it should cost you your life?

I suppose, if it had been required of him, that, as it is said, cometh in, [the duke of Anjou,] that he should be heartily sory for his going to the idolatrous mass and popish religion: and so to acknowledge, and that openly before the whole congregation, that he hath done very evil in going to it, and that he now, nor never hereafter purposeth, by God's grace, to do so ill again; that rather than he would have done this openly, he would never have come among us: except he be throughly persuade in godly religion: which is feared he is not. For the popish religion, you know, alloweth none to be Christians, except they renounce their faith openly, and bear a fagot. Nor the Jews custome in God's religion alloweth any for a Jew, except he be thrice circumcised.

And in this methinketh (wishing well to your goodness) I have committed no great fault, if any at all; but to let you to understand what is said of you, that I hear; and my love to the whole church. And this rule seems to bear it, Do as thou wouldest be done by. And as I have written it, none knowing of it; so you may burn it, none seeing it. And thus God's grace, I beseech him, to give you in all your great affairs; and his mercy embrace you for evermore, Amen. By him that hath great cause to love and reverence


your honour; because of the great care you have of God's BOOK church, as for the good you do unto it. Rychard Prowde, parson of Bowrton upon Donsmore, although unworthy of so great calling, having no greater learning. 13th of May, 1579.

Number XXIII.

Mr. Hugh Broughton, of Christ's college, Cambridge, to the high chancellor of that university; complaining of his being wrongfully deprived of his fellowship, being that founded by king Edward VI. Desiring justice against Dr. Hawford, the master.


DR. HAUFORDUS adhuc obstinate reluctatur hono- MSS. aca


ris tui literis, ut me affligat pecuniæ ac temporis dispendio. demic.penes Hoc autem jam controversum est, an licebit soli, vel cum paucioribus, honorario tuo arbitrio resistere. Peto autem quæsoque ita eum accipias, ut mihi aliqua ex parte compenset itinerum sumptus: quandoquidem non potest inficiari, quin contra leges me ejecerit, indicta causa pulsum: nullo die condicto ad agendum. Quam vero me insuper cruciaverit; quantum honoratis viris obstinatione sententiæ displicuit; quantopere coegerit academiam plerumque meis casibus ingemiscere; nihil dico, in medio relinquo; tute judicabis.

Quoniam autem audio eum ad honorem tuum missurum quempiam actorem suæ causæ; nec ipse possum interesse; fractus antea laboribus, et nunc valetudinarius; necesse habeo et absentiæ veniam summisse petere, et causam denuo aperire: nequa obscuritas aliorum sermonibus afferatur. De sodalitio igitur Edovardi regis possum idoneis testibus confirmare, atque adeo D. Haufordum ad fatendum cogere, sodalitium hoc primo fundamine medico fuisse designatum: qui collegio percommodus merito visus est: descriptum librum novarum legum, qui sic ordinaret: librum hunc dum gestaretur ad Ridleium, tum visitatorem, infeliciter in itinere cum capsula quadam periisse. Hæc pleraque D. Haufordus ipse

BOOK crebro memoravit. Et quidam D. Johnsonus, tum ChristiII. cola, adhuc Cantabrigiensis, vir dignus fide, testabitur. Nullas ex illo leges latas de hac re: consuetudinem autem et voluntatem contubernii licentiorem fuisse constat. Quum enim D. Margareta duos non patiatur esse socios ex eodem comitatu; hîc Sandersonus, Northumbrius, Lewinus, Essexius populares suos, alter Northumbrium, alter Essexium, collegas habuerunt. Lewinus etiam ministerium sacrum recusare situs est; quum dispensationes D. Margareta abjudicet. Quod si tolerationem nuncupabit D. Haufordus, cur non potuit idem mihi dare? Nonnihil autem valere debet sociorum sermonibus hæc usurpata licentia. In quibus D. Stillus nuper procancellarius coram D. Haufordo, multis audientibus, opinabatur, se nunquam futurum fuisse theologum, si non Margaretam altricem studiorum, sed regem Edovardum habuisset. Hæc dixit procancellarius, cum illius judicium valere in caussa potuisset.

Omitto multa brevitatis ergô, duobus ut respondeam, quæ forsan objicientur. Alterum est obscuritas quædam in donatione regis Edovardi: alterum, jusjurandum datum D. Margaretæ. His duobus sæpius videri voluit D. Haufordus triumphare. Edvardo regi tenetur collegium unum socium sustinere per et juxta ordinem fundationis. Quæ constat dici de stipendio, ut sit non minus alibile atque opimum, quam alia D. Margaretæ. Id nisi ita esset, quorsum illa consilia et leges de medico? Unde nata contraria consuetudo atque judicia? Jusjurandum vero non dant aliud, quam debent etiam pensionarii; ut videat humanitatis tuæ mollitudo nihil hoc contra me facere. Id. Mart.

Tuus supplex,

Hugo Broughton.

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