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In pursuance of the plans of this society, the late Rev. Thomas Scott's Commentary on St. Matthew, translated into French, has been printed as far as the sixteenth chapter in Spanish, Mr. Wilberforce's Practical View of Christianity has been printed, the first volume of Milner's Church of Christ has been completed at the press, the second is now printing, the third is in a course of translation; and a volume of the Rev. Edward Cooper's Sermons is translated. The society has printed, in the whole, 9500 volumes in Spanish, and has 1000 in the press. The extent of the sphere of labour opening before the society is thus stated


"The importance of the French language need not be insisted on: the wide diffusion of it over every part of the civilized world makes it the easy medium of communication with almost every nation. The most considerable exception is that of Old and New Spain; and it is to the sixteen or eighteen millions under the Spanish-American Governments, just awakening to civil liberty and that eager thirst for knowledge which usually accompanies it, that this society is in the first place directing its view the tole rant spirit pervailing in those states, the anxiety shewn by all classes to read the theological works of the present day, the total dearth of such works in their own language, and the facility for translation afforded by the residence of many expatriated Spaniards of piety and learning in our own country, are so many calls on British Christians to seize the inviting opportunity-an opportunity which may, perhaps, soon pass away-for sending the glad tidings of salvation by faith in Christ Jesus to so large a portion of their fellowmen and professed fellow. Christians: and surely no division of the Christian church can appeal so forcibly to enlightened charity as the Spanish American, where a faint aud almost extinguished Christianity seems, at this moment of political and national deliverance, to call upon us to give to the spirit of inquiry, now rising up among them, that safe and holy direction which the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ can alone confer."

The conductors of the society deeply lament that they are greatly restricted by the limited amount of their funds, and they earnestly implore the Christian public to assist their efforts to promote the Gospel of Christ wherever the sphere of their operations extends.



We have lately laid before our readers the testimony of various ministers of our own communion, to the beneficial effects of Christian missions in India. The following is the testimony of two dissenting missionaries, delivered at the last annual meeting of the London Missionary Society. With such concurrent weight of evidence, from persons of different persuasions, and residing in various parts of India, obstinate indeed must be the scepticism which would still maintain that the distribution of the word of God, the promotion of education, and the other plans in progress for the moral and religious benefit of India, have failed of their effect. A foundation at least, we doubt not, is, by the blessing of God, laid for the future evangelization of that vast empire.

The Rev. J. Edmonds, missionary from Chinsurah, said, “I view it as my duty as a missionary to bear my testimony to the operations of this society in India. The missionaries employ part of the Sabbath in preaching to their countrymen, and this has been accompanied with a blessing from God. Wherever a church is formed, there a Missionary Society is established

there a Missionary Prayer-meeting is held--there an intense anxiety for the conversion of the heathen is felt; and three members of churches have given themselves to this work, and a fourth is studying for it. When the missionary is confined, friends go and visit his school; and at our last anniversary, upwards of one thousand rupees were collected and placed to the account of the society. Many of the missionaries are employed in composing suitable books for the people, a spirit of inquiry having been excited among the natives, and your missionaries labour to supply them with proper works; and the beneficial result will, Idoubt not, be seen in the progress of the missionary cause among them. The objections brought against our publications have now died away. Formerly, when a book was brought into a school, if it contained the name of Jesus, the children took the alarm and left the school; but now they read the Gospels, learn the catechisms, and many of them have gained a considerable knowledge of Divine truth. With reference to the adults, much useful knowledge has been disseminated among them ; and near our missionary stations the people have gained a correct acquaintance with the doctrines of the Christian faith. 3 C

Yes, Hindoos have embraced the Gospel, and churches composed of them have been formed at different places. Although these beginnings are small, and looked upon with contempt by heathens, and frowned upon by nominal Christians, yet they are, I doubt not, smiled upon by Heaven as the germ of that church which shall lengthen its cords, and strengthen its stakes, till it fills all India."

The Rev. Dr. Marshman, from Serampore, said:" I rise to add my humble testimony to that of my esteemed brother who has detailed to you the state of things in that part of India where we have laboured. I rejoice that the hopes which he has conceived are founded upon such facts as give us reason to believe they will be far exceeded by the event, in a few years. We have had, during the last twenty-seven years, scenes presented to us in India, which have cheered our hearts. We have seen the Hindoo come to receive the word of life; and those who were prostrate under the yoke of the Brahmins, rise up and declare that they also are men that they have souls to be saved, and that it is their's to search the word of life for themselves."


The American missionaries in Ceylon detail the following particulars respecting the success of their mission, with especial reference to the distribution and usefulness of religious tracts.

"We live in the midst of a dense population, to whom we have easy access. Before the establishment of Native Free Schools in the district, the number who could read intelligibly the printed character, was not comparatively great, though it must have been considerable in a population of 200,000 souls, among whom learning is held in high estimation. To these are now to be added great numbers of youth who have been taught to read in these schools during the last nine or ten years, almost all of whom received tracts with eagerness, and read them with attention themselves and often to their friends and neighbours. Our need of tracts there. fore is very great, and fast increasing.

"The number of Native Free Schools now under our superintendence, is seventy; containing 2203 and 483 girls; making a total of 2686. The number under the care of our brethren of the church and Wesleyan Missionary Societies, is 564 boys and 50 girls; making the sum total of those under a course of Christian education in the district, about 3300.

"In all these schools, tracts may be used daily as reading books, and explained to the children by the teachers and school visitors. The schools may also become depositories of tracts, to be distributed in some degree by the scholars themselves; and as the system of instruction proceeds, and the habit as well as the capability of reading is more generally extended among

the people of both sexes, the opportunities of distributing tracts will become more and more inviting.

"But it is not the thousands of Jaffna merely, who are to be supplied. You are well aware that the Tamul language is spoken, not only in the district of Jaffna, but by great numbers in other parts of the island. Among these, also, though we could not often preach, we might, had we the means, distribute tracts extensively. If we look across to the neighbouring continent, we see a population of several millions prepared to receive tracts in the Tamul language. One of our own number, having lately had occasion to travel a considerable distance in the south of India, found multitudes of people eager to receive tracts. By occasional tours into different parts of the country, and by visiting the temples and markets, where the people assemble in great numbers, we have excellent opportunities for the distribution of tracts in far greater quantities than we have to distribute.


"While the reading population of this district is so fast increasing, we have great reason to rejoice in the facilities already enjoyed in several places in the south of India, and even in Jaffna, for the preparation and printing of Tamul tracts. Tract Society at Madras, which is much the largest, has already printed a considerable variety of very useful tracts in Tamul. Many have been printed in Travancore. In Jaffna also, the church missionaries have a printing press in operation, and have already printed small editions of several tracts. In the preparation of tracts we have ourselves done something; and having a tolerable acquaintance with the Tamul language, are prepared to do more. But after all, we can do but little in comparison with the magnitude of the object, and the urgent necessities of the people."


The following is the substance of the last Report of this highly useful Churchof England Society. We may take another opportunity of giving a few additional details.

"The experience of the last year has not only confirmed, but increased, the expectations which before existed of favourable results, arising from the society's labours among seamen. Still the visits of the agent have been received, for the most part, with kindness, and often with gratitude. Many commanders of vessels, who had previously held public worship at sea, when weather permitted, have gladly promoted the sale of Prayer-books among their men, in the hope of their receiving greater benefit from the ordinances of the Sabbath. Several captains, who had hitherto not adopted this most salutary practice, have expressed their resolution to neglect it no longer; have themselves

purchased Prayer-books, as an earnest of their sincerity; and encouraged or assisted their men in doing the same. The instances in which seamen, not provided with a Prayer-book, have been unwilling to purchase one, have been comparatively rare; many have spoken of it as a book most useful at sea; and frequently, where superiors on ship-board have given it as their opinion, that the kind offer of the society was not likely to be accepted by their crews, they have been agreeably surprised, when many of their men have not only readily but thankfully hailed the boon. The Homilies, also, have been still found to be peculiarly acceptable; and some proofs of good, arising out of former efforts of the society, have cast a light upon the path of self-denying exertion. "During the last twelve months, many of the principal sea-ports have been visited; and at several of them agencies, for the most part under the direction of clergymen, have been established. The whole of his Majesty's ships in ordinary stationed at Sheerness, Chatham, Portsmouth, and Devonport-have been supplied, under the sanction and superintendence of the respective commanders, with the formularies of the church. Visits for the same general purpose have been paid to all the hulks; and volumes of select Homilies, gratuitously supplied, have been placed under the care of the several chaplains, for the use of the prisoners there confined.

"Among the collateral encouragements to perseverance, the following is one:When my ship was at Bombay,' said the captain of an Indiaman, I respect fully solicited the late Bishop Heber, who was then at that presidency, to perform Divine service on board my vessel. The bishop expressed his willingness, but stated also his fears that the sailors would pay little or no attention to the service. His lordship, however, came on board; and, having performed Divine service twice that day in the presence of the crew, was so much gratified with the marked attention of the men, that he appointed a chaplain to read prayers and preach every Sunday to the assembled crews of the ships lying at Bombay.'

"The sea fishermen and river fishermen, as well as sailors generally, have become objects of the society's attention.

"During the last, as in the course of the fourteen preceding years, the committee have granted, for the use of Sunday schools, and for distribution by parochial ministers in very poor parishes, gratuitous supplies of Prayer-books and Homilies.

"An application for Irish Prayer-books from the county of Tipperary was accompanied by the following remarks: The people are very anxious to obtain the Church-of-England Prayer-book in both languages. The Thirty-nine Articles, in particular, seem to awaken their curiosity,

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as they have hitherto had no idea of the real doctrines of the Established Church.' On another occasion the same individual made the following remark: The great desire which has arisen for the Prayerbook of the Church of England, bears testimony to the fact, that the work of scriptural instruction is going on in Ireland."

"The attention of this society has been called to the case of the converts from Popery in the county of Cavan; in consequence of which, an assortment of Prayerbooks, both English and Irish, has been granted: and such a selection of the Homilies, bound up together, as, after due consideration, seemed best suited to the circumstances of those parts of Ireland at the present time.

"The society's Welsh Prayer-book-in long primer type-is now sold for is. 3d. the copy.

"We now turn to the proceedings of the society among our own countrymen, or fellow-subjects abroad. A clergyman in Ceylon writes: I am happy to assure you, that the greater part of your books have long been in useful circulation. Many of the Prayer-books I bestowed, upon native youths, who have acquired a sufficient knowledge of our language to unite with us in our English service; and some have been given to English soldiers."

"From the Cape of Good Hope a correspondent writes: As Prayer-books were much wanted by those who could read, in a school established here for the instruction of the children of heathen and slaves-in which school portions of the Liturgy are daily used, and the whole Form of Prayer in public worship on the Sabbath-I have distributed the books entrusted to me, as rewards to the scholars, or as presents to the most deserving on leaving school.'


"The following is part of the last communication from the Auxiliary Society formed in Sierra Leone, It would give the members of the Parent Society real pleasure, could they witness, as I have often done, the devout approach of the pious African to the throne of the Heavenly Grace,' on the Sabbath morn. are greatly assisted by having the formularies of our church at so cheap a rate as your society supplies them, in a language which many of the liberated Africans are now able to read. I have witnessed, with delight, the care with which the children in our schools lay up their pence, when they can obtain any, to purchase Prayerbooks; it being a maxim with me, never to give, if there be any prospect of ability to buy.'

From the West Indies a correspondent writes: Several of your Prayerbooks I have given away to soldiers at the fort, as well as to others, bond and free; and many of the Homilies have been circulated among sailors who have visited our port. Some, who have received Prayer-books and Homilies, are Roman

Catholics. A Roman-Catholic woman, who says she will never change her religion, sent a few days since to purchase a Prayer-book with it I sent her a few Homilies. The week before Easter I sent the Homily for Good Friday and Easter-day to many persons; as also that on the Descent of the Holy Ghost, before Whitsunday. I have reason to believe that they were read with attention.'-' I have put the Homily on Marriage, and that on Adultery and Fornication, into the hands both of bond and free; and not, as I hope, without some good effect. I am happy to say, that many of the slaves are now able to read, particularly the young belonging to the British Crown; and I have never before witnessed so great a desire among them as now to receive Christianity, and to respect the marriage institution. When a young man came to me lately, requesting a book on marriage, I gave him the Homily on that subject, and a Prayer-book.'-I believe that, in some instancees, your books have been very useful; and particularly in the case of one man, in whom a great change has taken place; and who one day called, and insisted on my receiving from him half-a-crown, expressing his wish not only to receive, but also to assist in procuring useful books.'

"The foreign objects of the society comprise the translation, publication, or distribution of the formularies of our church in foreign languages.

"India. The last annual Report stated that a version of the Liturgy into IndoPortuguese had been printed. • This dialect of the Portuguese, spoken in India, opens one of the widest doors for the spread of Christian knowledge in that country, The descendants of the Portuguese, and their language, may be found in almost every creek, from the Persian Gulf, down the Malabar Coast, to Cape Comorin; and thence to the head of the bay of Bengal, on both coasts; and onward, beyond the Canton river, as far at least as the island of Formosa. This widely scattered class of people are at least not averse to the Christian faith; and as many of the heathen, among whom they have been placed, use the same language, especially for commercial purposes, they may probably, in the dispensations of an all-wise Providence, be made principal instruments in the renovation of the Eastern parts of the world. The committee, therefore, have endeavoured, in the course of the year, to take such measures as seemed best calculated to promote the successful circulation of this book. The second and third Homilies also have been rendered into Indo-Portuguese. "On visiting ships, the Society's Agent has often had reason to lament the want of some suitable means for the religious instruction of the Lascars; and this has led to inquiries respecting the language, or languages, which they commonly un

derstand. Communications from India have also tended to bring this subject, of promoting translations into Oriental languages, under most serious consideration. The late excellent Bishop Heber, at his visitation of the archdeaconry of Ceylon, proposed that the Homilies should be translated into the native languages, for the use of the Government Proponents, or native preachers on probation.

"A similar intimation, in respect to the translation of the Homilies into Hindoostanee, has been given to the committee by the venerable Archdeacon of Calcutta ; who also estates, We require a new edition of the Hindoostanee Prayer-book. We are preparing also an entire version of the Liturgy in Bengalee; and for these purposes we want the aid of the Prayerbook and Homily Society.'

"China. In countries where the Chinese language is spoken, the society has - an early prospect of increasing its means of usefulness; Dr. Morrison having undertaken to translate all the Collects, Prayers, and Thanksgivings of the English Prayer-book into Chinese.

"Arabic. Of the parts of the Liturgy translated by Dr. Pococke, and reprinted in the course of the last year by this society, copies have been sent to Malta, to Calcutta, and Cotym. Of the 500 copies sent to Malta, 200 have been forwarded to Beirout, and 100 to Cairo. To these have been added, in each instance, the First Homily, in the same language : copies of which have been committed also to persons going to Smyrna, Constantinople, and other places where they may be usefully distributed.

"To the translation of the formularies, or parts of them, into different languages, procured previously to the last year, the society has now added,—

"The Morning and Evening services of the church in Persic, translated by Mirza Ibrahim, and revised by Professor Lee.

"In Modern Greek, and in Armenian, translations of the Ninth Homily have been procured, and are about to be printed at Constantinople.

"In Turkish the First Homily has been translated by the Bishop of Aleppo, Theoctistus, and carefully revised by Mr. Argyramo, and Rev H. D. Leeves. This has been printed at Constantinople.

"In Jewish Spanish, a selection of Prayers and Thanksgivings from the Liturgy is being prepared, for the use of present and future converts.

"In pure Portuguese, the committee have obtained, and are circulating, a translation of the Second and Ninth Homilies, and have commissioned the translator to prepare also a version of parts of the Liturgy. The Brazils, the Madeiras, the Azores, and other regions, present an immense field for the distribution of useful tracts in this language.

"In Spanish, the society has just printed a revised translation of the Liturgy,

with the addition of the Ordination Ser. vices, in a larger type than the edition which they have hitherto circulated. It has also added to former selections from the Liturgy, a tract, containing such Prayers and Thanksgivings as seemed particularly suitable for distribution in this language.

"The value of the Homilies in Dutch was much felt lately at Ostend. The pastor, in his visits to the wounded in the hospital, after the late dreadful explosion, availed himself of that opportunity of dispersing some of them. The Homily against the Fear of Death was found peculiarly appropriate and acceptable to some."

On the subject of the society's funds, the committee regret that they have little that is favourable to report, and they justly make a strong and earnest appeal to the friends of religion and the Church of England to assist their benevolent efforts.

The issue of books during the year has been as follows: Prayer-books, 10,552; Psalters, 369; Singing Psalms, bound separately, 37; a selection from the Liturgy in German, 1000; Homilies in the volume, folio, octavo, and duodecimo, 230;-making the whole issue of bound books during the year, 12,188. Of the Homilies in single sermons, and extracts from the Liturgy as tracts, 106,181 have been sent out from the society's depository sincee the last anniversary.-The increase in the issue of bound books has exceeded 3000 copies; in that of tracts, 34,000.

REFORMATION SOCIETY. An institution has been formed, entitled, "The British Society for promoting the religious Principles of the Reformation," with especial reference to the circumstances of Ireland. The committee describe the objects of the society to be-" To enable clergymen, and others engaged in promoting the reformation in Ireland, to purchase Bibles, Testaments, and tracts, as the increasing wants of their parishes and districts may require. To supply individuals and associations with the means of circulating such instruction and information as may best meet the present circumstances of Ireland: To enable the friends of the reformation to defray the expenses incurrred by meetings for religious discussion, and by the publication of their proceedings, for which no society at present provides: To collect and circulate authentic intelligence respecting the progress of the reformation; and to promote such modes of instruction as are best suited to the condition of the lower orders of the Roman Catholics throughout the empire."

We shall be better able to judge of the plans of the society when they have come into active operation in the mean time, we subjoin the following statements respecting them, from the society's circular.

"The indispensable necessity of adopting such means, under the present circumstances of Ireland, is attested by those who are best acquainted with her spiritual wants, and will be admitted by all who duly consider the nature of those efforts to which, under the Divine blessing, we must trace the religious privileges which we ourselves enjoy. Under a deep sense of the responsibility which attaches to the professors of the Protestant faith, the Reformation Society proposes to occupy this important field of exertion; and whilst its aim will be to contrast, in every fair and open way, the doctrine and practice of the Church of Rome with the revealed will of God, its committee trust that they shall be enabled to discharge this duty, not less with meekness and affection, than with Christian fidelity and Christian wisdom. They desire to persuade their Roman-Catholic brethren, by their conduct, as well as by their professions, that, in exposing what they deem the pernicious errors of the Roman-Catholic religion, they are influenced solely by the interest they feel for their present and eternal welfare, and by a humble desire to promote the glory of God. From the above statement, the public will perceive that the British Reformation So. ciety will hold out no secular inducement to their Roman-Catholic countrymen, for the purpose of accomplishing their objects: it will be equally obvious that the views of the society have no connexion whatever with politics. Their high and holy aim is, to diffuse religious truth, and religious truth alone, and to leave the result in the hands of that God who has said, word shall not return unto me void. For the support of an object so unexceptionable, and pursued by means so simple, the society would earnestly solicit the help of the Christian philanthropist of every Protestant denomination; and they trust their appeal will not be in vain.


"The committee have great pleasure in stating that an institution, for the promotion of similar objects, has been formed in Dublin. With this institution they are already in friendly correspondence, and they propose to make it the principal channel of communication between the British Society and Ireland.”



The Rev. F. Cunningham has published a very interesting statement made by the author to the committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as to the relations of that institution with France, the Valleys of Piedmont, Switzerland and Germany. We copy the following passages relative to France, reserving the author's notice of the other countries to a future Number.

"My first visit was to France, where I remained almost continually journeying for several months. It was a satisfaction

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