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Education; by W. Newnham, Esq.;-Memoirs of the Life of the late Rev. Wm. Grimshaw, compiled from his Diary and other Original Documents; with a Volume of his Works from Original MSS.; by the Rev. J. Everett.

In the press :-Systematic Morality; by W. Jevons ;-A Tour through Columbia; by Colonel Hamilton ;-Letters of S. S., during her last Illness.

It gives us much pleasure to perceive the great demand which exists for publications, both of a popular and a learned character, for the systematic study of the sacred Scriptures. Mr. Horne's invaluable" Introduction" is in the hands of most biblical students; and has greatly assisted in widely awakening a taste for those studies which it is so well calculated to promote. A work of similar character, divested of learned details, was still wanted for general reading: to supply which, Mr. Carpenter has just published a volume, entitled "A Popular Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, for the Use of English Readers," with maps and plates. 16s. The work is divided into two Parts. I. Directions for reading the Bible; and II. Helps towards a right Understanding of it. The Second Part is divided into eleven chapters. I. Prefatory Observations on the several Books of Scripture. II. A Sketch of Sacred Geography. III. Political Antiquities of the Jews. IV. Sacred Laws of the Jews, and their Sanctions. V. Sacred Festivals of the Jews. VI. Sacred Places of the Jews. VII. Sacred Things of the Jews. VIII. Members and Officers of the Jewish Church. IX. Of the Corruption of Religion among the Jews. X. National and Domestic Customs of the Jews. XI. Scripture Allusions to various Customs and Opinions. This work is, in a great measure, an unacknowledged plagiarism of Mr. Horne's "Introduction;" and we are therefore glad to find that Mr. Horne has been induced himself to give the world a compendium of his own work (see our list of New Publications), which we strongly recommend to our readers as the most useful book of the kind in the language. It would be superfluous for us to detail its contents, as our readers are doubtless familiar with the larger work, of which it is an abridgment.

The list of works of the late literary veteran, Mr. Nichols, the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, amounts to no less than sixty-seven. The Bishop of Salisbury, Dr. Burgess, has just completed his hundredth publication.

In consequence of the wide diffusion of a taste for reading, publishers are beginning to find their account in printing interesting works, at a very cheap rate. An extensive series of this kind is now in a course of periodical publication, from the Edinburgh press; the first article of which is Captain Hall's Voyage to Loo-Choo. Captain Hall has added, in this edition, the particulars of an interview to which he was admitted with Bonaparte, at St. Helena. Bonaparte was greatly perplexed at hearing that the Loo-Choo islanders had no arms. "No arms!-you mean no cannon-they have muskets." "No-not even muskets." "Well, but they must have spears, or at least bows and arrows." " "No, neither." "Nor poignards?" cried he with increasing vehemence. "No, nothing of the kind." He clenched his fist and raised his voice to a loud pitch: "No arms!-how can they fight then?" "They never fight-they have ." "No wars!" returned he with scorn and incredulity; as if the existence of a people who did not wage war was an anomaly in the creation.

no wars.

From a table drawn up by the House of Commons' Committee on the Poor Laws in 1818, and lately ordered to be reprinted, it appears, that the money raised for the poor during 1776, was to that raised for the same purpose in 1815, as 17 to 81; from 1785 to 1803, the rate was in the proportion of 21 to 53; and from 1803 to 1815, in the proportion of 53 to 81. The total number of persons relieved in 1803 and 1815, was as 7 to 9. Thus it appears that the expenditure for the poor had increased four times in 40 years, or doubled itself in 20 years. The law expenses had been doubled in a period of every 12 years. The increase of paupers between 1803 and 1815, was nearly one-third, and that of the population of England and Wales between 1776 and 1815, was gradual from seven and a half millions, to 10,000,000, or about a third.

At a late meeting of the Royal Society of Literature, a paper by Sir W. Ouseley was read, in which several fabulous stories relating to Alexander the Great, and generally considered to be of Eastern origin, are attributed by Sir William to Julius Valerius, who wrote in the third or fourth century. Sir William claims, in favour of the Oriental writers, several popular fictions; such as Pope's January and May, Parnell's Hermit, the Tale of Whittington and his Cat, and Shakspeare's Taming of the Shrew.

At a meeting of the Mechanics' Institu tion, the President announced, that the

purse of ten pounds, for writing the best essay on one of the mechanic powers, had been adjudged to Thomas Holmes, a journeyman shoemaker. He had attended the lectures regularly; and the result of his assiduity was an essay, which the President characterised as containing one of the best explanations of the properties of the bent lever he had ever seen.-' -The purse of ten guineas, for the invention of the most useful machine, was adjudged to George Lyne, who had invented a machine-principally for cutting combs, but which may be applied to numerous other purposes.-The Duke of Sussex delivered the prizes to the successful candidates.

The use of East-Indian sugar having become very extensive among the conscientious opposers of slavery, the following directions have been drawn up for clarifying it :-"Take six pounds of East-India sugar and the whites of six eggs beaten up in a quart of water. Mix all well together, and simmer it for about three quarters of an hour. Take the scum off as it rises. The scum (to prevent waste) may be boiled again with half a pint of water, for about half an hour, and strained through a cloth. This will produce a clear and delicious syrup, which may be used at the breakfast and tea table, and for all domestic purposes, as a complete substitute for the best refined West-India sugar, than which it will be found to be considerably cheaper." A leaf of the Tallipot tree, lately brought over from the island of Ceylon, and now in the possession of a clergyman at Hampstead, measures eleven feet in length, sixteen feet across its widest spread, and forty feet in circumference. In Ceylon it is used as a canopy to defend the natives from the rays of the sun.

By the late Act to regulate the duties on silk manufactures, from the 5th of January, 1827, East-India bandannas are to pay Is. each handkerchief; and plain taffeties and China crapes, 10s. the pound weight; and crape, flowered or tamboured, 17. 4s. the pound.

A carpet has been completed at Axminster, measuring 400 square yards, at two guineas per yard; to be sent as a present from his Majesty, to the Grand Seignor of Turkey.


It is stated that the company of pastors have come to a resolution, according to which all persons above 21 years of age may henceforward be admitted to the communion without any previous formality, on the mere declaration that they desire to participate in the Protestant worship.


In Germany, for a population of about thirty-six millions, there are twenty-two universities; six belonging to Prussia, three to Bavaria, two to the Austrian states, two to the grand duchy of Baden, two to the electorate of Hesse Cassel, and one to each of the following states-Saxony, Wirtemburg, Denmark, Hanover, the great duchies of Mecklenburg Schwerin and Saxe-Weimar, and Switzerland. The Roman-Catholic part of Germany, containing about nineteen millions of inhabitants, possesses only six universities; while the Protestant part, for seventeen millions of inhabitants, has no less than seventeen.

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The highly intolerant spirit of the see of Rome is strongly shewn in a circular, just issued by the pope, ordering all Jews to dismiss their Christian servants, females as well as males, not excepting such of the former as may be employed as nurses. This papal bull also prohibits introducing into the houses of Jews, any Christian for the purpose of lighting fires on Friday evenings, on Saturdays, or on any Hebrew festival whatever. The violators of this inquisitorial order are liable to severe penalties, to be inflicted" at the pleasure of the Supreme Holy Congregation.".


Amongst the presents made to the museum of the Calcutta Asiatic Society, are various drawings of Buddha shrines and temples in Nepal: the drawings are the work of a native artist. The artists of Nepal commence their education at ten years of age, and hence acquire great manual dexterity: their apparatus is only a piece of charcoal, an iron style, and one small brush made of goat's hair. The government have agreed to make over to the Asiatic Society, for publication, all documents of a description calculated to illustrate the geography, statistics, or history of India.

The grand jury of Madras, amidst various other grievances, have taken the

liberty to present, as a nuisance, “the expense of law proceedings!"

BURMESE EMPIRE. Among the chief natural products of the Burman empire, which are articles of exportation, or likely to become so, are rice, cotton, indigo, cardamoms, pepper, aloes, sugar, saltpeter, salt, teak timber, sticklac, terra japonica, areea nuts, fustic, honey, bees'-wax, ivory, rubies, and sapphires. The mineral products are iron, copper, lead, gold, silver, antimony, white marble, lime-stone, and coal. The teak forests are described to be equal to any

possible demand, for a period beyond computation.


So great is the progress of civilization in those South-Sea islands which have embraced Christianity, that a missionary at the Sandwich Islands states, that for the last three years, not less than one hundred ships have annually visited this group, mostly whale-ships; and the government have employed one or two vessels of their own, in the sealing business, with tolerable success. Sandal wood and salt are the only exports.



A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. By the Rev. T. H. Horne, with maps and engravings; being an Analysis of his "Critical Introduction. Sermons. By the Hon. and Venerable A. G. Spencer.

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Ezekiel's Temple; being an Attempt to delineate the Structure of the Holy Edifice, with plates. By J. Israels. 10. 6d.

The Genius and Design of the Domestic Constitution. By C. Anderson. 10s. 6d. Parochial Sermons. By the Rev. C. Bradley. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Rev. E. Bickersteth's Christian Hearer, abridged by the Author. 6d.

The Book of Ecclesiasticus translated from the Latin Vulgate. By Luke Howard. Discourses on the Duties and Consolations of the Aged. By the Rev. H. Bel. frage, D.D. 8s.

A Sermon for the Parochial Schools of St. Luke's. By the Rev. W. Pritchard. Is. Old-Testament Stories in Rhyme. Is. Christ, est il divisé? par P. Filleul, On the Indexes, Prohibitory and Expurgatory of the Church of Rome. By the Rev. J. Mendham. 7s.

Protestant Church Corruption. By N. Highmore, D.C.L.

Specimens of Sacred and Serious Poetry from Chaucer, to the presen Day. By J. Johnstone. 5s. 6d.

Three Sermons preached before the Judges at the Surrey Assizes in 1816. By the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, 3s.

Sacred Melodies, &c. By S. Warring. Letters on the Moral and Religious State of South America. By J. Thomson. Sermons chiefly designed to display the Connexion between a Sound Faith and a Holy Life. By the Rev. E. Patterson, M.A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Contemplations on the Sufferings of Jesus Christ. By C. E. Sturm; translated from the German, by W. Johnstone, A.M.; with a Life of Sturm. 8vo. 9s.

Practical and Familiar Sermons, designed for Parochial and Domestic In

struction. By the Rev. E. Cooper. Vol. VII. 6s.

The Christian contemplated; in a Series of Lectures. By the Rev. W. Jay. 1 vol. 8vo. 12s.

The Sixth and last Part of Sermons and Plans of Sermons, selected from the Manuscripts of the late Joseph Benson. 8vo. 6s. With the Preface, Indexes, &c. to the whole work 11. 14s.

Miscellaneous Pieces on Various Religious Subjects. Written by the Rev. Andrew Fuller. Collected and arranged, with occasional Notes. By J. W. Morris.

Annotations, Ecclesiastical and Devotional, to illustrate the Liturgy, and the Thirty-Nine Articles of the United Church of England and Ireland. By Thomas Harwood, D.D.,F.S.A. Small 8vo. 6s. 6d.

Three Letters, addressed to the Archbishop of Cashel, on the Apocryphal Publications of his Grace, in which are demonstrated the late age of the Zohar, and the propriety of applying the Cab balistic Scheme of the Sephiroth, to the illustration and confirmation of the Trinitarian hypothesis. Ry the Rev. J. Oxlee.

Historical Review of Papal and Conciliar Infallibility. By the Rev. W. Keary. The Sunday School Catechist. By the Widow of a Clergyman. 18mo. Is. 6d.

The timid Christian encouraged to come to the Holy Communion, a Sermon. By the Rev. E. Vardon.

Plain and Practical Sermons. By the Rev. T. Howard. 5s.


An Evening at Home; or a Holiday Present. By the Author of "Pity the Negro." 18mo. 6d

The Parliamentary History and Review for 1826. Royal 8vo.

Instructions in Reading the Liturgy. By the Rev. J. Howlett. 9s.

Advice to Governesses. 3s.

Art of Memory, on a new System. 5s. 6d.

Outalissi, a Tale of Dutch Guiana, dedicated to Mr. Wilberforce. 9s. 6d.

A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley. By the Rev. A. Thomson, D.D. Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire. By Sir H. Chauncey. 2 vols. 8vo. 36s. royal, 45s.

Roman Tablets; translated from the French. Post Svo. 6s. 6d.

Old English Sayings newly expounded, in Prose and Verse. By Jefferys Taylor, author of Harry's Holiday, &c. 12mo. 4s. Narrative of the Burmese War. With a map. By Major Snodgrass. 8vo. 12s. The Correspondence of Mde. de Mainte non and the Princess des Ursins, from the

A Visit to the Falls of Niagara. By J. original MS. 3 vols. 8vo. 36s. Maude, Esq. 31s. 6d.


SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. In the Appendix to our last volume we have presented our readers with an abridgment of the society's last Report, and with some extracts from the excellent and impressive sermon preached before the society at its last anniversary, by the present Bishop of Llandaff. There are several very interesting appendices to the Report which we may take another opportunity of noticing.

We have great pleasure in laying before our readers, the following resolutions passed unanimously at a numerous meeting of the friends and supporters of the society held on the 6th of December, for the purpose of considering what steps it was necessary to take in consequence of the lamented death of the late Bishop of Calcutta. The chair being taken by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the secretary read a report relating to the death of Bishop Heber, and to the exertions he had made in India for the propagation of the Gospel; also letters from India, recommending two scholarships to be established in Bishop's College, Calcutta, and stating that the episcopal duties in that country required the exertions of three instead of one bishop. It was then resolved unanimously,

"That the society deeply deplores the sudden death of the late Bishop of Calcutta, which has deprived this iustitution of a valuable friend, the Indian diocese of an unwearied and truly primitive prelate, and the church at large of one of its brightest ornaments :

"That this loss has been peculiarly aggravated to the society by its having occurred at a time when the effect of Bishop Heber's presence was beginning to be felt in the missions in Southern India, so long under the superintendence of the society of which he often emphati

cally said, that the strength of the Christian cause in India was there :'

"That the society, being anxious to record its sense of the zeal and energy of this lamented prelate, is of opinion, that the best tribute which it can pay to his memory will be, to prosecute the important measures which come recommended to its adoption as his last wishes:

"That the society, having reference to a desire strongly expressed by the late Bishop of Calcutta, that members of the Asiatic Episcopal churches not in subordination to the see of Rome, should be admitted into Bishop's College, do agree to place the sum of 2,000l. at the disposal of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for the foundation of two scholarships for that purpose-provided they be for ever called Bishop Heber's Scholarships:

"That, in deference to the further suggestion of Bishop Heber, the Madras district committee be authorised to draw upon the society for a sum not exceeding 2,000l., for the enlargement of the church at Tanjore; and for building, repairing, and enlarging churches, schools and houses for schoolmasters, catechists, and missionaries, in other parts of Southern India:

"That Bishop Heber having likewise strongly recommended an extension of the society's printing establishment in Southern India, and it appearing that such a measure may greatly conduce, as well to the immediate advancement of native education, as to the future support of native schools, it be further agreed, that a sum not exceeding 500l., be expended out of the native school fund, in enlarging the society's ancient press at Vepery; and that the profits be applied, under the direction of the Madras district committee, for the benefit of native schools in that presidency :

"That the society, in thus testifying its

sense of the services of Bishop Heber, adverts, with feelings of the most painful recollection, to the short interval which has elapsed since it was called upon to pay the like tribute to the memory of his illustrious predecessor:

"That the society, therefore, on the present occasion, while it acknowledges, with the deepest gratitude, the paternal care of his Majesty's Govenment, as well in the formation of an Indian episcopate, as in the selection of the highly-gifted persons who successively devoted themselves to the charge, feels it a paramount duty to repeat the earnest prayer of its memorial, presented in 1812, for the erection of a see at each of the three presidencies; and to declare its conviction, that no individual, however endowed with bodily and mental vigour, can be sufficient for the exertions rendered necessary by the overwhelming magnitude of the diocese of Calcutta:

"That, in the opinion of the society, fatally confirmed by the result of the attempt to govern the Indian Church by a single prelate, nothing but a division of this enormous diocese can prevent a continued sacrifice of valuable lives, and a perpetually recurring interruption of the great work, for the accomplishment of which that episcopal establishment was formed:

"That the constitution of the government in India is constructed upon the principle of a separate administration at each of the three presidencies; and that, in the opinion of the society, it must, necessarily, be inconvenient not to assimilate the government of the church to that system which experience has proved so beneficial in the civil, judicial, and military departments :

"That the memorial now read, renewing the society's prayer for the erection of three sees in India, be adopted; and that his Grace, the President, be respectfully requested to present the same, in the name and on the behalf of the society, to the First Lord of the Treasury, and the President of the Board of Controul :

"That a memorial, to the like effect, be also presented by his Grace the President, to the Honourable Court of Directors of the East-India Company, expressing; at the same time, the gratitude of the society for their continued protection and assistance to its missions, and the satisfaction with which it contemplates the increased provision they have made for the spiritual wants of the British inhabitants of India."

The Archbishop of Canterbury said, that

he should be happy to use his exertions to carry into effect the wishes expressed in the memorial to Government.


TION OF THE GOSPEL. In the Appendix to our last volume, we have inserted, from the last Report of the society, some interesting notices relative to the two North-American dioceses; reserving to our present Number that part of the Report which relates to the diocese of Calcutta, and the society's operations in Barbados.

We have frequently had occasion to state, that the society is not happy as to the manner in which its Reports are drawn up and printed. The subjects are highly interesting; the detail singularly the reverse. The style of printing savours more of 1701, when the society was first incorporated, than of 1826. Thus we have the list of preachers annually reprinted, and the same general notices about the incorporated Society, and Codrington college, and the university of Debritzen, and the Vaudois clergy. We might imagine that this part of the work has been stereotyped, so careful is the compiler to avoid conveying new intelligence.

In other institutions there are officers who manage the concerns, and committees to conduct the proceedings. Whether this is the case in the present instance, does not appear from the Report-there being no allusion either to officers, or committee, or any thing connected with the management. The Report is made up of extracts from letters from the different missionaries, very ill arranged, and, as we have reason to suppose, not very judiciously selected. These letters certainly contain much that is deeply interesting to every real friend of Christian missionsbut they are not put in an interesting light; and some of them, we grieve to state, are not altogether marked by that spirit of candour and charity, which the Gospel of our blessed Redeemer uniformly breathes. Why too is that pious prelate, for whom, at this day, all Christian India is in mourning, mentioned without one word of approbation? Why is the name of Heber stripped of every epithet of praise? That lamented bishop is indeed mentioned as he deserves in the address which was delivered at the meeting of the society,at Freemasons' Hall,and which we are glad to see reprinted in the Report; but that address breathes a different spirit throughout, to the regular Reports of the society, and is clearly composed by a far more able hand.

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