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After the "qualifications of a missionary," the "notitia," which however are very imperfect, and various accounts of receipts and expenditure in the different branches of the society, we have 200 pages eked out with a list of subscribers, which might with ease be comprised in 50. We have the various kinds of members figuring in various types; the chartered members in pica, and the incorporated in primer-leaded and spaced; next the associated subscribers; and to erown the whole, a minion list, incorporating and associating all who have before appeared, with all who have given the minutest sums. Here we have district committees, which do not exist, and district committees which do; dioceses without churches, and associations without members. Some names appear twice in a page, and almost all are inserted twice in the work. In this respect indeed, the archdeacons are singularly fortunate. One clergyman, whose name appears five times in the book, is inserted in the deanery of the arches, as rector of St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, and in the archdeaconry of London, as rector of St. Bene't, Gracechurch Street, when the churches of St. Leonard and St. Bene't are the same and one venerable archdeacon has been resuscitated by the indefatigable compiler of this list, and appears in large and liberal proportion, although more than two years have elapsed since his death. The style also of the Report is most wretched, and in most places almost unintelligible.

We trust that matter so important as is given in this Report will never again be brought forward in so careless and yet so expensive a form. We recommend that, in future, a committee be appointed to superintend the preparation and printing of the Report; and that the large body of incorporated members, who have a right to attend every meeting and EVERY COMMITTEE, will take care that these annual publications shall be prepared in a manner more worthy of the very important institution, whose proceedings they are intended to record. But we proceed to those parts of the Report not already abstracted in our pages.


In the course of the preceding year, the society were enabled to complete their establishment at Bishop's College, by sending out two additional professors, Mr. Craven and Mr. Holmes, of St. John's college Cambridge, who were accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Di Mello, a native Portuguèse Indian, who CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 801.

had come to this country for the benefit of education, and eagerly embraced the opportunity of returning to the land of his birth under the auspices of the society, to devote himself to the diffusion of Christian knowledge among his heathen countrymen. The Bishop of London admitted him to holy orders for that special purpose, and the happiest results are expected from the employment of his services. At the same time, under the charge of the professors, embarked for Bishop's College a youth from the Clergy Orphan's School, named T. C. Simpson. There are now nine youths, born of European parents, prosecuting their studies under the direction of the professors, and there is no doubt that within a short period the numbers will only be limited by the accommodation the building will afford. Instructions have been given to complete the college-buildings and grounds without delay, and to erect the necessary rooms for carrying on the printing department. The late Bishop of Calcutta, who, at the date of his dispatches, was at Bombay, states that the Principal reports favourably of the labours and conduct of Messrs. Tweddle and Moreton, and that he has received a very gratifying account of the estimation in which their excellent missionary, Mr. Christian, is held at Bhagilpoor. The encouraging prospects which already cheer his mission, and the neighbouring mountains, his lordship regarded as the nucleus of future possible good on a more extended scale than any other district in India. The translation of the Old Testament into Persian, by the Rev. Mr. Robinson, chaplain of Poonah, was in progress. A specimen of the work had been published from the college press.

The Bishop had noticed his hope of establishing district committees throughout his diocese, in aid of Bishop's College and the society's missions in India. This plan had been carried into effect in the archdeaconry of Bombay, under auspices the most favourable. An example has thus been set to Ceylon, Madras, and Calcutta.

From no fewer than six European stations, within the presidency of Fort William alone, his lordship had received pressing applications to assign them a resident missionary; and in each he had been assured that every facility and encouragement would be given to the exercise of his ministry, both among the natives and his own countrymen.

Our readers are apprised that the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, considering that the charge of foreign misI.

sions was more immediately within the province of this society, preferred a request that they would be pleased to undertake the superintendence and management of their establishments in southern India. This society readily undertook the charge, and have placed the missionaries in immediate connexion with Bishop's College. Measures have been adopted for the enlargement of the missionary establishment.


The Report is not so explicit as we could wish respecting the nature of the society's proceeding in Barbados. We look in vain, either in the Report, or in the accounts of the funds, for a statement of what money the society has received from the toil of its slaves, or what it has expended for their benefit. We learn indeed that 21427. have been received from "Messrs. Daniel," and 14001. from "Mr. Trattle;' "but who these persons are, or whence these sums arise, we are not informed. We are not told that the cart-whip has been laid aside on the society's plantations, or that marriage has been instituted, or that one single step has been taken towards making their bondsmen free, or that any of them have become Christians. And, what is most singular, in the elaborate "synopsis of the society's missionaries, catechists, and schoolmasters, with the dates of their appointments, their salaries, notitia, &c." the society's stations in Barbados are left wholly unnoticed. We trust these "notitia," will not fail to be added in the next Report.

We learn, that a collegiate "establishment exists there, which is supported [by the labour of the slaves] with the produce of the estates, consisting of a principal and twelve (of course, White) scholars; stipends being allowed to those who may be desirous of prosecuting their studies in England, either in divinity, law, or physic." "A minister has also been provided for the Negroes, whose whole attention is to be directed to their improvement in moral and religious knowledge :" and that "schools upon the Na tional system have been formed, under the superintendence of the chaplain, and a code of regulations has been prepared, with the sanction of the attorneys, by which sufficient time [it is not stated how much] will be allowed the Negroes, during the week, for the cultivation of their own provision-grounds, to enable them to attend to the religious observance of the Sabbath without interruption."

his chapel at five o'clock on the Sunday afternoon, with a view to the accommodation of persons prevented from attending in the morning, as well as of Negroes from the neighbouring estates. The average attendance of adults in the morning, during the crop season, had been from fifty to ninety. The Sunday scholars,

out of the crop season, attend him one day in the week, as well as read a portion of the New Testament, and repeat the catechism in chapel on the Sunday. These are twenty-five in number. The children in the daily school are stated to attend regularly; but of their number we are not informed.

Prefixed to the Report is a very interesting and energetic discourse delivered before the society by the present Bishop of Chichester, from Rev. x. 6: "That there should be time no longer." We lay before our readers the following ex


"In respect of the members of the church of Christ, individually considered, there have been few who have passed through the world unmolested; they have been wounded by the tongues of men, where the hand of power has been tied up. Reproach is indeed a part of the cross, which their Master has told them must be taken up. Our blessed Lord foretold that this would be the occasional issue of preaching his doctrine. And predictions of the same kind are to be met with in the Book of Revelation, where the church is described, as a woman fleeing into the wilderness, and concealing herself therein from the rage of her enemies for a long season.

"But shall opposition to the all-gracious designs of Heaven for ever continue? Shall the spouse of our Redeemer be always insulted and trampled on? No! The angel declares with an oath, that in this respect, there shall be time no longer. A period shall be put to the rage of the enemy how great soever the tyranny is, it is yet limited, nor shall it be executed a moment beyond the bounds which God hath set to it.

"In respect of the distresses of the church, that there shall be time no longer, that Christ will interpose for its relief, many and great are the promises of holy Scripture

"The church of our Redeemer shall not be in that obscure state, or confined to so small a part of the world as it is at present. The Gospel of Christ shall be propagated in every nation of the earth; from the rising of the sun unto the going Mr. Pinder states, that he has opened down of the same, it shall run and be

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glorified. Then, the descendants of Israel shall look on. Him whom they pierced, and mourn. Then, the deluded worshippers of false gods shall remember themselves, and turn to the true Lord of heaven and earth. Then, the votaries of the eastern impostor shall become the disciples of Christ; and those who, though they are called Christians, idolatrously join other mediators to the name of Christ, shall relinquish their superstition, and make mention of that name by which alone they can be saved.

"At what particular period these words of the angel shall have their final accomplishment, is a question on which it becomes not us to hazard even a conjecture, It is not for us to know the times, and the seasons, which the Father hath put into his own power. Sufficient is it for us to be assured, that He who can no more deceive than be deceived, has promised; and we know, that the eye and the heart of our Lord Jesus are upon this time. To what has it been owing, that the violences hitherto offered, the endeavours used to extirpate the church, have proved thus far ineffectual? Surely to the strength of him, to whom the care of the flock is committed. The government is laid on the shoulder of One who is as mighty as he is vigilant; to whom all power is committed; and who has displayed that power in every age in the support of his church, in the midst of surrounding enemies.

"In the literal use and sense of this prophecy, let us keep our eye steadily on the assurance of the angel, that there shall be time no longer. The world itself, the great scene of human action, shall, when it has answered its purpose, like the scaffolding to a building when the edifice is erected, be taken down; the world and all that therein is, shall be consumed, and no trace remain of it any more, for ever. The triumph of the wicked in the mean time, can be but short; his mirth will soon be converted into mourning. For what else can they expect, who will not stoop to the sceptre of God's grace, but that they should be broken by the rod of his wrath? Be wise now then in time, if ye would be holy in eternity. This is your wisdom and your happiness; make it then the concern and business of your lives.

"In the mean time, let us look and pray for that happy period spoken of in the text. And as God condescends to effect his purposes by human instruments, let us watch every opportunity that may pre

sent itself of advancing his kingdom upon earth. Let us transport into all the dependencies of the empire, the model of that church which our Saviour founded, as the means of bringing all men, in due course of time, to the knowledge of the truth. Let us be the heralds of his redeeming love to all the nations of the earth. It may not much import us whether we ourselves live to see the mighty consummation; but it very highly concerns us, that we should use our utmost endeavours, and offer up our earnest prayers, that the many promises concerning it may be fulfilled; that the kingdom of God should come with power; and that all blindness being done away, and every obstacle removed, which yet prevents the name of Christ from being great among the heathen, all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of their God. And, he, which testifieth these things, saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.'

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CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A special and open meeting of the committee took place on the 15th of December, the president in the chair. The committee being anxious to record their deep feelings of regret and grief occasioned by the death of the late Bishop of Calcutta, it was resolved,

"That while this committee would bow with submission to the will of Almighty God, they cannot but deeply deplore the loss which this society and the Christian church at large have sustained by the death of the late Right Rev. Reginald Heber, lord Bishop of Calcutta: and, whilst they contemplate with gratitude to the 'Giver of all goodness,' the strong faith, ardent zeal, unaffected humility, universal love, and incessant labours, of this distinguished prelate, terminating only with his life, they feel themselves peculiarly bound to commemorate his attachment to the cause of missions, and more especially his wise and parental superintendence of the missionaries of this society labouring within his diocese, by whom they trust, no less than by themselves, he will ever be remembered as a bright example of those graces which most eminently adorn a Christian prelate."

It appearing to the committee that the establishment of the English episcopacy in India has been attended with the most beneficial consequences in reference to both Europeans and natives, but that its increasing cares will press too heavily on any one prelate, it was further resolved,

"That while the committee beg to ex

Press, on behalf of the society, their respectful and grateful acknowledgments to his majesty's government and to the court of directors of the Hon. the East India Company for the support which they have given to the establishment of episcopacy in India, they unite their humble request with those of the venerable societies for propagating the Gospel and for promoting Christian Knowledge, for the appointment of such a number of prelates as may be competent to the discharge of the weighty and increased duties of the episcopate in India."

It was also resolved, that the following memorial should be presented to the Earl of Liverpool, to the President of the Board of Controul, and to the Chairman of the Court of Directors of the Hon. the East India Company.

"That your memorialists have now, for nearly twenty years, be en engaged in promoting the knowledge of the Christian religion in India:

"That they have ever been anxious to conduct their proceedings in conformity with the doctrines and discipline of the united Church of England and Ireland:

"That, before the last renewal of the charter of the East-India Company, they requested the late Rev. Dr. Claudius Buchanan to urge on the public and the legislature the expediency and necessity of a general colonial establishment; in consequence of which he published his work entitled 'Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishment,' the first edition of which was printed and distributed, by means of your memorialists, among the members of both houses of parliament:

"That your memorialists regarded, with gratitude and joy, the provision made in the new charter granted to the East-India Company, for enabling the crown to constitute a bishopric in India:

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That, with similar feelings, they rejoiced in the formation of Bishop's College at Calcutta, for the education of missiona.. ries to the natives of India; and contributed 5000l. toward its erection, having made also successive annual grants, amounting in the whole to 50007. more, in support of the college:

"That theyhave now established missionary stations, in the presidency of Bengal, at Calcutta, Burdwan, Buxar, Gorruckpore, Benares, Chunar, Allahabad, Cawnpore, Agra, Meerut, and Delhi; in the presidency of Madras, at Madras, Poonamallee, Mayaveram, Palamcottah, Cotym, Allepie, Cochin, Tellicherry, and Nellore ; in the presidency of Bombay, at Bombay

and Basseen in the north Concan; in the island of Ceylon, at Cotta, Candy, Baddagame, and Nellore :

"That, in these stations, there are now twenty-eight missionaries, who have received episcopal orders in the united church, and who are labouring to bring the heathen to embrace the Christian faith:

"That these missionaries were licensed by the late Bishop of Calcutta, were received under his episcopal jurisdiction, and were summoned by the Bishop to the visitation of his clergy:

“That very great and valuable benefits resulted from the visits which the Bishop made to the stations of the society; his paternal counsels and exhortations, and his judicious instruction in various difficulties which had occurred, eminently tending to promote the objects of your memorialists, and to strengthen and confirm the missionaries in their arduous labours:

"That the Bishop was on his way to visit the mission of the society in Travancore, when it pleased Almighty God to call this revered and beloved prelate to his heavenly reward:

"That there is sufficient reason to believe that both Bishop Middleton and Bishop Heber, oppressed by the overwhelming duties of their responsible situation, sacrificed their lives in the performance of duties which they were anxious conscientiously to discharge;

"That your memorialists, persuaded that it is impracticable for any one bishop duly to superintend so vast a charge, and deeply sensible of the great advantages which their own missionaries have received from the personal visit of the lamented Heber, cannot refrain from joining the incorporated Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and the venerable Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, in humbly representing the importance of appointing more than one bishop to so immense a diocese :

"That your memorialists, in making this representation, feel it to be their duty at the same time respectfully and gratefully to acknowledge the support already given to the establishment of episcopacy in India, by his majesty's government and by the court of directors of the Hon. the East-India Company,"

In a circular issued by the committee, containing the above resolutions relative to the late Bishop Heber and the increase of bishops in India, the committee state that the society's connexion with Bishop's College, and through the college with the

episcopate, has laid the foundation for the society's acting hereafter in India with far more economy and effect than it could otherwise have done: for the ordinary course appointed for all native missionaries (and it is to such missionaries that every society must ultimately look for the wide extension of its missions) is, that they shall be educated in the college, and receive ordination at the bishop's hand. No plan has been devised so likely, under the Divine blessing, to endue native missionaries with the requisite qualifications as Bishop's College. By the statutes of the college, the society's missionaries will be allowed, with the concurrence of the proper authorities, to receiving education at the society's expense. Such students as may be appointed to scholarships will, of course, be supported by the income of such scholarships. The society has given Bishop's College a claim on its funds for an annual grant of one thousand poundsunless its funds should be in such a state as to disable it from making such grant; or, the college should so conduct itself towards the society or in respect of its own professed objects, as to render it the duty of the society to withhold the contribution. The translation and printing of the Scriptures and Liturgy would alone employ with advantage a much larger sum than the annual thousand pounds of the society. should the society wish to appropriate, at any time, the whole or any part of the annual grant to this specific object,



An address has been sent us, in which it is observed, that “though the age in which we live is remarkable for the general feeling which has diffused itself for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; yet that, whilst exertions are used for the conversion of the followers of heathen superstitions and Jewish errors in the utmost regions of the earth; and for almost every branch of society in our own country means are devised for leading mankind to a participation in the blessings of Revelation; one class of our fellowmen has, till very recently, been almost overlooked." Until of late," they that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in the great waters," have been left without sharing in those benevolent labours which engross so large a portion of the time, and pecuniary resources of the Christian public. Among the different denominations of Christians who dissent from the Established Church, efforts

are now not wanting to reclaim the sailor from the error of his ways, and to bring him to hear and read for himself the testimony which God hath given of his Son Jesus Christ; but our own church is still lamentably backward in promoting these important efforts of Christian mercy; and even the Episcopal Floating Chapel Society, which was formed some time since, has, we fear, not yet been able to effect much towards accomplishing its truly benevolent designs.

Impressed with these considerations, some friends to the instruction of seamen have proposed to erect in the parish of St. Andrew, Plymouth, a church, in the immediate vicinity of the quays, for the especial benefit of the multitudes of seamen, boatmen, and fishermen, with their wives and families, who are constantly found in these parts of the town exposed to every snare to which the peculiarity of their general character and habits renders them liable. They state that the necessary funds for this purpose cannot bé raised in Plymouth alone; and viewing the subject as one of general interest, they appeal for assistance to the friends of true religion in general, and to the members of the Established Church in particular; trusting, that those whom Providence has blessed with affluence, will, with Christian liberality and zeal, press forward to enable the friends of seamen to accomplish a design calculated to produce "glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and good will towards men."-Donations will be thankfully received by the Rev. John Hatchard, Vicar of St. Andrew's, Plymouth; and Messrs. Hatchard, Booksellers, Piccadilly, London. Subscriptions have been already received from various friends to the object; among whom we find the names of Admiral Sir James Saumarez; Admiral Lord Gambier; and Rear-Admirals Brooking, Pearson, and Bowen.


A society has been formed with the above title. The conductors state, that though" one society has been formed expressly to promote the spiritual regeneration of God's ancient people; many ways in which they may be benefited, are necessarily omitted by the constitution of that society;" and that " some friends of Israel have therefore resolved to unite themselves together, for the purpose of supplying that which seems to have been hitherto overlooked, and to promote, by every scriptural means, the welfare of that chosen race." It is proposed to call the attention of the public to the civil dis

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