abilities under which the Jews still labour; for though, remarks the address, "the salvation of their souls, through the blood of the true Paschal Lamb, which was saerificed for us on Calvary, must be the altimate object to be unceasingly kept in view, it is conceived that that end is more likely to be attained by testifying a spirit of justice and sympathy to their wants, both public and private, than by preaching the Gospel, unaccompanied by any outward manifestation of disinterested benevolence; whilst, to guard against the liability to imposition, temporal relief will be confined to such cases as scarcely admit of deception. Great advantage, it is stated, may be anticipated from establishing a lecture, especially upon the prophetic parts of Holy Writ; but, if these anticipations should not be realised speedily, still, adds the address," let not the candid Christian accuse the Jew of bigotry and prejudice; let him rather look to the treatment which he has received, not only from governments, and rulers, and institutions, and laws, but from private individuals, for upwards of 2000 years; let him consult the statute-book of England, the bye-laws of corporations, the feelings of every private family, and consider the sentiments which a Jew still inspires; and then let him look abroad in the world, and say, from the page of his tory, whether less tyranny has not produced, in every people over which it has been exercised, still greater vices than are to be found in the despised and trampled on descendants of Abraham." The objects of the society will be, To circulate the Holy Scriptures and tracts amongst the Jews; to promote their religious information by lectures, and other suitable means; and to employ readers to the adults of that nation; to establish day and Sabbath schools for their children; to visit and relieve their sick and aged at their own habitations; to afford relief to distressed married Hebrew women during the period of their confinement, and to grant assistance under such other circumstances as may justly claim the attention of the society; to procure the removal of civil disabilities from the Hebrew people, and to promote their national welfare; and to forward these objects in other countries, as opportunities may present themselves. Touche, Esq. and laments the severe loss the society has sustained, in one who watched its early formation and progres. sive advancement with parental solicitude; and who, by his unabated exertions, by the soundness of his judgment, the mild and Christian spirit of his correspondence, and the warmth and the energy of his public addresses, contributed essentially to its prosperity. We copy from the correspondence of the society a few brief extracts, which may be taken as an average illustration of the effects of the society's exertions in the numerous places in which it has established its schools: -: Lackan, county of Donegal;-69 scho→ lars-4 gratuitous teachers. "The Sunday school at Lackan has led to other great improvements in the village. The parents have obtained a female school which is very well attended: it was the consequence of the advantages seen to accompany the Sunday-school teaching. The Sunday school was in a great measure the means of opening their eyes to their own ignorance: it shewed them how they might become wise unto salvation; and now every day of the seven the Bible is read and learned." Derryadd, county of Armagh; 104 scholars-18 gratuitous teachers. "In this place where little islets are separated by mosses very extensive, and where the dense population of those spots is also very poor, Sunday schools are the only practicable means by which the poor children can be instructed to read. The Scripture knowledge conveyed from the Testaments and spelling-books to the homes and families of the children is a great blessing, the effects of which I can see visibly increasing." Within the last three months, applicaSUNDAY-SCHOOL SOCIETY FOR tions have been received from, and grants IRELAND. The last Number of the society's Monthly Extracts announces the much lamented death of their late secretary, J. D. La of books made to, 157 Sunday schools, containing 13,123 scholars: of these 157 schools, 56 were not previously in connexion with the society. VIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. FOREIGN. punished; and the way to this deserved retribution should be as prompt and as little expensive as possible; but there may be many cases in which a publie reference to the actions of living persons may be not only innocent, but highly necessary; and this source of public advantage ought not to be wholly cut off, even if it were with the honest intention of preventing its abuse. PORTUGAL AND SPAIN.-The rebel invaders on the borders of Portugal have been repulsed in various instances, and the British forces are marching to assist the native troops in strengthening the frontier towns. The Spanish government disavow all hostile intentions towards Portugal, but are anxiously sending troops to the borders, for the alleged purpose of self-defence in case of exigency. The French have withdrawn the Swiss guards from Madrid; so that, under all the circumstances of the case, whatever may be the wishes of the king of Spain, we trust there is not much to fear from his power. UNITED STATES.-The message of the President to Congress, gives the following glowing representation of the internal affairs of the country: FRANCE.-The French ministry have proposed to the chambers a law on the police of the press, so arbitrary in its provisions, and so injurious both to literature and to liberty, that it has excited great opposition throughout the country. Besides the general features of the enact ment, it enters into a variety of petty details, which cannot be attended to without very great inconvenience in the usual course of business. No work is to be exposed to sale, or a single copy or sheet to be removed from the printers, under heavy penalties, till the whole is complete, and copies have been lodged for ten or twenty days in the hands of the censors. The exceptions to this regulation comprise only speeches and bills in the two chambers; publications ordered by public authority; pastoral charges and letters, which it seems to be presumed will always be sufficiently loyal; memoirs on law-suits, signed by an advocate; notices issued by municipal bodies; memoirs of learned societies, licensed by the king, and whose licence can be summarily revoked if they offend the government; and daily or weekly publications, which are regulated by other and still more strict rules. Onerous stamp duties are attached to all publications under five sheets. The names of the proprietors of newspapers, and all other periodical writings, are not only to be enregistered, but to be published in every number and copy of their work; and the number of proprietors must not exceed five. New and augmented penalties are attached to offences under the law of libel, which law practically includes not only what is really libellous, but much that amounts only to fair discussion, at least where the proceedings of the government are concerned. A fine of five hundred francs also is imposed for every publication, relative to acts in private life of any Frenchman or any person residing in France, whether the party concerned complains or not, unless he sees fit himself to sanction the publication. If any thing could reconcile us to such a law, it would be the atrocious attacks which for party purposes, or for mere gain, are constantly made upon private character by the scurrilous part of our own press. But such a sweeping enactment is far beyond the scope of legitimate legislation, and must lead to the concealment of much valuable truth. Every unjust attack We need not inform our readers that private character should be severely the chief subject of domestic interest on "The assemblage of the Representatives of our Union, in both Houses of Congress, at this time, occurs under circumstances calling for the renewed homage of our grateful acknowledgments to the Giver of all good. With the exceptions incidental to the most felicitous condition of human existence, we continue to be highly favoured in all the elements which contribute to individual comfort, and national prosperity. In the survey of our extensive country, we have generally to observe abodes of health and regions of plenty. In our civil and political relations, we have peace without, tranquillity within, our borders. We are, as a people, increasing with unabated rapidity in population, wealth, and national resources.' Some discussions have arisen with the British government, respecting the intercourse between our West-Indian colonies and the United States, the result of which has been that our government has felt it necessary to rescind the relaxation which had been made in our navigation laws, as respects the trade of the United States with our West-Indian colonies. DOMESTIC. during the month, has been the lamented decease of the Duke of York. His Royal Highness expired on the fifth of January, after a protracted illness, which he is stated to have endured with great fortitude and composure. His amiable and conciliating deportment, and his impartial and diligent discharge of his high official duties as commander in chief, have called forth the warmest testimonies of approbation on every side; and even those who think he was mistaken in his views on the great question of Catholic emancipation, with which, since his wellknown speech on the subject, his name has been closely identified, have not failed to applaud the candour and honesty with which he expressed his opi nion. The duke of Wellington is appointed to succeed his Royal Highness as commander in chief. We deeply regret to state that the distresses in some of the manufacturing districts continue to be so severe, that it has been judged expedient to issue a King's Letter for a general charitable collection throughout the country. We earnestly trust that the collection will be very large and be the means of relieving, as a temporary supply, an appalling mass of overwhelming wretchedness. But temporary and partial at best must be all such supplies; and it is therefore the duty of every humane man, every Christian, every lover of his country, to endeavour to probe the wound to the bottom, with a view to discover the main sources of such calamities, and the most effectual means of preventing them in future. The labouring classes themselves ought to be instructed on this subject: they happily have been emancipated from some of the restrictions with which they had long been trammelled; they may now make their own terms with their employer, and may, nominally at least, carry their labour to what market they choose, (for practically the laws of settlement and the mode of administring parish relief, still greatly check their power of moving from place to place, in search of occupation; we wish we could add, that the importation of all the necessaries of life was also unrestricted;) but they have not yet learned that their real prosperity depends, not upon others, but individually upon themselves upon their own diligence, and forethought, and salutary self-denial; and especially that their greatest legislative curse is that which they cling to as their greatest benefit-that miserably scanty dole of parochial relief, which, while it mocks rather than relieves the miseries of a few, inevitably lowers the price of wages to all, and often makes the industrious, as well as the idle, paupers from keen necessity. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. Rev. H. Atlay, Tinwell R. co. Rutland, with Great Ponton R. co. Lincoln, by dispensation. Rev. F. T. Atwood, Hammersmith P. C. near London. Rev. W. Baker Bere, Upton P. C. Somerset. Rev. W. T. Birds, Preston R. Salop. Rev. Dr. Cockayne, Dogmersfield R. Hants. Rev. J. L. Freer, Wasperton V. co. Warw. Rev. W. F. Holt, Min. Laura Chap. Bath. Rev. J. Kempthorne, St. Michael R. co. Glouc. Rev. H. Venn, Drypool P. C. co. York. Rev. G. Jarvis, Tuttington V. Norfolk Rev. A. B. Lechmere, Eldersfield V. co. Worcester. Rev. Reg. Pole, Mary Tavy V. with Rev. Mr. Riddle, Easton R. Hants. Very Rev. Dr. Monk, Dean of Peterborough, Speaker of the Lower House of Convocation. Rev. C. W. Hughes, Chaplain to the Duke of Beaufort. Rev. Wm. Mirehouse, Chaplain to the Princess Sophia. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. J. M.; W.; AUEL; C. D.; F. S; Aιaxovos; A RESIDENT OF THE BARKING DISTRICT"; Dr. C. O.; A-A, and J. C. have been received, and are under consideration. The British and Foreign Bible Society has received from an anonymous correspondent, the first half of a bank note, No. 8126, for one hundred pounds. OMEGA's verses were destroyed, when considered as done with.-A. B's paper was returned by post to his booksellers, according to his direction. We are not sure, among the multiplicity of signatures which reach us, whether H. B.'s petition for the Greeks was returned or destroyed; but we rather think the former. We must again respectfully request our correspondents to spare both themselves and us unnecessary trouble, by keeping copies of papers (especially of short ones, like all the above), on which they set a value; as, after the occasional clearance which we find necessary, it may not be always in our power to lay our hands upon an old paper. THE CHRISTIAN OBSERVER. No. 302.] FEBRUARY, 1827. [No. 2. Vol. XXVII, RELIGIOUS COMMUNICATIONS. Tothe Editorofthe Christian Observer. that, as we are in a forfeited state, I Hamstead Norris. SEND you a memoir of the life of my father, lately deceased, which, if you deem useful, you will do me a favour by inserting in your publication. My father's name and indefatigable labours being already known to your readers (see Christian Observer for 1823, p. 654), it is trusted that the following memoranda of his life, and particularly the account of his death, will not be uninteresting to them. What was the late Mr. Davy's view of practical religion, which he exemplified in his own life, may be learned from the following short passage from his "Discourses on the Being of God, the Divinity of Christ, the Personality of the Spirit, and the Sacred Trinity; being Improved Extracts from the Author's System of Divinity;" a work the completion of which occupied his closing days, and even his dying hours, and which has been published since his decease*. "The Christian is one who lives by faith. He knows that of himself he has no ability to do the will of God, and therefore applies for the assistance of that blessed Spirit who is called the Comforter; and, according to Christ's promise, is to be in us and abide with us for ever. He knows that man is fallen into sin and death, which are the works of the devil, and that Christ came into the world for no other purpose but to destroy them, to cleanse them away, and to prevail over death: The work is in two vols. 8vo, published at Exeter; but may be had of Messrs. Hatchaid, or Messrs. Seeley, London. CHRIST, OBSERV. No. 302. our redemption is the work of God's free grace, to which we have no claim by nature that he who effected this redemption, was the Divine Person of whom the prophet Isaiah spake, saying, 'Behold your God will come and save you:' that he fulfilled all the sacrifices of the law, by the offering of himself once for all, and tasting of death for every man; so that in him we have now received that atonement which the law described, but could not accomplish. "This, we presume, is a short sketch of the Christian religion, with its principal and leading doctrines. The rainbow, when its colours are most splendid, is not more visible in the day than these doctrines are in the Bible: and therefore good and wise men have preached and written and pleaded for them, and suffered for them, even unto death, in almost every age, and in every kingdom of the world." CHARLES DAVY. MEMOIR OF REV. WILLIAM DAVY. The Reverend William Davy was born March the 4th, 1743, at Dawn House, in the parish of Tavistock, in the county of Devon, of respectable parents; who, while he was yet an infant, removed to Palace, near Chudleigh, and afterwards resided on a small farm of their own at Knighton, in the parish of Hennock. In his childhood he was remarkable for great liveliness" and ingenuity. He gave many When only eight years old, he cut early proofs of a mechanical genius. out with a knife, and constructed, a K complete mill, according to the form of one that was then building in the neighbourhood. The process and progress of the building he narrowly observed every day, and every day he also proceeded with his own little work. When the mill was finished, some obstruction to its regularly working was discovered, which seemed for the time to puzzle even the builder. At this juncture of disappointment, the little self-taught architect entered the mill, and, soon hearing of the obstruction, observed, that his mill was perfect and went most regularly, and in a few minutes, to the surprise of all present, pointed out the defect and the remedy. He was, from his earliest years, intended for the ministry; and was placed, at the age of eleven, at the grammar school at Exeter, under the instruction of the Rev. Mr. Hodgkinson, the then respected master of that seminary. Here he was distinguished for his progress in the usual routine of classical learning, for a very retentive memory, for a readiness and facility in composition, and he especially excelled in Latin versification. His early turn of mind to mechanical pursuits did not lie dormant while at school. He frequently exercised his talent in constructing many curious and ingenious articles for his own recreation, and for the amusement of his school-fellows. At the age of eighteen he was entered at Baliol College, Oxford, and took the degree of A. B. at the usual period. During his residence at college, he formed the idea of compiling a system of divinity," from the united labours of both ancient and modern writers in the school of sound theology. With this view, he read with avidity the most eminent authors of almost every date, and carefully noted, in a common-place book, the names of the author, the section and page, together with the heads of the subjects; so that he might know accurately where to turn, and what author to consult, and also what part of his work to examine, when, at any future period, he might be disposed to write at large on any one subject in divinity. On his leaving college, he was ordained on the curacy of Moretonhampstead, in the diocese of Exeter. At his examination for holy orders, he was highly complimented for his extensive theological knowledge and attainments. Soon after his ordination, he married Miss Gilbert, the daughter of Mr. W. Gilbert, of Longbrook, near Kingsbridge. When fixed in his curacy, he diligently applied himself to regular reading and study, and now began seriously to reduce to practice what he had only conceived in theory at college. In the course of a few years, he had compiled twelve volumes in manuscript, towards the completion of his design. About this time he had removed to the curacy of Drewsteignton, a parish adjoining to that of his former residence. Soon after his entering on this cure, his mode of preaching had been represented to the then Bishop of Exeter, to be of so disagreeable a nature, that the most respectable part of the parish could not, without painful feelings, attend his ministry. On being called on by the bishop for his defence, he presented, for his lordship's perusal, the twelve volumes above mentioned; declaring that these volumes contained the very sermons which he had preached, and which had given to some persons such great offence. It appeared, that the sermons which gave offence, were those on the different vices of mankind; while those on the Christian graces and virtues were heard with pleasure, and often. drew, even from the complainants themselves, expressions of high approbation. The bishop, having had the volumes in his possession for some time, sent for Mr. Davy, and expressed his sense of his diligence and labours, and avowed his intention of noticing with his marked approval his zeal and fidelity in his |