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spirit of Christian charity towards the members of that corrupt pale. He doubts not that the clergymen who may fill up the course, will shew the most sincere affection for the persons of those from whom they are compelled to differ, and whose sentiments they deem it their duty to call in question and oppose: and that they will desire to state the points in controversy with the utmost fairness, to attack only those positions which are at once erroneous in themselves, and which are at the same time clearly the authorized sentiments of the Romish Church. On the consistent maintenance of such a spirit, we must frankly say, depends, under the blessing of God, the success of every effort to bring back our Roman-Ca. tholic brethren to the simplicity of the faith of Christ. Too long have political contentions been allowed to blend themselves with religious discussions; too of ten, as we have lately had painful occasion to narrate, in the case of the disputes between the Arminians and Calvinists in Holland, the Episcopalians and Puritans in England, and the Papists and the advocates of Protestantism, both in Germany and Great Britain, at the time of the Reformation, have the secular views of worldly minded men been permitted to sully the fair face of the Christian church, and to make the sacred doctrines of the Gospel of Christ a badge of unhallowed party warfare. Such a spirit we dread and deprecate, wherever it is found. It is a weapon of Satan, and the curse of the church. Let us, then, in our anxiety to awaken the attention of the Roman-Catholic part of our population, whether in England or Ireland, endeavour to avoid it, that we profane not the ark of the cause of our God and Saviour with uncharitable tempers and unholy strife.

Bishop Chase were also among us receiv ing subscriptions, respectively, for the Theological Episcopal Seminary at New York, and for Kenyon College in Ohio. Washington College is now, we are happy to learn, in efficient action, and contains already, we believe, not much short of one hundred students. The charter was granted in 1823; and very large sums were collected by private munificence for the en.. dowment of the institution; but the State in which it is situated has declined affording it any pecuniary assistance. The peculiar object of the college was described by the trustees to be to furnish a place of academical education for the sons of Episcopalian families, who at the other colleges in the Union would be in danger of having their attachment weakened to the Anglo-American Church. It was on this express ground that our own countrymen, and many of our own readers, presented contributions towards it. We have been therefore greatly surprised to find a joint committee of the Senate and Representatives of the State of Connecticut, who were appointed to inquire into its constitution, reporting that, “ though its charter was granted on the application of individuals who were members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, it seems never to have been intended that it should possess a sectarian (that is, an Episcopalian] character. The petitioners in their petition expressed their wish, that the institution should be. established on the broad basis of religious liberality; and a provision was inserted in its charter, prohibiting the trustees from passing any ordinance that should make the religious tenets of any officer, or student in the college, a test or qualification of employment, or admission. In pursuance of these views the trustees and professors have been appointed from different denominations of Christians. There

NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR EDU is no professorship of divinity in the insti


At the December meeting of the General Committee, grants of money were made to the following schools:-Shepton Mallett; Peckham; St. Mathew's district, Manchester; Burnley, Lancashire; Helston, Cornwall; Horsley, Derby; Llanvrechva, Cardiganshire; and Brighthelm




Our readers will recollect the visit of Mr. Wheaton to this country, for the purpose of collecting funds for Washington College, at the time that Bishop Hobart and

tution, nor any exclusive religious tenets inculcated. The students, by the by-laws of the college, are permitted to attend such places of religious worship in the city of Hartford, as their parents or guardians desire. Whatever may have been the public opinion of the religious character of Washington College, your committee are of opinion, that it has been established, and is conducted, on the most tolerant and liberal principles; and that there is no literary institution in New England less liable to the imputation of a sectarian character."

It appears, then, that Washington Col lege is founded exactly on the same basis.

as the Scotch universities, or the London university, or the other American colleges. Our American friends will doubtless maintain, that this is a good principle, or at least that they were unable to carry a more exclusive principle into operation. It is not necessary that we should discuss the merits of this plan; but it is at least right that the cis-atlantic subscribers to the institution should be apprized of the basis on which it actually rests.



We rejoice to witness the extension of a missionary spirit in so many parts of the Christian world, and not least in the members of the Anglican communion at home and in foreign lands. As an illustration of this spirit, we notice with pleasure the proceedings at the last annual meeting of the Massachusetts Missionary Society, Bishop Griswold presiding on the occasion. The episcopal missionary societies in the different states of the Union, have hitherto confined their attention chiefly to local objects, but they are beginning to turn their attention to the duty and importance of instituting foreign missions. At the meeting above alluded to, the speakers dwelt upon several peculiar advantages which the friends of Episcopacy in America enjoy for promoting missionary objects, and lamented that their communion had hitherto almost entirely neglected them. The lay members of the church, it is stated, are ready to interest themselves in the object, and need only the exhortations and zealous labours of the clergy to incite them to liberality and ardour for its attainment. "God has planted among us," said one of the speakers, "the true vine; and will he not ask, But where have you propagated it? or, have you only trained its branches against your own walls to bask more fully in the sunshine of prosperity, under its verdure, and to drop into your cup the wine of its reviving juice, while not scion has been cut off and planted in the wilderness, or on the mountains around you?'



SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. We feel much pleasure in announcing the formation of this institution, which we doubt not will prove, by the blessing of God, of great spiritual utility among our trans-atlantic episcopalian brethren. The members of the Anglo-American church, haye long taken a warın interest in the establishment of parish Sunday schools,

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but hitherto without due efficiency or concentration. They will now be united in one common bond, and be able to procure books and tracts, not only at a trifling cost, but of such a character as they may consider adapted to their own principles. Hitherto it is stated that some difficulty has existed on this subject; for even many of our best religious tracts, written by English clergymen, are greatly altered by the committees of revision who prepare them for the American press. Even our revered and now sainted friend, Mr. Legh Richmond's justly popular Dairyman's Daughter, has, we understand, undergone this process, so as to have altogether lost its characteristics as a Church-of-England tract. Another publication, giving an account of some villagers attending church on Sunday with their Prayer-books in their hands, and of the beneficial effects upon a poor man of a tract written by a clergyman, procured by the curate of the parish, and put into his hands by the clerk, is denuded, at a stroke, of the church and the clergyman, the clerk and the curate; the man receives the tract from some person belonging to a "Sabbath school," the "Prayer-books" - are converted into Psalm-books," and the whole machinery of the tale loses every vestige of its original episcopal relation.The conductors of the New Sunday-school Union are certainly justified in selecting or composing tracts adapted to their own principles, or restoring others which have been wrested » from them; we only exhort them to beware that they do not oppose "sectarianism" in a sectarian spirit. The Episcopal Church in the United States must win its way to the public regard, not by lofty assumptions, which will only be ridiculed and despised, but by truc piety, and prudence, and the meekness of wisdom, and the patience of hope. Among other instruments of benefit, the project for instructing its own juvenile members, and all who can be induced to avail themselves of the same privilege, by means of a Sunday-School Union, is highly important, and we trust will ensure the general concurrence of the friends of the Episcopal Church. At the very commencement of the plan, sixty-two schools, from thirteen states, containing more than eight thousand children, and superintended by six hundred teachers (mostly, we believe, gratuitous), had connected themselves with the "Union."



"We have frequently alluded to the religious wants, and the opening facilities for religious exertion, in South America. A communication from an American clergyman lately resident in Buenos Ayres, confirms these views; and we are happy to find that our fellow-churchmen in the United States are looking out among their body for a suitable missionary for this station. This clergyman states, that interesting as is Buenos Ayres, and the statement applies to other parts of South America, in a political view, it is still more so in reference to religion. Together with the yoke of civil bondage, the nation threw off also, as inseparably connected with it, the ecclesiastical domination of the Roman Pontiff: but unhappily, never having witnessed Christianity but as connected with superstition and tyranny, a large number of the more in telligent of the people have rejected both together, the multitude still elinging to their ancient superstitions. The number and power of the Catholic clergy have been greatly diminished. In the city of Buenos Ayres, for example, which contains eighty thousand souls, there are but fifteen churches, most of them ill attended and falling to decay. A bishop lately sent from Spain in a vessel freighted with images, relics, and other ecclesiastical "trumpery" (as Milton significantly denominates such "tromperies,") was order ed by the Government to leave the country, and was obliged, after seeking in vain a shelter in Chili, to betake himself to the "protection of the emperor of Brazil.

In this aspect of atlairs, infidelity, as we have already stated, is making destructive progress; but the plague happily has only commenced, and may, by the blessing of God, be stayed by the zealous, yet prudent, measures of Protestant missionaries. We learn with pleasure that several resident gentlemen of high standing in society in Buenos Ayres, would gladly receive and protect such a missionary, and we earnestly trust that their benevolent wishes will not be disappointed.


It is with much pleasure we observe the tone of confidence with which the public officers of the country express themselves in reference to the safety and utility of Christian Missions in India. If our readers will compare the following speech of the Right Hon. C. Wynn, at a recent missionary meeting, with the sentiments which we were accustomed to hear from official quarters a few years since, they will perceive abundant cause for gratitude to God, who has opened in his providence such "effectual doors" for the promotion of his Gospel among the tens of myriads of our fellow-subjects in India.


The Right Hon. gentleman stated, that, although he had always felt impressed with the duty of giving the blessings of Christianity to the natives of Heathen countries, he candidly confessed, that, some years ago, influenced by the weight of important authorities who were opposed to the design, under the idea that it would be attended with dangerous consequences, he had experienced doubts whether, in the strong disposition which he felt to favour such attempt, he might not be carried further than strict prudence would justify. Still, however, he had thought that the work ought not to be impeded: and he was most happy to acquaint the meeting, that, from the official opportunities of understanding the progress of these designs which he derived from the situation that he had the honour to fill, he found that these apprehensions were without foundatlon; and he assured them, from the most authentic information, that the conduct of the missionaries was highly praiseworthy. He spoke with deep feeling, of the part taken in this work by a personal friend of his own, whom he loved through life, and whose memory he should cherish to the latest hour of his earthly existence, the late lamented Bishop Heber. He deprecated the idea of putting a force upon the religious opinions of men; and considered that the most effectual method of preparing the heathen for the favourable reception of missionary instruction, was, by exhibiting to their view the fruits of the holy faith which they were called to embrace, in the lives of those who undertook the office of their conversion. Adverting to the ob jection sometimes made against the possi bility of success unless the aid of miracles should be vouchsafed, he demanded where it was that we were now considering that objection-in Britain, where the Gospel had been already successfully planted, without miraculous assistance! A people sunk in barbarism, under the influence of bigotted and interested priests and druids, had been persuaded to relinquish their superstitious rites, and their horrid custom of sacrificing human victims, and to submit to the mild influence of Christianity! He observed, that we ought to be governed in this work by a regard to our duty, rather than by any other consideration, or any human calculations as to success. Some might plant, others might water; but God alone could give the in


He remarked, however, that the recent success of our efforts had been highly satisfactory. When persons talked of sending missions to India, it used to be objected, "What prospect have you of succeeding? Why do you not shew some conquests over the prejudices of the people in other places where the difficul= ties are less?" This objection had been answered: for, by a steady perseverance in the cause, whole islands in the South Sea had abandoned their superstitions and

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received Christianity; the good seed had been sown: it had sprung up, and was now yielding an abundant harvest. He illustrated this argument by stating, that the lamented prelate to whom he had alluded, in the last letter which he had ever received from him, said, that he was then writing in the midst of a population of 40,000 na

tive Christians, the spiritual children of Schwartz, who laboured at first amidst great discouragements. The Right Hon. gentleman added, that, far from difficulties being thrown in the way of missionaries to India, none were now prevented from proceeding thither: in fact, every facility was afforded.


THE month has been almost destitute of any authentic intelligence of interest, either foreign or domestic. Nothing explicit has transpired respecting the relation of the allies with Turkey. It does not appear that war had been proclaimed, or that the European ambassadors had quitted Constantinople, or that the liberty, property, or lives of the Christian residents were in danger; but the Porte seemed firm to its purpose of not consenting to liberate the Greeks, and the allies were equally firm in not receding from their resolutions on that vital point. There can be no doubt but that the Turkish power must eventually yield, and we would ardently hope without war or bloodshed.

A variety of rumours have been current relative to the plans and prospects of the present ministry. It has been generally believed that Lord Goderich had expressed a wish to retire from his office as prime minister, and that application had been made to Lord Harrowby to accept it; but that that noble lord being unwilling to undertake the post, Lord Goderich had consented to retain it. We shall not attempt to speculate upon these or other rumours respecting the plans of government, especially as parliament is convened for the early period of the twenty-second of January, when a full exposition must take place of all the relations of our domestic and foreign policy. There are various most momentous questions which are likely, not merely to try the strength of parties, but to affect greatly the public interests of the country;-among them, the corn laws, the Catholic question, the test and corporation acts, the financial state of the country, the subject of colonial reform, and the measures of government relative to Greece and Portugal. Let us trust that the spirit of party, which has been most vigilantly alive. during the last ten months, will not be able to prevent these great questions being discussed and disposed of with the calm wisdom which they demand.

Let every true Christian at least shew by his own example that the general welfare of his country is of more value to him than the indulgence of party triumphs; and let him earnestly pray that it would please God to prosper and direct the measures of government, and the consultations of parliament, "to the advancement of his glory, the good of his church, the safety, honour, and welfare of our sovereign and his dominions;" and this not merely for the advancement of our temporal interests, but, as the surest foundation of “ peace and happiness," that "truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations."

On the subject of colonial slavery it is impossible not to entertain high hopes from the enlarged views and sound principles of the members generally who compose the present administration. They are, we trust, too sincerely disposed to apply an effective remedy to that great and crying evil, and too well acquainted with the universal feeling of the British nation respecting it, to be deterred by the clamours of interested individuals, however elevated in station, or powerful from their wealth and combined action, from firmly and calmly redeeming the pledges they have given to parliament and the public, that "decisive" measures shall be taken, and shall be enforced in a "determined," "persevering," and at the same time "judicious" and "temperate " manner, to raise the slaves" to a participation of the civil rights and privileges enjoyed by other classes of his majesty's subjects." Such is the pledge of the government and the parliament of England, and the country now looks to them for its fulfilment. How little has yet been done, during the last five years, by the voluntary legislation of the colonial assemblies, may be seen by the following table, which has just been published, under the sanction of the Anti-Slavery Society, in their Monthly Reporter, No. 31.


TABLE exhibiting the manner in which the Propositions of the Government have been carried into effect.

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