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so far exhausted that preparations their welfare, and labouring for their are making for a farther impression. good. He had seen every part of The foreign intelligence which India; but he had seen nothing like the society communicates abounds the society's missions in Tanjore. with interesting and important inci- Again and again did he repeat to dents; but part of it having been me, Here is the strength of the already detailed in our pages, par- Christian cause in India: it would ticularly that which relates to the indeed be a grievous and heavy sîn, late lamented Bishop Heber, the if England, and all the agents of its episcopate in India, and the ap- bounty, do not nourish and protect pointment of Bishop James, we pass these churches.'" it over with a brief abstract.

The Rev. J. Robinson, Bishop Heber's chaplain, in his interesting communication to the society, had said: "I cannot close my letter without commending the Tanjore mission, with all its important labours, to the patronage and support, I will venture to say more, to the affectionate regard of the committee. Most richly do they deserve all the nurture, all the assistance, all the kindness that can be shewn them. The wisdom of all the institutions of the venerable Schwartz (whose name is yet as fresh in every town and village of the Christians, as if his earthly labours were just ended, and whose memory is held in such deep and holy veneration, as we are accustomed to render to apostles only) is visible to all who visit that most interesting country, and leaves no doubt on the mind, that the best and wisest method of extending the kingdom of Christ in this country, is to strengthen these existing establishments. They have in them a principle of unlimited self-extension; and if, in the last twenty years, with many and great discouragements, the labours of those venerable men, who have trod in the steps of Schwartz, have effected so much, what may we not hope from the same men, when their means of usefulness are increased by your bounty? But, alas! they have a still stronger claim upon your hearts. They were the object of the deepest interest and most intense anxiety to our dear lamented bishop. It would be hardly too much to say, that his blood was a libation on the sacrifice of their faith: for he died while caring for

Our readers will remember that, at a full meeting of the society, with a view to carry the lamented prelate's wishes into effect, it was determined to expend the sum of 4500/., partly in building, repairing, and enlarging churches, chapels, missionary premises and schoolhouses in the Tanjore district, partly in extending the mission press at Vepery, and partly in the endowment of two additional scholarships at Bishop's College, Calcutta, to be for ever called Bishop Heber's Scholarships, and to be appropriated, in compliance with his earnest wish and recommendation, to the maintenance and education of members of foreign episcopal churches in the East, not in subordination to the see of Rome. By advices subsequently received from Madras, it appears, that the committee have already commenced the works, for the cost of which provision had thus been made. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel has secured the services of two additional missionaries for that part of India, one of whom is already on the spot, and the other has sailed for his destination: and a large consignment of every description of printing materials has been despatched by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge to its old establishment at Vepery. In these measures, which it is hoped that both institu tions will be enabled to follow up by corresponding exertions in future years, the society trusts that an ap propriate answer has been returned to the affecting appeal of him who "though dead yet speaketh ;"—an answer which leaves no room for

apprehending that England will in cur that heavy guilt, which Bishop Heber so justly denounced against her, in case she neglected to nourish and protect the native Christian churches in Southern India.

In Calcutta, where Bishop's College presents the most striking mis sionary feature, the effects of Bishop Heber's patronage and counsels, which had proved so beneficial during his residence in India, have been at least equally conspicuous since his decease. The supreme government was induced, in consequence of his lordship's known wishes on the subject, to make a large and extremely important addition to the land already granted to the college. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel has given instruction for the immediate completion of the buildings according to their original plan, and proposes to enlarge them with as little delay as possible, to an extent which will admit of the reception of forty students. The Society, for promoting Christian Knowledge has increased the number of scholarships founded by it to seven and various amendments, originally suggested by Bishop Heber, have been introduced by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, into the statutes, from which it is expected that the funds and general usefulness of the institution will reap material advantage, As a residence for missionaries on their first arrival in India, as a seminary for native preachers and catechists, and as a source of accurate translations of the Scriptures and the liturgy into the Eastern languages, the college is now in effectual operation. The attention of the public, both in this country and in India, more especially of that part of it which is employed in promoting Christian knowledge according to the principles of the Church of England, is steadily directed to this quarter, and there appears every reason to believe that the day is not far distant, when, in the glowing language of its late visitor," the

college will present a spectacle illust trious to Asia and the world, and the talents and distinguished learn! ing of the professors will make them selves known, we will not say from the Indus to the Ganges, buty as appearances now indicate, from Jerusalem to the farthest limits to which British arms or commerce or enterprise have made the East accessible to us.”

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The native schools in the neigh bourhood of Calcutta, which were originally established by Bishop. Middleton, have also received a great accession of strength from the patronage of the late Bishop of Calcutta. Sixteen schools are now maintained in that district, and 1280 native boys are receiving the blessings of education, and imbibing principles of morality and religion. They are at present superintended by the missionaries residing in Bishop's College; and as the number of missionaries increase, and new missionary stations are occupied, new schools will follow in their train." I can assure the society," says the Rev. Thomas Robinson, se cretary to the Calcutta District Com. mittee," that their native schools in Bengal hold out most encourag ing prospects of success in converting the heathen to our holy faith."

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Stimulated by these encouraging assurances the society will continue to give its most earnest attention to the increase and maintenance of na→ tive schools. The liberal provision now made by the Indian Government for the literary instruction of its subjects, seems to point out the communication of religious knowledge as the peculiar field for the operations of this society. The sums, which were allotted in a for mer year for the maintenance of schools in the presidencies of Calcutta and Madras, have been thankfully received, and promptly and beneficially expended. Further aid is indispensibly necessary for thèo prosecution of the design upon an adequate scales and the society hopes that it will be enabledutoo

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nourish these promising plants, un til such time as their roots are firm ly fixed in the soil of India, and are capable of drawing sufficient support from the population by whom they are immediately surrounded. " - Our readers are acquainted with the society's most praiseworthy exertions for procuring an enlarge. ment of our church establishment in India; and though their prayer has not hitherto been granted, a general belief is entertained, that an attempt will shortly be made to remove that reproach upon the national piety and benevolence which arises from its present condition. The society confidently trusts that what it has done upon the present occasion will be approved, and seconded by every friend to the cause of Christ.

In Ceylon, where the number of native Christians has long been considerable, and where nothing seems to be wanted but an improved and extensive system of schooling, the plan suggested by Bishop Heber for the education of native teachers has been unavoidably interrupted by his death. But so valuable a suggestion, the society state, will not be lost sight of.

Archdeacon Scott states, that in New South Wales, Bibles, Books of Common Prayer, and religious books and tracts, have been dispersed with great advantage, and a large remit tance has been made to the society; but he reports most unfavourably of the spiritual condition of the unhappy persons within his charge, and does not feel himself at liberty to say that their condition is improving.

In turning to the Western hemisphere, the Society acknowledge the receipt of various important despatches from the Bishop of Nova Scotia, as well as of the gratifying intelligence of the success of his lordship's labours in every part of his diocese. A personal inspection of nearly every part of that ample field has enabled the bishop to forward the objects, and dispense the bounty of the society in many quar

ters, in which its merits and services were hitherto hardly known. The bishop announces the formation of another new committee at St. John's, Newfoundland; and states, that the sum of 120/. was collected in a very few days for the purchase of re ligious books.

The distribution of books by the Quebec Committee has reached the farthest limit which their finances will allow. The Montreal District Committee states, that their success in the distribution of Bibles, Prayerbooks, and other religious books far surpasses that of any previous year; the pecuniary contributions have exceeded all former collections; and in the school department, their progress has been continual and certain.

The Archdeacon of Upper Canada, in calling the attention of the society to a charter granted by his majesty for establishing an university in that province, stated, that there are only twenty-four clergymen in Upper Canada; the greater number from England, the remainder natives. The few clergymen born in the country have been hitherto educated by their elder brethren, and the result has been most satisfactory; for in some respects they have the advantage over their brethren from England: they are better acquainted with the people, and can address them with more effect; but the wants of the province are becoming great, and however much disposed the elder clergy may be to bring forward young men to the sacred profession, they have neither leisure nor the means of doing it with proper effect. The Board have resolved to furnish the library of this new institution with theological books to the amount of 500l.

The Bishop of Jamaica informs the society of the steady and gradual progress of sound religious instruction throughout his diocese. Much benefit has resulted from the appointment of catechists, and the institution of parochial and Sunday schools. In the important parish of

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St. Thomas in the East, where the he East, where th slave population is in the most advanced states of improvement, six catechists, persons of Colour, are employed under the bishop's licence for instructing nearly 3000 Negroes on different estates. The society has derived sincere satisfaction from the assurance that religious instruction has hitherto imparted generally to the slaves a character for virtue and integrity to which they were before comparatively strangers; and that the educated portion of this class are distinguished not only by their cheerful submission to the powers that be, but also by the social order and harmony, the decent exterior and demeanour which strongly attest the improved habits of industry now so prevalent among them. The society hope that this success will be the prelude to fur ther exertions. From Barbadoes also the society learns that there is a progressive desire on the part of the slave to receive, and of the higher classes to impart, the blessings of religion. The catechetical system has advanced materially during the year which has just closed; and Sunday-schools have been opened in many places. The Report states, that by the united exertions of the clergy and their catechists, with the personal co-operation of the proprietors, their families, and overseers, by far the greater number of estates in this island are receiving the benefits of religious instruction. We cannot reconcile several of the above statements with the innumerable counter facts; as, for example, the treatment of Mr. Harte; but we transcribe them as we find them in the Report.

The following devout and interesting passage concludes this most valuable Report." The society has thus endeavoured to put its members in possession of the principal events which have occurred during the last year. By the blessing of God upon its labours, it is instrumental in promoting Christian knowledge "Jilgio di spagheydoo

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in every quarter of the globe; at home and abroad, among old and young, among the pagans of the East, who have never received the light of the Gospel, and among the new settlers in the forests of North America, who are in danger of for getting its existence. And all sorts and conditions of men are assisted upon the same principle-namely, by furnishing them with copies of the holy Scriptures, by forming and supporting schools for the religious education of their children, and by distributing books of instruction, exhortation, and devotion, adapted to general use. This simple and efficacious system may now be con sidered as distinctly recognised, and after long experience approved in all corners of the British empire. The blessed word of God, the ex position of it provided by the Church of England in her Liturgy and Homilies; and the application of its contents to the understandings and consciences of men by distinguished and popular writers; these are the weapons of the society's warfare 02 the lessons which she wishesbtomîn2 culcate in the infant mind; and the truths which she endeavours to und fold to those by whom they are still unknown, or to recal to the recollection of those by whom they have been heard and neglected. sublime object of its manifold la bours is to promote the glory of God, and the temporal and everlasting happiness of mankind. While this object is pursued with humble mindedness and sincerity, a fervent hope may be entertained of the continuance of that Divine favour, without which no human institution can prosper. The society therefore requests the prayers of its numerous members and friends for the permanence and increase of this invaluable blessing." Bleug to rad


We are happy to notice an ing creased attention to economy in printing the Report: Its brevity also contrasts well with the number and magnitude of its details,edure to

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THE following is the substance of a
most interesting Report presented
by the Paris Female Auxiliary Mis-
sionary Society to the parent insti-
tution. It is stated to have been
drawn up by the Duchess de Brog.
lie; a lady illustrious herself for her
many deeds of piety and charity,
and illustrious in her connexions,
not merely from the literary cele-
brity of her mother, Madame de
Stael, but from the enlightened
benevolence and public spirit which
have distinguished the life of her
husband, and the well-known piety
and virtues of her brother, lately
deceased, whose loss has left a void
in the French Protestant Church,
and in every object of Christian
benevolence in France, which will
not be easily supplied.→→

We some time hesitated before we could decide on making a report of the labours of our committee during the past year. These labours have been so feeble, and the results so far below our desires, that it seemed to us almost useless to render an account. Yet we thought, that if we omitted making a report, it might be imagined we were discouraged in the work we have undertaken. We considered at the same time, that the design of these reports being to make known to our brethren the real state of our religious societies, it was as useful to make them acquainted with our reverses as with our success. Why should we conceal the difficulties? Why disguise our lukewarmness and our negligence, if they exist? Would it not be a want of Christian frankness, to be silent because we are not satisfied with what we have to say? Besides, it is not in this as in human works; it is not the number of positive facts, that give a real importance to our labours. Although we should even have collected considerable sums; although we should have acquired a great number of subscribers; if these numerous subscribers were not animated by a

true zeal for the propagation of the Gospel, if these sums were given from any other motive than pure Christian charity,-what would it profit us? We should have failed in our object; we should be only sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.' But, on the contrary, if our associations, however few in number, have been animated by a spirit wholly evangelical; if the trifling sums we bring you have been given solely for the advancement of the kingdom of truth; we ought a thousand times to bless God in the result of our efforts.

"Even to this day the number of our associations at Paris is very small: they amount to only twentyfive. These associations are not complete, for we yet count only 180 subscribers. The sums collected during the year have been 1,578 francs, of which 517 have been applied to the particular expenses of the house of missions; and 1,061 have been paid over to your treasury.

"Our society has two different objects in view : the first, altogether like the Bible Society, is to collect sums to be remitted to you for the general expenses of the Missionary Society; but the second, which belongs more especially to our society, is to assist you in the domestic care of the house of missions established at Paris.

"Our committee meet every two months in summer, and every month in winter. Every meeting is opened and concluded with prayer, to implore the Divine blessing; and the time that is not occupied in examining the accounts, is employed in reading the interesting details we can collect of the success of missionaries in distant lands. The knowledge of the unhappy state of pagan nations is very well fitted to awaken zeal for the missionary work. There now exist several female societies in the different departments, The whole number that have come to our knowledge is eight."

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