several new societies mentioned in the Annual Report for 1826,) one hundred and twenty-nine auxiliary institutions were established, and many of them in most destitute districts; and the issue of the sacred Scriptures amounted to 40,058 copies, being an increase, above the issues of the preceding year, of above 4700 Bibles and Testaments. "Upon a review of the present state and prospects of our society, the desire for the sacred Scriptures which so remarkably prevails, and the new channels which are every day opening to facilitate their circulation, there is abundant cause to thank God and to take courage. We are now given to see, as it were, the fruits of the labour for many years past bestowed upon this country. May God grant that it may prove to be the first-fruits of an abundant harvest! The steady advancement which the cause of our Society is making in the country will be abundantly evident, by a comparison of the issues of the last four years; 1824, 21,873; 1825, 27,067; 1826, 35,324; 1827, 40,058. Within the last fifteen months, above 120 clergymen of the Established Church have given their active cooperation, in connexion with new auxiliary institutions, in carrying forward the society's operations." From Mr. Dudley."I had the pleasure of attending the Sixteenth Anniversary Meeting of the Derby and Derbyshire Auxiliary Society. The chair was taken by the bishop of the diocese, who took occasion to express, in strong terms, his unshaken and increased regard for the society, and his full and confirmed confidence in its conductors. His lordship was surrounded by more than twenty of his clergy, the highsheriff of the county, and many other highly-respectable individuals; while the spacious room in which we as sembled was crowded in every part. The Report of the committee bore testimony to the value of the associations recently established; while it demonstrated the necessity of their still further extension, by the remarkable fact, that the issues of Bibles and Testaments during the past year had exceeded those of the preceding, by more than 500 copies; making the total number distributed by this auxiliary nearly 29,000. The collection at the close of this truly interesting meeting was, I apprehend, unprecedented on any similar occasion, amounting to 104/." From Mr. R. Hodgson." We proceeded to Durham, where the Rev. Mr. Prebendary Sumner took the chair, supported by the Rev. Mr. Prebendary Gilly, and many other clergymen and gentlemen: the meeting was held in the assembly-room, and was most respectably attended. In his opening address, the Rev. chairman stated, that he had been, for twenty years, the friend and supporter of the Bible Society; and that he saw no reason, from any thing he had observed in its proceedings, to withdraw that support: he vindicated the committee of the society, in a very able and masterly manner, from the aspersions thrown upon it in an article recently published in the Quarterly Review. The Rev. Mr. Gilly moved the adoption of the Report, in a very eloquent and impressive address. He said, that he had long watched the proceedings of the society with a jealous and attentive eye; fearing that a society possessed of such vast resources and extensive influence might be found prejudicial to the Established Church: these fears, however, had been happily removed; and the Church of England appeared to him to have been increasing in strength along with the growth of the society; and therefore he now came forward as its friend and supporter, being convinced that it was calculated to do much good to mankind in general, and that it could not possibly be injurious to the Church of England. "A tradesman living in Durham, finding, from his books, that it had pleased God to bless his honest industry in a remarkable manner during the past year, thought it was his duty to give part of his gains as a thank-offering to God: he therefore inclosed in a letter a bill for twenty pounds, to be added to the funds of the Bible Society. "Within the walls of the cathedral of Durham we recollected that the ashes of the venerable Bede, who translated some parts of the Scriptures into the Saxon language, and for a time shone as a star amid the surrounding darkness, had reposed in peace for nearly eleven hundred years. At a small village in this neighbourhood also lived the ancestors of Wickliffe, who first gave us a translation of the whole Bible into the vernacular tongue; and who, by his preaching and writings, prepared the way for the glorious Reformation, of which he might be considered the herald and precursor: he was indeed permitted to die in peace at his living of Lutterworth; but, in the year 1438, his bones were dug up, burnt, and thrown into the adjoining brook, by order of the Bishop of Rome, executed with alacrity by the blind and bigotted monks who then inhabited many of those noble ecclesiastical residences and palaces where we now found residing the learned and enlightened and liberal ministers and dignitaries of our national church; who are encouraging the free circulation of the Holy Scriptures and the diffusion of Christian knowledge, as the best and surest support of that establishment which is founded on the Bible. At a small village in Cleveland, we were reminded that the celebrated navigator, Captain Cook, was born; and that it was at Whitby he first entered on that career of naval enterprise which led to the discovery of many of those numerous groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean then inhabited by a race of men sunk in ignorance and idolatry, but who within these few years, through the preaching of the Gospel and the circulation of the Bible, have cast their idols to the moles and to the bats, and embraced Christianity. Thus, through the whole of our tour, we were continually reminded of the triumphs of the Bible, and the blessings it has conferred and is stil conferring on mankind. From Mr. Dudley." The Sixteenth Anniversary Meeting of the Bridlington Auxiliary Society was held yesterday (Sept 16); when the committee had the pleasure of reporting, that their income had increased from 40l. to $601.; and that, by means of two ladies' associations, more had been effected within the last year than during the preceding nine years! So attractive an example was not lost on the neighbouring districts: and I have now the pleasure of announcing the establishment and organization of three other ladies' associations; the whole population included by this auxiliary being about 1500. Among the collateral benefits already produced, I may instance the formation of a flourishing and very interesting infant school, which may be traced directly to the establishment of the Bible association." Numerous such incidents occur as the following, taken from the Eleventh Report of the Southampton Ladies' Bible Association :One poor woman said, "I feel it to be the greatest privilege of my life to be able to help in my little way; and though it is not much, yet if that be the means of putting the Bible into the hands of one poor creature who never had it before, and it should prove a blessing to his soul, I ought to be thankful for the opportunity." Another said, "When I was hearing of the dreadful superstition of the poor things in the heathen world, I resolved I would do what I could to help send them the word of God; and I should think it wicked not to do something while I am able." "Many of those who are already subscribers, and liberal according to their means, wished it was in their power to increase their subscription; but justice to others forbids them to do more." ཎྞཱ་ Xfi FOREIGN. From the Speech of a Gentleman, inserted in the Proceedings of the American Bible Society. Through out the long road from Buenos Ayres to Chili, excepting a very few in Mendoza, not a solitary copy of the book of God was found; and I more than once presented copies to aged priests tottering over the grave, who told me they had never before seen it in their native tongue. North of this road, in the great towns of Cordova, Tucuman, Salta, Potosi, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Charcas, Cuzco, Arequipa, and many others, I learned that scarcely a single Bible in their own tongue had yet found its way and coming down the coast of Chili, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico, a few copies were met in the large towns on the Pacific, and were useful; but the great mass, even there, are yet destitute; and, generally, in the interior, they never saw, and in some instances told me they never before knew, that the Scriptures existed in their own language! Even in the capital of Mexico, a city more populous, and, in some respects, more magnificent, than New-York, I have reason to believe there is not one Bible to two hundred families; and that the other great cities of that republic, cities containing from thirty to eighty thousand inhabitants, are still more destitute ! "But what gives such a peculiar interest to this subject is, that now, under their new liberal systems, the way is open to supply this lamentable deficiency of the word of life. The Bible is there no longer excluded by royal mandates and papal bulls; the houses of inquisition have lost their terrors; for they are converted into the peaceful halls of legislation, and into school-houses, where the Bible itself may be daily read. Those new governments are not only willing, but, in some cases, anxious, that the Scriptures should have a general circulation. Some of their most intelligent statesmen and influential clergy are ready to lend their personal aid towards so J desirable an object. In one instance, a dignitary of the church came and purchased of me thirty Testaments, for a school of which he was a di rector; and then requested me to present him with as many more for another school of poor children." From the Committee of the Paris Bible Society." The result of our proceedings this year, throughout the whole extent of our country, is well calculated to animate our hearts with gratitude to the Author of every perfect gift. Our society has experienced a very considerable augmentation; and we are already reaping the fruits of that holy seed which we have scattered abroad and watered, and to which the Lord has given the increase." From a Gentleman in Germany.— I gave you some account, in my last, of the distribution of the New Testament among the Catholics but I can now, from experience, speak more strongly of the prospect than before. I cannot precisely ascertain the number of Testaments we gave to the Catholics, but I suppose there were forty yor fifty distributed, chiefly to children, and" also to several grown persons, all of whom were most eager to have them, and thankfully received them. Ihave also the satisfaction of saying there is great hope that the pious priests would not object to the distribution of Leander Van Ess's translation." " From a Clergyman in Norway."A desire to possess and to read the word of God manifestly increases every day among us; and we are thankful that the British and Foreign Bible Society is anxious to satisfy the same. Oh! how richly shall I scatter, during the present summer, the good seed abroad in these parts!! The Lord himself will prepare the " soil, and give the increase.' From Mr. James Thomson, Mexico." In my last, I said that our concerns were going on well a month's more experience enables me to confirm this opinion; and to a that my hopes of success, in the circulation of the Scriptures here, are strengthened. I mentioned to you, that the 300 Bibles and 1000 New Testaments sent here some time ago, were in my possession, and that they were on sale. I have now the pleasure of saying, that the whole of the Bibles are sold, and at a price equal to the original cost and all expenses. Of the New Testaments, 380 have been sold on the same terms. Of the above, fifty Bibles and fifty New Testaments have been sent to Puebla, a city three days' journey from this, containing about 80,000 inhabitants: these, I expect, will prepare the way for a more ample supply on a future occasion." From the Fifth Report of the Calcutta Bible Association." Of single Gospels, and other small portions of the Testament, your committee have disposed of no less than 2181 copies. Nearly all these Gospels have been placed at the disposal of missionaries and superintendants of native schools, for distribution among the natives, and for the use of the children in the schools under their superintendence. It has been to your committee one of the most pleasing occurrences during the past year, that they have been enabled to supply their native brethren in Calcutta and the neighbourhood, whose vernacular language is Bengalee, with a most valuable portion of the Sacred Volume-the Psalter." SCOTTISH CAFFRE MISSION. THE missionaries and conductors now beads and baubles have fallen of the Scottish Mission among the Caffres give the following interesting statement of the results of this yet incipient undertaking. "At first, I had all to do with my own hands; and many a night have I lain down with an aching heart, wearied limbs, and a frame worn out with fatigue, but now many of the people have acquired a little practical knowledge in various branches of labour, though still I require to superintend them; and they are beginning to turn that increase of knowledge to an increase of their own comfort and decency. It is a comfort to me that I can shew brickmakers, thatchers, sawyers, plough men, and jobbers at ditching, hedging, and field work, who do wonderfully well considering the master they had to instruct them. Where formerly a wilderness of long grass was, and the soil never turned up since the flood, we have now growing many of the necessaries and even some of the luxuries of life. A neat little village has been formed, inhabited by those who a little while ago roamed the world at large, as wild and savage as their old neighbours the lions and tigers of the forest. They imitate us in all things even in their dress; and in the market, and old clothes are in demand. The bullock's skin dress is laid aside. Others of the people begin to imitate our people in their building, gardening, dress, and manners. If you except the black faces, a stranger would almost think that he had dropped into a little Scotch village. "The same improvement in civilization is going on at Lovedale. The people here have of late become very desirous of clothes to wear. The women and girls have worked for articles of clothing, but I have great difficulty to keep them at work. It is agreeable to see them adopting the dress, as well as the thoughts and feelings of civilized life. "That you may have some idea of the steady energy which has been imparted to the wild Caffre character, as well as of the powerful hold which religion has taken of their minds, we would refer you to the fact that they have begun to build for themselves at Chumie a large and substantial place of worship. Last year an attempt was made to induce them to commence the undertaking; but religion and civilization had not yet sufficiently bound them together and taught them to labour jointly for the public good. This "Last spring, the missionaries lent every agricultural implement which they had to the people for digging and tilling the ground. The crop was more than an average one. A day of thanksgiving for the abundant harvest was appointed, and observed at both places with much apparent gratitude. According to a mutual understanding among the PROGRESS OF EDUCATION IN EUROPE. France. There are now in France between 500 and 600 schools on the system of mutual instruction: the reports from the provinces are generally of a favourable kind, and the schools in Paris are said to be prosperous. The committee have received the gratifying information, that there is a prospect of introduc The ing the system into Egypt, through the medium of a number of youths, who have been placed under the direction of M. Jomard, the secre tary of the society at Paris. These youths have been confided to his care by the governor of Egypt, in order to be instructed in European arts and sciences. The committee state, that those parts of France, where the people have received the greatest assistance in forming pri mary schools, are generally those in which the country is best improved, where industry displays its greatest activity and obtains the greatest |