success, where happiness is more abundant, and where good morals are more general. In forty-three departments, comprising those where instruction has made the smallest progress, and in which the schools provide for only 177,420 scholars, the number of illegitimate children, compared with the adults, is considerably greater than in forty-three other departments, where instruction is more extended, and where 885,589 children are taught. We regret to learn, that, out of 31,600,000 inhabitants of France, from fifteen to sixteen millions can neither read nor write. Three-fourths of those who are of age to be admitted into the schools, are deprived of every kind of education. This deplorable want is however very unequally felt. In some departments of the north and the east, the number of children who attend the schools may be one tenth of the population; while, in others, it is not more than the twohundred-and-twenty-ninth part. The committee strongly recommend the system of mutual instruction, by which, with the same sum which is annually devoted to the support of about 27,000 existing schools, they could extend the benefits of education fourfold. It is therefore the more distressing to learn, that the number of schools on this system has progressively diminished. The cause, we fear, is obvious in the political and religious bigotry which has taken such deep root in some of the most influential quarters. Switzerland.-In Switzerland the system has been introduced with happy effects. At Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne, and other places, schools have been established, and are reported to be prosperous. Netherlands. In the kingdom of the Netherlands, education enjoys the royal favour. The model schools at Brussels are reported to be successful and well attended. Societies for the promotion of elementary instruction have been formed in the provinces of Luxemburg, Namur, and Liege: the two latter are chiefly CHRIST. OBSERV. App. occupied in the publication and distribution of cheap school-books in the French language. Infant schools are about to be established at Brussels; and the king has encouraged the attempt by a liberal donation. Germany and Prussia.-The accounts of the progress of popular education, in the greater part of Germany, are most gratifying. In the Prussian dominions especially, the greatest efforts are made, both on the part of the government and by private individuals and communities, to extend the benefits of early instruction, and to prevent any class of society from being excluded from them. In most of the large towns the schools have, within these few years, been re-organised and the number increased; and since the king has placed considerable sums at the disposal of committees, selected and appointed by the communities themselves, a public spirit has been excited, and a general interest called forth, which promise the best results. Some of the smaller States of Germany follow the example of Prussia; and have, of late, much enlarged and improved the establishments for the education of schoolmasters. The system of mutual instruction is in many schools partiallyadopted, and dailygains ground. In all these schools the holy Scriptures are daily read, and the formation of pious habits in the youthful mind is considered as the primary object of education. It is to be lamented, that, in some districts of Germany, especially in the dominion of Austria, a very different spirit actuates the ruling powers; but some of the Catholic States, and especially the Government of the kingdom of Bavaria, promote the cause of universal education. Denmark. In no country has the British system made such rapid progress as in Denmark. The system of mutual instruction had been introduced into upwards of 2000 schools, probably containing 100,000scholars. 5 N This success is chiefly owing to the effective patronage of the king. His majesty's support is connected with no compulsory measures whatever; but is solely expressed by recommendation, encouragement, and be nevolent aid. In many of the schools the system is applied, not only to the elementary branches of learning, but also to linear drawing, music, gymnastics, and the Latin and French languages. Sweden.-Education in Sweden is proceeding with no lingering steps; and is warmly patronised by the king, whose generous views are zealously seconded by the council of state. the provinces. In the whole kingdom of Sweden there are at present 110 schools on the system of mutual instruction, in which 7728 children are educated, besides various schools of a higher class in which the system has been introduced. Russia. The schools instituted at Petersburgh for foreign children are thriving, and afford education to 300 boys and 200 girls. Among these children are the offspring of Germans, English, Flemish, Swedes, and Jews. Italy. The schools established in Italy and Sicily, though struggling with difficulties incident to their situation, enjoy considerable prosperity. The societies at Naples and Florence were proceeding successfully, at the date of the last intelligence, in their benevolent career. Sixty-six individuals have studied the system, during the last twelve months, in the schools of the society at Stockholm, and received certificates of their ability to teach it in KENYON COLLEGE, GAMBIER TOWN, OHIO. BISHOP Chase, in making his report to the trustees of Kenyon College, gave the following among many other interesting statements. "I have requested your present meeting, that I might lay before you my proceedings during the past year, in relation to the institution of which, under Divine Providence, you are the guardians; and also to speak something of the prospects which God has most mercifully opened to our view. This done, we shall lay the corner-stone of Kenyon College, to be erected on these favoured grounds, to the glory of God and the good of millions yet unborn. Subsequently to the meeting of the convention at which it was determined to fix our seminary on these lands, six weeks were passed in clearing and surveying the grounds, and in fixing the site and boundaries of our habitation; and at the end of that period my health was impaired by sickness; yet I had strength to proceed to the Atlantic States, and commence the subscription to raise a fund for the erection of our buildings, which our own inability, and the increasing number of our students, so imperiously demand. Con cerning the collections from our friends in the Atlantic States, to aid in the erection of our college buildings, I cannot speak in terms of sufficient respect and thankfulness. The hearts of thousands were open to us; and of all classes many were found willing to assist us." The bishop then goes on to relate many interesting particulars respecting these benefactions; and to mention his intended ordination of Mr. West, who had been sent out to him from his friends in England, and whom he has sent back, as he says, to expedite the sailing of such families as were prepared to emigrate to Gambier, "and in the character of a clergyman of Ohio, in full orders, to plead the cause of religion and learning now so evidently suffering in the west, before those who, to the honour of mankind, and of our common Christianity, have hitherto so generously sympathised with us." At a meeting of the citizens of Mount Vernon, in the state of Ohio, some resolutions were passed, in which it is stated," Whereas, through the generosity and benevo lence of the people of England and these United States, a college and theological seminary have been established at Gambier, in this county, we, the citizens of Mount Vernon and its vicinity, deem it a duty incumbent on us to make known our sentiments of gratitude towards those who have taken such lively interest in our welfare. To establish an extensive literary institution, in a new country, with funds drawn (in a great measure) from the benevolence of a distant nation, was an undertaking new in itself, and surrounded with many difficulties. We were, therefore, in the first instance, disposed to look upon the project of our venerable bishop as wholly impracticable; but, under the auspices of a bountiful Providence, the good work is going on in such a manner as warrants the most sanguine hope of its ultimate accomplishment and success. The site which has been selected for Kenyon College we consider one of the best which could be found in any country. It is situated on the bank of one of the most delightful streams of water which can be met with, between the Alleghany and the Rocky Mountains; and, though not yet rendered classic by the pen of genius, the transparency and coolness of its waters, and the richness and variety of its natural scenery, would seem to entitle it to equal celebrity with the vale of Arno, the Avon, or Wye. The face of the country, in the neighbourhood, is beautifully undulating: it contains a vast number of pure springs of water, and is eminently calculated for a dense agricultural settlement. In addition to these advantages, it is situated near the centre of the state of Ohio, surrounded by a hardy, industrious, and enterprising population, who, even within the memory of our young men, have witnessed the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy, in seeing the desert and the solitary place made glad, and the wilderness budding and blossoming as the rose. Where, but thirty years ago, the poor emigrant was every moment in danger of being assailed by the tomahawk of the murderous savage, we are now blessed with every possible degree of personal security, which can be expected where justice is regularly and faithfully administered. In less than half the period allotted to man's existence, the territory now forming the State of Ohio has emerged from a dreary wilderness, where no trace of human existence could be seen (except here and there a roaming Indian hunter) to a state of improvement and civilization, which has seldom, if ever, been equalled in so short a time in any other country. But still much remains to be done. Through great toil and suffering the immense forests of the west have been redeemed from their native wildness, by the hardihood and industry of the emigrant; and comfort and plenty now prevail, where, but a short time ago, desolation alone held her unlimited sway. The first great work being accomplished, the period has now arrived when a larger portion of the people of the country can find employment in intellectual pursuits. Although we are blest with an abundance of the necessaries of life, still we are as a people in want of that monied capital which is required to found such literary institutions as are called for by the necessities of the people. This capital has, in a good degree, been furnished by the piety, benevolence, and liberality of another country; and so far as it has been furnished, has been faithfully invested, according to the intention of the donors." A traveller who was present at the laying of the corner-stone of the college, gives the following among other particulars:"A park of lofty trees completely surrounds the college, except at the north, and covers all the descending grounds, consisting of twelve or fourteen acres. Here, in this smooth and well-adapted area, seemingly by the hand of God prepared for the purpose, on this site, raised above, and for ever secluded from the noise and busy scenes of life, we saw the pre- the occasion, after which the writer continues:-" The day following was Sunday, and I shall never forget it; for on it I saw, for the first time of my life, an ordination to the Christian ministry in the woods. A congregation of Christian people, not a small one, was gathered together under the spreading trees growing on the green banks of Vernon river, which glides in such purity and plenty in view of the college heights. Here the Christian altar was raised; here the pulpit, and here the chancel; and here I saw Mr. West ordained to the holy ministry of Christ's church: and when I saw him meekly kneeling on the green turf, to receive the laying-on of hands, I blessed God that so much talent was consecrated to the service of the Redeemer of mankind." parations for the commencement of this great, and good, and benevolent work. As I approached it, after having attended Divine service, and heard an excellent sermon under the spreading trees, by the Rev. Mr. Morse, I could not but feel as seldom I ever before have felt. I blessed God for having permitted me to see the commencement of a Christian institution, the fountain of so many blessings to the present and to future generations. Filled with these thoughts, which the scene, of itself, was calculated silently to inspire, I was called to witness a most appropriate service, the solemnity of which will be, I trust, imprinted on my memory so long as life shall last." Then follows an account of the religious services offered up upon DUSSELTHAL JEWISH THE REV. P. Treschow, who visited this institution last year, gives the following account of it:-"Mr. Bormann lives among the proselytes as a father among his children, and is beloved and revered by them. The proselytes live in a separate house; but under the same roof are some workshops, and a school-room for boys. The Jews, under many inconveniences, have been brought into good order and cleanliness, and have lived peaceably together. The workshops are in full activity, and I was delighted, not only to see the proselytes cheerfully employed, but also to hear from their lips expressions of gratitude for the happy change they have experienced from a wandering life to regular and useful industry." "A clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Schmidt, lately arrived to labour in this field. His whole time is devoted to the work of the ministry, and the proselytes have their full share in it. Besides the regular services, and morning and evening prayers, he catechises them four evenings in the week; and from what I have seen and heard myself of his instructions to them, I can PROSELYTE SOCIETY. add my testimony to Count Von der Recke's, with regard to the soundness and clearness of his doctrine, and the good progress the proselytes have made through him in the knowledge of Christian truth." On Whitsunday last year eight converts were received into the Christian church, by baptism, in a very solemn manner. Thirty proselytes live in the house by themselves, of whom sixteen are baptized, and the others are receiving Christian instruction. Every Jew who promises to work, and to submit to the laws of the institution, is received. Some leave it after a short trial; but others, it is added, remain to the saving of their souls. Several of the eight proselytes, who were baptized on Whitsunday, came originally to Dusselthal with no other intention than that of working for a short time as journeymen, and were far from intending to become Christians. A few of these still remain in the institution: others of them have left it to exercise their trade in other places; and all of them have continued to do honour to their profession by their Christian conduct. MISSIONS AMONG THE CHEROKEES. the Bible, and to write; agriculture is becoming a common occupation; civil law is established throughout the nation; religious meetings have been held, and numerously attended; and above four hundred of these perishing sheep in the wilderness have been gathered into the church of Christ, and now rejoice with their White brethren in the hope of their common rest. "The traveller on the highway," it is added, "observing cottages rising up, regular towns erecting, farms opening, the Sabbath regularly observed, and an almost total change in the character and habits of the people, asks with surprise, Whence this revolution?" THERE are at this time twenty-one missionary stations among the Indians in the United States, occupied by American Wesleyan ministers; and from all of them the reports are stated to be highly favourable. The missions in the Cherokee Nation have been signally successful. About four years ago, the first Wesleyan Missionary visited that nation, computed to contain fifteen thousand souls. The whole amount expended upon this mission, during the four years, has not exceeded sixteen hundred dollars. And what has been the result? A part of the nation is now regularly supplied with preaching; many children have been taught to read RECEIPTS OF RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE SOCIETIES. HAVING brought another volume to its closing page, we conclude it with the following list of the last annual receipts of our religious and charitable societies; extracted, omitting fractions, from the Missionary Register. The compilers of this interesting and valuable document amply merit the thanks of the religious and benevolent part of the public, for the labour they have bestowed upon it. The Societies are arranged alphabetically, under suitable heads. These items form a grand total, somewhat exceeding HALF A MILLION STERLING !—a munificent sum, in the aggregate; but little, very little, |