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To draw off the allegorical veil from the early history of Greece, and thus represent objects in their true light, is the main design of the present work; and, " in order to discover the certainty of things, it was necessary to reduce the Greek language to its clements, and to divest it of its ornaments." But there was no hope of effecting much by the Greek language alone: Mr. Allwood, therefore, had recourse to other and more ancient tongues. In the course of this disquifition, the author seems to have made pretty confiderable deductions from the political consequence of the Greeks in remote antiquity. There was never, he thinks, a succession of monarchs over Argos, commencing with Inachus; over Athens, commencing with Cecrops; or over Thebes in Beotia, taking its rise with Cadmus. These lifts of fovereigns, he is perfuaded, are fictitious, and their very names artificial; being compounds of Egyptian terms, and allusive chiefly to the rites of Sabianism and the history of the first Post-diluvian patriarchs. From these, and a variety of other circumstances, he is of opinion, that the Helladians were not the original inhabitants of Greece; but strangers who came principally from Egypt. This opinion seems to be confirmed by the much greater affinity of the Greek Tongue with the Oriental than the European languages, excepting where the latter had their immediate origin in the East.

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It is aftonishing (fays Mr. Allwood, from whom we shall now quote a paragraph entire) how great an evidence, in behalf of the truth of Revelation, refults from every part of this production. The primitive innocence and fall of man; the number of descents from Adam to Noah; the number of generations before the flood; the flood itself; the divifion of the earth in the days of Peleg; the first peopling of the ifles of the Gentiles; the difperfion of the Ammonians, and their adherents from Babel, and the confufion of their lip; as, also the universal famine which took place in the time of Joseph; are facts which strongly appear upon the face of many histories here detailed: and the proofs of these facts are, I believe, either entirely new, or placed in a light in which they have never yet appeared. Thus far, then, I hope, that my folitary labours may be productive of fome utility to my country, in this day of blafphemy and infidelity, inasmuch as they certainly furnish some fresh evidences of the credibility and divine authenticity of the sacred writings."

In the first section of this elaborate performance, the author fets forth the defects of traditional history-produces instances, in which they may be corrected by the facred writings; having proposed collateral hiftory as the first ground of analysis. He then mentions, as the second ground of analysis, the monuments, religion, and language of the Cuthites in Egypt; as the third ground of analysis, the Greek Tongue; and, as the fourth ground of analysis, the means by which ancient hiftory became obfcured,

The second section respects the Helladians and the original inhabitants of Greece, as far as their history is necessary to furnish hints for an analysis of the Greek Tongue.

The third fection contains an illustration of the plan of analysis for the Greek Tongue, according to the principles already laid down; in which is also confidered, in a great variety of inftances, how far an accurate knowledge of the import of terms may become subservient to the developement of such passages in the ancient history of Greece, as have never hitherto met with any fatisfactory explanation.


In the fourth section, we are presented with some further observations concerning the Greek Language, in relation, chiefly, to the analogy it bears to some European and Oriental Tongues.

In the fifth section, the author enquires into the manners of the Mizraim, or native Egyptians, at the most remarkable periods of their hiftory; to shew, how far they might have been concerned in the introdution of Arts and Literature into Greece.

In the last three sections, the Titan hiftory is displayed on a most extensive canvas.

The appendix contains some curious matter; particularly what relates to the Cadmians, the importers of letters into Greece.

We shall conclude our present article with an excerpt from that part of the first section which relates to the ambiguities of history; referring us, in particular, to Mr. Bryant's Differtation concerning the Siege of Troy.

" I agree with the learned writer (fays Mr. Allwood) in expressing my belief, that the grounds which gave rise to the Trojan war-the extensive confederacy of the Grecian States, and the powerful armament they equipped in order to carry it on-the delay of nine years after the landing of the Grecians before Troy, during which both fides appear to have remained idle spectators of each others force-the preservation of the lives of the Grecian commanders for near ten years, and amidst the sweeping deftruction of peftilence and famine-as also, the very names and anceftry of many of thefe commanders-are circumstances incredible in themselves, and only introduced by the illustrious writer to serve as embellishments, or to complete the plan of his Poem. But it does by no means follow, from these premises, that the history might not have taken its rise from some tradition exifting in Greece in the time of Homer, of a war carried on by some of its maritime states against the people of Troy at a former period."-"Neither because the name of Troas or Troja was not taken notice of by Herodotus, Arrian, or Plutarch, have we any reason to infer, that it was not known amongst the Ilienfes till the Greeks introduced it. It might have been the most ancient name of their city. It was certainly a term of high antiquity; for there was a very old city of the fame name in Egypt; and if, by any particular accident, a partiality had been excited in the minds of the natives, in favour of the term Ilium, it is little probable, that they would afterwards retain that of Troja. For the sottishness, the ignorance, and stupidity of the Phrygians, are literally proverbial." -" In order to pay as high a compliment as possible to the prowess of the Grecians, the poet has certainly magnified the strength and splendour of the city they captured. He has probably defcribed it after the style of some of the finest cities of Greece in his own time, making little allowance for the greater fimplicity of an earlier age, and particularly among the Phrygians. It is on this account, that the ruins of Troy have, hitherto, been looked for in vain; for furely if these circumstances are taken into confideration, there can remain little wonder, that " etiam periere ruina."

[To be concluded in our next.]



Benson's Vindication of the Methodists.
(Concluded from P. 160.)



juftice to the reverend reporters, established the correctness of their statement relative to the Class-Meetings of the Methodists, (which is affailed with a tone of triumph and confident affertion, fufficient to impose on readers less intimately acquainted with their proceedings) we resume the examination of Mr. Benfon's book. In this, however, we shall endeavour to be as concise as our conviction of the great points at issue between the Church and these felf-willed fchifmatics will allow us; more especially, as we have been already drawn into much greater length than the article before us, either from its fize, or any merit of its own, may seem to deferve. We much doubt whether the mode of refutation, by which Mr. B. fabours to repel the serious charge of immorality brought against his brethren, will be fatisfactory to all his readers. He appeals to the rules of their Society, as containing " evident demonstrative proof," in their favour, because, forsooth, they forbid drunkenness, lewdness, dishonesty, and the like. By the fame argument, there could not exift a crime in Chriftendom; for the Divine Author of our Religionen joins his disciples to abstain from the very appearance of evil: yet we know there are many who live in as continual violation of his commands, as if they were strangers to their enactment, or unconcerned in their observance. But, lays Mr. Benfon, fuch an objection will not have any force against the elect. They not only are conftantly inculcating religious duties, but do not so much as receive into, or keep in, their societies, any person who lives in the neglect of them." "They have been doing for these fifty years, what the Established Clergy are only beginning to do now; viz. testifying against, and oppofing all profane vicious practices wherever they come." Were it neceffary to pollute our pages by the difproof of so impudent a falfhood, we might eafily refer to many well attested specimens of Methodist morality. We might instance more immediately the unchaste enormities, and the blafphemous impieties of their teachers in the neighbourhood of Middleham*. We might appeal, without fear of confutation, to the scandalous excesses at Langham Row, where Mr. B. boasts of such a numerous attendance of the godly, who, no doubt, must have been greatly edified by the devout gesticulations of the Yorkshire colliers, and their very impressive mode of " inculcating religious duties." But we refrain from trespaffing further on the feelings of our readers, because we understand, that a strong and connected chain of evidence will shortly be produced, for the information of those who may be inclined to think with Mr. B. that " this can only be faid ad movendam invidiam, there being certainly no ground for it," and which will abundandy thew, whether this champion of Methodifm, or his accufers, have most reason to "fear being confronted by facts." Before we

* Authenticated by the Dean of Middleham, in a letter, addressed about a twelvemonth ago, to the most refpectable society in London.


wholly dismiss, however, this part of our subject, we will give Mr. Benfon an opportunity of speaking for himself, left we should be suspected of mitrepresenting to the public this preacher of piety, this pattern of perfection, this model of morality and meekness.

" I do not pretend (says he, in allufion to fome very heavy charges of the wildeft enthusiasm brought against his fect) to justify such proceedings, as every thing in the worship of God, particularly, fhould be done decently and in order. But there certainly was an apparent irreguarity, when, on the day of Pentecost, three thousand being pricked in their hearts, faid to the Apostles, Men and brethren, what fhall we do?"

So much for Mr. Benfon's piety; which, for the evide ntpurpose o endeavouring to vindicate what the moment before "he pretends not to justify," can calmly contrast the ravings of Methodism with the defcent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecoft. - But he proceeds, "Be this as it may, I know of no Methodists who pretend to exorcifms, and practise capricious forms and modes of it, utterly inconsistent with morality and decency-that rafhly pronounce on the falvation and damnation of particular perfons; frequently of whole villages-and publicly execrate the churches, as being nothing but a heap of ftones, &c." So much for his veracity! We will now indulge our readers with fome proofs of the charity and candour of this lamb-like Methodist, who arrogates to himself and his brethren the praise of apostolic meekneis and forbearance. "For being reviled, (faith he we bless; being defamed, we intreat; being perfecuted, we fuffer it." In proof of which he acquaints us, p. 10 and 11, that "many of the clergy, in various parts of the kingdom, are openly wicked: and many that are not fo, instead of preaching the great doctrines of the Gofpel, of the Reformation, and of our * Church, do openły and continually contradict them; while others are immersed in fecular concerns, and are hunting after preferment, or are in continual purfuit of amusements and pleasure." "If (again in p. 12,) the clergy preach repentance, while they themselves remain impenitent if they preach juftification by faith and a new birth, while they themselves are neither JUSTIFIED, nor born again, &c." It is clear, from this paffage, that Mr. B. did not understand what our reformers meant by the word "justified," and that his ignorance of the doctrines of the Church is at least equal to his malignity against its minifters. But to proceed with one or two more instances:


If," he says, (and his ifs feldom feem to speak doubtingly.) the rector, or vicar, or curate, appointed by authority as a fpiritual phyfician, to cure their spiritual diseases, be as much difordered as the people themselves, (which is too often the cafe,) the meaning of these clergymen feeims to be, that no Methodist Preacher, nor Diffenting Minister, nor any pious and intelligent person, should be permitte to shew any compa ont these fouls, thus perishing for lack of knowledge fave their parith minifter, who is, perhaps, little difpofed as he is prepared, for fuch an office. In other words, the infernal wolf has got poffe Lon of all the theep, (having taken advantage of the infenfibi ity, carelessness, or indolence, of their appointed Shepherd,) and to attempt to refcue any of them from his pover would be manifeft robbery-fo I doubt not Apollyon thinks and says." "We cannot approve (fays this spiritual cenfor, in another part of his libel against the clergy) of the conduct of perfons, who, professing to be ministers of Christ, meet together at vifitations, or on other occafions, to settle ecclefiaftical matters, and remedy diforders, and yet intoxicate themselves before they feparate, &c."

For Church, read" Conventicie."


Lastly (though it is to be feared we have already fufficiently tried the patience of our readers by the extracts which we have made) speaking of a suggestion of the reporters, that, if it should be thought defirable to encourage meetings, fimilar to the class meetings of the Methodists, they should, in every parish where they are instituted, be made subject to the inspection and fuper-intendance of the regular minister, Mr. B. insultingly infinuates a doubt on the part of the people " of the zeal and ability of fuch an one to direct them, and the probability that he would more frequently lead them into error and fin, than into the ways of truth and righteousness;" observing, with a sneer, "that if the parish minister should enter one of these meetings at a time when his mind has been diffsipated by pleasure, or his body heated by wine, his conduct as president might poffibly neither be to his own credit nor to the people's edification." It seems, however, that the clergy have free permiffion given them by Mr. B. in another part of this pamphlet, to attend these class meetings; where " they may, if they please, fpeak their own experience in the grace of God, and tell what God has done for their fouls, or if they rather defire it, the leader of the class will let them pass, and neither examine nor say any thing to them; although if they be permitted to hear the characters of others, it would be but just that their's also should come under scrutiny." The clergy will doubtless express all proper acknowledgments for this indulgence, though we suspect they will feldom use their privilege, and not shew much eagerness to confult these father-confeflors who have follies and experiences enough of their own to amuse or terrify (as may beft answer their purpose) an ignorant assemblage, and to afssist them in creeping into houses, and leading captive filly women laden with fins, and lea away by divers lufts.

Mr. Benfon next blows aloud the trumpet of loyalty, and oftentatiously proclaims the large and liberal contributions of the Methodists towards any charitable institution; and among other instances he mentions those of Sunday schools, and what are termed their benevolent funds. With regard to the first he shall be allowed to produce his own cafe of the town of Manchester, where he says, "a few years ago the collection for the Sunday schools amounted to 1141. But of late the collections at our chapels in some places have been much larger, especially where we have schools of this kind entirely under our orun management.' This is the great end which they propofe. This is also the object of their benevolent fund which might more properly be called a fund for profelytism. For we speak from personal knowledge of the fact. It is composed of weekly, monthly, or quarterly contributions of all their members in proportion to their means; and placed at the disposal of certain elders of the fociety who visit the fick poor, and invariably measure the quantum of relief, by


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