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The Sinfulness of withholding Corn. A Sermon preached at Great Ouseborne, on Sunday, March 16, 1800. By the Rev. Samuel Clapham, M. A. Vicar of Great Oufeborne, near Knaresbro'. Humbly recommended to the Nobility and Gentry to diftribute among their tenants. Threepence; or Twelve for Half-a-Crown. 12mo. PP. 24. Rivingtons, London.


NOTHING has occurred fince the publication of this difcourfe materially to affect the fo much agitated queftion of fcarcity, if we except the inter mediate circumstances of an average (if not an abundant) harvest feasonably reaped, and well got in; and large continued importations; circumstances not tending in any meafure, we may imagine, to alter the opinion of those who, fix months ago, confidered the diftrefs which we labour under from the high price of bread, as a confequence of monopoly and extortion rather than an effect of abfolute deficiency.

Whether a fcarcity do really exist, and to what extent, the proceeding in parliament will shortly, we hope, be enabled to determine; and pending the investigation of this momentous queftion, the general agitation of it must in delicacy be permitted to reft till the refult be properly communicated to the public. On the other hand, that unwarrantable advantages are taken of the times; that there are unprincipled combinations between the farmer, the factor, and a long train of jobbers; that a ruinous fpirit of fpeculation is gone abroad in this neceffary article of human fubfiftence; thefe are truths which cannot be controverted. To be fatisfied that these things are fo, we have only to look at the upftart affluence of a certain defcription of men, and fufferings of the poor.

We conclude, that the author of this valuable difcourfe fuppofes his argu. ments against the fin of withholding corn to be no lefs feasonable at the prefent moment, than they were in the month of March laft. If "no very fatisfactory reafon" could at that time "be affigned why the price of corn fhould be fo immoderately high, and the difficulty of obtaining it fo extremely great" this difficulty, fo far from being leffened in the interim, appears to be very much encreafed. Mr. Clapham's feelings are alive to the cruel privations of the lower claffes of fociety; he eloquently pleads the cause of the poor; and if eloquence can in this inftance ferve their caufe, by working on the too callous heart of the extortioner, he will not, it is to be hoped, have employed his talents in vain. He loudly calls on the withholders of corn to reflect on the turpitude of their conduct; he fails not to reprefent to them, in lively colours, the punishment denounced against the oppreffors of the poor and needy, and is urgent with them, by a dereliction of their prefent principles and practices, to tafte the fweet fatisfactions that prevail in the breafts of the charitable and compaffionate. The author appears to have, in fome degree, anticipated recent proceedings and occurrences. You cannot, he fays, (addrefling himself to the criminal objects of his cenfures and admonitions) you cannot be ignorant that it is now the general wifh; you cannot be without apprehenfion, that there will foon, fhould one artificial fcarcity fo


*Our readers will perceive that this article was written fome months ago. The reafons for with-holding it fo long, and for now fuffering it to appear, will we truft, be fufficiently obvious, without any explanation from us. Reve


quickly fucceed another, be a general petition of the country to the Legi. flature, to interpofe its authority, and exercife its controul, in a circumftance in which the welfare of the community is fo effentially interested. What the wisdom of the Legislature may fuggeft, its power can enforce. Your complaints may then be as loud against the expedience, as is the cry of the country for the neceffity of the measure; which, be it what it may, will be faid to be occafioned by yourselves." P. 20. It cannot be doubted, but that the Legiflature will, and that fpeedily, adopt fuch expedients as are beft calculated to remove the caufes of our fufferings. "If, as is the prevailing idea, two caufes combine; a partial fcarcity, and a general difpofition to withhold from the market, the quantity neceffary for a limited confumption;" the correction of the abuse will we truft put a stop to the iniquity of one portion of the community rioting in the very vitals of another. But if actual fcarcity be the main and predominant caufe, it is (in the language of our pious author) the vifitation of an all-wife and righteous Providence; and however we may fuffer from it, let us all devoutly fay, "It is the Lord, let him do what feemeth him good." P. 14. The evil once fairly afcertained, and generally understood, we perfuade ourselves that the religious principle and good fenfe of a British public will calmly acquiefce in what cannot be fo effectually remedied (under God's bleffing) as by Chriftian meeknefs, and fubmiffion; active endeavours to merit, and a fteady confi dence in obtaining, in his own good time, a mitigation of our fufferings.

A Farewell Sermon preached at Market-Deeping, on Sunday April 6, 1800. By the Rev. R. Lafcelles Carr, Curate of that Parish, and now Curate of the Parish of All-Saints in Stamford. 4to. Pr. 26. Is. Weft. London.

FROM 2 Cor. xiii. 2, the able preacher delivers a very excellent and animated Farewell Sermon, which breathes much piety, modefty and Christian humility. The principal fubjects which engage his attention are Hallowing the Sabbath Day; the receiving the Holy Communion, and Living in Peace. The following juft remark peculiarly applies to thofe who are called Chriftians, and yet live in the habitual neglect of receiving the holy communion.

"Prayer, praife, and thankfgiving are in the mouth of the Jew and of the Turk, as well as of the Chriftian. But to join together in commemorating the death of the Great Author of their religion is the peculiar duty of thofe only who are the followers of Jesus; a confideration which should make every man who calls himself a Chriftian, fenfible of his obligation to fulfil this duty, and defirous of embracing every opportunity of difcharging it."

P. 18.

On the vacancy of the living, the parishioners of Market Deeping made application for Mr. Carr to have the living. We doubt not but in this instance they did credit to themfelves and their paftor; but while we make this remark, we must enter our ftrong proteft against all fuch interference with patronage. We think that there is too much of a republican spirit already in the church, to wish to have it increased.

The Sin of Schifm: A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Rempftone, Nottinghamshire, on Sunday, July 6, 1800. By Edward Pearfon, B. D. Rector. Second Edition. 1 8mo. Pr. 36. 6d. or 5s. per Dozen. Rivingtons. London. 1801.

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THIS is a new edition of a fermon reviewed by us in our Number for November; and there spoken of in terms of merited commendation. We are truly pleased to find that the public have appreciated its merits, and afforded the worthy author an opportunity for making fome useful additions. It is a most seasonable difcourfe and cannot be too widely circulated.

The Sinner's Complaint under Punishment: A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Rempftone, Nattinghamshire; on the Faft-Day, 1801. By Edward Pearfon, B, D. Rector. 12mo. Pr. 38. 6d. or 58. a Dozen, Rivingtons. London. 1801.

ANOTHER difcourfe from the fame active and vigilant paftor, who admonishes his flock, in impreffive language, that the fins of nations have, in ancient times, proved the immediate caufe of their deftruction, that God has repeatedly and moft unequivocally denounced his vengeance on impenitent finners, that to our own iniquities are the calamities which we have experienced chiefly to be imputed, and that the only alternative we now have is, that of reformation or ruin. Towards the conclufion of this discourse are fome excellent reflections on the fin of extortion and monopoly, and fome ju dicious remarks on the danger and wickednefs of popular tumults.

Scattered Thoughts, adapted to the Times and particularly the present Seafon. By a Friend to Church and State. Second Edition enlarged. I 2mo. PP. 24. 3d. or 25. 6d. per Dozen. Hatchard. London. 1801.

THIS little tract, written on the approach of Lent, contains fome very pious remonftrances on the neceffity of a more ftrict obfervance of that folemn feason, and of the Chriftian Sabbath. Where religion and law combine to prescribe fuch obfervance, that neglect fhould pafs with impunity is a matter of furprize, Our author, however, on fome points, carries his rigour fomewhat too far; we allude to his propofed abolition of hot-cross bunns which he describes as a relick of popery. But, we are perfuaded, that he does not mean to contend that every thing which is of popifh origin ought, on that account, to be profcribed. Such an averment would favour more of fanaticism than of Chriftianity. For our part we fee no harm in hot-cross buņns; and we have infuperable objections to the abolition of any old custom, unless fome evil be proved to refult from its existence. We must be careful in these critical times, to fteer the middle courfe, between licentioufnefs and puritanism; and our best and fureft guide, in fuch courfe, is the pute doctrine and difcipline of the established Church of England.

The hints to Quakers for their non-compliance with the established rules of the country, on particular days, are both juft and neceffary; and moft of the author's remarks are deferving of commendation. Of our newspapers he feems to have formed a very accurate eftimate, as will appear from the following notice, fubjoined to his book.

"The above thoughts were originally intended for the Sunday Reformer; but the Editor begged to be excufed, acknowledged the goodnefs of the fubject, but feared it might not be agreeable to fome of his readers. I advise him to add to his title that of a fashionable Sunday Reformer. Reformation in newfpapers I have long thought much wanted: most of them take great pains to inform both young and old how they may adorn and cure the body, at the


fame time holding out the most delufive encouragements to licentious finners; but, alas! not one will venture to prefcribe a cure for the foul. I think it would be a good scheme to have one paper published under the name of the Quack, where all who wished for information might refer; for there really is not at present a newspaper which a modeft young perfon of either fex can be furprized with in their hands without having caufe to blush. Formerly there did appear, now and then, a good moral letter, or effay; but, now, prefcriptions to enable us to deceive each other, cordial reftoratives, and hair manufactories, ftare us in the face, in the very front of all the daily and weekly publications.

"Since this little Tract made its first appearance, a daily paper, under the title of the Porcupine, has been moft defervedly admitted as a defirable appendix at the breakfafting-table of every true friend to their King, to their Country, and to Decency.

The Character of the King, a Sermon, preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exeter; on Sunday, Nov. the 30th, 1800. By Jonas Dennis, LL. B. of Exeter College, Oxford; Prebendary of Carswell; and Chap lain to the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Exeter. 8vo. PP. 14. zd. Is. 9d. per dozen; or 125. per 100. Rivington, London. Trewman and Son, Exeter.

IN this animated difcourfe the zealous and devout preacher exhorts the clergy to a ftrict performance of their duty, which he justly reprefents as peculiarly arduous in thefe critical times.

"At a time when riot and confufion, difloyalty and rebellion, faction, fedition, and treafon, are every day extending their baneful influence among us -when no man seems afraid to fpeak evil of dignities"--when the authority even of our gracious Sovereign himself is difputed, his perfon infulted, his life attempted, and his character traduced and vilified; vilified in particular by one daring unbeliever, whofe throat is an open fepulchre-whofe tongue hath ufed deceit and the poifon of afps is under his lips-whofe mouth is full of curfing and bitternefs neither is there any fear of God before his eyes.' At fuch a time, Timidity is thrice criminal-Silence is fin. If we should hold our peace, the very ftones would cry out. We must therefore put men in mind (however unwilling they may be to be put in mind)" to be fubject to principalities and powers; to obey Magiftrates; to speak evil of no man ; to be no brawlers, but gentle; fhewing all meeknefs to all men.' We muft exhort, firft of all, that fupplications, prayers, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for Kings, and for all that are in authority: that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honefty for this is good and acceptable in the fight of God our Saviour.' We must remind them, that every foul be fubject unto the higher powers; for there is no power but of God; the pow ers that be, are ordained of God.' We must warn them of the certain-the dreadful punishment, which is denounced against every foul of man that oppofeth thofe whom the Almighty himfelf liath appointed to rule over them. Whofoever, therefore, refifteth the power, refifteth the ordinance of God; and they that refift, fhall receive to themselves-damnation.”

He then proceeds to draw a portrait of our beloved Sovereign in ftrong and glowing colours the colours not of adulation but of truth. He takes a view of his public and his private character, and fhews with what rigid fcrupulo



fity he discharges the various duties of his fituation, as a Chriftian, a King, and a Man.

We think, however, that the Preacher's zeal tranfported him beyond the bounds of accuracy, when he defcribed the major part of the nation as avowed infidels and concealed Atheists. This, we confider, as an effufion of juvenile ardour, indignant at the progrefs of vice and irreligion. The nation, heaven knows! is bad enough, but certainly not fo bad as it is here reprefented. Again, when he reprefents the King as "furrounded, almost inevitably, by many noble adulterers, and honourable debauchees," he conveys an implied cenfure (though unquestionably without defign) upon his Sovereign, with whom rests the choice of his own fervants; and, moreover, feems to adopt a vulgar prejudice, that vice is more prevalent in the higher than in the middle and lower claffes of fociety. This may be fupported by very pretty theoretical arguments, but is proved by experience to be contrary to fact. And this is not the time, as Mr. D. well knows, to fpeak evil of dignities, particularly, without reafon. We fhall not be fuppofed to contend for the perfect purity of the higher claffes of fociety; there, as every where elfe, heaven knows! there is but too much room for reformation. But we do contend, because we are convinced of the fact, that the other claffes of fociety are more generally and more radically wicked.


A fecond Twelvepenny Answer to a new (and Five Shillings) Edition of a Three Shilling and Sixpenny Pamphlet, intituled "A Letter on the Influence of the Stoppage of Jues in Specie at the Bank of England, on the Prices of Provisions and other Commodities; with additional Notes and a Preface." 8vo. PP. 56. Debrett. London. 1801.


E did hope that the laft cumbrous pamphlet of Mr. Boyd would prove his cycnea cantio, and, entertaining that hope, all farther animadverfions on his production appeared to us fuperfluous. But, as experience shows the fallacy of judging of the operations of vanity, arrogance, and conceit, by thofe criteria which enable us to decide, with tolerable precifion, on the conduct of reafon and common fenfe, whofe proceedings are confiftent and uniform, we cannot but think the public indebted to the author of the pamphlet before us, for the farther refutation and expofure of Mr. Boyd's glaring inconfiftencies, rooted prejudices, and wild fpeculations. He fkilfully defends himself against the infidious attacks of this ardent alarmift, fuccefsfully retorts the meditated blow, and leaves his antagonist proftrate on the ground. On the subject of the allerted depreciation of Bank-paper, the folly of which we exposed in our review of the first edition of Mr. B.'s Letter, we have the following very pertinent remarks.

"It is unneceflary to fay that we admit the fimple principle which he lays down with the formal authority of a pedagogue, that an excess of the circu lating medium would operate its own depreciation, and the enhancement of exchangeable commodities. But when we find other reasonable, obvious, natural, great, and powerful caufes, we refer, with confidence, to what we have already itated, in order to prove that fuch an excefs does not exist.

** Our

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