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tt Our perceptions, we confefs, are not fufficiently acute to difcover the depreciation contended for. Bank-notes, it has been judiciously remarked, in an answer to him, are circulated at par. He fays, that remark is a trite reafon fo would it be deemed trite to call attention to a windmill, merely as a windmill; but if Don Quixote mistakes a windmill for a giant, plain reafon may be permitted to remind him that it is ftill a windmill. The Quixotic author of the Letter fancies, (and fancy goes a great way in weak or heated minds,) that there is a depreciation of the circulating medium; a depreciation of an extraordinary nature, which exifts without being feen, and which does not refemble any depreciation in America, France, Spain, Italy, or elsewhere; a depreciation accompanied with this fingularity, that no man can permit himself to say to his neighbour that Bank-notes are worth lefs than the value they feem to indicate, yet every man is to rate them in his own mind at a great deal less, and still be able to part with them, under this depreciating opinion, with all the advantages of their full value.

"Plain trite reafon does not understand this kind of depreciation. Reason thinks that a depreciation of Bank-notes, if it exifted, would not be an equivocal thing, perceptible only to wild fpeculators, in confequence of fome re trograde conceits deduced from inferences of fufpicion. Reafon fays it would have originated in her own strong feelings of diffatisfaction against the quantity or the quality of Bank.notes, which would have produced the immediate confequences of depreciating them, by an evident comparison with fomething or other of daily interchange. Reason would have fought to have gotten rid of her Bank-notes, by allowing to the first comer a discount which he could calculate; and her neighbours, in their turn, would foon have offered others to her, and bargained in order to leffen their growing lofs. She cannot but fmile, therefore, in looking around her, when the hears that Bank-notes have been forced or infinuated into circulation to so great an amount that they have depreciated themselves!"

The author goes on with this comparison between reason and speculation, and attacks, and in our opinion completely overturns, all the favourite pofitions of his opponent. He ridicules, with great fuccefs, the idea of deducing from the relief afforded by Mr. Boyd to the contracted refources of the French Caiffe D'Efcompte, or to the still more limited refources of mercantile houfes in this country, the ability of that speculator to regulate the mighty commer cial and financial concerns of this opulent empire; and fupplies fome very seasonable checks to his arrogance and egotifm. Of thefe not the least for tunate is to be found in the concluding pages of the pamplet, immediately following an extract from Mr. B.'s book, in which Sir Francis Baring is reprefented" as contemptible in abilities, and ignorant of the common rules of grammar.'

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"The public will now, from what we have remarked, form their own conclufions of the merit of his work, as well as of the generous ideas he enter tains refpecting perfonal abufe: they will, too, have perceived from his adopt ed anonymous lucubrations, what is his ftandard of correct language and liberal argument. On our parts, we must appeal to ftronger terms than our own to tell him, that even-handed Juftice returns the ingredients of the poifoned chalice to his own lips!' and we leave him to the cenfure of his own mind at his own exposure.

"The author of the Letter, who claims Horace as his friend, tells us, that a certain hero fays, or rather fings,

My wound is great, becaufe it is fo fmall:

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To which it is immediately replied,

'Then 'twould be greater, were it not at all!

Abftaining from remarks on his application of these lines, we cite them as one instance, out of those which occur in almoft every page of his pamphlet, of provincial expreffion, and ignorance of topics. It is well known that the witty Duke of Buckingham made the reply which is here fo poorly conveyed: when prefent at a reprefentation wherein a character in a play had faid, My wound is great, because it is fo fmall;'

He started up, and exclaimed in derifion,

Then 'twould be greater, were there none at all!"

and the play was damned! The author of the Letter may make his quotation with better effect on fome other occafion; and the public, perhaps, may apply it in condemnation of his own pamphlet.

"His friends will perceive and acknowledge, that had we indeed been difpofed to defcend to perfonalities, we might have taken up the gauntlet he has thrown down, and attacked him in his own defiance. It would not be a difficult task,' he says, to fhew how much the misfortunes which have befallen me in this country have been connected with the great interests of the public.'

Can he attribute any of the causes to that connexion? We enter our folemn diffent, and withdraw."

A candid Appeal to the Nation, upon the prefent Crifis, and the recent Change of Minifters. 8vo. Pr. 24. Lackington, Chappel, 1801.

THE author, while he does juftice to the talents of the late Minifters, compliments the King on his firmness in remaining true to his confcience, and faithful to his cath. He confiders the claims of the Irish to Catholic emanci pation, fhows their futility, and contends that they are very little understood by the great mafs of the people.

"The great mafs of the weftern Irish, who inftinctively and devoutly understand themselves to be what they were born to be, predeftined members of the Catholic Communion, and who, without the actual occupancy of a foot of foil can record their claims to poffeffion of the whole, were not probably very fenfitive to the difabilities of the Corporation Act, as it only barred their being elected to offices, from which nature itself, and the fmall requifites of reading and writing, had imperiously excluded them in like manner we may fuppofe the confideration of the Teft Act to have been a subject rather too metaphyfical to have come within the compafs of their studies; and, therefore, I prefume to conclude it was quite fufficient for them to know they were asking for fomething, and altogether fuperfluous to inform them what it was. When men are to be acted upon by paffion, there feems no room to call in reason. Thefe gentlemen therefore may be very easily made to refent their difappoint ment, though it would be extremely difficult to make them comprehend what it is they are difappointed of. The higher orders of their perfuafion are however neither dull in perceiving their advantages, nor fluggish in purfuing them. To them the barriers, which the founders and amenders of our conftitution have planted before the church established, would, like their own ftone walls, be in the career of their ambition nothing more than an eafy leap, whereby to pluck bright honour, not from the pale-faced moon perhaps, but certainly from the pale faced heretics.


"And now, if fuch was to have been the purchase of our union with Ireland, if this was to have been the price we were to pay for Catholic acquiefcence in the measure; great as the object of it is, I muft felicitate my fellow Proteftants, on the providence of our forefathers, who, to fecure pofterity against thofe dangers they had in their own time' experienced, devifed and imposed that folemn oath to be for ever taken by every monarch in fucceffion, whereby he binds himself to maintain, to the utmost of his power, the laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel, and the Proteftant reformed religion eftablished by law, and mark the words, not as it shall be established by law, But as it is."

The author reasons not only like a good subject, but like a good Chriftian. "If I could bring myself to treat the queftion as fome men do, who never looking for danger to religion, never fee danger, I would leave the measure to its policy only. If I did this, I should be in a great majority: a general relaxation of morals, a levity of manner in difcourfing of things ferious, and a cold indifference towards the interests of religion, is the lamentable charac teristic of the time we live in. It can give a man no alarm, if only that is in danger, upon which he puts no value: fecure that he cannot lofe what he has not got

Cantabit vacuus.'

"Men of this caft live merrily with men of all cafts, who fhare in their diffipation and subscribe to their amufements; they laugh a man to naught, who makes the religious, or anti-religious, opinions of their companions an objection to their fociety; there is but one fpecies of non-conformity, whichi they would quarrel with, and that refpects neither religion nor morality; he that fits at their table, may fwagger in their fenate, for any thing they care about it. But what are thefe, that we should listen to their frivolous opinions, or concern ourselves about their comtemptible indifference?

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"But declamation is a finer thing than dulnefs by more than half, and highfounding words, though they carry no fenfe, ought to be refpected for the noife they make in our ears. Now there are many gentlemen in this great world, whofe liberality of fentiment is extremely loud; it is alfo full as much like patriotifm, as Piftols pig worts at the pridge, which Fluellen heard, were like courage Let us unite,' they cry, every fubject of the empire in our common caufe!'-'Tis great, 'tis glorious-'tis granted, and they imme diately proceed to point us out the means. Away with all diftinctions be tween man and man! The common enemy is at our door; let us not be found difputing about religion, when he that invades us, has renounced it altogether." -Excellent reasoning, if the rule of his conduct ought to be the model for our's: forward as they can with us to be for the promotion of unanimity, we only beg leave to doubt if complete emancipation of all non-conformists would be the ready road to it; what they affert we do not deny, but what they infer we are not ready to grant. Those gentlemen, who handle a question without understanding it, are indeed lefs infignificant, but confiderably more troublefome than those, who neither give the pains to comprehend it, nor think it worth their while to talk about it: unless both defcriptions of men could be made sensible, what a pity it is only one of them is filent.

"But there are men of more profundity, who take the queftion as a matter of calculation, and having found out that nineteen parts in twenty of the property of Ireland is in the hands of the Proteftants, would perfuade us to think lightly of the rifque of Catholic emancipation, inafmuch as property is te


govern reprefentation, and then where is the danger? To this we might anfwer, that the danger is in their very statement of the cafe. If their computation of comparative property is near the truth, and our computation of comparative numbers is not far from the truth, the very inference, that puts them at their ease as to confequences, is in our view of it the very circumftance moft ferionfly to be apprehended. When nineteen parts in twenty as to number poffef's only one part in twenty as to property, and both parties are admitted to equal rights of office and adminiftration, and that poor unbeneficed majority is compofed of Roman Catholics, where is the man bold enough to underwrite the tranquillity of either church or state? Were I fure, that by holding them at their prefent dittance I should make them my enemies, defpairing, as I do, to make them my friends by admitting them into partnerthip, as a Proteftant I would prefer to ftand the confequences of open hoftility, rather than incur the dangers of pretended friendship."

He concludes with some spirited exhortations to the new Minifters, to whofe virtues and whofe abilities he pays a tribute of juftice.

Reflections on the prefent State of Things in these Nations. By the late excellent Diffenting Divine John Leland, D. D. and now republifhed by a lay-member of the Church of England. 12mo. PP. 24. 4d. or 3s. per Dozen. Hatchard. 1801.

ALL the writings of this able affailant of the Deifts, this vigorous champion of Chriftianity, are too well known for any one of them to require a comment from us. We have only, therefore, to bear teftimony to the good and pious intentions of the Editor of this Tract, whofe motives for republishing it, as explained in a " prefatory note," are fuch as do him great honour.

The Opinion of an Old Englishman: in which National Honour, and National Gratitude, are principally confidered. Humbly offered to his Countrymen and Fellow-Citizens, on the Refignation of the late Miniftry. 8vo. PP. 20. Hatchard. 1801.

FROM a brief and curfory review of the conduct of the late Ministers, and of the eminent fervices which they rendered to their country, the Author takes a fair occafion to pay them a well-earned tribute of thanks and gratitude. In impreffive and animated language, which evidently flows from the heart, his fentiments are communicated; he paffes over the cause of the feceffion of Mr. Pitt, and limits his attention to his previous and his fubfequent conduct. In the juftice of his obfervations, the truth of his premiles, and the accuracy of his conclufions, we heartily concur. Upon one fingular circumftance which diftinguishes the late change of Ministry from all others, we meet with the following appofite remarks.

Circumftances of a delicate nature having induced Mr. Pitt to refign the fituation of Prime Minifter, we have now to comtemplate him in a new character. If we confult our hiftory, we fhall find that the removal of a Minifter has almoft invariably been produced by fome public calamity, or a want of confidence on the part of the fovereign, or the people: foured, difgufted, and venal, we find many of them lamenting their fituations, and undergoing a revolution of fentiment and principle as fudden as it is ditionant from what they before held. Thus Tories became Whigs, and Whigs


aristocratical, till parties were fo jumbled, that it became a matter of no fmall difficulty to diftinguish the one from the other.

"Is this the cafe now? Does the petulance of difappointment, or the chagrin of refigned greatnefs, drive the late Minifter into the bofom of an oppofition to condemn measures which he himself recommended, to insult his Sovereign because no longer in his fervice, or degrade a Government because he ceafes to be a component part of it? Does he even in fullen filence retire from the world, and vent his fpleen in feclufion? No! He finds men who fucceed him, chofen by his King, worthy and competent to bear the refponfibility of their fituations. He approves and fupports them, and his great mind, fuperior to all narrow feelings of felfishness, looks to the fame end (the good of the commonweal) when out of place, as he did when Minifter of the country.

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The Dark Cloud in the Political Hemisphere broken, and a Bright Beam of Cenfolation iuing therefrom, in favor of his Majefty's Minifters and depreffed Stockholders; with a few Words of Advice to Growlers, and the Diffatisfied of every Defcription: alfo a Method prefcribed, founded on Reafon and Experience, for removing their Difcontent, and rendering their Minds eafy under the prefent State of Public Affairs. Refpectfully addreJed to the Right Hon. William Pitt, First Lord Commiffioner of his Majefty's Treafury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jc. Tc. Sc. By an Old Naval Officer. 8vo. Pr. 28. Scott. London. 1801.

THIS naval officer feels as a British officer ought to feel. He difdains to be difmayed at the fuccefs of our enemies; and feeks to inspire his countrymen with courage and confidence. We agree with him, that we have a right to infift upon safe and honourable terms of peace, and we trust that no other terms will ever be fubmitted to by our Government.

The author boafts of being poffeffed of a very valuable fecret, by means of which, he affures us, he "can make afh or elm timber endure much longer · in the fabric of a ship, than the heart of oak of any of the Northern Nations can be made (by any method of feafoning timber now in practice) to endure in the frames of their hips."- Surely this is a fecret worth knowing.


The Annual Anthology. 8vo. Pr. 308. Vol. II. Longman and Rees. London. 1800.

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S the industry and artifice of JACOBINISM are perpetually at work to corrupt the imagination, as well as to feduce the paffions, of mankind, it is no wonder that it should have lifted the Mufes in its caufe. There are a fet of writers in this country who have ufurped the name of Peets, and who endeavour, by giving an importance to the most trifling and familiar objects, and by an appeal to the pity of the vulgar and unenlightened, to bring odium upon every political, moral, and religious eftablishment, and confequently to prepare the way for the new fyftem introduced by republican France. This pecies of Poets was admirably ridiculed by the ANTI-JACOBIN EXAMINER, in his excellent parody, entitled, he needy Knife Grinder, but ridicule has


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