Baptist Magazine, and also if possible in a cheap form, for general distribution in this country and America, where the lecturer was extensively known and respected." There is another drawing of Dr. Yates extant, representing him in his study, intent on his great work as a translator of the scriptures, but this was not taken so recently as that which was laid before our engraver. It affords us pleasure to learn that the opinion that immersion is essential to salvation, advanced by Mr. Seacome Ellison in a work which we reviewed last December, is not held by the churches with which he considers himself to be in fellowship. The pastor of one of them, we believe, Mr. Reynoldson of Wisbech, says, "The truth is, Mr. Ellison alone, he has advisedly stated, is responsible for the sentiments on baptism which he has published; for many of them, and especially that which the reviewer objects to, are not the sentiments of the body of people with whom Mr. Ellison is connected, nor of any individual members, I have reason to believe, beyond Mr. Ellison himself. His friends are altogether opposed to those sentiments and exceedingly regret their publication." This explanation, which we give gladly, would have appeared in our last number according to Mr. Reynoldson's request had it been received in time, but his letter was not written till the day the last sheet went to press. Mr. Law of Trinidad says, in a letter recently received, "We are all greatly delighted with Mr. Angus's visit. By a personal knowledge of our stations, labours, and difficulties, he will be able to do much for this dark part of the earth. By such visits the missionary cause will be greatly advanced, and I trust the present visit of our beloved brother is the commencement of a system of missionary superintendence and consultation." The London Association of Baptist Churches held its annual meeting in New Park Street Chapel, on the 20th of January. The number of churches comprised in this union is thirty-one, thirty of which made the customary returns. The number baptized in these, during the year 1846, appears to have been 432, and the number removed by death 112. The clear increase in the whole body seems to be 252, averaging rather more than eight per church. This, though materially less than in some former years, is more than in others; it shows an advance, though not an advance satisfactory to Christian zeal. Some other things in the letters were of a decidedly cheering aspect. As far as could be learned from the brief reports given, every church was in the enjoyment of internal peace; a fact which brightens the future, as well as the past, nothing being so great a hindrance to the progress of religion around as discord among ourselves. A right spirit pervaded, also, both the letters and the public assembly. A few years ago we attended a public meeting of this association, at which, we confess, we were alarmed. There had been extraordinary additions to many of the churches, and with the expressions of gratitude, there seemed to be a tone of exultation perceptible that excited our fears. On this occasion there was nothing of the kind. The spirit breathed in the letters and prevalent in the meeting was solemn, devout, earnest, and humble. It will gratify our friends to learn that the spontaneous contributions of congregations and individuals for the relief of the distressed multitudes by whom the agents of the Baptist Irish Society are surrounded, far exceed the original anticipations of the committee of that institution. A sub-committee is appointed to superintend the distribution, who have been delighted to find that more than £1800 have been placed at their disposal, and have already sent large sums to Ireland. The prevalence of want is, however, appalling; but we have no doubt that what can be done for its relief by private charity may be done as effectually, to say the least, and as securely, by remittances to the committee of the Baptist Irish Society, as through any other channel whatever. Two meetings have been held at the Chapter Coffee House, St. Paul's, from which through the pressure of other engagements we were compelled to be absent, the result Baines's valuable Letters on Education, at of which has been the re-publication of Mr. will be incurred is to be defrayed from a fund the low price of one shilling. The loss that We do but echo the sentiment of the intellito be raised by contributions for the purpose. gent portion of the baptist denomination, in advising our readers to make themselves acquainted with this seasonable work. It may be convenient to some of our friends to be apprised, that the annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Society in Exeter Hall, is fixed for Thursday, April 29th. The day for simultaneous sermons in London, on behalf of the mission, will consequently be April 25th. Mr. Angus has arrived in Jamaica. Since the Herald went to press, letters have been received from him, dated Kingston, Dec. 18. He landed on the 15th, in good health. Mr. Birrell having missed the boat at Jacmel, would be detained another fortnight in Haiti; and Mr. Angus intended to spend the time while waiting for him, in visiting all the south side of the island. ASIA. THE SOURCE OF THE GANGES. About two hundred miles N.N.W. of Delhi, in the central chain of the Himalaya mountains, 13,800 feet above the level of the sea, rises the Bhagarati, which, in the estimation of modern scientific travellers, is the true source of the Ganges. Hindoo devotees perform pilgrimage to a spot lower down, which they have been taught to regard as the birth-place of that sacred stream, the object of their adoration; but the original spring, of which a view is annexed, is about twelve miles beyond Gungutri, in an almost inaccessible solitude. The waters issue from beneath a low arch at the base of a vast mass of frozen snow, nearly three hundred feet in height, and composed of different layers, each several feet in thickness, and in all probability the accumulation of ages. Here the water is shallow, and for many miles the average depth is not more than twelve inches; but afterwards, receiving the Alcanandra and other tributaries, it enters the great plain of Hindusthan at Hurdwar, and flows on thence, a smooth navigable stream, to the ocean, a distance of 1350 miles, diffusing abundance by its fertilizing influences and the facilities it affords for internal transit. At length it enters the Bay of Bengal, into which it discharges itself by numerous mouths. There is a river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God: may it speedily diffuse its blessings throughout all India, that its millions may live, and, partaking of the waters issuing from the sanctuary, find that "the fruit thereof is for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine." BARISAL. Cheering intelligence from Barisal, the chief town of a district called Backergunj near the mouths of the Ganges, was adverted to briefly in our last number. Our friends will naturally be anxious to know more on so pleasing a subject, and it affords us pleasure that we are now able to gratify them. Mr. Thomas, of Calcutta, writes respecting it thus, in a letter dated November 7, 1846:— addition to the two supported by the mission. By giving up his connexion with the government school, he has deprived himself of the means of supporting the native preacher, or defraying other expenses, which he formerly provided for from his income from the school. He has written, stating these circumstances, and requesting that he should be allowed to draw so as to meet the present increased expenditure. The following is an extract from his letter : You will no doubt have remarked that for some time past the intelligence from Barisal has been increasing in interest and importance. Of late the numbers who have sought for instruction, and desired to place themselves under the direction of the missionary, have so increased, that to do anything like justice to them Mr. Bareiro found it absolutely necessary to resign his connexion with the government school, and consequently to give up the salary he had derived from that source. Not only so, but as, for the most part, the "You see, my dear brother, that the cause recent converts and numerous inquirers reside of our Redeemer here is now prospering, by in villages distant from Barisal, and which the grace and blessing of God, beyond my can only be approached by boats, he has, in expectation, and it is necessary that I draw order to attend to them, been obliged to incur on account of the expenses incurred by me considerable expense in providing himself for its right prosecution, a reasonable salary with the means of conveyance, and in keeping men to row his boat from place to place. For at least two years he supported from his own private resources a native preacher, in from the mission. I would not have asked this had I the means I formerly enjoyed. I gave up my school in April last, and yet I conducted my operations as well as I could. But now I cannot. The number of native preachers is likewise to be increased, for another hand is urgently required. Such a person has already assisted us, and I have been supporting him for the last two years. I beg to propose, likewise, an increase of a rupee each to the pay of the two native preachers. You know I am constantly out in the mufassal, and they must do the same in my absence from it, one at a time. In comparison to what they have now to do, side by side with me, they scarcely did any thing before. I do not want any other hands from you. Boat hire, &c., to the amount of twenty-three rupees per mensem is likewise an item which is necessary, or we cannot move." The importance of the station, and the necessity of something being promptly done, you will at once admit when you learn that on or about the 1st of last month, Mr. Bareiro baptized at one time no fewer than a hundred and fifteen persons. He says they are of a class low and degraded, but however low and however despised by man, God is able to make them his sons and daughters, and heirs of his kingdom. Mr. Page has just started on a missionary tour which will probably occupy the whole month. He is accompanied by Mr. Chill, The following judicious remarks on these occurrences are taken from the October number of the Calcutta Missionary Herald :— The communications from Barisal, Agra, entire letter, in which an account is given of and Chittagong contain cheering accounts of the baptism of 115 persons, on the first Lord's several baptisms, for which we desire to record day in October. Our readers are requested our gratitude to the God of grace. Several to peruse it for themselves, and form their persons also have been baptized at Calcutta within the last month or two. It is remarkable that the Holy Spirit should now, as in the days of the apostles, manifest his gracious influences principally among the poor and ignorant. "God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise: and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised, hath God chosen; yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in his presence." Whilst we record these baptisms with gratitude to God, we would solemnly abstain from all boasting; let all the glory be given to God. The movement at Barisal is very remarkable. We have purposely published the Mr. Barciro has himself furnished details to the brethren at Calcutta, the following extracts from which will be acceptable : As you have been informed, I went to the mufassal on the 7th, and returned the day before yesterday, after having been rejoiced beyond the master of the boys' school at Intally, who is desirous of labouring as a missionary, and is most days more or less engaged in preaching or conversing with the natives on the great subjects of religion. Brother Page has been requested to visit Barisal, which he fully intends to do; we have also requested Mr. Parry to join him in this. Brother Pearce also proposes to visit that station during the present season. At Agra there have been baptized since January twenty-three natives, and eight be longing to the European community. At Benares Mr. Smith has recently baptized his son-in-law. At Patna brother Beddy writes that two young women from the Refuge were received into the church in September, I believe. On the 1st of this month he expected to baptize six persons, four of them young native women from the Refuge, and one of the others his own son, the eldest, aged nineteen years. You can conceive the joy of such an event. On the last sabbath in October I baptized a soldier in the Bow Bazar Chapel; we expected two, but one was unable to attend. You will thus see that the Lord has afforded the mission churches in India some tokens of mercy. Oh, that these may be followed by more enlarged measures of success! own opinion. Taking the very lowest view of the event, it must be a matter of devout gratitude to God that so large a number of people have come out of heathenism, and placed themselves under Christian instruction. Besides this, the same Holy Spirit who converted three thousand souls on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem, in the city inhabited by the murderers of prophets and apostles, and of the Son of God himself, certainly is able now to convert hundreds in Bengal, however degraded it may be. We earnestly entreat our readers to pray for the new converts and for those who labour among them in word and doctrine. We may also mention that an extension of labour, so cheering and so unexpected, will involve an increase of expenditure, for which, in the present unfavourable state of the Society's income, it is difficult to provide adequately. measure on account of the mercy visibly shown to poor ignorant sinners. The success we met in our labours may be comprised under two heads, viz., the old and new hearers. The old hearers are all candidates for baptism, and on account of the length of time they have been under the gospel sound, are decidedly better than those I baptized last. I do not mean to say that the baptized persons, at least such of them as have enjoyed the same privilege with the candidates, are now inferior to them in knowledge of divine things. A number of women likewise have turned their faces Zionward, even those who had come with men living in sin. With regard to these, I was filled with apprehension, as they were staying on the same premises with the candidates who are looked upon as Christians by their neighbours. If I had had my own way, they could not have found such an asylum. But as it is, it has redounded to the glory of God, as they are not only anxious to be married (most of them are widows) according to the Christian form, but also to join the church and flock of Christ, having been made aware of the need of a Saviour. The other women are either the wives of the Christians or candidates, and are, as I have ascertained by interrogations, sincere believers. The old hearers or candidates are mostly living in three places, Kandirpar, Samudarpar, and Dhurgle their number is upwards of twenty; they are within forty minutes' distance from the chapel. : The two cases I lately conducted, one of which was amicably settled, and the other was attended, about a month ago, with fine or imprisonment, have proved very beneficial to those who were directly interested in them, either as plaintiffs or as witnesses, as they were obliged to attend every day our meetings here, one party for one month, and another for nearly the same period. As one sinner does a great deal of mischief, so one believer does a great deal of good by the prayers he is taught to offer, and the hymns he is taught to sing, which both are powerful instructors when exercised before others. This was the case especially with one man, with whom we took great pains in that way, as he was more apt than others to learn. This man and another have been the means of exciting others to join our flock, the result of the last case having exercised a salutary effect on their wavering minds, i. e. on account of the fear and temptations of their enemies, as you have been informed. At this place, called Tarunsen, about four hours distance' from the chapel, even the once unfriendly barber is one of the sixteen candidates, ITINERANT LABOURS. I visited the above place on Friday last, accompanied by the native preachers, and all the Christians and candidates of the three places mentioned above. On my way I touched at a place on account of a convert whose relatives were unfriendly towards him, which feeling some of them showed in abuse and in attempts to turn him out of his house. I spoke to about forty persons here, among whom were the relatives of the convert, who were overawed by my presence and the message delivered, which they afterwards declared to be the word of God, and therefore they could not find fault with it. Before this I had requested the convert to pray audibly for them, which had some good effect. My way towards Tarunsen lay over paddy fields, which at this season are covered with so much water that two or three-oared boats might go over them. There was a congregation of about 150 persons or upwards on my arrival. As I had to visit another place further off, I immediately addressed the people after singing a hymn. My discourse was based on the first few verses of the 10th chapter of John. As most of the people were inquirers, the attention paid to the word was profound, and it was a season full of gratitude and joy to me, the Lord having also assisted me to speak what was required. After my discourse, the people who had accompanied me, amounting to about forty, sat to eat in the compound, where I had preached. When the rice was served, which was, as is generally the case, on plantain leaves, one of the converts asked grace. While these were eating, I requested the native preachers to speak to those who pressed round to hear us, I also lending a little assistance wherever a question was not satisfactorily answered. By the blessing of God I mean to have a school here as soon as possible, or, rather so soon as I have funds, in which you know I am sadly crippled now: it will be attended at least by a hundred boys, they say two hundred. This would be a branch school of the Dhan Doba chapel school, where the boys would periodically have to attend for special examinations. I cannot keep a suitable person for the school held in the chapel, from want of funds. Thirty or twenty-five rupees per mensem would enable me to teach about 200 children to read and write, and thus to enable them, or at least most of them, to read the scriptures, and otherwise to qualify themselves for the business of life, who, amongst all classes of Hindus, have been a degraded and a proscribed race from time immemorial. Will Christian friends withhold their mite from a mission here which is conducted, for the first time, among a people whose name or denomination is literally the "publicans and sinners" mentioned in the scriptures, and translated as such by the late Dr. Yates? Though these people are living among other classes, yet such is the degradation in which they have been held ever since the establish ment of Hinduism, that their profound ignorance and the supreme contempt in which they are held, point them out as a distinct and a hopeless race. The light of Christianity has opened the eyes of many of them to their true condition, and they are anxious |