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band appeared, and the priest directed the vengeance of his followers against the unhappy man, by the signal," At him, boys." The poor Protestant was instantly assailed and cruelly beaten, the door of his house was forced, and the dying woman was carried in a state of insensibility to another house in which she was anointed and in which she died. Such scenes have too frequently occurred in remote parts of the kingdom, but this transaction took place

within a few miles of the seat of Government; and what follows is at least an alarming novelty. The injured Protestant, as soon as he had recovered sufficient strength, went before a magistrate to lodge an information against the ruffians who had been guilty of the outrage upon himself, and the profanation of his wife's dying chamber. The magistrate had firmness enough to receive the information. This unexpected display of courage alarmed and irritated the priest; he rode to the magistrate's house, questioned him as to his excuse for receiving the information, and concluded by telling him that he must not dare * to return the information to the sessions. The magistrate's resolution bowever did not fail him; the priest traversed until the next sessions, and in the mean time the witnesses will be terrified, or bribed to silence, or murdered. Were

Our readers may be enabled to underJstand this threat the more clearly by learnving, that in a western county a Roman Catholic prelate publicly boasted that the revision of the Commission of the peace for that and the adjoining counties had been confided to him, in order that he might purge the Magistracy of Orangemen.

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there to be a'conviction, and an attempt to execute a sentence, the consequences might be dreadful;-and this is an impartial administration of the laws!!!"

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On the 5th of March, on the lands of Triboo, two miles from Redhills, in the county of Cavan, a most cruel murder was perpetrated. The victim was Thomas Beatty, about twenty years of age, son to John Beatty, a constable. They were usually intrusted with the collection of the county cess; there was some misunderstanding among the tenants, some of whom not only refused to pay, but were prepared to resist any one who should enforce it; the young man above mentioned, advancing incautiously, was assailed by two men and four women, armed with shafts of spades, graffs, &c. One of the men, coming behind Beatty, struck him to the ground, when they all fell upon him; on the father's attempting to save him, they left the son, and began at him, and while they were thus engaged, a woman, observing the son revive a little, struck him on the head with a loy shaft and fractured his skull: then they all ran off. > The father carried his son into a field, and ran for assistance; medical aid was procured, but all in vain; he lived in great agony for three days, and expired. The ruffian who first struck him ran to a house, and swore he had "sent a Protestant to hell." The young man was a member of the Belturbet, infantry. A coroner's inquest was held on the body, who, returned a verdict accordingly.-Dublin Evening Mail.


man Catholic, when compared with those
in the Protestant. Cantons, is in the pro-
portion of four and even sia to one. At

"IT is an indisputable truth," says M. Villers (a Roman Catholic writer), "that more crimes are committed in Catholic countries than in those inhabited by Pro-Augsburg, the inhabitants of whose territestants." During his residence for several years in a city of Protestant Germany, he scarcely ever heard of a theft or murder being committed, either in that city, or in the extensive district dependent on it; but whenever, during that period, he visited his family, which dwelt in a Roman Catholic city, containing nearly the same number of inhabitants, he constantly beheld the criminal tribunal overwhelmed with horrible causes,-robberies, forgeries, and assassinations. M. Robmann, President of the Special Tribunal of Mayence, in his Coup d'Eil sur l'Etat des quatre Departemens du Rhin (Survey of the State of the four Departments of the Rhine), asserts, that the number of malefactors in the Ro

tory profess both religions, out of 946 malefactors, who were tried and condemned in the course of ten years, only 184 were Protestants, that is, one in five. In the seven United Provinces, the celebrated Mr. Howard computed that not more, than four or six executions took place every year. At Amsterdam, upwards of a century ago, only one execution happened in a ' year, although that city then contained a population of about 250,000 souls. Modern Italy, on the contrary, is the country of assassination, and Rome is its head quarters. Lists of condemned criminals are printed, periodically, in that city: and one of these, from the 15th of June to the 13th of July 1805, something less than a

month, contained a catalogue of 86 criminals, who were condemned for thefts, murders, rapes, &c.; a frightful number this, when it is considered how many crimes are suffered to pass with impunity, at Rome. Conclusion of the Sixth Report of the Law sanne Bible Society, for 1822*.

To this statement we add, with feelings of horror, the state of the calendar for trial at the ensuing assizes for the county of Cork, one of the most Popish districts of Ireland; and in which, in the present dis

The above is translated from a late number of the Mélanges de Beligion, de Morale, et de Critique sacrée, published at Nismes in the South of France.

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Extract of a private Letter.

-THIS inconvenience was in some degree alleviated by a residence of three weeks at Gibraltar, interesting from its situation as well as the events which have there transpired, but much more by the society of some pious friends to whom I was introduced. We next visited the coast of Barbary, where the most novel scene of the voyage was presented to my notice. No trace of European manners or customs; all was blind bigotry and intolerance. Many descendants indeed of Abraham and the patriarchs, but, as in all other places, exhibiting a nation scattered, peeled, and trodden under foot: their countenances in many instances the most interesting imaginable, but sunk in the greatest depravity and degradation. They do not scruple to accost persons in the street, and offer themselves as conductors to scenes of impurity. We arrived at Teneriffe, and had a view of the stupendous Peak, but were put under quarantine, and no one suffered to land. Our



next destination was Sierra Leone, where I spent a month most agreeably, chiefly on shore with the chaplain, who showed himself "given to hospitality." Need I say, that to the Christian eye this place presents a most pleasing scene? The trafficker in human blood may view it with rancour, aud breathe its destruction; the mere politician may regret the vast expenditure of money where a return must unavoidably be slow and remote; but the Christian sees the finger of God disposing our rulers liberally to contribute to the continuance of a colony, where so much opportunity is afforded of declaring the glad tidings of salvation. I had the pleasure of seeing verified the statements of the Missionary Register, and of beholding nature not only as reduced to the verge of brutality when liberated from the slave-hold, but also as exalted by civilization and religion. I must, however, leave the scene, though pleasant, to hasten homewards.


THERE have recently been laid before Par- gal as yet refuse to accede, and there seems liament two additional articles to existing very little prospect of obtaining any concestreaties for the Abolition of the Slave sion whatever from the latter government Trade, which, if generally adopted, would -while France is too obviously desirous of very materially contribute to the extinction extending slavery in Europe to admit of any of this hateful traffic. By the first, proof of hope that she will concede the least point negroes having been on board vessels would in favour of the poor negroes of Africa. be held sufficient on questions regarding Perhaps, however, the desolations which their condemnation. The second regards threaten those devoted countries may bring the fitting up of ships; if they are so fitted them to a better mind. The restoration of up as to leave no moral doubt that they are Buonaparte from Elba produced the aboliprepared for purposes of slave-trading, tion of the French slave trade. The second such fact is to be deemed sufficient proof in restoration of the Bourbons has afforded order to condemnation. It is obvious, that that iniquitous traffic a base and dishonourif these two articles were generally acceded able protection; and, therefore, amidst all to, the activity of our own cruisers, togethe distress we feel at the prospect of imther with those of America, &c. would pending desolations, we console ourselves soon reduce the trade into a very narrow with the hope that when God's judgments compass, if not entirely extinguish it. The are abroad in the earth, the nations of the government of the Netherlands have ap- world may learn righteousness. The Soproved these articles; but Spain and Portu-ciety of Friends have recently presented a

petition to Parliament on this subject, and we are happy to learn that some efforts are about to be made for the melioration of the condition of negroes in our own colonies. We have no hesitation in saying that sound

policy, as well as Christian principles, require that such improvement should take place, if we would avoid an awful convalsion, similar to that which, within our memories, deluged St. Domingo with blood.

BATH CHURCH MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. THE Sixth Anniversary Meeting of this Association was held in the Guildhall, on Tuesday, the 18th of March. Sir W. Cockburn presided, and the Report was read by the Rev. Mr. Hawkins. It took a comprehensive and cheering view of the operations of the Parent Society, and called upon the public to afford further means for continuing and extending their great and good work, for although the harvest was great, the labourers were few.

Major-general Baynes, Sir Orford Gordon, General De Butts, the Rev. J. Riehards, the Rev. T. A. Methuen, the Rev. Dr. Thorpe, the Rev. Josiah Pratt, and the Rev. E. Bickersteth, addressed the Meeting, which was most respectably and numerously attended. Mr. Richards stated that he had just received a donation of 50%. from an anonymous friend, who had been a former contributor.


THE Tenth Anniversary of this branch of the Parent Institution was held at the Great Room, Prince's Street, on Thursday, the 20th of March. The Chair was filled by the Right Worshipful the Mayor, James George, Esq.

The Committee's Report (read by the Rev. Fountain Elwin) briefly stated the proceedings of the Church Missionary Society during the past year, and the progress of the nine missions now under its care. In these various stations more than two hundred Christian teachers are now actively employed; the number of missionaries being thirty-three, of whom twenty-two are regular ministers of the Church of England. Between ten and eleven thousand

children are receiving education, a consi derable number of whom are wholly supported by the Society.

The audited account stated the proceeds of the Bristol Association, during the past year, to have been 18837. 8s. 8d.

The Meeting was addressed by the Rev. Josiah Pratt, the Rev. Edw. Bickersteth, the Rev. Dr. Thorp, the Rev. J. H. Stewart, Sir E. Hartopp, Bart. G. Sandford, Esq. J. S. Harford, Esq. H. Davis, Esq. the Rev. W. Day, the Rev. John Hall, and the Rev. J. East.

The audience was very large, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather.


ON Tuesday, March 18, a labouring -man, who had been drinking at the Red Lion, Salford, disputing with some of his fellow-labourers, made an assertion, which not being credited, he said, "he hoped to

God he should never speak again, if the assertion were not true!" A few minutes after he fell into a fit, and has continued speechless ever since.


THE following are the principal arrangements which have been made public respecting the approaching Annual Meetings of our leading religious Institutions.

The Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester will preach a SERMON for the benefit of the IRISH SOCIETY, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, on Tuesday, April 29; and the ANNUAL MEETING will be held in Freemasons' Hall on the following day.

The ANNIVERSARY SERMON before the CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY will be preached at Christ Church, Newgate Street, on Monday Evening, the 5th of May, by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, Vicar of Harrow, &c. The GENERAL MEETING will be held at Freemasons' Hall on the following day.

The ANNUAL MEETING of the BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY will be held at Freemasons Hall, on Wednesday, the 7th of May.

The ANNIVERSARY SERMON of the PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY will be preached at Christ Church, Newgate Street, by the Rev. Henry Budd, B. D. of White Roothing, &c. on Wednesday Evening, the 7th of May. The ANNUAL MEETING will be held at Stationers' Hall, on Thursday, May 8.

The ANNUAL SERMON before the LONDON SOCIETY FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE JEWS, will be preached by the Rey. W. Thistlethwaite, Vicar of Bolton, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, on Thursday Evening, May 8. The ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Friday, May 9, at Freemasons' Hall.




THE present session of Parliament proceeds with a degree of quietness altogether unusual. After all the active preparation gone through, on the one side, in arranging county meetings and manufacturing petitions, and, on the other, in arranging Cabinet offices and conciliating votes, affairs have so turned out as to render all these plans useless on the one part, and unneeded on the other. The Administration have had no particular point to carry, their object was merely to defend their general system against a new series of attacks which threatened to be of a powerful kind.

Economy and reform were to be most earnestly pressed upon Parliament this Session. The Opposition, however, have contrived, in a strange sort of way, to prevent the possibility of the success of these their favourite plans, and that at the very commencement of the Parliamentary campaign. They were to urge the reduction of establishments; and yet, on the very first day of the Session, some of their leaders declared in Parliament for the taking up arms in the cause of Spain. It was, of course, impossible that the same persons should propose reductions in the army, the navy, or the ordnance—or that they, arguing for a war which would require loans, should sanction any proposal which could have a tendency adverse to public credit. All the relief, therefore, that the people will receive at this period, must arise from the spontaneous acts of the Ministry, and from the continued advance of the revenue which assists their views of remission.

As to the other question, the conduct of the assemblies convoked in various counties for the purpose of passing reform petitions, has been such as to place the subject in so unfavourable a point of view, that few now allude to it, and none seem to be forward in offering to Parliament a distinct proposition.

His Majesty has appointed the Rev. Dr. Pearson to the deanery of Salisbury. A vacaut Irish Bishopric has been filled by the elevation of the Rev. Dr. Arbuthnot to the see of Killaloe.

We are sorry to perceive the recurrence of those scenes of outrage which disgraced the south of Ireland about a twelvemonth since. Murder and conflagration are again becoming matters of common occurrence. The Government, however, have brought forward a plan for the commutation of tithe in that country, which seems likely to remove much of the irritation arising from that source.


In FRANCE no other note has been heard of late but that of warlike preparation. It is, however, doubtful what strength is really collected on the Spanish frontier, or whether a sufficient force can be in readiness to enter that country before the lapse of several weeks. The Duke d'Angoulême has left Paris for the army, but does not appear to travel with any rapidity.

Some circumstances which lately took place in the Chamber of Deputies have attracted much attention. A leader of the liberal, or opposition side, was interrupted in the midst of an harangue against the war, and was charged with having, in a sentence which he had not yet completed, endeavoured to extenuate the crime of regicide. Upon this accusation the majority proceeded to expel him from the Chamber. The following day he appeared, in despite of their resolution, and took his seat. The National Guard, or militia of Paris, was called in, and ordered to remove him. Their officer, a sergeant, refused obedience, and the gens d'armes were resorted to. So great has been the popularity of this sergeant's conduct, that the government has not felt it prudent to inflict any greater punishment than dismissal.

If the fate of SPAIN depended upon herself-upon the prudence, decision, and practical wisdom of her present rulers, she would have but little hope of coming well out of the impending contest. The present ministry are in known bad favour with the King, and in little better credit with the people. They are thought blameable in having allowed the insurgent chief Bessieres to approach within a few leagues of the capital; but, though twice dismissed, they have hitherto retained their offices, evidently by means of intimidation. It is, however, said, that successors of a less violent character will almost immediately replace them. In the mean time the King has been required to prepare for his departure from Madrid, that city not being defensible. The 20th of March was fixed for his departure, and it is said that the French troops will pass the frontiers on the 1st of April. There has, however, been much rumour of an extensive conspiracy in the ranks of the French army.


J. W. M.-Pierre M- -Clericus-H.-Sermon by Rev. W. T. and E. Ll. are received, and will most probably be inserted.

It is always exceedingly difficult to advise, when a case is imperfectly understood. In some instances we are required to confess our faults one to another, and pray one for another: but there are others, in which the conduct of the Psalmist is more appropriate : "I said, I will confess my sins unto the Lord, and so thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin." The Inquirer must for himself determine, which line of conduct is in the present instance most proper, since he has not supplied us with any data. The individual alluded to is undoubtedly, in many respects, most worthy of his confidence; but there may be particular features in the case which may render that individual most improper: the disclosure must necessarily occasion great distress; and if that person can be spared such distress,' it ought not to be communicated, even though the Inquirer should still suffer: he should, however, certainly endeavour to anticipate any other informer. We should rather, on the whole, recommend the consulting of an aged experienced Minister. Such consultations do not always answer the desired end; but if a prudent choice is made of the individual, some benefit will almost invariably result. Should the dreaded contingency take place, the having previously communicated with a faithful spiritual adviser will be found of immense importance. We would earnestly impress upon him the duty of fasting, humiliation, prayer for pardon and for the teaching of the Holy Spirit. O the misery of sin! O how blessed are they who are kept by restraining grace from those practices which lead to such agonizing results! The Inquirer has our prayers and our sympathy.

Gulielmus-8. -are under consideration. per post.

Investigator-C. D. &c. are answered

The attack made on an eminently useful individual is deserving of the severest censure; but since very few readers of the work alluded to peruse our pages, we conceive it is most advisable not to insert the remarks of Moraedór.

T. N. has not favoured us, in either of his Letters, with his address; we could not, therefore, comply with his request. The paper previously sent is intended for insertion.

Full restitution ought certainly to be made to the injured person, or to his legitimate representatives; or, if such cannot be found, to the poor of Christ's flock. But we do not see any objection to that restitution being made as proposed; indeed, in the case suggested, we think it the right way.

We were not able to determine whether the account inquired after was real or fictitious; real accounts should always be authenticated by a name or a reference; and where such reference is not given, the paper is usually, as a matter of course, laid aside.

We cannot discover either of the papers, or indeed signatures, to which a constant Reader refers.

The Verses after which R. N. inquires are gone most probably the way of many others; but, unless he can favour us with either the date or the signature, we are not able to give a decisive answer.

The Congregational Magazine states us to have represented the Rev. George Burder as a contributor to that Magazine, and to have been subsequently compelled to contradict the assertion. We have been guilty neither of the assertion nor of the retraction. Observing the name of "Burder" among the list of contributors printed in that Magazine, we alluded to it; and in a following Number, at the request of one Rev. gentleman bearing that name, we rescued him from the suspicion of being the party referred to. So much for this important matter, in which our Congregational friends would have done well to have made themselves masters of the fact before they hazarded such unfounded assertions.

A new Edition Clergyman of the

Preparing for Publication.

Original Memorials; or, Brief Sketches of real Characters. By a e Church of England. In 12mo.

Essays on Pablic Worship. By the Rev. J. Jones, Author of "Scripture Antiquities." In 12mo.

A third Volume of Cottage Sermons; or, short Discourses addressed to plain People. By the Rev. Charles Davy, Curate of Hampstead Norris.

An Answer to the Rev. J. Bridgman's Appeal. By the Rev. Henry Berkin, A. M. Minister of Trinity Church, Forest of Dean.

The Jesuits unmasked, exhibiting the Dangers to Society that have arisen, and are likely to arise, from this dangerous Order-In a few Days.

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