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AT the close of another year of our periodical labours, we feel ourselves loudly called upon to express our gratitude to Almighty God, and our obligations to numerous kind correspondents and friends, for the valuable assistance with which we have been favoured. During the year that is past, we have received numerous testimonies of approbation, and heard very little the language of complaint. Our circulation has steadily increased; and while several other publications have appeared, and some, long established, have been much reduced in number, we, through the divine mercy, have experienced a considerable advance. We trust the favour thus manifested will powerfully tend to excite us to still greater diligence and assiduity, and that our kind friends and contributors will ever remember, that it is only by continuing their invaluable assistance, that the interest and utility of our work can be perpetuated and extended.

Thus much may, for the present, suffice, both as to the circulation of our publication, and the kind assistance by which it has been supported: instead of repeating acknowledgments, either to individual contributors or the public at large; or dwelling upon topics, relating to the plan and conduct of our work, with which our readers are already acquainted; or discussing additions, alterations, or improvements, which at different times, in the past and former years, have, in various respects, and sometimes on contradictory principles, been suggested; we would close the present volume with a few observations on points deeply affecting our own minds, and which will not, we trust, be deemed irrelevant by our readers.

We rejoice at having been enabled to conclude another volume in uninterrupted peace and tranquillity. At one period of the year, we, in common with many others, entertained anxious apprehensions, lest the contests of neighbouring powers should again entangle our country in the guilt and the miseries of war. That danger has, through divine mercy, passed away, nor does there appear any ground to apprehend its return. Oh! let our grateful praises arise to the God of our mercies, and let us all unite in fervent prayer for the approach of that time, when the "sword shall be beaten into the ploughshare, and the spear into the "pruning hook, and the nations learn war no more.”

We have been, also, mercifully preserved from the dangers which, in our judgment, must have resulted to this country, had the grand political experiment, miscalled Catholic Emancipation, succeeded. We must ever thank God, that the exertions of the Romanists have failed; and that they have met with so signal a defeat, as to render it very improbable that their efforts should be resumed during the present Parliament. Let not, however, the friends of Protestantism give way to a careless security; but let them seize the golden opportunity, and labour so earnestly in promoting the moral and religious improvement of our own and of the sister country, as effectually to counteract all the attempts of the Romanists, and remove from the eyes of a deluded people, that blindness which has hitherto prevailed. If such efforts are made, vain will

be all the base attempts of ignorant or interested individuals, and vain will be all the lying miracles of this German Prince Hohenlohe; or rather, these base attempts to support a falling cause, will, like the unskilful endeavours sometimes used to preserve a tottering building, only hasten its downfall.

And, thanks be to God, such exertions are already making.-We have just received from Ireland a valuable mass of documents, which show the zeal with which the contest between light and darkness is at this moment carrying on in that country; and we know not how we can communicate a more cheering view, than by here inserting an interesting letter from our valuable correspondent, Amicus Hibernicus, whose communications have been, we regret to add, suspended for a season, through some of those afflictive dispensations with which Almighty God sees fit to exercise his people, and which we pray may mercifully be removed and sanctified.

An important era has arrived in Ireland-an era in some respects similar to that which took place when the dawnings of the Reformation first became discernible. For a considerable period, there has been a widely-extended circulation of the Holy Scriptures and religious tracts, and a gradual increase of schools, which have excited great inquiry, and which prepared the mind for the glorious contest which has publicly commenced; and will, if carried on in faith and prayer, issue in the final subversion of the dominion which the Man of Sin has usurped over the benighted millions in this superstitious, distracted, and rebellious land. The noble charge of the venerated Archbishop of Dublin, has given a powerful impulse to the zeal, talent, courage, and piety of numerous ministers of our Apostolic church throughout Ireland. For some months, a lecture has been delivered in St. James's Church, Dublin, in the heart of the Liberty, on every alternate Wednesday evening, by the able and pious Vicar, the Hon. and Rev. Edward Wingfield, assisted by some of his brethren in the ministry, on the leading points of difference between the Church of England and that of Rome. Multitudes of Roman Catholics have attended; some of whom have been delivered from the trammels of their unscriptural religion, and are now lovers of truth and followers after holiness. Incalculable good has been done to the poor Protestant population, who had too long been neglected, and were consequently too much exposed to the assaults of Popery. The Rev. William Bushe, Rector of St. George's, on the north side of the city, commenced a similar lecture on Wednesday evening, the 5th Nov.; and intends repeating it on every alternate Wednesday evening also; so that, once in every week, the Roman Catholics of Dublin will have an opportunity of hearing, in our Church, truth put forward in an able and most affectionate manner. On the 5th, St. George's Church was crowded to excess; and it is generally believed, that not less than five hundred Roman Catholics were present, who conducted themselves in the most becoming and respectful manner.

While such exertions are making on behalf of the Irish Catholics, we would just suggest it to the consideration of those of our brethren in England, who live in neighbourhoods where Papists abound, whether somewhat of a similar nature might not be attempted.

We have, also, thankfully to acknowledge the continued blessing and success which have, during the year, attended our Bible, Missionary, Jew, and School Societies. These, and various other pious and benevolent Institutions, have been proceeding silently yet steadily. No enemy has arisen to interrupt their progress; and though there is a species of secret, sneaking, and cowardly opposition carrying on against some of these benevolent undertakings, we may well congratulate our readers on what God hath already wrought, and console ourselves and others with the assurance, that the cause which is fairly beaten out of the field of argument, and depends on underhand means for support, is really lost, however false pride, and mistaken views of consistency,

may lead some to adhere to the party they have once imprudently or ignorantly adopted.

Our readers will join with us in thankfully acknowledging the progress already made in the erection of new churches. Vain is it to educate our youth in the principles of the Establishment, unless places are also provided where they may worship God. While, indeed, we rejoice at what is done, our joy has especial reference to the principle and the precedent which is thus established; and we cannot but hope, that some of the remaining difficulties may be removed, and that farther pecuniary aid may be afforded, until churches and chapels are erected, in every part of the land, sufficient to accommodate all who desire there to worship God.

And here we would impress upon the minds of Christian people, the importance of increasing numbers of young persons being devoted to, and trained up for, the especial service of God, as Ministers and as Missionaries. The call for increasing labourers resounds from every part of the world. In proportion as churches and chapels are erected, and especially where provision is made for three services on the Sunday, an increasing number of clergy will be required at home. Our possessions in the East and in the West, in Canada, in Newfoundland, in Africa, in Australasia, are almost heathenizing for the want of Protestant and Episcopal Ministers. Our Legislature has passed especial acts for the ordination of persons for colonial service; and it is now surely our duty to inquire, Where are the men? Where are those to be found who will devote themselves to this work? Men of humility, of industry, of patience, and of prayer. We call upon ministers to search out such men. We call upon persons of influence and of property to come forward with their substance, and, after the example of many of our pious Nobles and dignitaries in former times, to supply such young men with books, with tuition, with stipends, or exhibitions at our universities, that they may come forward well prepared and well fitted for the work of the ministry, and be instrumental in promoting the honour of God and the salvation of souls, and the extension and prosperity of that Establishment, of which all, who sit under her shadow, may well say, ESTO PERPETUA. We call upon all to join in fervent prayers, that the Spirit may be poured out from on high; and that Almighty God, who is the giver of all good gifts, and who, of his divine 'providence, has appointed divers orders in his church, may give his grace to all who are to be called to any office and administration in the same; and so replenish them with the truth of his doctrine, and endue ⚫ them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before him 'to the glory of his great name, and the benefit of his holy church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.'

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