egany commanding the regiment, or chartered, or legally authorized, or volunteer company, in which he may have served or done duty, that he has been equipped and done duty according to law, or by the certificate of the commissioners upon military claims, that he has performed military service, shall have a right to vote in the election of all civil officers, and on all questions in legally organized town or ward meetings, until the end of the first year after the adoption of this Constitution, or until the end of the year eighteen hundred and fortythree. R. I., 474. -But no compulsory process shall issue for the collection of any registry tax; Provided, That the registry tax of every person who has performed military duty according to the provisions of the preceding section, shall be remitted for the year he shall perform such duty; and the registry tax assessed upon any mariner, for any year while he is at sea, shall, upon his application, be remitted; and no person shall be allowed to vote whose registry tax for either of the two years next preceding the time of voting is not paid or remitted, as herein provided. R. I., 475. --And have paid all taxes which may have been required of them, and which they have had an opportunity of paying agreeable to law, for the year preceding the election. Ga., 149. -No property qualification shall be necessary to the holding of any office in this State, except the office of Senator in the General Assembly, and the office of Assessor, Inquisitor on lands, and levy Court Commissioner, and except such offices as the General Assembly shall by law designate. Del., 125. -No property qualification for eligibility to office, or for the right of suffrage, shall ever be required by law in this State. Miss., 335. -No possession of a freehold, or of any other estate, shall be required as a qualification for holding a seat in either branch of the General Court, or in the Executive Council. Mass., 297. [Freehold qualifications.] N. Y., (1777), 27, 28; (1821), 37; (abolished in 1826, p. 45). Formerly in Ct., $7, annually 111; N. H., 402; N. C., 50 acres, 424. [Property qualification without regard to color.] N. Y. (1777), 27. -[Residence in State at time of adoption of Constitution, gives right to vote.] Mich., 307. -And within two years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election, shall enjoy the rights of an elector. But a citizen of the United States, who had previously been a qualified voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, after residing in the State six months; Provided, That white freemen, citizens of the United States, between the ages of twentyone and twenty-two years, and having resided in the State one year, and in the election district ten days scribed by the of suffrage. -No person cept the office qualified elect -From and at has had the r name shall be re on or before the next preceding t show by legal pr year next precedi paid a tax or taxe e or city in this Stat that he has been e this State, been according to law, a year, shall have a ri civil officers, and on ized town or ward m -All persons who previous to the rati admitted freemen, ac this State, shall be ele -Every white male d every white male per have declared his inte United States, accordi year nor more than fiv who is over the age of disqualified by or unde Constitution, and who requirements, and have next preceding any e registration as voter, an of that period shall have or town where he offers as a voter, shall be entit for all officers, State, elective by the people; where than in the -And the inhabitants of qualified as this Constit Mo.. shall be empowered and r themselves toward the su have the same privilege of Senators, in the plantatio town inhabitants have in t the plantation meetings for annually, [on the same first place in the plantations res thereof shall direct: which authority for notifying th returning the votes, as t Clerks have in their several tion. porated (qualified as aforesa And all other person to the support of governme adjacent town, shall have t their votes for Councillors a 9 elections ought to be free and frequent, and every -No person shall be eligible to any civil office, (ex- -From and after that time, every such citizen, who -All persons who have been or shall hereafter, -Every white male citizen of the United States, and -And the inhabitants of plantations unincorporated, Civilized persons of Ir ing to any tribe, may v -Persons of mixed w have adopted the custo may vote. Min., 325. -Persons of Indian blo have adopted the lang civilization, after an exa Court of the State, in vided by law, and sha said court capable of e ship within the State. -Persons of Indian bl clared by law of Congre States, any subsequent trary notwithstanding. --Colored persons exp Ind., 171; Or., 449; T --Excluded from elec Ala., 82; Ark., 85; Cal. Fl., 135; Ga., 149; Il Kan., 201; Ky., 215; L Md., 256; Mich., 307; 371; Nev., 380; Ohio, 4 486; Tenn., 495; Va., -The word "white," 1 403; R. I., 474; Vt., 5 as military service rafted person or volunteer, during the present rebelSon, shall, when absent from this State, because of uch service, have the same right to vote in any election of State officers, Representatives in Congress, and electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, as he would have if present at the ime appointed for such election, in the town n which he resided at the time of his enlistment into such service. This provision shall in no case extend co persons in the regular army of the United States, and shall cease, and become inoperative and void, upon the termination of the present war. The Gen eral Assembly shall prescribe by law, in what manher and in what time the votes of electors absent rom this State in the military service of the United States, shall be received, counted, returned and canassed. Ct., 115. --For the purpose of taking the vote of the electors of said Territory who may be in the army of the United States, the Adjutant-General of said Territory shall, on or before the fifth day of August next folLowing, make out a list in alphabetical order, and deliver the same to the Governor, of the names of all the electors, residents of said Territory, who shall be n the army of the United States, stating the number of the regiment, battalion, squadron or battery to which he belongs, and also the county or township of his residence in the said Territory. Nev. 397. --No soldier, seaman, or marine, in the army or navy of the United States, or of their allies, shall be deemed to have acquired a residence in the State in consequence of being stationed within the same; nor shall any soldier, seaman, or marine have the right to vote. Kan. 202. -No soldier, seaman or marine, in the army or navy of the United States, shall be deemed a resident of this State, in consequence of being stationed at any military or naval place within the State. Ala., 82; Ark., 85; Ill., 162; (nearly similar), Del., 120; Fl., 135; I., 162; Ind., 174; Iowa, 184; Me., 240; Mich., 308; Min., 326; N. J., 413; Ohio, 438; Or., 449; Va., 534; W. Va., 546; Wis., 462. --No officer, soldier, or marine, in the regular army or navy of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any election in this State [Miss., 350], and no soldier, sailor, or marine in the army or navy of the United States shall be entitled to vote at any election created by this Constitution. Tex., 507. -Any other person in the employ or pay of the United States, unless he be a qualified elector of the State previous to his appointment or enlistment as such officer, soldier, seaman or marine, in the regular army or navy of the United States, or of the revenue service, shall be considered a resident in the State in consequence of being stationed within the same. Fl., 135. -Electors of this State, who, in time of war, are absent from the State, in the actual military service with as if they were within [Idiots excluded]. 202; Md., 256; Min., 31 Ohio, 438; Or., 449; R. [Lunatics excluded]. 202; Md., 256; Min., 32 [Paupers excluded]. [Persons under guardia [Prisoners excluded]. Ca ballot, with the names of the persons voted for -But persons in the military, naval, or marine ser- person, pro of President and Vice-Pr or Representative in Co profit or trust created by of this State, or by the o Mayor and City Counci giving or offering to give the same, and any person given an illegal vote, kno election to be hereafter shall be guilty of or acc surprise, or bribery to pr person to be nominated t or municipal, shall, on co in addition to the penalt imposed by law, be forev office of profit or trust, thereafter. Md., 257. -But the foregoing prov against the United States son not a citizen thereof, such acts while in the ser at war with the United such acts, been naturalize uralized, under the law the oath of loyalty herein by any such person, shall such sense. Mo., 349. -Whoever shall be con indirectly, given or offere election or appointment qualified for any office of this State; and whoever to procure the election o person to any office, sha disqualified for a voter, or profit under this Sta conviction. Mo., 350. EXCLUSION FROM THE RIGHT OF SUF- The Legislature may p FRAGE. [Idiots excluded]. Del., 120; Iowa, 184; Kan., 202; Md., 256; Min., 326; Nev., 380; N. J., 413; Ohio, 438; Or., 449; R. I., 475; Wis., 562. [Lunatics excluded]. Del., 120; Iowa, 180; Kan., 202; Md., 256; Min., 326; Nev., 381; N. J, 413; Ohio, 438; Or., 449; R. I., 475; W. Va., 547; Wis., 562. [Paupers excluded]. N. Y., (1821), 37; Cal., 97; La., 227; Me., 240; Mass., 294; N. H., 403; N. J., 413; R. I., 475; S. C., 486; W. Va., 547. Kan., [Persons under guardianship excluded]. [Prisoners excluded]. Cal., 97. [Chinamen excluded]. Or., 449. -Persons residing on lands ceded by this State to the United States, shall not be entitled to exercise the privileges of electors. R. I., 475. of the right of suffrage bribery at elections. N. --Every person shall b office, during the term f elected, who shall have threat, or reward, to pro Cal., 104; Kan., 202; T other person to offer a bi -Every person shall be Governor, Senator, Rep any other office of hono the term for which he sl shall have been convicted any bribe to procure his -Or has ever, with a v the militia of this State, of duty therein. Mo., 3 -Or, having ever voted in this State, or in any o or in any of their Terr State, or in any other of of their Territories, or u 7., 136. [Fraudulent bankruptcy.] Ct., 112. [Felony.] Del., 121; Miss., 325; W. Va., 547, &c. Larceny.] Wis., 561. [Theft.] Ct. 112. [Perjury.] Ala., 82; Ct., 112; Fl., 135; Ill., 154; La., 233; Mo., 352; Ohio, 438, &c. [Treason.] La., 233; Min., 326; Nev., 380; W. Va.. 547; Wis., 527. Treason or felony committed in any State.] Nev., 380. [Crimes punished by imprisonment in penitentiary.] Or., 447. [Crimes punishable by hard labor.] La., 227. "Other high crimes," and "infamous crimes."] Ala., 82; Cal., 97, 104; Ct, 112; Fl., 135; Ill., 162; Iowa, 184; Kan, 202; Min., 322; Mo., 352; Ohio, 438; R. I., 475; Tenn., 495; Wis., 562. [Right lost as above may be restored.] Ga. 143; Kan., 202; Md., 256; Miss., 326; R. I., 475; Wis., 526, &c. [Exclusion on account of crimes, applied to those over 21 years of age.] Md., 256. ---The Legislature may impose the forfeiture of the right of suffrage as a punishment for crime. Del., 120; Ill., 162. PRIVILEGES OF ELECTORS. -No elector shall be obliged to do militia duty on the day of election, except in time of war or public danger, or attend court as a suitor or witness, [Mich., 308], nor work on the public roads, [Va., 545; W. Va., 548; Cal., 9; Ill., 162; Iowa, 184; Me., 241; Miss., 336; Or., 449;] nor serve as a juror. Va., 534. -Every elector, in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, shall be privileged from arrest during his attendance at election, and in going to and returning from the same. Ala., 82; Cal., 97; Del., 121; Ill., 162; Iowa, 184; Ind., 172; Kan,, 202; Ky., 210; La., 227; Me., 241; Mich., 308; Mo., 251; Ohio, 438; Or., 449; Pa., 464; Tenn., 495; Tex., 507; Va., 545. -Privilege from summons. Tenn., 495. -Privilege from service of civil process. Ct., 112; Nev., 381; Va., 534; W. Va., 548; Min., 326. R -All civil d or parish offic -But a person wh [Electors allowed to 10 |