Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of ContainmentVerso, 2007 - 442 pages Once the lucrative European colony in the Caribbean, Haiti has become one of the divided and impoverished countries in the world. This title analyzes how and why President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's enemies in Haiti, the US and France instigated a second coup in 2004 to remove Aristide and a mobilization known as Lavalas for good. |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 35
Page 7
... capital's Cité Soleil , for instance , is a laundrywoman called Marie Joseph . Her situation is typical . She has worked full - time in the hospital for 25 years , and still lives with her eight children in a flimsy two - room tin shack ...
... capital's Cité Soleil , for instance , is a laundrywoman called Marie Joseph . Her situation is typical . She has worked full - time in the hospital for 25 years , and still lives with her eight children in a flimsy two - room tin shack ...
Page 389
... Capital , " Washington Post , 26 February 2004 . 84. " Former Senator Toussaint Called to Court for Threats , " AHP , 22 January 2004 . On 15 January Dany Toussaint was quoted as saying that “ opposition demonstrators would not hesitate ...
... Capital , " Washington Post , 26 February 2004 . 84. " Former Senator Toussaint Called to Court for Threats , " AHP , 22 January 2004 . On 15 January Dany Toussaint was quoted as saying that “ opposition demonstrators would not hesitate ...
Page 395
... Capital Ends as the President Tells Backers to Stop Attacks , " Miami Herald , 29 February 2004 . 204. Scott Wilson and Kevin Sullivan , " US Puts Blame for Crisis on Aristide ; Thousands in Haiti Rally for President , " Washington Post ...
... Capital Ends as the President Tells Backers to Stop Attacks , " Miami Herald , 29 February 2004 . 204. Scott Wilson and Kevin Sullivan , " US Puts Blame for Crisis on Aristide ; Thousands in Haiti Rally for President , " Washington Post ...
Table des matières
Conclusion | 311 |
One Step at a Time An Interview with | 317 |
Notes | 346 |
Droits d'auteur | |
2 autres sections non affichées
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment Peter Hallward Affichage d'extraits - 2007 |
Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment Peter Hallward Affichage d'extraits - 2007 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
29 February activists administration anti-Aristide anti-Lavalas Apaid April Aristide's Aristide's government armed army attacks Bel Air Boulos Brian Concannon campaign Cap-Haïtien Caroit Cédras Chamblain chimères Cité Soleil Cited corruption coup Dany Toussaint December Democracy democratic opposition Dominican Dupuy Duvalier elections electoral elite Evans Paul Fanmi Lavalas Fatton force foreign FRAPH gang Gérard Gonaïves Group of 184 groups Guy Delva Guy Philippe Haïti Haïti Progrès Haitian human rights insurgency Interview Jane Regan January Jean Jean-Bertrand Aristide killed Kim Ives Latortue Latortue's leaders Macoutes March Miami Herald militants military National NCHR neighborhoods NGOs November October organization PAPDA paramilitary party Patrick Elie Pétionville Pierre-Charles police political poor popular Port-au-Prince president Préval prime minister pro-Lavalas radio rebels regime Report Roger Noriega sector September slums soldiers Stan Goff Tatoune troops USAID violence vote Washington Post York Yvon Neptune