Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis1943 |
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Page 79
... goddess in an attitude of intercession stands before a god - king ( 2 ) . A similar scene is engraved on another seal where a bearded god facing to right and a goddess in frontal aspect are preceded by a divinity who offers a goat to a ...
... goddess in an attitude of intercession stands before a god - king ( 2 ) . A similar scene is engraved on another seal where a bearded god facing to right and a goddess in frontal aspect are preceded by a divinity who offers a goat to a ...
Page 80
... goddess stands before a god - king , from which it might be surmised that those particular seals commemorated a treaty between the people of the god - king and those of the region in which the mountain personified by the goddess was ...
... goddess stands before a god - king , from which it might be surmised that those particular seals commemorated a treaty between the people of the god - king and those of the region in which the mountain personified by the goddess was ...
Page 82
... goddess of Arinna , Hepatu , is borne towards Šantas on the back of a lion , her sacred animal . She is accompanied by a little man - headed bull wearing a horned cap . These two deified bulls have been identified as Šeriš and Hurriš ...
... goddess of Arinna , Hepatu , is borne towards Šantas on the back of a lion , her sacred animal . She is accompanied by a little man - headed bull wearing a horned cap . These two deified bulls have been identified as Šeriš and Hurriš ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
ACIO Ägypten akkadischen Albright Aliyn Bal Amda Şeyon Anat Aqht Aššur Atirat Atti di Filippo babylonischer babylonischer Keilschrift Baṣalota BASOR besonders churritischen Dabra Libānos divinity Djoha Dnil Enlil ensí ersten etiopica Father Figuren Form Ginsberg goddess gods Gott Grammatik hethitischen horned cap house Ibi-Sin Ideogramm Ištar Keilschrift Keis King Komitativ König Konsonanten Kumarpi Lagaš Lau OBTR liqa Melchisedech Metropolita monachismo mountain Namen Negus Niffer Onorio Orientalia NS palace Partikel Person Plural Quiché Ras Shamra Reisn Roma Šamaš Schn Schreibung Schrift Scioa seal secolo Speiser Sprache steht Stelle Šu-Sin Suffix sumerischen Šuppiluliuma Syria Syria 21 Takla Hāymānot Telloh Teššup testo Text Thureau-Dangin trad transitiven Übersetzung Ugarit Ugaritic ugaritische Schrift unserer Ur III Uruk Vater Verbum Verf Vescovo vielleicht Vokal Wettergott wohl Wort ZDMG Zeile