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die stete Bereithaltung einer zu deren Verfügung zu stellenden Truppenmacht, die Befriedigung eines augen,,blicklichen und bis zu der unverzüglich vorzunehmen„den Revision der Geschäftsordnung und der Bundes-Mi,,litairverfassung dringenden Bedürfnisses".

„Sie verpflichten sich daher, ihre Bundestagsgesand„ten anzuweisen, sobald diese Anträge im geschäftsord,,nungsmässigen Wege der Bundesversammlung zur Be


Traité de paix, d'amitié, de commerce et de navigation, entre la Grande Bretagne et la République Dominicaine, signé à Santo-Domingo, le 6 mars 1850*).

Texte anglais.

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the President of the Dominican Republic, being desirous to consecrate the formal recognition of the independence of the same, and to conclude a Treaty of Peace and Friendship, and to regulate thereby the commercial intercourse between the dominions and subjects of Her Majesty and the territories and citizens of the Republic, they have for this purpose named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is

to say;

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Robert Herman Schomburgk, Knight, Doctor of Philosophy, Knight of the Royal Prussian Order of the Red Eagle; of the Royal Saxon of Merit; of the Legion of Honour of the French Republic; her Consul to the Dominican Republic;

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Santo-Domingo, le 10

,,schlussfassung vorgelegt werden, denselben unbedingt ,,beizustimmen".


F. Schwarzenberg. Manteuffel. Gr. Buol-Schauenstein. Alvensleben. Dr. v. d. Pfordten. Fhr. v. Aretin. Doenniges. Beust. A. v. Münchhausen. E. v. Schele. Neurath. Rüdt. Meysenbug. Baumbach. v. Dalwigk. Hallwachs. B. E. von Bülow. Scherff von Schleinitz. Liebe. B. F. v. Bülow, auch für Mecklenburg-Strelitz. v. Dungern. Fritsch. v. Watzdorf. v. Seebach. Graf Beust. M. v. Eisendecher. v. Gossler. A. v. Krosigk. Chop. Röder. Otto. v. Bretschneider. Fhr. von Holzhausen. Brehmer. Harnier. Smidt. Smidt. Banks.


Traité de paix, d'amitié, de commerce et de navigation, entre la Grande Bretagne et la République Dominicaine, signé à Santo-Domingo, le 6 mars 1850*).

Texte espagnol.

El en nombre de la Santisima Trinidad.

Deseando el Presidente de la República Dominicana, y Su Majestad la Reyna del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, consagrar el reconocimiento formal de la independencia de aquella, y concluir un Tratado de Paz y Amistad, en el que se regulen las relaciones comerciales entre los territorios y ciudadanos de la República, y los dominios y subditos de Su Majestad, han nombrado con este objeto sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios, á saber:

El Presidente de la República Dominicana, al Señor José Maria Medrano, Ministro Secretario de Estado y de los Despachos del Interior y Policia, encargado de las Carteras de Justicia, Instruccion Publica, y Relaciones Esteriores;

septembre 1850.

Nour. Recueil gén. Tome XV.


And the President of the Dominican Republic, Señor José Maria Medrano, Minister Secretary of State for the Departments of Police and the Interior, and charged with those of Justice, Public Instruction, and Foreign Affairs;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full-powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

Art. I. There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and successors, and the Dominican Republic, and between their respective subjects and citizens.

II. There shall be reciprocal freedom of commerce between the British dominions and the Dominican Republic. The subjects of Her Britannic Majesty may reside in and trade to any part of the territories of the Republic to which any other foreigners are or shall be admitted. They shall enjoy full protection for their persons and properties. They shall be allowed to buy from and to sell to whom they like, without being restrained or affected by any monopoly, contract, or exclusive privilege of sale or purchase whatever; and they shall, moreover, enjoy all other rights and privileges which are or may be granted to any other foreigners, subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

The citizens of the Dominican Republic shall, in return, enjoy similar protection and privileges in the dominions of Her Britannie Majesty.

III. No tonnage, import, or other duties or charges shall be levied in the Dominican Republic on British vessels, or on goods imported or exported in British vessels, beyond what are or may be levied on national vessels, or on the like goods imported or exported in national vessels, to and from the open ports; and in like manner, no tonnage, import, or other duties or char ges shall be levied in the British dominions on the vessels of the Republic, or on goods imported or CXported in those vessels, beyond what are or may be levied on national vessels, or on the like goods imported or exported in national vessels to or from the ports open to commerce; without prejudice whatever to the

Y Su Majestad la Reina del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, á Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk, Caballero, Doctor de Filosofia, Caballero de la Real Ŏrden Prusiana del Aguila Roja; de la Real Orden Sajona del Merito; de la Orden de la Lejion de Honor de la República Francesa; Consul suyo cerca de la República Dominicana;

Quienes, habiendose comunicado mutuamente sus respectivos Plenos-poderes, y halladolos en buena y debida forma, han accordado y concluido los Artículos siguientes:

Art. I. Habrá perpetua paz y amistad entre la Republica Dominicana y Su Majestad la Reyna del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, sus herederos y sucesores, y entre sus respectivos ciudadanos y subditos.

II. Habrá reciproca libertad de comercio entre la República Dominicana y los dominios Británicos. Los ciudadanos de la República Dominicana podràn residir y comerciar, en cualquier punto de los dominios de Su Majestad Británica, en que los demas estranjeros son o serán admiditos. Ellos gozarán de entera proteccion en sus personas y propiedades. Podrán comprar y vender de quien y á quien gustaren, sin ser restrinjidos ó afectados por ningun monopolio, contrato, o esclusivo privilegio de compra ó venta alguna; y disfrutarán ademas de todos los otros derechos y privilegios que hayan sido ó sean concedidos á cualesquier otros estranjeros, subditos ó ciudadanos de la nación mas favorecida.

Los subditos de Su Majestad Británica gozarán, en retorno, de una protection y privilegios semejantes en los territorios de la República.

III. No se impondrán en los dominios Británicos á los buques de la República, ni á los generos importados ó esportados en buques Dominicanos, derechos de tonelada, importacion, ú otros derechos ó cargas, mayores que los que se imponen ó se impusieren à los buques nacionales, ó á iguales generos importados ó esportados en buques nacionales en y de los puertos habili tados. Y del mismo no se impondrán en la República Dominicana á los buques Británicos, ni á los generos importados ó esportados en dichos buques, derechos de tonelada, importacion, ú otros derechos o cargas, mayores que los que se imponen ó se impusieren á los buques nacionales, ó á generos iguales importados ó espor


coasting trade, which remains exclusively reserved to national vessels of each of the 2 Contracting Parties.

IV. Merchandize or goods, coming from the British dominions in any vessel, or imported in British vessels from any country, shall not be prohibited by the Dominican Republic, nor be subject to higher duties than are levied on the same kinds of merchandize or goods, coming from any other foreign country, or imported in any other vessels.

All articles the produce of the Republic may be exported therefrom by British subjects and British vessels, on as favourable terms as by the subjects or citizens and vessels of any other foreign country.

V. The protection of the Government of the Republic shall be afforded to all British vessels, their officers and crews. If any such vessels should be wrecked on the coast of the Republic, the local authorities shall succour them, and shall secure them from plunder, and shall cause all articles saved from the wreck to be restored to their lawful owners. The amount of salvage dues in such cases shall be regulated, in case of dispute, by arbitrators chosen by both parties.

VI. It being the intention of the 2 Contracting Parties, to bind themselves by the present Treaty to treat each other on the footing of the most favoured nation, it is hereby agreed between them, that any favour, privilege, or immunity whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which either Contracting Party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the subjects or citizens of any other State, shall be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other Contracting Party; gratuitously, if the concession in favour of that other State shall have been gratuitous, or in return for a compensation as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional.

VII. Each Contracting Party may appoint Consuls for the protection of trade, to reside in the dominions or territories of the other; but no such Consul shall enter upon the exercise of his functions until he shall

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