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Job xxii. 22. Lay up his words in thine Ps. xxii. 23. Fear him all the seed of heart.

Israel. Ps. xvi. 8. I have set the Lord always xxxiii. 8. Let all the earth fear the before me.

Lord. Ps. xxxiv. 9. xl. 8. O my God, thy law is within my Prov. xxiii. 17. Be thou in the fear of heart. Ps. xxxvii. 31.--cxix. 11.

the Lord all the day long. lxiii. 5, 6. My soul shall be satisfied xxiv. 21. Fear the Lord and the king. when I meditate on thee in the night- 1 Pet. ii. 17. watches. Ps. civ. 34.

Isa. viii. 13. Sanctify the Lord God of Ixxvii. 12. I will meditate of all thy hosts, and let him be your fear, and let works, and talk of thy doings. Ps.cxliii. 5. him be your dread.

cxix. 15. I will meditate in thy precepts, Jer. v. 22. Will ye not fear me, saith and have respect unto thy ways. Ver. 78. the Lord? will ye not tremble at my pre

Ver. 23. Thy servant did meditate in sence? Ver. 24. thy statutes. Ver. 48.

Mal. i. 6. If I be a master, where is Ver. 99. Thy testimonies are my me- my fear ? saith the Lord of hosts. ditation.-Ver. 148. Mine eyes prevent Matt. x. 28. Fear him that is able to the night-watches, that I might meditate destroy both soul and body in hell. in thy word.

Rev. xiv. 7. Fear God, and give glory 1 Tim. iv. 15. Meditate upon these to him. things.

LIII. God is to be feared on account of FEARING GOD.

his perfections. Job xiii. 11. Shall not his

excellency make you afraid? L. Fear due unto God. Exod. xv. 11. xxv. 2. Dominion and fear are with him. Who is like unto thee, O Lord! glorious xxxvii. 23, 24. The Almighty is excel. in holiness, fearful in praises, doing won. lent in power, and judgment, and in plen. ders!

ty of justice. Men do therefore fear him. Ps. lxxvi. 7. Thou, even thou art to be Ps. cxxx. 4. There is forgiveness with feared; and who may stand when thou thee that thou mayest be feared. Rev. art angry? Ver. 11.

xv. 4. Ixxxix. 7. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints.

LIV. God is to be feared on account of xcvi. 4. The Lord is to be feared above his words and works. Deut. iv. 10. I will all gods.

make them hear my words, that they may Jer. x. 7. Who would not fear thee, o learn to fear me all the days that they King of nations?

shall live upon the earth. 1 Kings viii. Rev. xv. 4. Who shall not fear thec, O 40. 43. 2 Chron. vi. 30. 33. Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou Josh. iv. 23. The Lord your God dried only art holy.

up the waters of Jordan as he did the

Red Sea, that all people of the earth LI. The excellency of fearing God. might know the hand of the Lord, that Job xxviii. 28. The fear of the Lord, that it is mighty; that ye might fear the Lord is wisdom, and to depart from evil is un- your God for ever. derstanding

Eccl. iii. 14. What God doth shall be Ps. cxi. 10. The fear of the Lord is for ever; nothing can be put to it, nor the beginning of wisdom. Prov. ix. 10.- any thing taken from it; and God doth xv. 33. It is the instruction of wisdom.

it, that men may fear before him. See Prov, i. 7. The fear of the Lord is the Jer. xxxiii. 9. Rev. xiv. 7. Isa. Ixv. 8. beginning of knowledge. Ps. xix. 9. It is Examples. Instances. Exod. xiv. 31. clean, enduring for ever.

1 Sam. xii. 18.

LII. It is a commanded duty. Deut. vi. LV. The fear of the Lord is promised 24. The Lord our God commanded us to and prayed for. Ps. xxxvi. 11. Ünite my do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our heart to fear thy name. God, for our good always.

Isa. lix. 11. They shall fear the Lord 2 Kings xvii. 36. The Lord, him shall from the west, and his glory from the ye fear. Ver. 33.

rising of the sun. See Ch. xxix. 23. Prov. 1 Chron. xvi. 30. Fear before him all ii. 5. Jer. xxxiii, the earth. Ps. xcvi. 9,

Jer. xxxii. 39. I will give them one

heart and one way, that they may fear Exod. ix. 20. He that feared God me for ever; for the good of them and of among the servants of Pharaoh, made his their children. I will put my fear into cattle and servants go into the houses. their hearts, and they shall not depart xx. 20. That his fear may be before from me.

your faces, that ye sin not. Isa. xi. 2. The Spirit of knowledge Lev, xix. 14. Thou shalt not curse the and of the fear of the Lord shall rest upon deaf, nor put a stumbling-block before him.

the blind, but shalt fear thy God. Ver.

32. LVI. The fear of God joined with obe. Deut. xiii. 11. All Israel shall hear and dience toward God. Deut. vi. 2, 3. Fear fear the Lord, and do no more such wick. the Lord thy God, to keep all his statutes edness as this among you. Ch. xiv. 23. and his commandments : that it may be –xvii. 13. 19.—xix. 20.—xxi. 21.-xxxi. well with thee.- Ver. 13. Thou shalt fear 12, 13. the Lord thy God, and serve him.

Job i. 1. Job feared God, and eschewed x. 12. What doth the Lord thy God re-evil. Ver. 8. Ch. ii. 3. quire of thee, but to fear the Lord thy Prov. iii. 7. The fear of the Lord is to God, to walk in all his ways, and to love depart from evil. him, and to serve the Lord thy God with viii. 13. The fear of the Lord is to hate all thy heart, and with all thy soul ?— evil. Ch. xiv. 16. Ver. 20. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy xvi. 6. By the fear of the Lord men God, him shalt thou serve, and to him depart from evil. shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. 2 Cor. vii. 1. Let us cleanse ourselves

xiii. 4. Ye shall walk after the Lord from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, your God, and fear him, and keep his perfecting holiness in the fear of God. commandments, and obey his voice, and Ver. 11. ye shall serve him and cleave unto him. Eph. v. 21. Submitting yourselves to

Josh. xxiv. 14. Now, therefore, fear one another in the fear of God. the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and Phil. ii. 12. Work out your salvation truth.

with fear and trembling. 1 Sam. xii. 24. Fear the Lord, and Heb. xi. 7. Noah, moved with fear, preserve him with all your heart.

pared an ark. Eccl. xii. 13. Fear God, and keep his 1 Pet. i. 7. Pass the time of your so. commandments: for this is the whole journing here in fear. duty of man.

iii. 2. Your chaste conversation, cou.

pled with fear. LVII. Joined with the worship of God. Col. iii. 22. Servants, obey your mas. Ps. ii. 11. Serve the Lord with fear. ters, with singleness of heart, fearing God,

v. 7. In thy fear will I worship toward Eph. vi. 5. thy holy temple.

Instances. Isaac, Gen. xxxi. 42, 43. 1 xxii

. 23. Ye that fear the Lord, praise Kings xviii. 3, 4. 12, 13. 2 Kings. Obahim.

diah iv. 1. Neh. vii. 2.-Hanani, Ps. xl, cxxxv. 20. Ye that fear the Lord, bless 3.-lii. 6.-cxix. 63. See the Qualifica. the Lord.

tions of the civil magistrate, Command, Acts x, 2. Cornelius feared God, and ment 5th. prayed to God alway.

Heb. xii. 28. Serve God with reverence LIX. Promises to them that fear God, and godly fear.

Deut. vi. 24. The Lord commanded us

to fear the Lord our God, for our good LVIII. It is a motive to duty in general alway: toward God and man, and a restraint from 2 Kings xvii. 39. The Lord your God sin. Gen. xxii. 12. God said to Abraham, ye shall fear, and he shall deliver you out Thou earest God, seeing thou hast not of the hand of all your enemies. withheld thy son, thine only son, from Neh. i. 11. Let ihine ear be attentive to

the prayer of thy servant, who desires to xlii. 18. Joseph said, This do, and live; fear thy name. for I fear God.

Ps. xxv. 12. 14. What man is he that Exod. i, 17. The midwives feared God, feareth the Lord ? lim shall he teach the and did not do as the king of Egypt com- way that he shall choose. manded them.

xxxi. 19. How great is thy goodness,



which thou hast laid up for them that Eccl. viii. 12. It shall be well with fear thee!

them that fear God. Ps. xxxii. 18. Behold, the eye of the Isa. xxxii. 6. The fear of the Lord is Lord is on them that fear him.

his treasure. xxxiv. 7. The angel of the Lord en. 1. 10. Who is among you that feareth campeth round them that fear him, and the Lord, and obeyeth the voice of his delivereth them.- Ver. 9. There is no servant, that walketh in darkness and want to them that fear him.

hath no light? let him trust in the name lx. 4. Thou hast given a banner to of the Lord, and stay upon his God. them that fear thee.

Zeph. iii. 7. I said, Surely thou wilt Ixxxv. 9. His salvation is nigh them fear mc; so thy dwelling should not be that fear him.

cut off, ciii. 11. As the heaven is high above Mal. ii. 5. My covenant was with Levi the earth, so great is his mercy toward of life and peace; and I gave them to them that fear him.-Ver. 13. Like as a him, for the fear wherewith he feared me. father pitieth his children, so the Lord ii. 16, 17. They that feared the Lord, pitieth them that fear him.-Ver. 17. The spake often one to another: and the mercy of the Lord is from everlast- Lord heakened and heard ; and a book of ing to everlasting upon them that fear remembrance was written before him, him.

for them that feared the Lord, and that cxi. 5. He hath given meat unto them thought upon his name. And they shall that fear him.

be mine, saith the Lord, in the day that cxii. 1. Blessed is the man that feareth I make up my jewels: and I will spare the Lord.

them as

man spareth his son that cxv. 11. Ye that fear the Lord, trust in serveth him. the Lord: he is their help and shield. iv. 2. Unto you that fear my name, Ver. 13. The Lord will bless them that shall the Sun of righteousness arise with fear him.

healing under his wings. cxix. 38. Stablish thy word unto thy Luke i. 50. His mercy is on them servant, who is devoted to thy fear. that fear him, from generation to genera

cxxviii. 1. Blessed is every one that tion. feareth the Lord.-Ver. 4. Thus shall Rev. xi. 18. The time is come, that the man be blessed that feareth the thou shouldst give a reward to them Lord.

that fear thy name. See 1 Sam. xii. 14. cxlv. 19. He will fulfil the desire of 18. Ps. lii. 6.-lxvi. 16.-cxvii. 4.-cxix. them that fear him ; he will hear their cry, 74. 79. Eccl. vii. 18. Isa. lx. 5. Jer. and will save them.

xxxii. 39, 40. Acts ix. 31. cxlvii. 11. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him.

LX. Other expressions to the same efProv. x. 27. The fear of the Lord pro: fect. Trembling. Ezra ix. 4. they tremlongeth days.

bled at the word. Isa. lxvi. 2. 5. xiv. 26, 27. In the fear of the Lord is x. 3. They trembled at the commandstrong confidence; and his children shall ment. have a place of refuge. The fear of the Job xxi. 6. When I remember, trem. Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from bling taketh hold on my flesh. Ps. cxix. the snares of death.

120. xv. 16. Better is a little with the fear Ps. ii. 11. Rejoice with trembling. of the Lord, than great treasures and Hog. xiii. 11. When Ephraim spake trouble therewith.

trembling, he exalted himself in Israel. xix. 23. The fear of the Lord tend. Joel ii. 11. Let all tremble, for the day eth to life; he that hath it shall abide sa of the Lord cometh. Ver. 10. See Ezra tisfied.

x. 10. Job iv. 14.—xxxvii. 1. Isa. lxiv. 2. xxii. 24. By humility and the fear of Dan. vi. 26. Jer. xxxiii. 9. Hab. iii. 16. the Lord, are riches, and honour, and Acts vii. 32.-xvi. 29.—xxiv. 25. Eph. vi. life.

5. Phil. ii. 12. xxviii. 14. Happy is the man that teareth alway.

LXI. Heaven and earth tremble at God's xxxi. 30.' Favour is deceitful, and greatness. Job ix. 6. He shaketh the beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth earth out of her place; the pillars thereof the Lord she shall be praised.


Israel go.


xxvi. 11. The pillars of heaven trem- against the sorcerers, adulterers, false ble, and are astonished at his reproof. swearers, against those that oppress the

Ps. xviii. 7. The earth shook and hireling in his wages, the widow, and trembled, the foundations of the hills the fatherless, and that turn aside the moved, because he was wroth. See Ps. stranger from his right, and fear not me, 1x. 2.-lxxvii

. 18.-xcvii. 4.-civ. 32. saith the Lord of hosts. See 2 Kings -cxiv. 7. Jer. x. 10.–li. 29. Amos viii. 8. xvii. 25. 40, 41.

Quake. Neh. i. 7. The mountains quake at him: the hills melt.

Heb. xii. 21. Moses said, I exceedingly NOT FEARING GOD. fear and quake. See Exod. xviii. 9. Ezek. xii. 18.

LXIII. The wicked fear not God, with Terror. Job vi. 4. The terrors of God that fear which is a restraint from sin, and set themselves in array against me. a motive to duty. Gen. xx. 11. Abraham

xxxi. 23. Destruction from the Al. said, I thought surely the fear of God is mighty was a terror to me.

not in this place, and they will slay me Ps. lxxxviii. 15. While I suffer thy for my wife's sake. terrors I am distracted.

Exod. ix. 30. Moses said to Pharaoh, Jer. xvii. 17. Be not a terror to me; As for thee and thy servants, I know that for thou 'art my hope in the day of evil, ye will not yet fear the Lord God, to let Job xxxiii. 7.

2 Cor. v. 11. Knowing the terrors of Deut. xxv. 18. Amalek smote Israel, the Lord we persuade men.

and feared not God. Reverence. Ps. lxxxix. 7. God is to be Job vi. 14. The wicked forsaketh the had in reverence of all that are about him. fear of the Almighty.Ver. 18. The

cxi. 9. Holy and reverend is his name. paths of their way are turned aside, they -Heb. xii. 28. Serve God with reve- go to nothing and perish.

xv. 4. He casteth off fear, and restrainiv. 4. Stand in awe, and sin not. Ps. eth prayer before God. xxxiii. 8.-cxix. 16.

Ps. xxxvi. 1. The transgression of the Afraid. Deut. ix. 19. I was afraid of wicked saith within my heart, That there the anger and hot displeasure of the is no fear of God before his eyes. Lord.

lv. 19, 20. Because they have no 2 Sam. vi. 9. David was afraid of the changes, therefore they fear not God. Lord. See 1 Chron. xiii. 12. Job xiii. -He hath broken his covenant. 11.-xxi. 6.-xxii. 15.-xxxiii. 7. Ps. Ixiv. 4. Suddenly do they shoot at the cxix. 120,-lvi. 3. Hab. iii. 2.

perfect, and fear not.

Jer. iii. 8. Judah feared not, but played LXII. Threatenings against those that the harlot. fear not God. Prov. i. 29. They hated v. 22. Fear ye not me ? saith the Lord. knowledge, and did not choose the fear Ver. 23, 24. This people hath a revoltof the Lord. — Ver. 31. Therefore shall ing heart. Neither say they in their they eat the fruit of their own way. Ver. heart, Let us fear the Lord our God. 25, &c.

Luke xviii. 2. There was a judge which Eccl. viii. 13. It shall not be well with feared not God, neither regarded man. the wicked, because they fear not God. See Jer. xxxvi. 24. Hos. x. 3. Luke

Jer. ii. 19. Thine own wickedness xxiii. 40. Jude 12. shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and LXIV. The wicked have a tormenting see, that it is an evil thing and bitter, fear of God, which is their punishment. that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, Job xv. 21. A dreadful sound is in his and that my fear is not in thee, saith the ears.

-Ver. 24.

Trouble and anguish Lord God of Hosts,

shall make him afraid. xliv. 10, 11. They are not humbled, xviii. 11. Terrors shall make him neither have they feared, nor walked afraid on every side. Ver. 14. Ch. xxiv. 17. in my law. Therefore, thus saith the Ps. ix. 20. Put them in fear, O Lord, Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, Be- that they may know themselves to be but hold, I will set my face against you for men. Ps. lxxxiii. 15. evil, &c.

lxxiii. 19. They are utterly consumed Mal. iii. 5. I will be a swift witness with terrors,


Prov. x. 24. The fear of the wicked thousands of them that love me, and shall come upon him.

keep my commandments. Deut. v. 10. Isa. ii. 10. Enter into the rock, and Deut. vii. 9. Know the Lord thy God, he hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, is God, the faithful God, which keepeth and for the glory of his majesty. Ver. covenant and mercy with them that love 19. Hos. x. 8. Mic. vii. 17. Luke xxiii. him and keep his commandments, to a 30. Rev. vi. 15, 16.

thousand generations. Dan.ix.5. Neh. i. 5. Heb. x. 27. A fearful looking for of Ps. xci. 14.-15. Because he hath set judgment. (Matt. xxv. 25.) Ver. 31. It his love upon me, therefore will I de. is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of liver him and honour him. I will shew the living God.

him my salvation. Isa. xxxiii. 14. The sinners in Zion are cxix. 132. Look upon me, and be afraid, fearfulness hath surprised the hypo- merciful unto me, as thou usest to do crites: Who among us shall dwell with unto them that love thy name, devouring fire? with everlasting burnings? cxlv. 20. The Lord preserveth them

Heb. xii. 29. Our God is a consuming that love him. fire. See Isa. lxvi. 4.

Rom. viii. 28. All things work toge.

ther for good to them that love God. LXV. God delivers the wicked up to

1 Cor. ii. 9. Eye hath not seen, nor their fears of their enemies. Exod. xv. 6. ear heard, neither have entered into the Fear and dread shall fall upon them, by heart of man, the things which God hath the greatness of thine arm. Gen. xxxv. prepared for them that love him. 5. Isa. xix. 17. Lev. xxv. 16. I will ap- viii. 3. If any man love God, the same point over you terror. Deut. xxviii. 66, is known of him. 67. Ezek. xxi. 12. Sam. iii. 47.

James ii.5. A kingdom God hath proxxiii. 27. I will send my fear before mised to them that love him. See also thee, and make thine enemies turn their Deut. xi. 13, 14, 15. 22. 23.—xix. 9,backs. Deut. xi. 25.-ii. 25. Josh. ii. 9. xxx. 16. 19, 20. Ps. lxix. 36. Isa. Ivi. 6,

Deut. iv. 34. Hath God assayed to 7. Jer. ii. 2, 3. Col. ii. 12. Heb. vi. 10. take a nation, &c. by great terrors, &c. 1 John iv. 7. 16. 18. Jude 21. Ch. xxvi. 8.

xxxii. 25. The sword and terror shall LXVIII. Prayers for them that love destroy. Jer. vi. 24, 25.-xxx. 5. God. Judg. v. 31. Let them that love

2 Chron. xx. 29. The fear of God was on him be as the sun, when he goeth forth in all the kingdoms. Ps. xviii. 45. See Ps. xiv. his strength. 5.-xlvii. 6.--liii. 5. Isa. xxiv. 17. Jer. Ps.v. 11. Let them that love thy name xlviii. 43.- xlix. 5. 24. 29. Ezek. xxx. 13. be joyful in thee. LOVE TO GOD.

LXIX. Exhortations to love God. Ps.

xxxi. 20. O love the Lord all ye saints. LXVI. Love to God commanded. Deut. 1 Thess. v. 8. Putting on the breastvi. 5. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God plate of faith and love. with all thine heart, and with all thy 1 Tim. vi. 11. O man of God, follow soul, and with all thy might. Ch. x. 12. after righteousness, godliness, faith, and Matt. xxii. 37.

love. xi. 1. Thou shalt love the Lord thy Jude 21. Keep yourselves in the love God, and keep his charge, and his sta of God, looking for the mercy of our tutes, and his judgments. Ch. xiii. 3. Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.

xxx. 15, 16. I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil; in that LXX. Instances of persons loving God. I command thee to love the Lord thy God. Ps. xviii. 1. I will love the Lord my Ver. 19.

strength. Josh. xxii. 5. Take diligent heed to Song i. 3. The upright love thee. love the Lord your God, &c.

1 Kings iii. 3. Ps. xxxi. 23. O love the Lord all ye Rom. viii. 38. Neither death nor life, his saints.

&c. nor any other creature, shall be able

to separate us from the love of God, which LXVII, Promises tothem that love God. is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ver. 39. Exod. xx. 5, 6. I the Lord thy God am 2 Cor. vi. 4. Approving ourselves by a. jealous God; showing mercy unto love unfeigned. Ver. 6,

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