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niversary, and which the Emperor named the Battle of Austerlitz, will be ever memorable in the annals of the great nation. The Emperor, surrounded by all the marshals, waited only for the horizon to clear up, to issue his last orders. When the sun shot forth his first rays, the orders were issued, and each marshal joined his corps, full gallop.-The Emperor said, in passing along the front of several regiments: "Soldiers, we must finish this campaign by a thunderbolt, which shall confound the pride of our enemies:" and instantly hats were placed at the point of bayonets, and cries of Vive l'Empereur were the signal for battle. A moment afterwards, the cannonade began at the extremity of the right, which the enemy's advanced guard had already outflanked, but the unexpected meeting with Marshal Davoust, stopped the enemy short, and the battle began. Marshal Soult put himself in motion at the same moment, proceeded to the heights of the village of Pratzen, with Generals Vandamme and St. Hilaire's division, and cut off the enemy's right, whose movements became uncertain. Surprised by a flank march, whilst it was flying, believing itself to be attacking, and seeing itself attacked, it considered itself has half defeated. -Prince Murat was in motion with his cavalry. The left wing, under the command of General Lannes, marched forward also, en echelons, by regiments, in the same manner, as if they had been exercising by divisions. A tremendous cannonade took place along the whole line: 203 pieces of cannon, and nearly 200,000 men, made a dreadful noise. It was really a giant combat. Not an hour had elapsed, and the enemy's whole left was cut off; their right had already reached Austerlitz, the head-quarters of the two Emperors, who marched immediately to the Emperor of Russia's guard, to endeavour to restore the communication of the centre with the left. A battalion of the 4th of the line was charged by the imperial Russian guard, on horseback, and 1outed; but the Emperor was at hand; he perceived this movement; ordered Marshal Bassieres to go to the succour of his right, with his invincibles, and the two guards were soon engaged. --Success could not be doubtful, in a moment the Russian guard was routed; colonel, artillery, standards, every thing was taken. The regiment of the Grand Duke Constantine was annihilated. He owed his safety only to the swiftness of his horse.From the heights of Austerlitz the two Emperors beheld the defeat of all the Russian guard. At the same moment, the centre of the array, commanded by Marshal Berna

dotte, advanced; three of his regiments made a very fine charge of cavalry. The left, commanded by Marshal Lannes, made several. All the charges were victorious. General Caffarelli's division distinguished it self. The cuirassier division took the enemy's batteries. At one, p. m. the victory was decided; it had not been doubtful for a moment; not a man of the reserve was wanted, and had assisted no where; a cannonade was kept up only on our right. The enemy's corps, which had been surrounded and driven from all the heights, were on a flat, and near a lake. The Emperor hastened thither, with 20 pieces of cannon. This corps was driven from position to position, and we saw the horrid spectacle, such as was seen at Aboukir, of 20,000 men throwing themselves into the water, and drowning themselves in the lake.- -Two columns of Russians, 4000 each, laid down their arms, and surrendered themselves prisoners. All the enemy's park of artillery is taken. The result of this day is 40 Russian standards, amongst which are the standards of the imperial guard; a considerable number of prisoners; the état-major does not yet know how many; we have already an account of 20,000, 12 or 15 generals; at least 15,000 Russians killed on the field of battle. Though we have not yet the report, we may, at the first coup-d'œil, estimate our loss at 800 killed, and 15 or 1600 wounded. This will not surprise military men, who know that it is only in a rout that men are lost; and no other corps, but the battalion of the 4th, was penetrated; Amongst the wounded are, General St. Hilaire, who, wounded at the beginning of the battle, remained the whole day on the field. He covered himself with glory; generals of divi sion, Kellerman and Walther; generals of brigade, Valhabert, Thiebault, Sebastiani, Compar, and Rapp, the Emperor's aid-decamp. It was the latter who, in charging, at the head of the grenadiers of the guard, took Prince Repnin, captain of the chevaliers of the imperial guard of Russia. With res pect to the men who distinguished themselves, it was the whole army that covered itself with glory; it constantly charged to the cry of Five l'Empereur, and the idea of celebrating so gloriously the anniversary of the coronation, animated the soldier.-The French army, though fine and numerous, was less numerous than the enemy's army, which was 105,000 strong; 80,000 Rus sians, and 25,000 Austrians; the half of this army is destroyed; the rest has been com pletely routed, and the greater part threw away their arms.-This day will cost tears of

blood at St. Petersburgh. May it cause the gold of England to be rejected with indignation! And may that young prince, whom so many virtues called to be the father of his subjects, tear himself from the influence of those 30 coxcombs, whom England pays, and whose impertinence injures his intentions, makes him lose the love of his soldiers, and hurries him into the most illjudged operations. Nature, in endowing him with so many great qualites, had meant him to be the consoler of Europe. Pertidious 'councils, by rendering him the auxiliary of England, will place him, in history, in the rank of men, who, perpetuating the war upon the Continent, will have consolidated the British tyranny upon the seas, and produced the misery of our generation. If France cannot arrive at peace, but upon the conditions proposed by the aid-de-camp, Dolgorucki, to the Emperor, and which M. Novosiltzoff was ordered to make, Russia should not obtain them were her army encamped upon the heights of Montmatre.In a more detailed relation of this battle, the état-major will make known what each corps, officers and general, have done, to render the French name illustrious, and to afford proof of their love for the Emperor.On the 3d, at day-break, Prince John of Lichtenstein, commanding the Austrian army, came to the Emperor's head-quarters, in a barn. He had a long audience; yet we pursue our successes. The enemy have retired by the road of Austerlitz to Godding. The French army is already on their rear, and follow them sword in hand --Never was there a more horrible field of battle. From the middle of the immense lakes, we hear still the cries of thousands of men who could not be assisted. Three days must elapse 'ere all the wounded enemy are carried to Brunn. The heart bleeds. May so much bloodshed, may so many miseries fall, at length, upen the perfidious Islanders who are the cause of it! May the cowardly Oligarchs of London bear the barthen of so many evils!

Order of the Day.-On the Field, Dec. 1.

Soldiers, the Russian array is before you, to avenge the Austrian army at Ulm. They are the same battalions you beat at Tollebrun, and which you have constantly pursued. The positions we occupy are formi dable; and whilst they march to my right, they shall present me the flank.-Soldiers, I shall direct myself all your battalions; I shall keep at a distance from the firing, it, with your accustomed bravery, you carry confusion and disorder into the enemy s ranks; but if victory be for a moment doubtful, you shall see your Emperor expose

himself to the first blows; for victory cannot hesitate, on this day, in which the honour of the French infantry, which is of so much importance to e whole nation, is concerned. Let not the ranks be thinned under pretext of carrying of the wounded, and let each be well persuaded, that we must conquer these hirelings of England, who are animated with so deep a hatred to our nation. This victory will finish our campaign, and we shall resume our winter quarters, where we shall be joined by the new armies forming in France; then the peace, which I will make, will be worthy of my people, of you, and of me. (Signed) NAPOLEON.


Soldiers, I am satisfied with you. In the battle of Austerlitz, you have justified what I expected from your intrepidity. You have covered yourselves with eternal glory. An army of 100,000 men, which was commanded by the Emperors of Russia and Austria, has been, in less than four hours, either cut off or dispersed. What escaped your swords have thrown themselves into the lakes. Forty stand of colours, the standards of the Russian imperial guard, 120 pieces of cannon, twenty generals, and above 30,000 prisoners, are the fruits of this ever-memorable battle. That infantry, so celebrated, and superior to you in numbers, has proved unable to resist your charge, and, henceforth, you have no rivals to fear. Thus, in less than two months, the third coalition is conquered and dissolved. Peace cannot be at a great distance; but, as I promised to my people, before crossing the Rhine, I will conclude it only upon termis consistent with my pledge, and which shall secure not only the indemnification, but the reward, of my allies. Suddlers! When the French people placed the Imperial crown upon my head, I trusted to you to enable me to maintain it in that high splendour of glory, which alone could give it value in my estination, but at that moment our enemies entertained the design to tarnish and degrade it; and the Iron Crown, which was gained by the blood of so many Frenchmen, they would have compelled ine to place on the head of my bitterest foe; an extravagant and foolish proposal, which you have brought to nought, on the anniversary of your Eperor's coronation. You have taught then, that it is easier for them to defy and to threaten, than to subdue us.- -Soldiers ! When every thing necessary to the security, the happiness, and prosperity of our country has been achieved, will I return you my thanks in France. Then will you be the objects of my tenderest care. My people

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The signal victory which has attended our arms over the combined armies of Russia and Austria, commanded by the Emperots of Austria and Russia in person, is a visible proof of the protection of God, and requires that solemn thanksgiving be celebrated throughout the whole extent of our empire. We hope, that such marked successes as those we have obtained at Austerlitz, will induce our enemies at length to give up the perfidious councils of England, the only means that can insure peace to the Continent. Upon receipt of these presents, you will, according to custom, sing a Te Deum; at which it is our intention, that all the constituted authorities, and our people, assist. This being the whole object of our letter, we pray God to have you in his holy keeping. (Signed) NAPOLEON. Bishop of the Diocese of .

Armistice concluded between their Majesties the Emperors of the French and Austria. Done at Austerlitz, Dec. 6, 1805.

His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and his Majesty the Emperor of Germany, being desirous of coming to definitive negociations, in order to put an end to a war which has devastated both their dominions, have previously agreed upon an armistice, to exist till the cenclusion of a definitive peace, or the rupture of the negotiations. In the latter case, hostilities shall not recommence within fourteen days; and the cessation of the armistice shall then be announced to the plenipotentiaries of both powers, at the head-quarters of their respective armies.

Art. 1. The line of both armies shall be in Moravia, the Circle of Iglau, the Circle of Znaim, the Circle of Brunn, a part of the Circle of Olmutz, upon the right bank of the little river of Trezeboska, before Prostnitz, to the spot where that river discharges itself into the Marck; and the right bank of the Marck to the junction of that river with the Danube, Presburg being included. No French nor Austrian troops shall, on any occasion, be stationed within five or six leagues of Halitch, upon the right bank of the Marck. Further, the line of both armies shall include in the territory to be occupied by the French army, all Upper and Lower

Austria, Tyrol, the State of Venice, Carinthia, Styria, Carniola, the County of Goritz and Istria, and lastly in Bohemia, the Circle of Montabor, and the whole space to the eastward, from Tabor to Lintz.-Art. 2. The Russian army shall evacuate the Austrian States, with Austrian Poland, viz. Moravia and Hungary, within the period of fifteen days, and Gallicia within a month. The routes shall be prescribed to the Russian army, that it may be always known where they are, as well as to prevent any misunderstanding. Art. 3. There shall be no levy en mass, or insurrection in Hungary, nor any extraordinary recruiting for troops in Bohemia, nor shall any foreign army be permitted to enter the territory of the house of Austria. The negociations for both powers shall meet at Nicolsburg, for the immediate commencement of negociations, in order to effect, without delay, the re-establishment of peace and a good understanding between the two Emperors. The duplicates of this instrument are hereby signed by us, Marshal Berthier, Minister of War, Major-General of the Grand Army, Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of the French and King of Italy, and Prince John of Lichtenstein, Lieutenant-General and Plenipotentiary to his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, &c. MARSHAL BERTHIER, J. PRINCE of LICHTENSTEIN, Lieut.-Gen. NAPLES.

Royal Decree issued at Naples November 20, 1805.

The arrival of an Anglo-Russian squadron in this road having given occasion to a report, that the legation and the French consulate had removed the arms of their Sovereign, &c. to the great displeasure of his Sicilian Majesty; and as it is presumed, that the persons concerned in the commerce of Italy, Liguria, Batavia, &c. may be alarmed for the safety of their property in his Majesty's estates, his Majesty has authorised me to communicate to the Exchange, in his royal name, that, whatever may be the consequence of this event, the property of the said nations, the allies of France, shall remain under the protection of the govern ment; and that his Majesty will also permit them to continue their commerce in every respect, just the same as if the legation and consulate continued in the exercise of their functions. To prevent any misunderstanding, this guarantee is not understood as extending beyond the continents of his Majes ty's kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. (Signed) LOUIS DE MEDICI. Done at the Palace, Nov. 20, 1805.

Printed by Cox and Baylis, No. 75, Great Queen Street, and published by R. Bagshaw, Bow Street, Covent Garden, where tormer Numbers may be had; seld also by J. Budd, Crown and Mitre, Pall-MaH.



"Thus has the country been led on from fallacy to fallacy, and from fraud to fraud, and as soon as either "has been detected, resort has been had, not to de,ence, nor to argument, but to new promises as false as "the former. Thus criminal deception has been made the ground of future confidence; and, as fast as "one set of promises has been violated, a new set has been held forth, and the country has been, if the names of loyalty and of patriotism, loudly called upon to become again the dupes of those who had "before deceived them."--MR. Fox's Speech, 5th May, 1785.

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SUMMARY OF POLITICS. MINISTERIAL DECEPTION.-The motto to the present number has not been selected so much because of its being so very applicable to the times, as because it is calculated to revive in the minds of those, who are not dead to the powers of recollection, the deceptions by which the fatal Pitt ministry began; the fallacies, the frauds, the big-sounding and hollowpromises, wherewith it set out on that carcer, which has brought us to put the question, whether we are to remain as we are, or become the slaves of Frenchmen?

Of this

ministry, now, after a twenty years trial, the characteristics still are all retained. It has exhausted the country; it has drained away its spirit, and has blasted its reputation; it has perverted good to bad, and has made bad ten thousand times worse; but, still has it lost nothing of its own nature. It was" conceived in sin, and brought forth "in iniquity;" it has been nursed and raised and protected by those means of deceiving and corrupting the people, which first gave it existence; and that people are now justly smarting under the consequences of their perverse credulity and their baseness. Let the light-headed and perfidious multitude that clamoured against the former ministry, and that, instigated by the corrupt and all-corrupting metropolis, called upon their sovereign to exert, to the farthest bounds, his power of controuling the House of Commons; let those, who so loudly bawled for "the heaven-born minister," to protect them from an invasion of their property, and to preserve their liberty; let them now tell us, whether their property has been, and is protected, and whether their liberties have remained unimpaired and are in no danger. Where are now the sarcasms, the taunts, the insolent exultations of "the "heaven-born minister" himself?


" right honourable gentleman" (said he, speaking of Mr. Fox, in the very debate from which the motto is taken) " has con"trived to introduce a subject, calculated to "afford him an opportunity of gratifying

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they lasted, he could alone attribute the cause of all those misfortunes, to which "he is in the habit so constantly, so pathetically, but so unsuccessfully, to solicit the compassion of the House. Eeeling, as I "do, for the right honourable gentleman, "I declare, that I should think it highly "unbecoming in me to consider any of his

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transports, any of those ecstasies of a "mind labouring under the aggravated load "of disappointment and self-upbraiding, "which at present are his lot, as objects "of any other emotion in my breast than "that of pity; certainly not of resentment,

nor even of contempt." The time, when these saucy taunts were uttered, was that when after the dissolution of parliament at the end of five years, the re-election had filled the House with those new and strangelooking faces, which, as Mr. Burke then observed, no man in respectable life had ever before beheld. It was at the time, when the clamours, the catch-words, the misrepresentations, the falsehoods, of the funddealing crew had so blinded and misled the people, in every part of the kingdom, as to induce them to give the minister ample means to carry him through those measures, which led to the establishment of his political power. cal power. But, when the giddy people were thus acting; when they saw their work in this prosperous way; when they beheld "the heaven-born" minister and his colleague Dundas, supported by the Rolles, the Bassets, and the Marshams; by the Jenkinsons, the Wedderburns and the Edens; by the Wilberforces, the Thorntons, the Smiths, the Beaufoys and the Hills; and, though last not least, by PAUL BENTIEL and his


trusty crew: when the people were exulting at this the effect of their clamorous folly, little did they imagine to what it would finally lead; little did they, though repeatedly warned of the danger, believe, that the end of all this exultation would be, first unbounded corruption and degradation at home, and next, the most imminent danger from abroad. Little did they believe, that at that time; yea, at that very moment, was beginning, under the loudest professions of purity, under the guise even of acts of parliament for the professed purposes of œconomy and for the prevention of abuse; little did they believe, that then, even then, was beginningthat system, that settled system of peculation, now brought to light by the Tenth Report of the Naval Commissioners. As .little did the "heaven-born" minister and his trusty colleague anticipate the final result of their schemes of ambition. When the above-quoted saucy speech was made, they no more imagined that they should live to see the day, when Mr. Fox would be com missioned, by his constituents, to carry to the King an address describing and reprobating the course of their conduct relative to the management of the public money; no more did they imagine this, than their friend and supporter, PAUL BENFIELD, with a million in his purse and with eight members of parliament at his back, imagined that he should live to beg his bread. By the debate reporter, we are told, that, upon the occasion above referred to, there was a loud laugh from the Treasury Benches. Does Paul Benfield, who doubtless, joined in that laugh, laugh now? Does his friend Mr. Dundas, though become a peer, laugh now? Does his other friend, Mr. Pitt, though he has been able to keep his place for twenty long years, laugh now? Does the country laugh now? Mr. Burke warned them, at the time, that, though they appeared dead to the voice of all other admoniskers, calamity would become their teacher, and would instruct them through the means of their feelings. But, even Mr. Burke, with all his prescience, never could have imagined, that the delusion would have continued so long; never could have imagined, that calamity and disgrace would have so long continued to produce no effect as to the opening of the eyes of the people; never could have imagined, that the reign of delusion would have lasted to the days of the Two BULLETINS, and that, at last, it would have been successfully carried on by the William Dundases, the Wards, the Cannings, and the Huskissons: even Mr. Burke, who had seen so much of the folly and the perverse blindness Difcounts, 4

of the people, never could have regarded it as possible, that their minds would, at last, become so perverted and brutified as to become the sport of such men.- -To advert to the endeavours that are still employed to deceive the people, with regard to the future prospects of the war, is hardly worth while; or, those who can believe in any of the stories that are now told them about the successes of the Archduke Charles, with 90,000 men at three posts distance from Vienna; about the future exertions and wonderful exploits of the gallant youth, who, as) they told us, took such a solemn oath upon the tomb of the Great Frederick, at Potsdam, and whom we know to have accepted of Napoleon's permission to march home by a route marked out for himself and his army; about the warlike attitude of the King of Prussia, who, as they told us, was, a month ago, at the head, actually at the head, of an army of 140,000 men, making through Bohemia by forced inarchies to attack the Einperor Napoleon; about the operations of the army of Russians, Swedes, and English in the North of Europe: it is hardly worth while to advert to these endeavours to keep up the system of delusion; for those who can be deluded by them, may be, and, by all reasonable men, must be, considered as belonging to that class of animals which are to be instructed only by chastisement, by nothing but mere bodily suffering.There is, however, one topic, connected with these endeavours at further delusion, upon which it is our duty to speak out; I mean, the censure, nay, the down-right abuse, which the ministerial writers are now heaping, without measure, upon the head of the unfortunate and ill-advised Einperor of Austria; and this their conduct is the more censurable, and, indeed, detestable, as it must now be evident to the whole world, that his misfortunes, his ruin as a great potentate, is to be chiefly ascribed to his having yielded to those amongst his advisers who adopted the precipitate councils of the English cabinet. These ministerial writers were, the public must recollect, clamourously loud against all those, who appeared to doubt of the firmness of the Emperor Francis. They applauded him; oh! how they applauded him, when he was fleeing through his dominions, leaving them a prey to the French! what delight, with what exultation, did they find that he had sacrificed even his capital to to what they called the common cause! He was then the best of men; "the "fa"ther of his people; "a" most beloved sovereign; a gallant and magnanimous prince," and every thing else that

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