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contrebande. Toutes matières préparées pour être vendues ou consommées comme tabacs seront confisquées et détruites sans préjudice d'une amende de P. E. 200 par kilogramme ou fraction de kilogramme. En cas de récidive, l'amende pourra être portée au double.

2. Sont également passibles de la cónfiscation et de la destruction, ainsi que de l'application de' l'amende, les tabacs auxquels on aura mêlé des matières étrangères dans n'importe quelle proportion.

3. Les amendes effectivement perçues seront attribuées après déduction des frais, dans la proportion des trois quarts aux dénonciateurs qui auront fait découvrir la contravention, qu'ils soient ou non employés du Gouvernement, et d'un quart aux saisissants, sans que l'État puisse jamais, sous quelque prétexte que ce soit, être tenu au delà des sommes qu'il aura effectivement encaissées de ce chef.

4. Les dispositions qui précèdent sont applicables solidairement aux auteurs et complices, aux propriétaires, détenteurs, transporteurs, et colporteurs du dit produit.

5. Seront également confisquées les barques, voitures, et bêtes de trait ou de somme qui auraient servi à transporter, de même que les instruments, matières, et matériels quelconques qui auraient servi à fabriquer ce produit ou à le vendre, ainsi que toutes autres marchandises dont on l'aurait entouré pour le dissimuler ou en faciliter la vente.

6. La Commission Douanière prononcera sa décision sur la confiscation et sur l'application de l'amende, comme dans les autres cas de contrebande, sauf aux prévenus le droit de se pourvoir en opposi tion contre cette décision, conformément au Règlement Douanier en vigueur.

7. Le présent Décret sera exécutoire dans toute l'Égypte quarante-huit heures après sa publication aux Journaux Officiels. 8. Nos Ministres de l'Intérieur et des Finances sont chargés, chacun en ce qui le concerne, de l'exécution du présent Décret. Fait au Palais de Ras-el-Tin, le 22 Juin, 1891 (15 Zilkadeh, 1308).

Par le Khédive:


MOUSTAPHA FEHMY, Président du Conseil des

Ministres, Ministre de l'Intérieur.

A. ROUCHDY, Ministre des Finances.

DÉCRET du Khédive d'Égypte, modifiant celui du 14 Juin, 1883, portant Réorganisation des Tribunaux Indigènes.Alexandrie, le 5 Juillet, 1891.

Nous, Khédive d'Égypte,

Vu notre Décret en date du 9 Chaban, 1300 (14 Juin, 1883),* portant réorganisation des Tribunaux indigènes;

Sur la proposition de notre Ministre de la Justice et l'avis conforme de notre Conseil des Ministres ;

Le Conseil Législatif entendu ;


ART. 1er. L'Article 10 du Décret précité est modifié comme suit:

"Chacune de ces Cours sera composée au moins de huit Conseillers, dont un Président et un Vice-Président.

"En matière civile et commerciale les arrêts seront rendus par trois Conseillers.

"Il en sera de même en matière répressive.

"Toutefois, lorsqu'il s'agit de crimes que la loi punit des peines de la mort, des travaux forcés à perpétuité, de la détention à perpétuité ou de l'exil à perpétuité, la Chambre de la Cour qui prononcera l'arrêt devra être composée de cinq Conseillers."

2. L'Article 21 du même Décret est également modifié comme suit:

"Les Cours d'Appel connaîtront, comme Cour de Cassation, conformément au Code d'Instruction Criminelle, de tous pourvois pour vices de forme ou violation de la loi.

"Dans ce cas la Chambre qui rendra l'arrêt sera composée de sept Conseillers autres que ceux qui ont jugé sur l'appel."

3. Notre Ministre de la Justice est chargé de l'exécution du présent Décret.

Fait au Palais de Ras-el-Tin, le 28 Zilkadeh, 1308 (5 Juillet, 1891).

Par le Khédive:


MOUSTAPHA FEHMY, Président du Conseil des Ministres.

FAKHRY, Ministre de la Justice.

* Vol. LXXIV, page 1104.

GERMAN NOTIFICATION of the Accession of Mexico to the International Metrical Convention of May 20, 1875.*Berlin, February 23, 1891.


BY Article XI of the International Metrical Convention of the 20th May, 1875,* the right is reserved to other States not parties to the Convention to adhere thereto. A communication has been made by the International Committee of Weights and Measures to the effect that the Mexican Government has notified through the diplomatic channel its accession to the Metrical Convention, to date from the 30th December last.

Berlin, February 23, 1891.


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, providing for the exercise of British Jurisdiction in certain Territories in South Africa, north of British Bechuanaland.-Windsor, May 9, 1891.

At the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of May, 1891.


Lord President.

Lord Steward.

Earl of Coventry.

WHEREAS the territories of South Africa situate within the limits of this Order, as hereinafter described, are under the protection of Her Majesty the Queen;

And whereas by Treaty, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means Her Majesty has power and jurisdiction in the said territories;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers by "The Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890,"+ or otherwise in Her Majesty vested, is pleased by and with the advice of her Privy Council to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

1. The limits of this Order are the parts of South Africa bounded by British Bechuanaland, the German Protectorate, the Rivers Chobe and Zambezi, the Portuguese possessions, and the South African Republic.

Vol. LXVI, page 562.

† Vol. LXXXII, page 656.

2. The High Commissioner may, on Her Majesty's behalf, exercise all powers and jurisdiction which Her Majesty, at any time before or after the date of this Order, had or may have within the limits of this Order, and to that end may take or cause to be taken all such measures, and may do or cause to be done all such matters and things within the limits of this Order as are lawful, and as in the interest of Her Majesty's service he may think expedient, subject to such instructions as he may from time to time receive from Her Majesty or through a Secretary of State.

3. The High Commissioner may appoint so many fit persons as in the interest of Her Majesty's service he may think necessary to be Deputy Commissioners, or Resident Commissioners, or Assistant Commissioners, or Judges, Magistrates, or other officers, and may define from time to time the districts within which such officers shall respectively discharge their functions.

Every such officer may exercise such powers and authorities as the High Commissioner may assign to him, subject, nevertheless, to such directions and instructions as the High Commissioner may from time to time think fit to give him. The appointment of such officers shall not abridge, alter, or affect the right of the High Commissioner to execute and discharge all the powers and authorities hereby conferred upon him.

The High Commissioner may remove any officer so appointed.

4. In the exercise of the powers and authorities hereby conferred upon him, the High Commissioner may, amongst other things, from time to time by Proclamation provide for the administration of justice, the raising of revenue, and generally for the peace, order, and good government of all persons within the limits of this Order, including the prohibition and punishment of acts tending to disturb the public peace.

The High Commissioner in issuing such Proclamations shall respect any native laws or customs by which the civil relations of any native Chiefs, tribes, or populations under Her Majesty's protection are now regulated, except so far as the same may be incompatible with the due exercise of Her Majesty's power and jurisdiction.

5. Every Proclamation of the High Commissioner shall be published in the Gazette, and shall, from and after the expiration of one month from the commencement of such publication, and thereafter until disallowed by Her Majesty or repealed or modified by any subsequent Proclamation, have effect as if contained in this Order.

6.* Her Majesty may disallow any such Proclamation wholly or

* Revoked by Order in Council of July 30, 1891, page 812.

in part, and may signify such disallowance through a Secretary of State, and upon such disallowance being publicly notified by the High Commissioner in the Gazette the provisions so disallowed shall, one month after such publication, cease to have effect, but without prejudice to anything theretofore lawfully done thereunder.

7. The Courts of British Bechuanaland shall have, in respect of matters occurring within the limits of this Order, the same jurisdiction, civil and criminal, original and appellate, as they respectively possess from time to time in respect of matters occurring within British Bechuanaland, and the judgments, decrees, orders, and sentences of any such Court made or given in the exercise of the jurisdiction hereby conferred may be enforced and executed, and appeals therefrom may be had and prosecuted in the same way as if the judgment, decree, order, or sentence had been made or given under the ordinary jurisdiction of the Court.

But the jurisdiction hereby conferred shall only be exercised by such Courts, and in such manner and to such extent, as the Governor of British Bechuanaland shall by Proclamation from time to time direct.

8. Subject to any Proclamation made under this Order, any jurisdiction exercisable otherwise than under this Order, whether by virtue of any Statute or Order in Council, or of any Treaty, or otherwise, and whether exercisable by Her Majesty, or by any person on her behalf, or by any Colonial or other Court, or under any Commission, or under any Charter granted by Her Majesty, shall remain in full force.

9. Judicial notice shall be taken of this Order, and of the commencement thereof, and of any Proclamation made under this Order, and published in the Gazette, and of any Treaties affecting the territories within the limits of this Order, and published in the Gazette, or contained in papers presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.

10. This Order shall be published in the Gazette, and shall thereupon commence and come into operation; and the High Comissioner shall give directions for the publication of this Order at such places, and in such manner, and for such time or times as he thinks proper for giving due publicity thereto within the limits of

this Order.

11. The Orders in Council of the 27th day of January, 1885,* for the establishment of civil and criminal jurisdiction in Bechuanaland, and of the 30th day of June, 1890,† providing for the exercise of Her Majesty's jurisdiction in certain territories in South Africa, shall continue in force until the commencement of this Order and be

• Vol. LXXVI, page 982.

+ Vol. LXXXII, page 1061.

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