Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D. D. PASTOR OF THE NORTH CHURCH IN PORTSMOUTH, WHO DIED AT READSBOROugh, ver, JUNE 10, 1812, DELIVERED TO HIS BEREAVED PEOPLE JUNE 19, 1812, By Nathan Parker, Minister of the South Charch. PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. PRINTED AT PORTSMOUTH, BY S. WHIDDEN, AND SOLD AT HIS PRINTING OFFICE ON SPRING-HILL. -1812. Bind Buckminster AN aldine A Discourse. ACTS CHAPTER 20. VERSE XXIV. BUT NONE of theSE THINGS MOVE ME; NEITHER COUNT I RECEIVED of the lord Jesus, TO TESTIFY THE GOSPEL I T is a duty, which we owe to ourselves, to virtue, to religion, and to God, that we suffer not the memory of the righteous to perish. It is a duty, which we owe to the Great Redeemer, thankfully to acknowledge the rich blessings, granted to his church; and, when his faithful servants are removed from their earthly labors to pay our humble tribute of respect to their worth, and impress their virtues upon our hearts. A scene of uncommon woe has called us this day to the house of God. He, who giveth not account of himself to man, has, under circumstances of peculiar distress, called from this world a servant of Christ, who, for many years, broke to this church the bread of life, breathed in this place the spirit of pure devotion, was the medium of communication between heaven and earth, and testified to this people THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD. WITH great embarrassment I appear before you on this melancholy occasion. Having in the course of a few days been |