United Service Magazine and Naval Military Journal, Volume 21H. Colburn, 1836 |
Table des matières
1 | |
16 | |
29 | |
43 | |
54 | |
67 | |
76 | |
83 | |
319 | |
343 | |
351 | |
359 | |
365 | |
433 | |
462 | |
496 | |
505 | |
525 | |
531 | |
545 | |
553 | |
567 | |
575 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal, Partie 3 Affichage du livre entier - 1836 |
United Service Magazine and Naval Military Journal, Volume 26,Page 1 Affichage du livre entier - 1838 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
7th Regiment Admiral appeared arms arrived Artillery battalions battle Bowline bridge brigade Brigadier-General Brigadier-General Evans British British Army Capstan Capt Captain Dickson Carlists cause cavalry Chatham Christinos circumstances Coast of Africa Colonel command conduct consequence corps Count Haugwitz Cox & Co discipline Ditto Don Carlos Dragoons Duke of Wellington duty enemy England English Ensign Ensign by purch favour feel fire force formed French frigate gallant garrison Gasket Gent Grollmann Guards guns half-pay Hatchit honour horses Infantry Jack Helm late Legion letter Lieut Lieutenant Lieutenant-Colonel Lieutenant-General Light Lisbon Lord Major Marines ment military morning naval Naval Architecture Navy never observed occasion officers opinion party Picton Plymouth Portsmouth present Prussian Army rank received Regt retired retreat returned river Royal sailed sent ship soldiers squadron station surgeon tion town troops vessel vice Vittoria West Indies wounded
Fréquemment cités
Page 255 - ... time. And making all due allowance for the decrease that would ensue in consequence of the India trade being thrown open, and there being now no enemies to insure against, yet all this will not suffice to account for the gradual decrease shown by the author's tables. The deficit must be sought tor in the altered method of foreign merchants.