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the doctrine of Election-Mr. How misrepresents and
abuses a clause in the Presbyterian Confession of Faith
-Virtually vilifies an article of his own Church-Cer-
tain facts stated in the former volume, concerning Eng-

lish Episcopalians, denied-Proved to be true-Charge

of illiberality against the author-Refuted-The claim

of high-churchmen construed by impartial judges, and

even by Episcopal writers, as we construe it-Charge

against the author of departing from his own Confession

of Faith Denied-Conclusion. p. 36-73.

Testimony of the Fathers reviewed-The author's
former protest and explanations on this subject disre

•garded by Dr. Bowden-Charge of suppressing testimo-

ny from the Fathers unfounded-Charge of misrepre

senting the testimony of other Fathers equally unfounded.

The Fathers of the third and fourth centuries ought

not to be credited, even if they had asserted the apostoli
cal institution of Prelacy-But they do not assert it—
The number of Bishops, in early times, a strong argu,
・ment against Prelacy-The relation of Bishops to par-
ticular flocks equally conclusive against the diocesan
scheme Additional testimony from the Fathers--Hila-
ry-Chrysostom-Basil-Fourth Council of Carthage
-Apostolical Constitutions-Sixth general Council of
Constantinople-Council of Aix la Chapelle-Duties of
the primitive Bishop show that he was not a diocesan

Testimony of the Reformers-Further proof that the
Waldenses were Presbyterians-Additional testimony
also that the Bohemian brethren embraced the doctrine
af ministerial parity-The attempts of Dr. Bowden and
Mr. How to show that the English Reformers were be
lievers in the divine right of Prelacy, examined and
shown to be insufficient-Dr. Bowden represents the
first reformation in Scotland, under Knox, as prelatical
in its character-This representation shown to be an er
roneous one-Testimony of the Reformers on the conti-
nent of Europe-Luther-Augustan ConfessionDes
fence of the Augustan Confession-Smalkald Articles-
Syllabus of controverted Points-Confession of Saxony
Confession of Witemberg-French Confession-Bel-

gic Confession--Second Helvetic Confession Confession

of Bohemia-Ursinus-Musculus-Szegedin Junius-+

Sadeel-Crakenthorp-Further proof that the Churches ·

of Sweden and Denmark are not, and never were, Epis

copal, in Dr. Bowden's sense of the word-Recapitula

tion. p. 217-277.

Testimony of Calvin-Extraordinary pains taken by
modern high-churchmen to abuse and blacken the charac-
ter of this Reformer-Presbyterianism established in
Geneva before Calvin ever saw that city-This Refor
mer alleged to have been, in the early part of his life,

Testimony of the Successors of the Reformers-Le

Blanc-Chamier Danau-Bochart-Claude-Daille

daus The Synod of Dort-Mr. How's astonishing
misconceptions and misrepresentations of that Synod
Its testimony shown to be strongly in favour of Presby-
terian parity-Testimony of some distinguished members
of that Synod in their private capacity-Gomarus---

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