Testimony of the Fathers reviewed-The author's
former protest and explanations on this subject disre
•garded by Dr. Bowden-Charge of suppressing testimo-
ny from the Fathers unfounded-Charge of misrepre
senting the testimony of other Fathers equally unfounded.
The Fathers of the third and fourth centuries ought
not to be credited, even if they had asserted the apostoli
cal institution of Prelacy-But they do not assert it—
The number of Bishops, in early times, a strong argu,
・ment against Prelacy-The relation of Bishops to par-
ticular flocks equally conclusive against the diocesan
scheme Additional testimony from the Fathers--Hila-
ry-Chrysostom-Basil-Fourth Council of Carthage
-Apostolical Constitutions-Sixth general Council of
Constantinople-Council of Aix la Chapelle-Duties of
the primitive Bishop show that he was not a diocesan