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we ought to read its got. K. Archippus apud Athen. p. 227. Α. 311, C. Ερμαῖος, ὃς βία δέρων | μίνας γαλεούς τε πωλεῖ. L. Crates ibid. p. 267, Ε. Ούκουν μεταστρέψας σεαν τὸν ἀλσὶ πάσεις ἀλείβων. Until a probable emendation of this verse is proposed, we are fairly enti tled to decline its authority. M. Aristophanes ibid. p. 427, C. 11νειν, ἔπειτ ̓ ἄδειν κακῶς, | Συρακοσίων τραπεζαν.

It will appear, on examination, that three only of the preceding verses, marked D, G, K, decidedly forbid our application of Mr Porson's canon to the sixth place instead of the fourth. The fact is, that in this kind of verse, the comic poets admit anapests more willingly and frequently into the first, third, and fifth places, than into the second, fourth and sixth. Of the seventy anapests which we have observed in the eleven plays of Aristophanes, twenty-two, or nearly one third, occur in the first place. The first place having almost double the number which would accrue to it from an equal distribution, some of the other places must necessarily exhibit fewer anapests than their fair proportion.

As it is probable, that a more accurate examination than ours will discover anapests in Aristophanes which have escaped our notice, we think it necessary to state, that hitherto we have intentionally passed over in silence the following instances. Ach. 849. Κρατίνος, ἀεὶ κεκαρμένος | μοιχὸν μία μαχαίρι. This anapest would hardly be tolerable in a trimeter. The last editor of this play reads Κρατίνος αὖ, comparing v. 851. Eq. 593. Καὶ τοῦτ ̓ ἐπίτηδες σε regine | mroker 2', 've o añoπvity. This disjointed verse may be conveniently read as follows: Καὶ τοῦτό γ' επίτηδες σε περι | έμπισχεν, ἵν αποπνίξη. Pac. 948. Τὸ κανοῦν πάρεστιν, ὅλας ἔχον, Zargar. The Ravenna MS. reads as. The anapest in the first place is in our list. Lys. 316. Την λαμπάδα θ' ἡμμένην όπως η πρώτως εκεί προτοίσεις. Read with the old editions, την λαμπαδ' ἡμμένην. ibid. 968. Οὐκ ἔστιν ἀνὴς Εὐριπίδου | σοφώτερος ποιητής. The old editions read


και στέμμα, και μά

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eux g. Perhaps, however, the true reading is oux try ag', as in the Knights, v. 1079. Οὐκ ἦν ἄρ ̓ οὐδεὶς τοῦ Γλάνιδος σοφώτερος. Lys. 972. Τί δὲ δὲ σὺ πᾶς, ὦ τύμβ ̓, ἔχων; | ὡς σαυτὸν ἐμπορεύτων; The δη was inserted by Brunck in order to sustain the metre. Read Ti dai σὺ πῦρο

In turning over the leaves of Athenaeus, for the purpose of discovering tetrameter iambics with anapests in the fourth and sixth places, a few verses written in that measure, or which may be converted into that measure, have occurred to us, which we are willing to take this opportunity of exhibiting in a less incorrect form than has been given to them by the various editors of Athenæus.

Ρ. 86, C. 90, F. Archippus: Λιπάσιν, ἐχίνοις, ἐσχάραις, βελόναις σε, τοῖς κνίνεσί τε. These words are divided by Schweighaeuser


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into one trimeter and the beginning of a second. A better division would have been to end the first verse with ἐσχάραις. By reading τοῖς κτεσίν τε, we make one tetrameter of the whole.

P. 96, C. Pherecrates. Schweighauser, in his Addenda et Corrigenda (p. 414), has converted this fragment into four miserable tetrameters, on the authority of the Leipzig Reviewers. The first seven words, Ως παρασκευάζεται δεῖπνον πῶς ἂν εἴπαθ ̓ ἡμῖν, may perhaps be formed into the following tetrameter: Ἕως παρασκευάζεται ] τὸ δεῖπνον εἴπαθ ̓ ἡμῖν. The remainder of the fragment consists of six excellent dineters: Καὶ δῆθ ̓ ὑπάρχει τέμαχος ἐν | χέλειον ἡμῖν, πευθίς, ἀρ | νείον κρέας, Φύσκης τόμος, [ ποῖς ἑφθος, ἅπας, πλευρὸν, ἐρ | νίθεια πλήθει πολλά, το ' ρὸς ἐν μέλιτι, μερὶς κριῶν. Perhaps the following fragment of the same poet (apud Athen. p. 56, F) is part of the sane passage : Paφανις τ' άπλυτος ὑπάρχει, | Καὶ θερμά λουτρά, καὶ ταξί χη πνικτά, και κάρυα. The verse may be completed by reading καρύκη for κάρυα.

P. 267, E. Crates:

Α. Ἔπειτα δοῦλον οὐδὲ εἷς κεκτήσετ', οὐδὲ δούλην,
Β. Αλλ' αὐτὸς αὐτῷ δητ' ἀνὴρ γέρων διακονήσει ;
Α. Οὐ δήθ' ὁδοιποροῦντα γὰρ τὰ πάντ ̓ ἐγὼ ποιήσω.
Β. Τι δῆτα τοῦτ ̓ αὐτοῖς πλέον; Α. Πρόσεισιν αὐθέκαστον
τῶν σκευαρίων ὅτι ἂν καλῆ τις. παρατιθοῦ, τράπεζα.
αὕτη, παρασκεύαζε σαυτήν. μάττε, θυλακίσκε.
έγχει, κύκλο, τοὺσθ ̓ ἡ κυλιξ; ἰοῦσα νιζε σαυτην.
ανεβαινε, μάζω, τὴν χύτραν χρῆν ἐξερῶν τὰ τοῦτλα.
ἰχθὺ, βαδίζ. ἀλλ ̓ οὐδὲ τὰ τὶ θατερ ̓ ὀπτος είμι.

ούκουν μεταστρέψας σεαυτὸν ἄλλοι πώσεις αλειψων.

In the sixth verse, we are uncertain whether we ought to read with Schweighaeuser, αὐτὴ παρασκευαζε σαυτήν, or to consider αὕτη as The corruption of some other wordl. The Venetian MS. countenances the latter opinion, by reading παρασκεύαζε σαυτόν,

out pretending to correct the last verse, we give it as it is written in the same MS., except that, with the assistance of CasauDon, we have changed αλετασεις 1110 ἀλσὶ τάσεις.

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Ρ. 301, B. Archippus: Και την μὲν ἄδος καταπετώτος εξητὸς ἐντυReal Καὶ τὸν μὲν άξιον καταπισος | Νετὸς ἐντυχων τις. This verse may be added to the instances of the omission of 1s which are produced in Mr Person's note on Hec. 1161. Suidas v Aliqua quotes the words may win magiy ku aliqua from the 'Cheris of CratiΗ AF PA 2001 και το παρόν και αν we shall have the second hepustich ef, a tetradott av tõestic, ia which were the beginning

The second verse may be
In the same

4.d attrbutes these words to


Eolus. Schweighauser gives them to Boreas, and accommodates Casaubon's emendation to the metre, by reading Qury. We believe that the poet wrote, iniyov xgóvor Qlucas, If I had come a little earlier.

P. 484, F. 527, C. Aristophanes : Αλλ ̓ οὐ γὰρ ἐμάθετε ταῦτ ̓ ἐμοῦ πέμποντος, ἀλλὰ μᾶλλον Πίνειν, ἔπειτ' άδειν κακῶς, Συρακοσίων τράπεζαν, Συβαρίτιδας τ' εὐωχίας, καὶ Χίον ἐκ Λακαινῶν Κυλικων μέθυ ηδέως και φίλως. In the first verse, Mr Porson (p. 45) reads inter aut'. From the other fragments of the same play, the Auraλns, we collect that these words are spoken by an old man, who is complaining of his prodigal son. We read, therefore, quads Tat'. Mr Porson rejects the words μέθυ ἡδέως καὶ φίλως as desperately corrupt, but retains κυλίκων as the beginning of a fourth verse. It is, however, an interpolation. In one passage of Athenæus, the words of the poet end with Λακαιναν. Hesychius: Χιον τὸν ἐκ Λακαίνης. ἐκ κύλικος Λακαίνης οίνον. Read: Χιον ἐκ Λακαίνης. ἐκ κύλικος Λακαίνης οίνον Χίον. Perhaps the first hemistich of the following verse was as follows: Medus dei, Την ηδέως.

P. 499, C. Diphilus: Λάγονον ἔχω κένον, ὦ γραύ, θύλακον δὲ μεστόν. We are informed by Mr Gaisford, in his notes on Hephaestion (p. 341), that Mr Porson considered this verse of Diphilus as an asynartete, similar to some which conclude the Wasps of Aristophanes, and to others which Mr Gaisford has produced. To these may be added, Cratinus apud Athen. p. 553, E. Añañòv de σiúμßgiov » | κρίνον παρ' οὓς ἐθάνει" Παρὰ χερσι δὲ μῆλον ἔχων | σκιπωνά τ' ἀγόραζον. As the poets of the new comedy had very little variety in their measures, we are inclined to represent the verse of Diphilus as follows: Ἔχω κίνον λάγυνον, ὦ | γραῦ, θύλακον δὲ μεστόν.

P. 700, F. Plato: Ἐνταῦθ ̓ ἐπ ̓ ἄκρων τῶν κροτάφων ἕξει λύχνον δίμυξον. The omission of the article will convert these words into an asynartete of the kind mentioned in the preceding paragraph. By changing the order of the words, we may produce a tetrameter iambic: Ἐνταῦθ ̓ ἐπὶ τῶν κροτάφων άκρων | ἕξει λύχνον διμυξον. Where the metre is so uncertain, an editor of Athenæus would perhaps act most pru dently in retaining the common reading.

Aristophanes occasionally introduces a very elegant species of verse, which we are willing to mention in this place, because it differs from the tetrameter iambic, only in having a cretic or pæon in the room of the third dipodia, and because it is frequently corrupted into a tetrameter iambic by the insertion of a syllable after the first hemistich. In technical language, it is an asynartete, composed of a dimeter iambic and an ithyphallic. It is called Editionov Toragezaidσαßox by Hephæstion (ch. 15), who has given the following specimen of it: Eρος άνιχ ̓ ἱππότας | εξέλαμψεν ἀστήρ. Twentyfive of these verses occur together in the Wasps of Aristophanes, beginning with v. 248. Two of them may be corrected as follows: ν. 249. Κάρφος χαμαθέν νυν λαβών, [ τὸν λύχνον πρόβυσιν. The second syllable of χαμαθεν is long V. 263. Φιλεί δ', όταν τοῦτ' ᾖ, ποιεῖν ἡ ὑετον

T. In v. 1212 of the Clouds, the Ravenna M3. nightly reads:

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̓Αλλ' εἰσάγων σε βούλομαι | πρῶτον ἐστιᾶσαι. The following verse of Te leclides is adduced by Athenæus (p. 485, F): Kai perdizęòv oivov čhzur ἐξ ηδυπνίου λεπαστής. Schweighauser has converted these words into the following tetrameter trochaic: Και μελιχρον οίνον ἕλκειν ἐκ λεπαστῆς ηδύπνου. As the second syllable of μελιχρον ought to be short, perhaps the following asynartete with a dactyl in the first place may approach nearer to the true reading: Καὶ μελιχρον οἶνον εἷλκεν ἐξ | ἡδύ VO XжασŢйs. The measure of these verses resembles the Latin Saturnian, except that the first hemistich of the Saturnian is catalectic. Dabunt malum Metelli | Navio poëta. Egos anys | Einer dong.

Respecting the dimeter iambics of the comic poets, Mr Porson has said nothing; and we have very little to add to what has been said by Mr Gaisford, p. 244. With the exception of the catalectic dipodia, they appear to admit anapests into every place, but more frequently into the first and third, than into the second and fourth. Strictly speaking, indeed, there is no difference in this metre between the second and fourth feet, as a system or set of dimeter iambics is nothing more than one long verse divided for convenience of arrangement into portions each containing four feet. That the quantity of the final syllable of each dimeter is not indifferent, has been remarked as well by others as by Brunck, from whose hands we beg leave to rescue the following passage: Aristoph. Eq. 453. Пar a τὸν ἀνδρικώτατα, | γάστριζε καὶ τοῖς ἐντέροις | καὶ τοῖς κόλοις, \ χώπως κολά To avoga. This is the common reading. Brunck reads, ex ingenio : Παῖ ̓ αὐτὸν ἀνδρικώτατα, καὶ | γάστριζε τοῖσιν ἐντέροις, &c. If this reading were found in all the MSS., we should think it our duty to submit to it; but we cannot allow the division of the anapest which it exhibits to be introduced upon mere conjecture. We suspect that the poet wrote: Παι ̓ αὐτὸν ἀνδρικώτατ', εὖ | γάστρι Za xai Tois irrigas, &c. It is well known that A and EY are continually confounded in manuscripts. In our account of Mr Blonifield's edition of the Prometheus, we had occasion to remark, that the Aldine edition of Eschylus reads g for g v. 580, and ¿quátar for sygedra v. 586. In the same manner, the Argarsuri, a play of Eupolis mentioned by Hephastion (ch. 15), is called Ergarito in several MSS. * The adverbs

* In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1787 (p. 672), the following words conclude a very learned and elaborate panegyric on Mr Pitt. "Rome had cause to rejoice that Scipio was her consul; Britain, too, has reason to gratulate herself that Pitt is her minister. Lopòs • Teham sidac CvM. Pind. Ol. ii. Let not therefore objection be made to the youth of one, who may with confidence say, #è' syw vios, 09 yoou yon mädlo è Tägga onomia. Soph. Ant. 740. Or in the words of Menander: Me î ́s 3-s, si starigas asya, "Arad Oquoties If we read 4/7 13 Spetite, we shall have a reading.

and edges are both applied to a verb signifying To beat, in the Wisps, v. 450. Προσαγαγὼν πρὸς τὴν ἐλαίαν ἐξέδεις εὖ κἀνδρικῶς. We conclude our observations on these verses by mentioning, that in v. 840 of the Knights, at the end of a system of them, we must read έπαποπνιγείας instead of ἀποπνιγείης, in order to prevent the lengthening of a short syllable before a mute and a liquid. The compound izanezys may be compared with inδιαλλαγῶ ν. 701.

An expression occurs in Mr Porson's remarks on the trochaic metre, which appears to have deceived more than one respectable scholar. Mr Porson observes (p. 46), that the catalectic tetrameter trochaic of the tragic and comic poets may conveniently be considered as consisting of a cretic or paon prefixed to a common trimeter iambic, in the following manner: Marg, οὐ | λόγων ἔθ ̓ ἀγὼν, ἀλλ' ἀνήλωται χρόνος. ̓Ανόσιος | πέφυκας. ἀλλ ̓ οὐ πα τείδος, ὡς σὺ, πολέμιος. ̓Αρτέμιδι, | καὶ πλοῦν ἔσεσθαι Δαναΐδαις, ἡσθεὶς φρί γας. Mr Porson adds:

"Sed in hoc trochaico senario (liceat ita loqui) duo observanda sunt; nusquam anapæstum, ne in primo quidem loco, admitti; deinde necessario semper requiri casuram penthemi

merim. "

The inadmissibility of anapests into the trochaic senarius may be exemplified by prefixing a cretic to the fifth verse of the Plutus of Aristophanes: ̓Αλλὰ γὰρ | μετέχειν ἀνάγκη τον θεράποντα τῶν x. The dactyl in the second place vitiates the metre of this verse, considered as a tetrameter trochaic. Common readers will pardon us for explaining this passage in Mr Porson's preFace, when we show that it seems to have been misunderstood by so excellent a scholar as Mr Burges. In Mr Porson's edition of the Phoenisse, v. 616 has an anapest in the fourth place: Εξέλαυνόμεσθα πατρίδος. καὶ γὰρ ἦλθες ἐξελῶν. In his note upon this verse, Mr Burges remarks: Raro et fortasse nunquam in Trochaicis tragicis anapastus occurrit. He proposes to read, either ἐξελαύνομαι χθονός γάς, οι πατρίδος εξελαυνόμεθα. It is somewhat re markable, that an anapest in v. 621 of the same play has escaped Mr Burges's observation: Kai où, pintig, où Aquis des for Aquietor) μnteès droud Zuv naga. In Mr Porson's edition of the Orestes, anapests occur in the five following trochaics: V. 728.


reading, which, in our opinion, is preferable not only to that which is exhibited by this ingenious admirer of youthful ministers, but also to the original reading in Stobæus LII. p. 201. 'AXX' ci govedûies Tous yous digos gw. Grotius reads argos ig, with the following note: Addidi & versus causa. The fragment is manifestly taken from some tragedian, but not from Euripides, if Mr Porson's (ad Hec. 298) btervation on the initial letters 3a, yà, &c. be correct.

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