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pulse is feeble, the skin is cold, and there is extreme prostration of strength. In such a case as this, death may occur (apparently from bloodpoisoning) in a few hours. Other cases rapidly assume a typhus-like character. The pulse (says Dr Watson) becomes frequent and feeble; the tongue dry, brown, and tremulous; the debility extreme; the breath offensive; the throat is livid, swollen, ulcerated, and gangrenous; and the respiration is impeded by viscid mucus, which collects about the fauces. Over this variety of the disease, medicine has comparatively little control.' Even in S. anginosa, there is very considerable danger. The disease may prove fatal (1) from inflammation or effusion within the head, or (2) from the throat-affection, which too often proceeds to disorganisation and sloughing of the adjacent parts. Moreover, in parturient women, even the mildest form of the disease is fraught with the greatest peril. Further, when the disease is apparently cured, the patient is exposed to great hazard from its consequences or sequela. Children who have suffered a severe attack of scarlet fever are liable (in the words of the eminent physician to whom we have already referred) 'to fall into a state of permanent bad health, and to become a prey to some of the many chronic forms of scrofula-boils, strumous ulcers, diseases of the scalp, sores behind the ear, scrofulous swellings of the cervical glands and of the upper lip, chronic inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. The above-named consequences not unfrequently follow small-pox and measles, but, in addition to these, scarlatina is often followed by the form of dropsy known as anasarca, or serous infiltration of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, frequently accompanied with dropsy of the larger serous cavities. Strange as it may at first sight appear, this dropsy is much more common after a mild than after a severe form of the disease; but this apparent anomaly is probably due to the fact, that less caution is observed in the former than in the latter cases during the dangerous period of desquamation. If the patient (for example) is allowed to go out while new cuticle is still forming, the perspiratory power of the skin is checked by the cold, and the escape of the fever poison through the great cutaneous outlet is thus prevented. An excess of the poison is therefore driven to the kidneys, where it gives rise to the form of renal disease known as 'acute desquamative nephritis.”

Scarlatina is a disease that-like all the exanthemata-occurs in the epidemic form; and each epidemic presents its peculiar type, the disease being sometimes uniformly mild, and in others almost as uniformly severe. The treatment of this disease varies according to the preponderating symptoms. In S. simplex, nothing is required except confinement to the house, a nonstimulating diet, and the due regulation of the bowels, which are apt to be costive. In S. anginosa, cold or tepid sponging gives much relief if the skin is hot. If there is much fever, and especially if delirium supervene, a few leeches should be applied behind the ears, or if the patient were previously in robust health, blood might be cautiously taken from the arm. If, however, no bad headsymptoms are present, all that is necessary is to prescribe saline draughts, of which citrate of ammonia, with a slight excess of carbonate of ammonia, forms the best ingredient, and to keep the bowels open once or twice a day by gentle laxatives. In S. maligna, there are two main sources of danger, which were first recognised as distinct by Dr Watson, who describes them as follows: The one arises from the primary impression of the contagious poison upon the body, and 398

particularly upon the nervous system, which is overwhelmed by its influence. The patients sink often at a very early period, with but little affection either of the throat or skin. If we can save such patients at all, it must be by the liberal administration of wine and bark, to sustain the flagging powers until the deadly agency of the poison has in some measure passed away. But another source of danger arises from the gangrenous ulceration which is apt to ensue in the fauces, when the patient is not killed by the first violence of the contagion. The system is re-inoculated, I believe, with the poisonous matter from the throat. Now, under these circumstances also, quinia, or wine, and upon the whole, I should give the preference to wine, is to be diligently though watchfully given.' In addition to these remedies, a weak solution of chloride of soda, of nitrate of silver, or of Condy's disinfectant fluid, should be used as a gargle; or if, as is too often the case, the patient is incapable of gargling, the solution may be injected into the nostrils and against the fauces by means of a syringe or elastic bottle.

Three medicines have been so highly commended in scarlet fever generally, by trustworthy observers, that it is expedient to notice them. The first is chlorate of potassium (KCIOs) dissolved in water in the proportion of a drachm to a pint. A pint, or a pint and a half, may be taken daily. It was originally prescribed under the idea that it gave off its oxygen to the blood, and was eliminated from the system as chloride of potassium (KCl). Although this view is now known to be incorrect, there is no doubt that the salt is often prescribed with great benefit in this and some other diseases, as, for example, diphtheria and typhus fever. The second medicine is a very weak, watery solution of chlorine, of which a pint may be taken in the day; and the third is carbonate of ammonia in five-grain doses three times a day, given in beef-tea, wine, &c.

In the early stage, before the appearance of the rash, scarlatina may be readily mistaken for several other febrile diseases; after the appearance of the rash, the only disease for which it can be mistaken is measles, and we must refer to the article on that disease for a notice of the distinctive characters of the two affections.

There is no complaint in which the final result is more uncertain than this, and the physician should give a very guarded opinion as to how any special case may terminate.

Whether the disease is contagious throughout its course, or only at one particular period, is unknown; and if the physician is asked at what period the danger of imparting the disease on the one hand, or catching it on the other, is over, he should candidly declare that he does not know. That the contagion remains attached to furniture, clothing, &c., for a long period is undoubted. Watson gives a remarkable instance of a small piece of infected flannel communicating the disease after the interval of a year.



The popular delusion that scarlatina is a mild and diminutive form of scarlet fever should always be corrected, as the error, if uncorrected, may do much harm by leading to a disregard of those precautions which are always necessary in this disease.

SCARLATTI, ALESSANDRO, a musician of great eminence, born at Trapani in Sicily in 1659. He is said to have studied under Carissimi; if so, it must have been when very young. In 1680, S. visited Rome, and composed his first opera, L'onestà nell' amore, first performed at the court of Queen Christina of Sweden. His opera, Pompeo, was per formed at Naples in 1684. In 1693, he composed the oratorio, I Dolori di Maria sempre Vergine, and



was now at its highest; but three years afterwards, he had to give up the work of public teaching, and entered, in 1814, on the office of Director of the Medical Faculty of Pavia. His next publication was some valuable observations on the operation for Stone. For the last years of his life, he suffered from almost total blindness, until, on the 30th of October 1832, he died at Pavia, of inflammation of the bladder. S.'s merits as an observer, a teacher, and a writer were very great. Industrious, scholarly, artistic, he appeared to great advantage in nearly every subject he undertook.

the opera Teodora, in which orchestral accompaniments were first introduced to the recitatives, and a separate design given to the accompaniments to the airs. In the following eight years, during part of which time he held the office of maestro di capella at Naples, he produced various operas, the most remarkable being Laodicea e Berenice, composed in 1701. Between 1703-1709 he held the situation of maestro di capella at St Maria Maggiore at Rome; he then returned to Naples; and in 1715, produced Il Tigrane. Alessandro S. died in 1721. His musical works comprise 117 operas, several oratorios, and a great deal of church music, besides various madrigals SCARPA'NTO (anc. Carpathos), an island in and other chamber music. He was the founder of the Mediterranean, belonging to Turkey, midway the Neapolitan school, in which were trained most of between the islands of Rhodes and Crete. It is 32 the great musicians of last century, and whose influ- miles long, and about 8 miles in extreme breadth, ence can be traced in the works of almost every and its surface is covered with bare mountains, composer who has flourished since. His invention which reach the height of 4000 feet. The ruins of was rich and bold, his learning great, and his style towns, which are found in several places, seem to pure. His modulations, often unexpected, are never indicate that formerly the island was well peopled. harsh, and never difficult for the voice. His son, At present, the inhabitants are only about 5000 in DOMENICO (born 1685, died 1757), was the first number, and are mostly employed as carpenters and harpsichord player of his day. Among his com-workers in wood, a trade of which they seem pecupositions are a number of sonatas, remarkable for liarly fond, and in commerce. invention, graceful melody, and skilful construction.-Domenico S. had a son, GIUSEPPE (born 1718, died 1796), who was also known as an eminent musician.

sinister, being half the breadth of that ordinary. SCARPE, in Heraldry, a diminutive of the bend

SCARRON, PAUL, the creator of French SCARLET COLOURS. Cochineal furnished the burlesque, was born at Paris in 1610. His father, scarlet colour employed in dyeing before the applica- a counsellor of parliament, was a man of fortune tion of aniline, and was extensively used; a solution and good family; but he having married again of tin and cream of tartar being employed as the morafter the death of Paul's mother, discord broke dant to fix it. Scheffer, who produced the best form-out between the second wife and her step-children, ula for dyeing this colour, also added starch, the proportions being as follow: Starch, 9 lbs.; cream of tartar, 9 lbs. 6 oz.; solution of tin, 9 lbs. 6 oz.; and cochineal, 12 lbs. 4 oz. These are the quantities required for 100 lbs. of wool or cloth.


the result of which was that Paul had to leave the house. About 1634, he visited Italy, where he made the acquaintance of Poussin the painter. On his return to Paris, he delivered himself over to a life of very gross pleasure, the consequence of which was that, in less than four years, he was seized with permanent paralysis of the limbs. What makes this incident in his career still interesting is the fact, that it undoubtedly exercised no inconsider able influence on the development of his peculiar genius, which, as a French critic justly says, was the image of his body.' His love of burlesque, of malicious buffoonery, of profane gaiety, was simply a way of escape through the gates of mockery from the tourmens véhémens of his incurable ailment. His scramble for the means of living is excusable when we consider his hapless infirmity. He wrote verses, flattering dedications, begging-letters for pensions, &c.; and in 1643 he even managed to get a benefice at Mans, which he held for three years, when he returned to Paris, and lived in a sort of elegant Bohemian style. He had a pension from Mazarin of 500 crowns; but when the cardinal declined (probably from avarice) to allow the Typhon to be dedicated to him, S. got absurdly indignant, and joining the Frondeurs, lampooned Mazarin with spleenful virulence. However, when the war of the Fronde was at an end, and Mazarin had triumphed, S. was ready with an ode to

SCARPA, ANTONIO, a celebrated anatomist, was born on 13th June, 1747, at Castello-Motta, a village in the Friuli. He was educated at Padua, where his ardour attracted the attention of the octogenarian Morgagni, who, having lost his sight shortly after the arrival of S. at the university, engaged the young enthusiast as his secretary, and dictated to him in Latin the answers which he made to letters soliciting his advice. The intervals between their medical studies were employed by Morgagni and S. in the perusal of the Latin authors, and it is to this practice that we must ascribe the elegance that distinguished the scientific style of S. in his subsequent publications. In 1772, he was appointed Professor of Anatomy in Modena. He afterwards visited France, Holland, and England; and while in London, was so enamoured of John Hunter's Museum, that he did not rest until he had constructed a similar one at home. In 1783, he filled the anatomical chair at Pavia. He made, in the following year, a journey through- | out the greater part of Germany, and in the course Jule, autrefois l'objet de l'injuste satire. of it acquired the experience that made him one of the greatest clinical surgeons in Europe. On his This baseness, however, did not win him back his return to Pavia, he published in rapid succession pension, which the 'object of his unjust satire' had treatises on the anatomy of the Organs of Smell and withdrawn; and it might have fared hard with the Hearing; on the Nerves of the Heart, and on the poet, had other friends not started up-for example, minute anatomy of Bone. These, especially that on Fouquet, who granted him a pension of 1600 the innervation of the heart, which settled the crowns-and had he himself not been the most conquestion whether that viscus was supplied with summate beggar that ever lived. If he could not nerves, gave S. a European reputation. His work get a benefice or a purse of gold, or a lodge at on the Diseases of the Eye, published in 1801, was court, he would take a load of firewood, or a followed in 1804 by his observations on the Cure of carriage, pasties, capon, cheese, poodles, &c.Aneurism. But his greatest achievement was his nothing came amiss; and his ample acknowledg work on Hernia, published in 1809. His reputationments shewed how thoroughly he had masterea



the art of expressing gratitude. Doubtless his physical helplessness induced this bad habit, but his importunities were so pleasantly worded that SCEPTICISM (Gr. skeptomai, 'I consider') they never estranged the friends on whom he strictly denotes that condition in which the mind is fastened. In 1652, S. married Françoise d'Aubigné before it has arrived at conclusive opinions-when -a girl of 17, who subsequently became the it is still in the act of reflecting, examining, or mistress of Louis XIV., and is known as Madame pondering over subjects of thought. Scepticism is Maintenon (q. v.). He died early in October 1660 therefore the opposite of dogmatism (see DoG MA). -the exact date is not known, but he was buried The notion of disbelief,' is quite a secondary on the 7th. It is a proof of the charm of his meaning of the term. Among the Greeks a company that his rooms were frequented by most of skeptikos, 'sceptic,' was originally only a thoughtful the men and women of his day who were distin-person, and the verb skeptomai, never acquired any guished either in literature or society. Among other signification than 'to consider.' But inasmuch his works may be mentioned Le Typhon, Virgile as the mass of men rush to conclusions with baste, Travesti (Par. 1648-1652), La Mazarinade (1649), and assert them with far more positiveness than La Baronade Léandre et Héro, Ode Burlesque, La their knowledge warrants, the discerning few of Relation du Combat des Purques et des Poëtes sur la clearer vision or cooler head, are often brought into Mort de Voiture, Poésies Diverses (Par. 1643-1651), collision with popular beliefs-more especially in comprising sonnets, madrigals, epistles, satires, religion, the sphere in which popular beliefs are songs, &c.; Le Roman Comique (Par. 1651), a most most numerous, most positive, and most inconsideramusing account of the life led by a company of ate-and are compelled by the violent shock given strolling players-it is the best known, and perhaps to their reason to doubt, it may be to 'disbelieve' the best of all S.'s productions; Nouvelles Tragi- what they hear affirmed by the multitude with comiques, from one of which (Les Hypocrites) indefensible emphasis of speech. Thus it is that in Molière has taken the idea of Tartufe; besides a common parlance a sceptic has come to mean an number of clever but coarse comedies. The editions infidel, and scepticism infidelity. But the field of of his works are very numerous, but the best is that thought in which scepticism properly so-called of Bruzen de la Martinière (Amster., 10 vols., 1737; has preferred to exercise itself is not religion but Par., 7 vols. 1786). Victor Fournel, to whom we philosophy. Philosophical sceptics in all ages and are indebted for most of the information in this countries have generally denied or at least doubted article, republished Le Roman Comique, in 1857, the trustworthiness of the senses as vehicles of and Le Virgile Travesti in 1858. absolute truth, and so have destroyed the very possibility of speculation. In ancient times, Pyrrhon (q. v.), in modern, David Hume (q. v.), are the most characteristic representatives of this kind of scepticism.

SCATTERY ISLAND, a small islet in the estuary of the Shannon, three miles south-west of the town of Kilrush. Besides a fort, the islet contains fragments of several small churches, and an ancient round tower 120 feet high.

SCAUP DUCK (Fuligula-or Nyroca-marila), an oceanic species of duck, of the same genus with the Pochard (q. v.), an inhabitant of the northern parts of the world, spending the summer in arctic or subarctic regions, and visiting the coasts of Britain and of continental Europe as far south as the Mediterranean in winter, when it is also to be seen in great flocks in the United States, not only on the

Scaup Duck (Fuligula marila). sea-coast, but on the Ohio, Mississippi, and other


It breeds in fresh-water swamps. It is nearly equal in size to the Pochard. The male has the head, neck, and upper part of the breast and back black, the cheeks and sides of the neck glossed with rich green; the back white, spotted and striped with black lines; the wing-coverts darker than the back, the speculum white; the rump and tail-coverts black. The female has brown instead of black, and old females have a broad white band around the base of the bill. The flesh of the S. D. is tough, and has a strong fishy flavour.

SCEPTRE (Gr. skēptron, staff; from skēpto, to send or thrust), originally a staff or walking-stick, hence in course of time, also a weapon of assault and of defence. At a very early period the privilege of carrying it came to be connected with the idea of authority and station. Both in the Old Testament and in Homer, the most solemn oaths are sworn by the sceptre, and Homer speaks of the sceptre as an attribute of kings, princes, and leaders of tribes. According to Homer, the sceptre descended from father to son, and might be committed to any one to denote the transfer of authority. Among the Persians, whole classes of persons vested with authority, including eunuchs, were distinguished as the 'sceptre-bearing classes.' The sceptre was in very early times a truncheon pierced with gold or silver studs. Ovid speaks of it as enriched with gems, and made of precious metals or ivory. The sceptre of the kings of Rome, which was afterwards borne by the consuls, was of ivory, and surmounted by an eagle. While no other ensign of sovereignty is of the same antiquity as the sceptre, it has kept its place as a symbol of royal. authority through the middle ages and down to the present time. There has been considerable variety in its form; the sceptre of the kings of France of the first race was a gold rod as tall as the king himself.

SCHADOW-GODENHAUS, FRIEDR. WILH. VON, a distinguished German painter, of the Düsseldorf school, was born at Berlin, September 6, 1789. His father, Joh. Gottf. S., an eminent sculptor, died director of the Berlin Academy of Arts, in 1850. At first young S. did not give much promise of excellence, but during his first visit to Rome, the influence of Overbeck, Cornelius, Führich, Veit, &c., awoke his dormant genius, and both singly and in company with some of these artists, he executed several pictures remarkable for their

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depth of religious sentiment; as 'An Explana- dynasty (1645), and was honoured by visits from tion of the Dream of Joseph' and 'The Grief of the emperor at four stated times in each year. Jacob when told of the Death of his Son.' While Through this favour with the emperor, S. obtained residing in the city of the pope, he passed over to an edict which authorised the building of Catholic Roman Catholicism. Scarcely had S. returned to churches, and the liberty of preaching throughout Berlin when he was appointed professor of the the empire; and in the space of 14 years the academy, and soon gathered round him a host Jesuit missionaries in the several provinces are said of brilliant pupils; but in 1826 he went to Düssel- to have received into the church 100,000 proselytes. dorf as successor of Cornelius, in the direction of the On the death of this emperor, however, a change of notable academy there. His pupils followed him, policy fatal to the prospects of Christianity took and ever since the 'Düsseldorf School' has been place. The favourable edict above referred to was associated specially with their names. S.'s principal revoked; S. was thrown into prison and sentenced works are 'Mignon' (1828); The Four Evangelists,' to death. He was afterwards liberated; but he was one of the finest productions of German art; The again imprisoned, and, at the end of a long incarWise and Foolish Virgins,' 'The Source of Life,' ceration, died August 15, 1669. He had acquired a The Assumption,' three great allegorical pictures; perfect mastery of the Chinese language, in which and 'Heaven,' 'Purgatory,' and 'Hell.' S. was enno- he compiled numerous treatises upon scientific and bled by the king of Prussia in 1843. He died in 1862. religious subjects. A large MS. collection of his SCHAFFHAU'SEN, the most northern canton remains in Chinese, amounting to 14 volumes in 4to, of Switzerland, is bounded on all sides but the is preserved in the Vatican Library. He also translated into Chinese several works, doctrinal and south by the duchy of Baden. Area, 117 sq. m.; pop. (1860) 35,964, of whom 33,000 are Protestants, medical, especially some treatises of Father Lessius, and 2400 are Catholics. The chief river is the a Flemish Jesuit, the most important of which was Rhine, which forms part of the southern boundary, that On the Providence of God.-See Mailly's and within the basin of which the canton is wholly Histoire Générale de la Chine and Huc's Le included. The surface is hilly, especially in the north and east, and of the many rich valleys that slope southward to the Rhine, that of the Klettgau is famous for its unusual fertility, and for its wines, the bouquet of which is peculiarly fine. The climate is mild; the soil, which is mostly calcareous, is generally fruitful, and agriculture is the principal branch of industry. Grain, fruits, flax, hemp, and wine are the chief crops. Iron is obtained, but the manufactures are not important. About 20,000 tons of gypsum are obtained yearly at the town of Schleitheim (pop. 2000). The canton is divided into

six districts.

SCHAFFHAUSEN, a town of Switzerland, capital of the canton of the same name, beautifully situated on the right bank of the Rhine, immediately above the celebrated falls of that river. Higher up the slope on which the town stands, is the curious castle of Munoth, and this edifice and the minster, founded in 1052, are the chief buildings. The town is remarkable for the antique architecture of its houses. The old wall and gateways of S. are also very picturesque. Pop. 7770, who are partly engaged in the manufacture of iron, cotton, and silk goods. The Falls of Schaffhausen, about three miles below the town, form, perhaps, the most imposing spectacle of the kind in Europe. The river is here 300 feet broad, and the entire descent is about 100 feet. From a projecting balcony which overhangs the roaring cataract, the visitor may appreciate the full grandeur of the fall.

SCHALL, JOHANN ADAM VON, a celebrated Jesuit missionary to China, was born of noble family at Cologne in 1591, and having made his studies and entered the Jesuit order in Rome, in 1611, he was selected, partly in consequence of his great knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, to form one of the mission to China in 1620. Having, with the characteristic skill and ability of his order, turned to good account among the Chinese his familiarity with mathematical and mechanical science, he not only succeeded in forming a flourishing mission, but was ultimately invited to the imperial court at Pekin, where he was entrusted with the compilation of the calendar, and the direction of the public mathematical school, being himself created a mandarin. Such was his favour with the emperor, that, contrary to all the received etiquette, he had the privilege of free access to the presence of the Emperor Chun-Tche, the founder of the Tartar

Christianisme en Chine.

SCHÄ'SBURG, or SCHÄSSBURG (Magyar, Segesvá), a town of Austria, in Transylvania, on the great Kokel. It consists of the Burg or UpperTown and the Lower-Town. Pop. 7962.

SCHAUMBURG-LI'PPE, a principality and state of the German empire, formerly the county of Schaumburg, and bounded on the W. by Westphalia, and the N. by Hanover. Area, 212 sq. m.; pop. (1867) 31,186. It shares the physical characters of the surrounding states. The prince, who resides for the most part at Bückeburg (pop. 4214), has large possessions in Mecklenburg, Hanover, and Bohemia. The public revenue amounts to $81,480, and the expenses to the same sum. It had one vote in the plenum, and part of the 16th vote in the curies. It contributed to the force of the North German Confederation a contingent of 516 men. The line of S.-L., a branch of the House of Lippe (q. v.), divided from the main stem in the year 1613.

SCHEELE, CHARLES-WILLIAM, an eminent Swedish chemist, was born at Stralsund, 1742, and after receiving a brief and incomplete education, was apprenticed to an apothecary at Gothenburg, where he laid the foundation of his knowledge of chemistry. In 1767, he settled at Stockholm as an apothecary; and in 1770, removed to Upsala, where at that time the celebrated Bergmann was professor of chemistry. It was during his residence at Upsala that he carried on those investigations in chemical analysis which proved so fruitful in important and brilliant discoveries, and placed their author by the side of Linnæus and Berzelius, his countrymen-in the front rank of science. In 1777, he removed to Köping to take possession of a vacant apothecary business, but died of ague-fever, 24th May 1786, at a time when he was receiving the most tempting offers from England to persuade him to settle in that country. The chief of his discoveries were tartaric acid (1770), chlorine (1774), baryta (1774), oxygen (1777), and glycerine (1784) the second-last of which had been previously made known through the labours of Priestley, though S. was not aware of this till after his own discovery of it in 1777. In experimenting on arsenic and its acid, he discovered the arsenite of copper, which is known as a pigment under the name of Scheele's Green or Mineral Green. In 1782, during an emin ently delicate and subtle investigation to determine


the nature of the colouring-matter in Prussian Blue, he succeeded in obtaining, for the first time, prussic acid in a separate form. The mode and results of his various investigations were communicated from time to time, in the form of memoirs, to the Academy of Stockholm, of which he was an associate, and also in his chief work, the Chemical Treatise on Air and Fire (Upsala, 1777), and in an Essay on the Colouring Matter in Prussian Blue (1782).

(April 19, 1839), the Netherlands secured the right of levying 2s. 6d. per ton on all vessels. By a treaty signed at Brussels, July 16, 1863, this toll has been bought up, nominally by Belgium, but in reality from a sum of £750,000 paid to that country by the powers whose ships navigate the S., the proportion falling to Great Britain being fully £350,000.

SCHE'LLENBERG, a village in the south-east of Upper Bavaria, six miles south-west of the Austrian town of Salzburg, near which occurred the first battle of the 'War of the Spanish Succession,' in which the English took part. Maximilian-Emmanuel, elector of Bavaria, had fortified the hill of S. to resist the progress of Marlborough; but on July 4th, 1704, the work was attacked by the English, led on by Prince Ludwig of Baden, and carried by storm after a bloody fight.

SCHEELE'S GREEN. See ARSENIOUS ACID. SCHEFFER, ARY, a French painter, born at Dort, in Holland, 10th February 1795, studied under Guerin of Paris, and made his début as an artist in 1812. Some years later appeared his 'Mort de Saint-Louis,' 'Le Dévouement des Bourgeois de Calais,' and several genre pieces, such as La Veuve du Soldat,' 'Le Retour du Conscrit,' 'La Soeur de Charité,' 'La Scène d'Invasion,' &c., which have been popularised in France by engrav- SCHELLING, FRIEDR. WILH. Jos. VON, an ings; but compared with his later performances, illustrious German philosopher, was born at Leonthese early pictures have little merit. It was not till berg, in Würtemberg, January 27, 1775, studied at the 'Romantic' movement reached art that S. began Tübingen and Leipzig, and in 1798 proceeded to to feel conscious of his peculiar power. The influence Jena, then the headquarters of speculative activity of Goethe and Byron became conspicuous in his in Germany, through the influence of Reinhold and choice of subjects, and to the remarkable facility Fichte. S.'s philosophical tendencies were originof execution that had always marked him, he now ally determined by Fichte; in fact, he was at first added a subtilty and grace of imagination, that give only an expounder, though an eloquent and indean inexpressible charm to his works. The public pendent one, of the Fichtian idealism, as one may admired his new style greatly, and lavished eulogy see from his earliest speculative writings, Über die with liberal hand on his 'Marguerite à son Rouet,' Möglichkeit einer Form der Philosophie (On the 'Faust tourmenté par le Doute,' Marguerite à possibility of a Form of Philosophy, Tüb. 1795), l'Eglise, Marguerite au Sabbat,' Marguerite sorVom Ich als Princip der Philosophie (Of the Ego tant de l'Eglise, Marguerite au Jardin,' Marguerite as the Principle of Philosophy, Tüb. 1795), and à la Fontaine,' 'Les Mignons,' 'Le Larmoyeur,' others. Le Larmoyeur,' others. Gradually, however, S. diverged from his Francesca de Rimini,' &c. Towards the year 1836, teacher, and commenced what is regarded as the his art underwent its third and final phase-the second phase of his philosophy. Fichte's idealism religious. To this class belong his 'Le Christ Con- now seemed to him one-sided and imperfect through solateur,' 'Le Christ Rémunérateur,' 'Les Bergers its rigorous and exclusive subjectivity, and he conduits par l'Ange,' Les Rois Mages déposant sought to harmonise and complete it. The result of leurs Trésors,' 'Le Christ au Jardin des Oliviers,' his speculations, in this direction, was the once Le Christ portant sa Croix,'' Le Christ enseveli, famous Identitätsphilosophie (Philosophy of Idenand Saint Augustin et sa Mère Sainte Monique,' tity), which claimed to shew that the only true some of which are well known in England by knowledge, and, therefore, the only philosophy, was engravings. S. also executed some remarkable that of the Infinite-absolute, in which the 'real' and portraits; among others, those of La Fayette, Bér-ideal,' 'nature' and 'spirit,' 'subject' and 'object,' anger, Lamartine. He died at Argenteuil, near Paris, 15th June 1858.

two arms.

SCHELDT, THE (pron. Skelt; Lat. Scaldis, Fr. l'Escaut), rises in the French dep. of Aisne, flows northerly to Cambrai, Valenciennes, Bouchain, and Condé, when entering Belgium, it passes Doornik, Oudenarde, Ghent, Dendermonde, Rupelmonde, and Antwerp, having received, among other tributaries, the Lys, Dender, and Rupel. Navigable from its entrance into Belgium, the S. at Antwerp becomes a noble river, of sufficient depth for large ships. From Antwerp, the course is north-west, to Fort Bath, in the Netherlands, where, coming in contact with the island of South Beveland, it divides into The left or southern, called the Honte or Wester S., takes a westerly direction, south of the islands of Zeeland, and meets the North Sea at Flushing; the northern or right arm, called the Kreekerak, flows between Zeeland and North Brabant, near Bergen-op-zoom, dividing again into two branches, the left, called the Easter S., passing between the islands of Tholen and Schouwen on the right, and the Bevelands on the left, reaches the sea through the Roompot (Romanorum portus); the other branch, flowing between North Brabant and Zeeland, discharges itself by several passages. These several mouths of the S., forming various islands, are called the Zeeland streams.

The Dutch had long monopolised the navigation of the lower S.; and by the treaty signed in London


are recognised as absolutely the same; and which affirmed the possibility of our attaining to such knowledge by a mysterious process, known Intellectual Intuition.' The philosophy of iden tity,' though only the second stage in S.'s speculative career, is the most important, and is the one by which he is best known in England-Sir William Hamilton having elaborately discussed it, and endeavoured to demonstrate its untenableness in his essay on the Philosophy of the Conditioned' (see Discussions in Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform, 1852). The principal works in which it is more or less completely developed, are Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (Ideas towards a Philosophy of Nature, Leips. 1797, 2d ed. 1803); Von der Weltseele, eine Hypothese der Höhern Physik zur Erläuterung des allgemeinen Organismus (Of the World-soul, an Hypothesis of the higher Physics in elucidation of the Universal Organism, Hamb. 1798, 3d ed. 1809); Erste Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie (First Attempt at a Systematic Philosophy of Nature, Jena, 1799); and System des Transcendentalen Idealismus (System of Transcendental Idealism, Tüb. 1800). In 1803, after the departure of Fichte from Jena, S. was appointed to succeed him, but in the following year went to Würzburg, whence, in 1808, he was called to Munich as secretary to the Academy of Arts, and was ennobled by King MaximilianJoseph. Here he lived for 33 years, during

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