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or custom subsists in full force among the Arabs at this day. Many of the hereditary feuds of families, clans, and tribes in all barbarous and semi-barbarous countries, have always been connected with the avenging of blood.


retarded in those cases where death has occurred | commutation for murder. The primitive institution from some sudden shock, as from lightning, and the B. remains fluid in the veins for some time after death. But even during life, B. escaped from the vessels coagulates nearly as rapidly as if out of the body. In some forms of malignant fever, or when the poison of glanders or malignant pustule has entered the B., the latter remains fluid, also in cases where the blood is what is termed poor, as in scurvy, and in those suffocated. The size and firmness of the clot depends on the amount of fibrine in the B., which in health averages about 2 parts in 1000. In inflammations it is much increased, and the B. forms slowly into a tough clot, which is almost destitute | of red globules on its surface, and drawn in towards the centre, this colourless layer is termed the 'buffy coat,' and the physicians of bygone times used to attach great importance to it, believing that it was a phenomenon peculiar to inflammation, and bleeding repeatedly, with the view to its removal; whereas anything which delays coagulation, great poverty of B., as in Chlorosis (q. v.), green-sickness, or any condition in which the fibrine is in greater proportion than the red blood globules, will cause this appearance; the clot of the impoverished blood will, how ever, be small and loose, and floating in an excessive quantity of serum.

The colour of the B. varies, as it happens to come from the venous or arterial side of the heart. The florid scarlet arterial B., passing through the capillaries, loses its oxygen, becomes loaded with carbonic acid, and appears in the veins of a dark purple colour, which it changes again for scarlet, when it is sent to the lungs, there to part with its carbonic acid and to absorb a fresh supply of oxygen. See CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD.

It seems probable that this change is owing to the effect of the oxygen on the corpuscles, contracting them, and altering their reflecting surfaces; carbonic acid, on the other hand, rendering them thinner and more flaccid. The changes in colour can be effected in B. drawn out of the body by the application of the gases mentioned.

The red B. corpuscle performs important duties in our bodies. Possessing great powers of absorbing oxygen, it hurries away from the left side of the heart, and bears that life-giving stimulus to the tissues; takes from them nearly as readily the carbonic acid, which would poison the whole body if allowed to remain; carries it away, and gets rid of it in the lungs, where it again absorbs oxygen; and again goes on its useful circuit through the body till, following the laws which govern all cells and bodies composed of them, it wears out, degenerates, and dies. The most important differences in the blood of different classes of animals, are noticed in the articles on these classes. See also RESPIRATION.

BLOOD, AVENGER OF. In the early ages of society, the infliction of the penalty of death for murder did not take place by the action of any tribunal or public authorities administering law, but, in accordance with the rude social condition, was left to the nearest relative of the murdered, whose recognised duty was to pursue and slay the murderer. He was called the Avenger of B., in Hebrew, Goël (q. v.), which term, however, was of wider signification. The Mosaic law (Numb. xxxv.) did not set aside this universal institution of primitive society, but placed it under regulations, prohibiting the commutation of the penalty of death for money, which appears to have become frequent, and appointing cities of refuge for the manslayer who was not really a murderer. See CITY OF REFUGE. The Koran sanctions the avenging of B. by the nearest kinsman, but also sanctions the pecuniary

BLOOD, EATing of. The eating of B. was prohibited under the Old Testament dispensation, obviously for reasons. connected with the use of animals in sacrifice. Christians, with a few exceptions, have always regarded the prohibition as having ceased with the reason for it; and the exhortation of the apostolic council of Jerusalem to the Gentile converts, to abstain from things strangled and from blood,' to have been merely an application of the great law of Christian charity to the circumstances of a transition period, with reference to the prejudices of Jewish converts.

BLOOD OF OUR SAVIOUR, was an order of knighthood in Mantua, instituted by Duke Vincent Gonçaga in 1608, on the occasion of the marriage of his son with a daughter of the Duke of Savoy. It consisted of 20 knights, the Mantuan dukes being fire, and interwoven with the words Domine probasti. sovereigns. The collar had threads of gold laid on To the collar were pendent two angels, supporting three drops of blood, and circumscribed with the motto Nihil isto triste recepto. The name originated in the belief that in St. Andrew's Church, in Mantua, certain drops of our Saviour's blood are kept as a relic.



BLOOD, THOMAS, a most daring, unscrupulous, and successful adventurer, was born in Ireland about 1628, and served there in the parliamentary army. After the Restoration, he put himself at the head of an insurrectionary plot, which was to begin with the seizure of Dublin Castle, and of Ormond, the lord-lieutenant. On its timely discovery, he fled, while his chief accomplices were seized and executed. Escaping to Holland, he was received there with high consideration. He soon found his way back to England, to try what mischief might be brewed among the fifth-monarchy men. ing no prospect of success, he repaired to Scotland, invited by the turbulent state of affairs, and was present at the fight of Pentland, November 27, 1666. On the night of the 6th December 1670, the Duke of Ormond was seized, in his coach in St. James's Street, by a gang of bravoes, tied on horseback behind one of them, and hurried away towards Tyburn. The timely approach of his attendants at the moment that he had succeeded in struggling with his riding-companion to the ground, probably saved him from hanging. The leader in this daring villainy was B., and so well had he contrived it, that he did not even incur suspicion. His next enterprise was still more wild and dangerous. On the 9th of May 1671, disguised as a clergyman, and accompanied by his former accomplices, he entered the Tower with the determination to carry off the regalia of England. After nearly murdering the keeper of the jewels, he actually succeeded in carrying off the crown under his cloak, while one of his associates bore away the orb. They were immediately pursued, however, seized, and committed to the Tower jail. Now came a singular turn of fortune. At the instigation of Buckingham, who was accused of having hired B. to attack the Duke of Ormond, King Charles visited the dauntless miscreant in prison, and, dreading the threat that there were hundreds of B.'s associates banded together by


Oath to avenge the death of any of the fraternity, pardoned him, took him to court, gave him an estate of £500 a year, and raised him so high in favour that for several years Colonel B. was an influential medium of royal patronage. This scandalous disregard of public decency was heightened by the fact, that the old jewel-keeper, who had risked his life in defence of his charge, applied in vain for payment of a small reward for his devotion. After the fall of the 'cabal' ministry, B. became hostile to Buckingham, and for a scandalous charge against him was committed to prison. He was bailed out, and died in his own house in 1680.

BLOOD-BIRD of New South Wales (Myzomela sanguinolenta), a beautiful little species of Honeysucker (q. v.), which receives its name from the rich scarlet colour of the head, neck, breast, and back of the male. It inhabits thickets. A very similar species is found in Bengal.

BLOOD'-HOUND, a variety of Hound (q. v.) remarkable for its exquisite scent and for its great sagacity and perseverance in tracking any object to the pursuit of which it has been trained. It derives its name from its original common employment in the chase, either to track a wounded animal or to discover the lair of a beast of prey. It was also formerly called, both in England and Scotland, sleut-hound or sleuth-hound, from the Saxon sleut, the track of a deer. The B. was formerly common and much in use in Britain, as well as on


BLOOD-FLOWER (Hemanthus), a genus of bulbous-rooted plants, of the natural order Amaryllideæ (q. v.), mostly natives of South Africa, some of which are among the prized ornaments of British green-houses. They take their name from the usual colour of their flowers, which form a fine head or cluster, arising from a spathe of a number of leaves. The fruit is a berry, usually with three seeds. The leaves of the different species exhibit considerable diversity of form, in some almost linear, in others almost round; in some, also, they are erect, in others appressed to the ground. The bulbs of some of the finest species of B. being very slow to produce offshoots, a curious method of propagating them is

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the continent of Europe, but is now rare. poetical histories of Bruce and Wallace describe these heroes as occasionally tracked by blood-hounds, when they were skulking from their enemies. The B. was at a later period much used to guide in the pursuit of cattle carried off in Border raids; it has been frequently used for the pursuit of felons and of deer-stealers; and latterly, in America, for the capture of fugitive slaves, an employment of its powers which has contributed not a little to render its name odious to many philanthropists. Terrible ideas are also, probably, suggested by the name itself, although the B. is by no means a particularly ferocious kind of dog, and when employed in the pursuit of human beings, can be trained to detain them as prisoners without offering to injure them. The true B. is taller and also stronger in proportion, and of more compact figure than a fox-hound, muscular and broad-chested, with large pendulous ears, large pendulous upper lips, and an expressióh of face which is variously described as 'thoughtful,' noble,' and 'stern.' The original colour is said to have been a deep tan, clouded with black. The colour appears to have been one of the chief distinctions between the B. and the Talbot (q. v.), but it is not improbable that this name was originally common to all blood-hounds. Many interesting anecdotes are recorded of the perseverance and success of blood-hounds in following a track upon which they have been set, even when it has led them through much frequented roads.-The CUBAN B., which is much employed in the pursuit of felons and of fugitive slaves in Cuba, differs considerably from the true B. of Britain and of the continent of Europe, being more fierce and having more resemblance to the bull-dog, and probably a connection with that or some similar race. Many of these dogs were imported into Jamaica in 1796, to be employed in suppressing the Maroon (q. v.) insurrection, but the terror occasioned by their arrival produced this effect without their actual employment. It is this kind of B. which was formerly employed in the United States for the recapture of fugitive slaves.


a, leaves and fruit of flower-stem, in miniature; b, flower; c, seed-bud, shaft, and summit; d, seed-bud cut transversely. resorted to by gardeners, which is occasionally practised also with other bulbous-rooted plants, by cutting them across above the middle, upon which a number of young bulbs form around the outer edge.

The species of B. seem generally to possess poisonous properties. The inspissated juice of H. toxicarius is used by the natives of South Africa for poisoning their arrows.




BLOOM, an appearance on paintings resembling in some measure the bloom on certain kinds of fruit, such as peaches, plums, &c. (hence the name), produced, in all probability, by the presence of moisture in the varnish, or on the surface of the painting when the varnish is laid on. The B. destroys the transparency, and is consequently very injurious to the general effect of a picture. It is best prevented by carefully drying the picture and heating the Varnish before applying it; and best removed by a sponge dipped in hot camphine, after which a soft brush should be employed to smooth the surface of the picture, which should be finally placed in the sunshine to dry.

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BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT, the author of The Farmer's Boy, and other pastoral pieces, born 1766, at Honington, near Bury St. Edmund's, was the son of a poor tailor, who died, leaving Robert an infant. His mother with difficulty subsisted by teaching a school, where B. learned to read. At the age of 11 he was hired to a farmer, but ultimately became a shoemaker in London, where he wrote his Farmer's Boy in a poor garret. Farmer's Boy in a poor garret. It was published in 1800, had extraordinary popularity, and was translated into a number of languages. He subsequently published Rural Tales, Wild Flowers, and other made for him by pieces. Though efforts were persons of rank, his health broke down, and he died, nearly insane, at Shefford, in Bedfordshire, in 1823.

BLOUSE, a name borrowed from the French for that loose, sack-like over-garment which, as worn in England by wagoners and farm-labourers, is called a smock-frock. The English smock-frock is made of coarse and imperfectly bleached linen, and is ornamented, particularly on the breast and shoulders, with plaits and embroidery. In the south of Scotland it is sometimes worn by butchers, and is then blue, as in Germany and France. In Germany, it is frequently tightened to the body by a belt, and is sometimes made of coarse woollen; but France is pre-eminently the country of blouses. There, they are worn universally, not only by the country people, but also by the labouring-classes in towns, not excepting Paris; and so characteristic is this garment, that the French populace are often called the 'blouses.' The white B. is Sunday dress with the working-classes in France, and has also often served as a countersign among the leaders of sections in secret societies. A lighter and neater garment of the sort, usually made of fine but imperfectly bleached linen, and buttoning in front, which the English smock-frock and the original continental B. do not, is much worn by summer tourists.

BLOW-FLY (Sarcophaga carnaria), an insect of the order Diptera (two-winged), (q. v.), and of the large family Muscides, of which the common Housefly (q. v.), Flesn-fly (q. v.), &c., are familiar examples. The B. is very similar to these in its general appearance; its body is hairy, the expanse of its wings about one inch, the face silky and yellow, the thorax shining blackish brown, which, in certain points gray, with three black stripes, the abdomen of a

BLOOMERISM, a new and fanciful fashion of ladies' dress, partly resembling male attire, which arose out of what is termed the Woman's Rights' Movement,' that began to be agitated in the United States about the year 1848. The first Woman's Rights' Convention was held at Worcester, New York, in 1850, under the presidency of Mrs. Lucretia Mott. Its object was to advocate for women a more liberal education, training in trades and professions, and generally the social and political privileges possessed by the other sex. At the same date, and in close connection with this movement, arose an agitation for the reform of female attire. Its advocates said, justly enough, that if women were to take their place in the world as fellow-workers with men, they ought not to labour under the disadvantage of having a dress that deprived them of the use of their hands, and required nearly their whole muscular power for its support. In 1849, Mrs. Ann Bloomer adopted the costume, to which she has given her name, and lectured in New York and elsewhere on its advantages. The Bloomer dress consisted of a jacket with close sleeves, a skirt falling a little below the knee, and a pair of Turkish trousers. Though a few ladies followed the example of Mrs. Bloomer, the dress was extremely unpopular, and exposed its adherents to a degree of social martyrdom which the more prudent, timid, or amiable declined to brave. A very elegant modification of the Bloomer dress was achieved by a New York lady-a Polish jacket, trimmed with fur, and a skirt reaching to within a few inches of the ground, avoiding a display of few inches of the ground, avoiding a display of pantaloɔn, and showing off merely the trim furred boot, but still sufficiently short to avoid contact with the street; the filthy habit of spitting, which prevails in America, rendering such avoidance peculiarly necessary. The agitation for dress-reform has not died out on the other side of the Atlantic. There is in New York a monthly publication, called the Sibyl, devoted to its advocacy, and whose editor, a married lady, as well as several of her contributors, personally illustrate their principles. A wood cut at the head of the periodical represents the Reform Dress, as it is called. It looks by no means tempting in point of elegance-a fault fatal to its general adoption. The skirt is immoderately short, and the jacket cuts the figure awkwardly of view, assumes a bluish tint, chequered with in two. The introduction of B. into England, soon after it had sprung up in America, was under such unfavourable auspices, that it failed to gain entrance into respectable society, and speedily disappeared. Still here, as in America, nothing is more frequently talked of, or desired with more apparent fervency, than a dress-reform. The present heavy hooped skirts, injurious to health and fatal to comfort from their weight and amplitude, and liable to be equally dirty and ridiculous, are universally complained of; but the prejudice with which any innovation is sure to be met, discourages every attempt to introduce a reform.


Blow-fly and Pupa.

glittering yellowish spots. One of the distinguishing characters of the genus is, that the eyes are widely separate in both sexes. The species of this genus are not unfrequently ovoviviparous, the eggs being hatched within the body of the parent. The generic name (Gr. sarx, flesh; phago, to eat) is derived from the circumstance that the larvæ of most of the species feed upon the flesh either of dead or of living animals. The B. is common in Britain on heaths, in gardens, &c., and its larvæ are to be found feeding upon meat, the carcases of animals, sometimes upon living earthworms, and too frequently upon sheep, of which it is one of the


most grievous pests, requiring the constant attention of the shepherd during most of the summer and autumn. Some districts are more infested with it than others; it is particularly troublesome in the fenny districts of England. Unless the maggots are removed, they eat into the skin, the sheep suffer great torment, and soon die. At first they may be removed by shaking them out of the wool, into which dry sand is then abundantly sprinkled; but if they are very numerous, a mercurial ointment or wash of corrosive sublimate is applied; and when the skin is much broken, the wool is clipped away, an ointment of tar and grease is used, and a cloth sewed over the part. Like many other insects, the B. multiplies with excessive rapidity.

Another species of this genus, common in most parts of Britain, is S. mortuum, so named from its frequenting burial-vaults and similar places. It is very similar to the B., but the abdomen is of a shining steel blue, and there is a reddish-brown line down the forehead.

BLOW-PIPE, a small instrument used in the arts for soldering metals, and in analytical chemistry and mineralogy, for determining the nature of substances by the action of an intense and continuous heat, its principle depending on the fact, that when a jet of air or oxygen is thrown into a flame, the rapidity of combustion is increased, while the effects are concentrated by diminishing the extent or space originally occupied by the flame. The B. generally consists of a conical tube of metal, about eight inches long (fig. 1), closed at the wider or lower end, but open at the narrow or upper end, a, which latter constitutes the mouthpiece, and is turned over to admit of the lips closing perfectly round it. Near the lower end, a small tube, fitted with a finely perforated nozzle, b, is inserted at right angles to the large tube-the space below being intended as a chamber for condensing the moisture of the breath-through this nozzle, a fine current of air can be projected against the flame experimented with.

When a current of air from Fig. 1. the B. is directed against a candle or gas-jet, the flame almost entirely loses its luminosity, owing to the perfect combustion of the gases evolved from the source of heat, and is projected in a lateral direction, as a long pointed cone, consisting of three distinct

Fig. 2.

parts (fig. 2). The first or central cone is of a darkblue colour, and there the combustion is complete from the excess of air thrown in from the small nozzle. The second cone, or that immediately surrounding the first, is somewhat luminous; and here the oxygen, being insufficient for the combustion of the carbon, any metallic oxide subjected to the action of this portion of the flame is deprived of its oxygen, and reduced to the condition of metal;

for this reason the luminous cone is generally termed the reducing-flame of the blow-pipe. Beyond the second cone, or where the flame comes freely in contact with the atmosphere, and abundance of oxygen is present to effect complete combustion of the gases, is a third, or pale yellow envelope, containing excess of atmospheric air at a very high temperature, so that a portion of metal, such as lead or copper, placed at this point, becomes rapidly converted into its oxide: this outer part of the flame is on this account called the oxidizing flame of the blow-pipe.

Substances under examination before the B. are generally supported either on wood-charcoal or platinum-the latter in the condition of wire or foil. In applying the B. test, the body to be examined is either heated alone, or along with some flux or fusible substance; in some cases, for the purpose of assisting in the reduction of metals from their ores and other compounds; in others, for the production of a transparent glassy bead, in which different colours can be readily observed. When heated alone, a loop of platinum wire, or a piece of charcoal, is generally employed as a support; the former when the colour of the flame is to be regarded as the characteristic reaction, the latter when such effects as the oxidation or reduction of metallic substances are to be observed.

The following are exemplifications of the difference of colour communicated to the flame by different substances: Salts of potash colour, the flame violet; soda, yellow; lithia, purplish red; baryta, yellowish green; strontia, carmine; lime, brick red; compounds of phosphoric acid, boracic acid, and copper, green. The commonly occurring metallic oxides reducible by heating on charcoal alone in the inner flame of the B. are the oxides of zinc, silver, lead, copper, bismuth, and antimony; the principal ores not so reducible are the alkalies and alkaline earths, as also the oxides of iron, manganese, and chromium. The fluxes generally used in B. experiments are either carbonate of soda, borax (biborate of soda), or the ammonia-phosphate of soda, otherwise called microcosmic salt (q. v.). The carbonate of soda, when heated on platinum-wire in the oxidising flame, forms with silica a colourless glass; with The followoxide of antimony, a white bead, &c. ing metals are reduced from their compounds when heated with carbonate of soda on charcoal in the inner flame of the B.; viz., nickel, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, tungsten, copper, tin, silver, gold, and platinum. When compounds of zinc, lead, bismuth, arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and cadmium similarly treated, these metals are also formed, but being volatile, they pass off in vapour at the high temperature to which they are exposed.




Borax, as a flux, is generally mixed with the substance under examination, and placed on platinum-wire. When thus heated in either of the flames, baryta, strontia, lime, magnesia, alumina, and silica, yield colourless beads; cobalt gives a fine blue colour; copper, a green ; &c. With microcosmic salt, the results obtained are generally similar to those with borax, and need not be specially mentioned, as the test is applied in the same way. The B. has been long used by goldsmiths and jewellers for soldering metals, and by glass-blowers in fusing and sealing glass-tubes, &c.; it has also been applied in qualitative analysis for many years, but more recently chemists (especially Plattner) have devoted their attention to its use, and have even employed it with great success in quantitative chemical analysis; the advantages being that only a very small quantity of material is required to operate upon, whilst the results may be obtained with great rapidity and considerable accuracy.


BLOW'-PIPE AND A'RROW, a kind of weapon much used by some of the Indian tribes of South America, both in war and for killing game. It consists of a long straight tube, in which a small poisoned arrow is placed, and forcibly expelled by the breath. The tube or blow-pipe, called gravatána, pocuna, &c., is 8-12 feet long, the bore not generally large enough to admit the little finger. It is made of reed or of the stem of a small palm. Near Pará, it is in general very ingeniously and nicely made of two stems of a palm (Iriartea setigera, see IRIARTEA) of different diameters, the one fitted into the other, in order the better to secure its perfect straightness. A sight is affixed to it near the end. The arrows used in that district are 15 -18 inches long, made of the spines of another palm, sharply pointed, notched so as to break off in the wound, and their points covered with curari v.) poison. A little soft down of the silk-cotton | tree (q. v.) is twisted round each arrow, so as exactly to fit the tube. In Peru, arrows of only 1-2 inches long are used, and a different kind of poison seems to be employed. An accidental wound from one of these poisoned arrows not unfrequently proves fatal. In the hand of a practised Indian, the B. and A. is a very deadly weapon, and particularly when directed against birds sitting in the tops of high trees. As his weapon makes no noise, the hunter often empties his quiver before he gathers up the game, and does more execution than an English sportsman could with his double-barrelled fowling-piece.

employed in the war-department in Königsberg
and Berlin, and subsequently became commander
in Pomerania. At a later period, he was pensioned,
along with several other men of note, at the instance,
it was said, of Napoleon. He was one of the few
to combat the general belief in the invincibility of
Napoleon, which had grown into a sort of fatalism
in high places. In common with Stein and Harden-
berg, he laboured to remove all weak and unpatriotic
counsellors from the person of the king. When all
the leaders of the army lost courage, his constancy
revived confidence, and made him the centre of all
hope for the future. When the Prussians at last
rose in opposition to France, B. was appointed to
the chief command of the Prussians and of General
Winzingerode's Russian corps. At the battles of
Lützen, Bautzen, and Haynau, he displayed heroic
courage. At the Katzbach, he defeated Marshal
Macdonald, and cleared Silesia of the enemy. In
vain did Napoleon himself attempt to stop the
'old captain of hussars,' as he called him, in his
victorious career. In the battle of Leipsic he won
great advantage over Marshal Marmont at Möckern,
16th October 1813, and on the same day pressed
on to the suburbs of Leipsic. On the 18th, in con-
junction with the crown-prince of Sweden, he had a
great share in the defeat of the French, and on the
19th his troops were the first to enter Leipsic. B.,
in opposition to the policy of Austria, continually
pressed the taking of Paris as the real aim of the
war. On the 1st of January 1814, he crossed the
Rhine, garrisoned Nancy on the 17th of the same

BLUBBER. See CETACEA, WHALE, and WHALE- month, and after winning the battle of La Rothière,



pressed forward to Paris; but his scattered corps were routed by Napoleon, and he fought his way BLÜCHER, GEBHARD LEBERECHT VON, Prince back to Chalons with great loss. On the 9th March, of Wahlstadt, Field-Marshal of Prussia, born at however, he defeated Napoleon at Laon; and at the Rostock, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, West Germany, end of the month, after being joined by Schwarzen16th December 1742. At the commencement of berg and his corps, he again advanced towards the Seven Years' War he joined a regiment of Paris. The day at Montmartre crowned the brilSwedish hussars, and in his first action was taken liant deeds of this campaign, and, on the 31st prisoner by the Prussian hussars, whose colonel March, B. entered the French capital. Frederick persuaded him to exchange out of the service of William III. created him Prince of Wahlstadt, Sweden into that of Prussia, and gave him a lieu- in remembrance of the victory at the Katzbach, tenancy. A lieutenant, Jägersfeld, having been and gave him an estate in Silesia. In England, promoted over B.'s head, he immediately wrote to whither he followed the allied sovereigns, he was Frederick the Great as follows: 'Von Jägersfeld, received with an enthusiasm never before excited who has no merit except that of being son of the by a German. The university of Oxford conferred Markgraf of Schwedt, has been put over my head: on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. I beg to request my discharge.' The result was, Napoleon's return in 1815, B. once more assumed the that B. was put under arrest, and after repeated general command, and promptly led the army into applications for discharge, he received from Frederick the Netherlands. On the 16th June 1815, he lost the curt intimation: Captain Blücher is at liberty the battle of Ligny, in which he was personally in to go to the devil!' B. went instead to his estate great danger, from his horse falling on him. The of Grossraddow, in Pomerania, and devoted himself victory of the allies at the battle of Waterloo was to farming; but he soon tired of a bucolic life. In completed by B.'s timely appearance on the field. 1793, having returned to the army, he fought, as B. ordered his Prussians to pursue the flying enemy, colonel of hussars, against the French on the which they did the whole night. Declining the Rhine, evincing great genius as a leader of cavalry. offered truce, B. marched again against Paris, and The breaking out of the war of 1806 led him, as on the second taking of that city manifested a lieutenant-general, to the battle of Auerstadt. B., strong desire to retaliate on Paris the spoliation with the greater part of the cavalry, occupied the that other capitals had suffered at the hands of the left flank of the Prince of Hohenlohe in the retreat French; but he was held in check by the Duke of to Pomerania. He is accused, on this occasion, of Wellington. In order to reward B.'s services to not giving the prince due support, and thus leading Prussia and the common cause, Frederick William to the capitulation at Prenzlau. B. himself then III. created a new order, the badge of which conmarched into the territory of the free town of sisted of an iron cross surrounded by golden rays. Lübeck, and hastily fortified the city; but the On the 26th August 1819, a colossal bronze statue French took it by storm, and B. was forced to was erected in his honour in his native town. B. surrender at Ratkow, near Lübeck, whither he died 12th September 1819, after a short illness, at his had escaped with a few troops. A fortnight estate of Krieblowitz, in Silesia. In Berlin, a statue after, he was exchanged for the French general twelve feet high, modelled by Rauch, and cast in Victor; and immediately on his arrival in Königs- | bronze by Lequine and Reisinger, was erected to his berg, was sent, at the head of a corps, by sea, to Swedish Pomerania, to assist in the defence of Stralsund. After the peace of Tilsit, he was

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memory, 18th June 1826, and at Breslau another, also executed by Rauch, in 1827. In the beginning of the campaign of 1813, his characteristic activity

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