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common porpoise, but it is much larger, being from 16 to 24 feet in length. The body is thick, its circumference at the origin of the dorsal fin, where it is greatest, being rather more than 10 feet, tapering towards the tail, which is deeply forked. The

Caaing Whale.

pectoral fins are remarkably long and narrow, fully 5 feet in length, differing very much in this respect from those of every other known cetaceous animal. The whole number of vertebræ is 55. The colour is black, with a white streak from the throat to the vent; and the skin is beautifully smooth, shining like oiled silk.

The C. W. feeds on cod, ling, and other large fishes, but also to a great extent on cephalopodous mollusca, the cuttle-fish, indeed, seeming to be its principal food. It is the most gregarious of all the Cetacea, great shoals or herds being usually seen together in the northern seas which it inhabits. These herds exhibit the same propensity with flocks of sheep, when pressed by any danger, to follow their leaders, so that when they are hemmed in by boats, if one break through to the open sea, all escape; but if one is driven ashore, the rest rush forward with such blind impetuosity as to strand themselves upon the beach, where they become an easy prey and rich prize to their pursuers. The appearance of a herd of caaing whales in a northern bay produces a scene of great excitement, and every boat is in requisition. From 50 to 100 whales are often captured, and it is recorded that 1110 were killed, in the winter of 1809-1810, at Hvalfiord, in Iceland. The word caaing is not the Scottish form of calling, as has been supposed, but is a totally different Scotch word, which signifies driving. C. W. appears to be originally an Orkney or Zetland name. The same animal is known to sailors as the Black Whale, the Howling Whale, the Social Whale, and the Pilot-fish.-Another species of the same genus, G. Rissoanus, 9 or 10 feet long, the male of a bluish-white colour, the female brown, both sexes marked with irregular white lines and brown spots, is found in the


CABAGA'N, a.thriving thriving town, situated at the northern extremity of the island of Luzon, one of the Philippines, with a population of about 11,000.

CABA'L, a term employed to denote a small, intriguing, factious party in the state, and also a union of several such, which, for political or personal ends, agree to modify or sacrifice their principles. The word was used to describe an English ministry in the reign of Charles II., the initials of whose names composed CABAL-viz., Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale. This was not the origin of the word, however, as

some have supposed; but merely the ingenious application of a word previously in use, and which appears to have been derived from the French cabale, possessing a similar signification.

CABANIS, PIERRE JEAN GEORGES, a French physician, philosophical writer, and partisan of Mirabeau in the Revolution, was born at Cosnac, in the department of the Charente-Inférieure, 1757, When he had completed his studies in Paris (1773), he went to Warsaw, in the capacity of secretary to a Polish magnate. On his return to Paris, he was for some time engaged in literary pursuits, from which he turned his attention to an earnest study of medicine. At the outbreak of the Revolution, he attached himself to the liberal side, but detested the cruelties which followed. For Mirabeau, whose opinions he received, he wrote a work on national education, which was published after the death of that great orator (1791). C. was one of the Council of Five Hundred, afterwards member of the senate, and administrator of the hospitals of Paris. He died May 5, 1808. His chief work, Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme, completed in 1802, gained its author a considerable reputation as a writer and philosopher. The work displays no mean power of observation and analysis, but is vitiated by a sensationalism so absolute, that it seems at first sight as if the author were burlesquing with grave irony the doctrines of his brother-materialists. He denies that the soul is

an entity; it is only a faculty; and declares the brain to be merely a particular organ specially fitted to produce thought, as the stomach and the intestines perform the function of digestion. C. traces this grotesque analogy through all its niceties, and at last triumphantly concludes, that the brain digests impressions and organically secretes thought!' He afterwards greatly modified his views.

CABATUAN, a city of the province of Iloilo, on the island of Panay, one of the Philippines. It is situated on the banks of the river Tiguin, which so abounds with crocodiles that fishing is unsafe. Navigation is very uncertain, the river being sometimes nearly dry, while at others it overflows its banks, and deluges the surrounding country. The city was founded in 1732, and possesses a population of 23,000, who are chiefly engaged in the production of rice, and of cocoa-nut oil.

CABAZERA, capital of the province of Cagayan, island of Luzon, Philippines. Pop. 15,000. Tobacco is grown very extensively in the province, and its manufacture affords employment to large numbers of people.

CA'BBAGE (Brassica oleracea; see BRASSICA), a plant in most general cultivation for culinary also to a considerable extent for feeding cattle. It purposes in Europe and other countries, cultivated is a native of the rocky shores of Britain and other parts of Europe, more plentiful on the shores of the in its wild state is generally from a foot to two Mediterranean than in more northern latitudes, and feet high. This plant has been cultivated in Europe from time immemorial; it has likewise been cultivated from an early period in gardens and about villages in India. Few plants shew so great a tendency to vary in their form through cultivation; and among the varieties of this one species are reckoned several of our most esteemed culinary vegetables, such as Kale (q. v.) or Greens, Borecole, Colewort (q. v.), Savoy (q. v.), Kohl Rabi (q. v.), Cauliflower (q. v.), and Broccoli (q. v.)-plants which differ much in their appearance and in the particular qualities for which they are valuable, both from each other and from the original wild plant.

The wild C. has smooth sea-green leaves, waved



and variously indented; the bolling of the leaves, or their forming close heads at a certain stage of the growth of the plant, so that the inner leaves are blanched, is peculiar to those cultivated varieties which commonly receive the name of cabbage.

The ordinary varieties of C. are often called by the general name of White C., to distinguish them from the Red C., which is of a deep brownish-red or purplish colour, and is chiefly used for pickling, for which purpose it is much esteemed. The Tree C., or Cow C., is a variety cultivated for cattle, especially in the Channel Islands and the north of France, of which the leaves do not close together into compact heads, but which is remarkable for its great height-reaching, when it is in flower, ten feet on rich soils-and for its branching stem. The stems of this kind are sometimes used as stakes for pease, and even as cross-spars for thatched roofs. The Portugal or Tranxuda C., also known as Couve Tronchuda, is a variety remarkable for its delicacy, and for the large midribs of its leaves, which are often used like sea-kale. It is an article of luxury It is an article of luxury like cauliflower, and requires a somewhat similar cultivation.-C.-seed is sown either in spring or autumn, and the seedlings transplanted in rows at distances of two feet or upwards, according to the size of the variety. They are often planted closer, and the alternate plants cut young for open greens, for which the sprouts that arise from the stem of some varieties after the head has been cut off are also used. Cabbages require a rich, well-manured soil, and the earth about the roots ought to be often stirred. By sowing and planting at different dates and of different varieties, a succession is secured in the garden; and when winter approaches, part of the principal crop may be taken up and laid in a sloping position, so that only the heads are above the earth, in which way they are generally preserved without injury. In some places, cabbages are completely buried in the earth, the plants not being allowed to touch each other; and this method succeeds well in peaty or sandy soils.

The C., considered as food, contains more than 90 per cent. of water, and therefore cannot be very nutritious: 100 parts of the ordinary C. consist of

[blocks in formation]

name common

CABBAGE BARK. See ANDIRA. CA'BBAGE BUTTERFLY, a to several species of butterfly, the larvae of which devour the leaves of cruciferous plants, especially of the cabbage tribe, and are popularly known as cabbage-worms or kale-worms. The LARGE C. B., or Large White Garden Butterfly (Pontia Brassica, or Pieris Brassica), is one of the most common of British butterflies. It is white; the wings tipped and spotted with black. The wings, when expanded, measure from 24 to 3 inches across. The antennæ terminate in an ovoid club. The female lays her eggs, which are conical and bright yellow, in clusters of 20 or 30, on the leaves of the plants which are the destined food of the caterpillars. The caterpillars, when fully grown, are about 1 inch or 1 inch long, and are excessively voracious, eating twice their own weight of cabbage-leaf in 24 hours. When full grown, they suspend themselves

by their tails, often under ledges of garden-walls, or similar projections, and are metamorphosed into shining pale-green chrysalids, spotted with black, from which the perfect insect emerges, either in the same season or after the lapse of a winterno longer to devour cabbage-leaves, but to subsist delicately upon honey, which it sucks from flowers. See INSECTS.-The SMALL C. B., or Small Garden White Butterfly, sometimes called the TURNIP BUTTERFLY (Pontia or Pieris Rapa), very much resembles the Large C. B., but the expanse of the wings is only about 2 inches. The eggs are laid singly on the under side of the leaves of cabbages, turnips, &c., and the caterpillars, which are of a velvety appearance, pale green, with a yellow line along the back, and a yellow dotted line on each side, sometimes appear in great numbers, and prove very destructive. They bore into the hearts of cabbages, instead of merely stripping the leaves, like those of the last species, and thus are a greater pest, even when comparatively few. The chrysalis is of a pale reddish-brown colour, freckled with black.-A third species, also common in Britain, the GREEN-VEINED WHITE BUTTERFLY (Pontia or Pieris Napi), very nearly resembles the small cabbage butterfly.-The excessive multiplication of these insects is generally prevented by small birds, which devour them and their caterpillars, and by insects of the Ichneumon (q. v.) tribe, which lay their eggs in the caterpillars, that their own larvæ may feed on them.

CABBAGE FLY (Anthomyia Brassica), a fly of the same family with the house-fly, flesh-fly, &c., and of which the larvæ or maggots often do great injury to the roots of cabbages, and sometimes to those of turnips. It is of the same genus with the fly generally known as the Turnip Fly (q. v.), and also with the Potato Fly (q. v.), Beet Fly (q. v.), &c. It is about one-fourth of an inch in length, and half an inch in expanse of wings; of an ash-gray colour; the male having a silvery gray face, and a long black streak on the forehead; the female, a silvery white face, without any black streak; the abdomen of the male is linear, that of the female terminates conically; the eyes of the male nearly meet on the crown, those of the female are distant, with a broad black stripe between them. The larva is very similar to that of the flesh-fly-yellowish white, tapering to the head, which has two black hooks. The pupa is rust-coloured and horny.

CABBAGE MOTH (Mamestra or Noctua Brassica), a species of moth, the caterpillar of which feeds on cabbage and turnip leaves, and is sometimes very destructive. The caterpillar is greenishblack, and changes to a brown pupa in autumn. The perfect insect is of a rich mottled-brown colour, the upper wings clouded and waved with darker brown, and having pale and white spots, a yellowish line near the fringe, the fringe dotted with black and ochre, the under wings brownish and white.


CABBAGE PALM or CABBAGE TREE, name given in different countries to different species of Palm, the great terminal bud of which—the Palın Cabbage-is eaten like cabbage. The C. P. of the West Indies is Areca oleracea. The Southern States of America have also their C. P. or Cabbage Tree, otherwise called the Palmetto (Chamaerops Palmetto). See ARECA, EUTERPE, PALM, and PALMETTO.

CA'BBALA (from Heb. kibbel, to receive), the received doctrine, by which is not to be understood the popularly accepted doctrine, but that inner or mystical interpretation of the Law which the Cabbalists allege that Moses received from God in the mount, and subsequently taught to Joshua, who in his turn communicated it to the seventy elders, and


colony' on the Red River in Texas; inviting his followers to emigrate. The first division sailed on the 2d February 1848, but a short experience convinced them that Texas was anything but a Utopia. Their complaints reached Europe, but did not deter C. from embarking at the head of a second band of colonists. On his arrival, he learned that the Mormons had just been expelled from Nauvoo, in Illinois, and that their city was left deserted. The Icariens established themselves there in May 1850. C. now returned to France, to repel the accusations against his probity which had been circulated during his absence, and to obtain a reversal of the judgment which had been formally pronounced against him, 30th September 1849. Having succeeded in this, he went back to Nauvoo, where he governed, as a sort of dictator, his petty colony, until 1856, when he was deprived of his office, and obliged to flee to St. Louis, where he died 9th December of the same year. In justice to Cabet it should be said that the highest moral tone prevailed at Nauvoo, and that, his colony on the upper Mississippi, as respects the conduct of his people, was a model of purity and industry.

which has ever since been the treasure of the select the statutes for the formation of an 'Icarian Jews. Since the 12th c., the study of this secret lore has gradually resulted in a distinct school and literature, the elements of which, however, are already visible in the Macedonian epoch, and the real or historical source of which is to be found in the eastern doctrine of emanation. In Philo, in the Talmud, &c., we certainly find theologico-philosophical conceptions, which were at a later period taken up and modified; but the first book on cosmogony is Jezirah, a production of the 7th c., attributed to Akiba. After the second half of the 12th c., the Cabbalistic doctrines, which had at first been confined to such high themes as God and creation, began to include exegesis, ethics, and philosophy, and so became a kind of mystical religious philosophy. The numerous Cabbalistic writings composed during the three subsequent centuries, professed to teach the secret or mystical sense of Holy Writ, and the principles on which it is grounded, the higher meaning of the Law, as well as the method of performing miracles, by the use of divine names and sacred incantations. The Cabbalists, moreover, prepared books, which they attributed to the oldest authorities-for instance, Sohar, a work written in Aramaic, during the 13th c., and fathered upon Simeon-ben-Joachai, a scholar of Akiba. This became the Bible of the Cabbalistic neophytes. The chief opponents of the Cabbalists were the philosophers, and in part the Talmudists. Towards the close of the 16th c., the Cabbalistic wisdom, which by that time had degenerated into magic and word-juggling, received a new impulse from its teachers in Palestine and Italy. Since the time of Reuchlin, many Christian scholars have investigated the subject.

CABEIRI, divinities anciently worshipped in Egypt, Phoenicia, Asia Minor, and Greece. The ancients have left us very obscure notices of the C., and learned men have been unable to reach any satisfactory conclusions with regard to them and their worship. It is certain that the worship had both its mysteries and its orgies, and it appears also that the C. were amongst the inferior divinities, and regarded as dwelling upon the earth, like the Curetes, Corybantes, and Dactyles, and were probably representatives of the powers of nature.

CA'BÉS, or KHABS, GULF OF (ancient Syrtis Minor), an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between the islands of Kerkenna and Jerba, on the north-east coast of Africa, in lat. about 34° N., and long. from 10° to 11° E. The town of Cabes (ancient Tacape) stands at the head of the gulf.

CABEʼZA DEL BUEY, a town of the new province of Badajoz, Spain, about 86 miles east-southeast of the city of Badajoz. It is situated on the northern slope of the Sierra Pedregoso, has manufactures of woollens and linens, and a trade in cattle and agricultural produce. Pop. 5395.

CABEZO'N DE LA SAL, a town of Spain, in the province of Valladolid, about 7 miles northIt is situated north-east of the city of that name. on the Pisuerga, and is celebrated as the scene of one of the first battles of the Peninsular campaign, in which the Spaniards were signally defeated by the French. Pop. 2000.


CA'BIN is the general name for a room or apartment on shipboard. In ships of war, the livingrooms of the admirals and captains are called 'state' cabins, and are fitted up with much elegance, with a gallery or balcony projecting at the stern. chief officers below the captain have their cabins on either side of the main-deck; while those of the subordinate commissioned officers are, in large ships, on either side of the lower or orlop deck. All the cabins of a ship of war are enclosed by light panelling, which is quickly removable when prepar ing for action.

CA'BINET (Ital. gabinetto), a small chamber set apart for some special purpose, such as the conser vation of works of art, antiquities, specimens of natural objects, models, and the like. From signifying the chamber in which such collections are contained, the term has recently come to be employed by us, in imitation of the French, to signify the collections themselves, and this even when they fill many rooms or galleries. It often means simply a small room appended to a larger one, when it is also called an anteroom, a retiring-room, and the like. See CLOSET.-CABINET PICTURE, a picture suited for a cabinet or small room. C. pictures are generally small in size, highly finished, and thus suited for close inspection.

CABET, ÉTIENNE, a notable French communist, was born at Dijon, January 2, 1788, and educated for the bar, but turned his attention to literature and politics. Under the Restoration, he was one of the leaders of the Carbonari (q. v.), and in 1831 was elected deputy for the department of Côte d'Or. Soon afterwards, he published a History of the July Revolution (1832), started a Radical Sunday paper, Le Papulaire (1833), and, on account of an article in this paper, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, but escaped to London. Here he wrote brochures against the July government, and began his communistic studies. After the amnesty, 1889, he returned to Paris, and published a History of the French Revolution (4 vols., 1840), bestowing great praise on the old Jacobins. He attracted far more CA'BLE is either a large rope, or a chain of iron notice by his Voyage en Icarie (1840), a philoso- links, chiefly employed on shipboard to suspend and phical and social romance,' describing a communistic retain the anchors. Rope cables are made of the Utopia. The work obtained great popularity among best hemp, twisted into a mass of great compactness the working-classes of Paris. C. next proceeded and strength. The circumference varies from about to turn his philosophical romance' into a reality, 3 inches to 26. A certain number of yarns are and published (1847) in his journal, Le Populaire, twisted to form a lissum; three lissums




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Some cables are made with four strands, but three is the common number. If a C. be twisted too much, it is stiff; if too little, it is weak. The strength of a C. of 18 inches' circumference is found to be about 60 tons; and for other dimensions, the strength varies according to the cube of the diameter. On shipboard, cables receive the names of chief cables, bower cables, &c., according to the anchor to which they are attached. During the last great European war, the largest ships in the British navy carried ten cables, most of which were about two feet, or a little more, in circumference. Although ships seldom anchor at a greater depth than 40 fathoms, it is not deemed safe to trust the anchor to a C. of 120 fathoms, lest the C. should be jerked by a high sea when too nearly perpendicular; two are spliced together at the ends, and the C. of 240 fathoms thus produced acts more like an elastic spring.

CHAIN CABLES are made of links, the length of each of which is generally about six diameters of the iron of which it is made, and the breadth about three and a half diameters. In government contracts, chain cables are required to be made in 12 fathoms lengths, with one swivel in the

Chain and Hemp Cables.

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There are a few defects in chain cables as com

pared with those of hemp: such as the greater weight, the less elasticity, and the greater care required in management; but the advantages more than counterbalance these defects, and have led to the very extensive adoption of chain cables both in men-of-war and in merchant ships.

CABLE-MOULDING, in Architecture, is a moulding cut in the form of a rope, the twisting being prominently shewn. It was much used in the later Norman style

CABLING, the moulding by which the hollow parts in the flutes of columns and pilasters in classical architecture are often partially filled. The C. seldoms extends beyond the third part of the shaft from the ground.

CABO'CHED, or CABO'SSED, an heraldic term, from the old French word caboche, the head. When the head of an animal is borne, without any part of the neck, and exhibited full in face, it is said to be caboched.

Stag's Head

ish, kabyse, a cook's room in a ship;
Ger. kabuse, a little room), is the
name of the kitchen or cook-room in a merchant-

ship. In coasting-vessels, the term is applied to a
portable cast-iron stove on the deck, where food is

CABOT, the name of two Venetians, father and son, both celebrated as navigators and discoverers. GIOVANNI CABOT, or CABOTTO, the father, whose business compelled him to reside much in Bristol, was appointed by Henry VII., March 5, 1496, to the command of a squadron of five vessels on a voyage of discovery in the Atlantic Ocean. In this expedition he was accompanied by his sons Ludovico, Sebastiano (born at Bristol, 1477), and Sanzio. On the 24th of June 1497, the coast of Labrador, North America, was sighted. The merit of this discovery has been generally ascribed to the navigator's second son, Sebastian C., the most scientific of the family; but an extract from a chart preserved by Hakluyt mentions the father before the son. The expedition returned in August 1497. In 1498, a second was made, with what results we do not know; and in 1499, a third to the Gulf of Mexico. About this time, Giovanni, the father, appears to have died, and we hear no more of Sebastian till 1512, when he entered the service of Ferdinand, king of Spain. During the year 1515, he was engaged in revising maps and charts, in connection with his profession, and in planning an exploration of the North-west Passage to Asia, which, however, was laid aside on account of the death of Ferdinand in 1516.


middle of every alternate length, and one joining-C., who seems to have been no favourite with the shackle in each length. The stay-pins, to strengthen the links, are of cast iron. The bar or rod from which each link is made, has the two ends cut diagonally; it is bent into the form of a nearly complete oval ring; and then the two ends are joined and welded, the stay-pin being at the same time introduced at the proper place. Besides the ordinary links, there are end-links, joining-shackles, splicing-tails, mooring-swivels, and bending-swivels. The sizes of chain cables are denoted by the thickness of the rod-iron selected for the links. The following table gives certain ascertained quantities concerning the cables in ordinary use:

Spanish courtiers, was now subjected to a series of contemptible insults. This usage induced him to return to England, and in 1517, he was appointed by Henry VIII. to the command of an expedition to Labrador. He reached lat. 674° N., and entered Hudson's Bay, where he gave names to several places; but the expedition proved on the whole a failure, on account of the cowardice or malice of his vicecommandant, Sir Thomas Perte. C. now entered again into the Spanish service, was made pilotmajor of the kingdom by Charles V., and commanded an expedition which examined the coast of Brazil and La Plata, which he attempted to colonise. In


1531, he returned to Spain, and resumed his old | the Carlist party in Spain, was born at Tortosa, situation; but in 1548, he once more betook himself to England, where he was well received by King Edward VI., who made him Inspector of the Navy, and gave him a pension. To this monarch he seems to have explained the variation of the magnetic needle in several places, which he was among the first, if not the very first, to notice particularly. In 1553, C. was the prime mover and director of the expedition of Merchant Adventurers which opened to England an important commerce with Russia. It is not known exactly when C. died.-Memoir of Sebastian Cabot (Lond. 1831).

CABOTZ. See Cusso.

CA'BRA (ancient Egabrum), a town of Spain, in the province of Cordova, 30 miles south-east of the city of that name. C. is irregularly built between two hills, and surrounded with gardens; vineyards in the neighbourhood produce excellent wine. yards in the neighbourhood produce excellent wine. It is chiefly agricultural; but it has manufactures of woollen, linen, hats, soap, earthenware, &c. Pop. 11,576.

CABRAL, or CABRERA, PEDRO ALVAREZ, the discoverer of Brazil, was descended from an old and patrician Portuguese family. Nothing is known of his early life, save the fact, that he must have recommended himself by talent and enterprise to King Emanuel of Portugal, who, after the first voyage of Vasco de Gama, appointed C. to the command of a fleet of 13 vessels, carrying 1200 men, and bound for the East Indies. On the 9th March On the 9th March 1500, he sailed from Lisbon. To avoid the inconvenience of being becalmed on the coast of Africa, he took a course too far westerly, fell into the South American current of the Atlantic, and was carried to the unknown coast of Brazil, of which he claimed possession for the king of Portugal, April 24, 1500, naming the new country 'Terra da Santa Cruz.' After sending home one vessel to bear news of this great accidental discovery, C. sailed for India; but on the 29th of May, four of his vessels foundered, and all on board perished, including Diaz the great navigator; and soon afterwards three more vessels were lost. C. therefore landed at Mozambique, on the east coast of Africa, of which he first gave clear information, and also discovered (August 23) the Antschedives Islands, of which he described correctly the position. Hence he sailed to Calicut, where, having made the terror of his arms felt, he was permitted to found a factory; entered into successful negotiations with native rulers, and thus established the first commercial treaty between Portugal and India. He returned from India, bringing with him a considerable booty, and arrived in the port of Lisbon, July 31, 1501. It appears probable that the king was dissatisfied with the results of the expedition (although it had annexed Brazil to the crown. of Portugal), for subsequently we find no mention made of C. among other discoverers. At the request of C., Sancho de Toar wrote a description of the coast of Sofola. C.'s voyages are described in Ramusio's Navigatione e Viaggi, 3 vols. (Venice, 1563; new ed., Venice, 1835).

CABRE'RA, a small island in the Mediterranean, lying off the southern point of Majorca. It is about three miles in length and breadth, with an irregular coast, and is little else than a barren calcareous rock. The only interest attached to C. is, that during the war in the Peninsula it formed a Spanish depôt for French prisoners, who were crowded in thousands into the desolate spot, and treated with great barbarity; of which an account is given in a popular work, entitled the Adventures of a French Sergeant.

CABRE'RA, DON RAMON, the boldest leader of

in Catalonia, 31st August 1810. The death of Ferdinand, in 1833, gave the signal for a civil war, and first brought C. into notice. Placing himself at the head of some guerilla troops, he joined the Absolutists, or partisans of Don Carlos, and by his vigilance, energy, and daring soon rose to be second in command in the Maestrazgo district. Throughout Aragon and Valencia his name became a by-word for cruelty. After penetrating as far south as Andalusia, his forces were completely routed by the royal troops, on the borders of Aragon, and he himself, severely wounded, escaped with difficulty into the woods. It was now rumoured that C. was dead, when all at 1600 horse. Invading the province of Valencia, once he re-appeared at the head of 10,000 foot and he overthrew the royal army at Buñol, 18th February 1837, and again on the 19th March at Burjasot; but was in his turn vanquished at Torre-Blanca, and once more compelled to seek a hiding-place. Shortly after, he re-opened the war with fiery energy. Madrid itself was threatened by C., who about this time, received the title of Count of Morella for his vigorous defence of the fortress of that name, and was also appointed governor-general of Aragon, Valencia, and Murcia. The Carlists now believed that the triumph of absolutism was approaching, when the treachery of the Carlist General, Marotto changed the whole aspect of affairs, and Don Carlos fled from Spain. C. held out until Espartero forced him to quit the country in the summer of 1840. He then entered France, where he was taken prisoner, and confined for a short time in the fortress of Ham. In 1845, he strongly opposed Don Carlos's abdication of his rights. On the outbreak of the French revolution in 1848, he renewed the struggle on behalf of absolutism in Spain; but the adventure proved a miserable failure, and on the 27th January 1849, he recrossed the Pyrenees, and has since lived in exile. He took no active part in the recent attempt of General Ortega (April 1860) to disturb the peace of Spain.

CABU'L, a river in Afghanistan, rises in lat. 34° 21' N., and long. 68° 20' E., on the southern declivities of the Hindu Kush or Indian Caucasus. Its source is 8400 feet above the level of the sea; and an eastward run of 320 miles, with a fall of about 7500 feet, along North Afghanistan, through the Khyber Mountains, and across Peshawur, carries it into the Indus, opposite to Attock, in the Punjab. The point of confluence marks the head of navigation on the main stream, while the tributary itself is practicable about 50 miles upwards for craft of 40 or 50 tons. By means, therefore, of the two taken as one line, there exists an available communication of about 1000 miles between the Khyber Mountains and the Indian Ocean. C. washes the cities of Cabul, Jelalabad, and Dobundee.


CABU'L (city) stands in lat. 34° 30' N., and crossed by three bridges, ceases to be fordable. long. 69° 6' E., near the point where the river, here Elevated about 6400 feet, and overtopped, within a short distance to the north, by pinnacles of the Indian Caucasus, about 14,000 feet higher than itself, C. differs widely in climate from most places on the same parallel. The winter is severe and the summer is temperate, ranging from 75° to 85° F., though sudden vicissitudes of temperature in the warmer months. C. is celebrated all over are common at every season, and more particularly the East for the variety and excellence of its fruits. Within a circuit of three miles, it has a population

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