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paunch with chopped straw and other such agreeable | vain to maintain his independence: and when Guido stuffing, and then sews up the wound with a plough- returned from his unsuccessful expedition to France, share for a needle, and an iron chain for a thread. In he was persuaded to put himself in opposition to some places, she is the queen of the crickets. She B., and was chosen king of Italy. With the help of is represented as having a long iron nose and an Arnulf, however, B. ultimately prevailed. After the immensely large foot. That she was once an object death of Guido in 894, his son Lambert compelled of worship, is testified by the numerous springs, &c., B. to share with him the sovereignty of North that bear her name in Salzburg and elsewhere. It Italy; but, on the assassination of Lambert in 898, is likely that many of the Sagas of B. were trans- B. contrived to obtain possession of the whole of ferred to the famous Berthas (q. v.) of history and Lombardy. His influence quickly sank. He could fable. The numerous stories of the 'White Lady' check neither the plundering incursions of the who appears in noble houses at night, rocks and Hungarians across the Alps in the north, nor those nurses the children while the nurses are asleep, and of the Arabs, who laid waste the shores of the south. acts as the guardian angel of the race, have doubt- The nobles now called in Louis, king of Lower less their root in the ancient heathen goddess Burgundy, who was crowned at Rome in 901; Berchta. he proved no better, and was finally overpowered by Berengar. In 915, B. was crowned emperor by Pope John X.; but the nobles, who appear to have kept themselves during his reign in a state of chronic disaffection, again revolted, and, in 919, placed themselves under the banner of Rodolf of Burgundy, who completely overthrew B. on the 29th July_923. The latter, in his extremity, called in the Hungarians to his aid, which unpatriotic act alienated the minds of all Italians from him, and cost him his life, for he was assassinated in the following year, 924.

BE'RCHTESGADEN, a village of Bavaria, charmingly situated on a mountain slope, about 15 miles south of Salzburg. Pop. 3000. It has a royal hunting lodge, but the place is most remarkable for its government salt-mines, from which 16,000 cwt. of rock-salt is annually obtained. During the residence of the court, the mine is sometimes illuminated, and its chambers are then seen to great advantage.

BERCY, a town of France, in the department of the Seine, situated on the right bank of the river of the same name. It forms a suburb of Paris, and has a population of 14,239. It has a large business in wines and other liquors.

BERDIA'NSK, a well-built seaport town of Southern Russia, government of Taurida, on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov. B. has the finest roads in the Sea of Azov, and is a place of great commercial activity, being the entrepôt for the products of surrounding governments. It has a trade in fish, wood, grain, coal, and salt; there are also extensive coal-mines and salt-lakes in its vicinity. Pop. about 7000. In 1855, during the Crimean campaign, Captain Lyons destroyed government property to a large amount, but the town was spared.


BE'RENGAR II., the son of Adalbert, Count of Ivrea, and grandson of Berengar I., succeeded to his father's possessions in 925, and married Willa, niece of Hugo, king of Italy, in 934. Incited by his ambitious and unscrupulous wife, he conspired against Hugo, and in consequence was compelled to flee to Germany, where he was received in a friendly manner, by the Emperor Otto I. In 945, he recrossed the Alps at the head of an army. The nobles and the townspeople both welcomed him; but, instead of assuming the crown himself, he handed it over to the weak Lothaire, the son of Hugo. On the death of Lothaire, who was probably poisoned by Willa, B. allowed himself to be crowned along with his son Adalbert, BERDITCHE'V, a town in the government of in 950. To establish himself firmly in his new Kiev, Russian Poland, famous for its four annual position, he wanted Adelheid, the youthful widow fairs. At these, cattle, corn, wine, honey, leather, of Lothaire, to marry his son. She refused, and &c., are disposed of. The average annual value of The average annual value of was subjected to a most cruel imprisonment, but the sales is £600,000. Pop. 58,645, chiefly Jews. ultimately found a helper and husband in the BERE'ANS, an almost extinct sect of Christians, Emperor Otto himself, who, at the imperial diet of who originated in Scotland in the 18th c. Their Augsburg in 952, compelled B. to acknowledge Italy name is derived from the circumstance that the to be a fief of the German empire. B. soon after inhabitants of Berea 'received the word with all engaged in war with the emperor, who sent his readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures son Ludolf against him. Ludolf was successful, but daily.'-Acts xvii. 11. The founder of the B. was died in 957, of poison, administered, as was believed, the Rev. John Barclay, a native of Perthshire, by Willa. B. again mounted the throne, but behaved b. 1734, d. 1798. From him they also received the with such intolerable tyranny that his subjects and name of Barclayans. They believe that the know-Pope John XII. called in the aid of the emperor, ledge of God's existence and character is derived from the Bible alone, and not from reason or nature; that the Psalms of David do not relate to David at all, but exclusively to Christ; that assurance is of the essence of faith; and that unbelief is the unpardonable sin. In the ordinary points of doctrine, they are Calvinistic.

BE'RENGAR I., King of Italy, was the son of Eberhard, Duke of Friuli, and of Gisela, the daughter of the Emperor Louis the Pious. He and Guido, Duke of Spoleto, were the two most powerful and ambitious nobles in Italy at the close of the 9th c. After the deposition of Charles the Fat in 887, B., Guido, and Adalbert, Count of Tuscany, became candidates for the Carlovingian throne. B. was crowned king of Italy at Pavia in 888, while Guido attempted to secure the realm of France. The former soon irritated the nobles against him by condescending to hold his territory in fief from Arnulf, king of Germany, against whom he found it

who marched into Italy in 961, and took possession
of the country. B. took refuge in a mountain-
fortress, where he held out till 964, when hunger
He was sent as a
compelled him to capitulate.
prisoner to Bamberg, in Bavaria, where he died in
966. His wife, Willa, retired into a convent, and his
three sons died in exile.

BERENGA'RIUS OF TOURS, a distinguished scholastic theologian, was born at Tours, in France, 998 a. d. His master, Fulbert de Chartres, is reported to have prophesied on his death-bed that B. would prove a dangerous man. In 1030, he was appointed preceptor of the school of St. Martin, in Tours, and in 1040, made Archdeacon of Angers. Here he continued to deliver his metaphysicotheological prelections, and drew upon himself the charge of heresy, in reference to the doctrine of transubstantiation. He held the doctrine of Scotus Erigena, that the bread and wine in the sacrament of the eucharist remained bread and wine, and that


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BERENI'CÉ (modern name, Sakayt-el-Kublee, 'Southern Sakáyt'), a town of Egypt, on a bay in the Red Sea, 20 miles south-west of Rass Bernass. It was founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus, and was in ancient times the emporium of the trade with India, but it is now ruined, and interesting only for its antiquities, which include hieroglyphics, sculp tures, and a temple dedicated to Serapis. There are emerald mines in its vicinity that have been worked since the time of the ancient Egyptians.

the faith of the believer who recognised their symbolic of B. and Titus forms the subject of a tragedy by meaning only transformed them subjectively into | Racine. the body and blood of Christ. This interpretation was condemned by Pope Leo IX., 1049-1050, and also by King Henry I. of France. In 1054, he retracted his opinion before the Council of Tours, but what B. meant by 'retractation' it is not easy to see, for he immediately returned to his conviction, and recommenced the advocacy of it. For this he was cited to appear at Rome, where he repeatedly abjured his error,' but never seems to have really abandoned it. Hildebrand, who was then pope, treated him with great moderation; and at last, when he discovered how hopeless it was to bind down B. by abjurations or declarations, he conceived it best to let him alone. Harassed and weakened by the attacks of the orthodox party, headed by Lanfranc of Canterbury, he finally retired to the isle of St. Cosmas, near Tours, in 1080, where he spent the last years of his life in devotional exercises. He died in 1088. The greater number of his works are lost; such as are extant have been collected and published by the Vischers (Berlin, 1834).


BERESFORD, WILLIAM CARR, VISCOUNT, distinguished military commander, natural son of the first Marquis of Waterford, was born 2d October 1768, and entered the army in 1785. After serving in various parts of the world, he bore a conspicuous part in the reconquest of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806, and subsequently, with the rank of Brigadier-general, was with the British force that took possession of Buenos Ayres. In August 1808, he joined the British army in Portugal, and proceeded into Spain with Sir John Moore's forces; was present at the battle of Corunna; and, after with them to England. In February 1809, Majorcovering the embarkation of the troops, returned general B. was ordered a second time to Portugal, with the local rank of lieutenant-general; and he to take the command of the Portuguese army, succeeded in improving its discipline so greatly, as

head of 12,000 men, he attacked the French in the Appointed Marshal of Portugal in March, at the north of that kingdom, crossed the river Douro, drove Loison's division back to Amarante, and uniting with the force under Sir Arthur Wellesley, pursued it in its retreat till it was utterly disor ganised.

For his services at the battle of Busaco, 27th August 1810, B. was nominated a Knight of the Albuera, May 16, 1811, and for the victory there Bath. He commanded at the bloody battle of gained over Soult, he received the thanks of parliament. He was present at Badajoz; at Salamanca, where he was severely wounded; at the various battles on the Pyrenees; at Nivelle, where he led the right of the centre; at Nive; and at Orthez. He was in command of the British troops which took possession of Bordeaux, and subsequently, distin1814, he was created Baron, and in 1823 Viscount guished himself at the battle of Toulouse. In May Beresford. By the Portuguese government, he was sent, in 1814, to Rio Janeiro, to suppress a formidable revolt there. In the Wellington administration, January 1828 to November 1830, he was of Marquis of Campo Mayor and Duke of Elvas in Master-general of the Ordnance. He bore the title Spain, Conde de Francoso in Portugal, and was He died, without knight of several foreign orders. issue, 8th January 1854, when the title became

BERENICÉ, the name of several celebrated women of ancient times.-1. B., daughter of Lagus and Antigone, and the second wife of the Egyptian king, Ptolemy I. (Soter), (323—284 B. C.). She is described by Plutarch as the first in virtue and wisdom of the wives of Ptolemy. Theocritus celebrates her beauty, virtue, and deification in his Idyls 15 and 17.-2. B., daughter of Ptolemy II. (Phila-soon to render it highly efficient for active service. delphus) and Arsinoë, was married to Antiochus II. of Syria, after he had divorced his wife Laodice, whom, however, he again took back, putting B. away. Laodice having no faith in her husband, poisoned him, and caused B. and her son to be murdered.—3. B., daughter of Magas, king of Cyrene, granddaughter of B. No. 1. was to have been married to Demetrius the Fair, but he having slighted her for her mother, she caused him to be murdered, and then went to Egypt and married Ptolemy III. (Euergetes), in accordance with the terms of a treaty between her father and Ptolemy II. During the king's wars in Asia, the queen B. made a vow to offer her beautiful B. made a vow to offer her beautiful hair to the gods when her husband returned safely a vow which she fulfilled. The hair was suspended in the temple of Venus, whence, it is said, it was taken away to form a constellation, Coma Berenica. B. was put to death by her son, Ptolemy IV. (Philopator), when he succeeded to the throne.-4. B., also called Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy IX. (Lathyrus), was, on her succession to the throne, married to Alexander II., by whom she was murdered 19 days after marriage.-5. B., daughter of Ptolemy XI. (Auletes), eldest sister of the renowned Cleopatra, was raised to the throne after her father's deposition, 58 B. C. but was put to death when her father was restored, 55 B. C. She was first married to Seleucus, whom she caused to be put to death, and afterwards to Archelaus, who was put to death with her.There were, besides, two Jewish Berenices-the one, daughter of Salome, sister of Herod the Great and Costobarus, and mother of Agrippa I.; the other, and more famous, was daughter of this monarch. She was three times married: first, at a very early age, to Marcus, son of Alexander the Alabarch; afterwards to her uncle, Herod, king of Chalcis, who dying, left her for the second time a widow, at the age of 20; and again to Polemon, king of Cilicia, whom she soon deserted to return to her brother, King Agrippa II., the same before whom Paul defended himself at Cæsarea. After the capture of Jerusalem, she went to Rome, and Titus, who was much in love with her, would have married her but for the opposition of the people. The intimacy


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BERESI'NA, or BEREZI'NA, a river of Russia, having its rise in the north of the government of Minsk. It flows in a southward direction for about 240 miles to the Dnieper, which it joins above Redchitzka. It is connected with the Düna, or Dwina, by a canal, a communication between the Black and Baltic Seas being thus established. The B. is memorable on account of the disastrous passage of the French, November 1812, during the retreat from Moscow. Two bridges over the B.-one for troops, the other for baggage and artillery-were hastily constructed. Many of the pontoniers died from the hardships endured in making these bridges. On the 27th, the passage of the French commenced, and was continued


aring the whole of the day. Victor's rear-guard | north-east of Milan, in lat. 45° 42′ N., and 9° 37′ E. of 7000 men, under Partonneaux, were, however, B. consists of two parts-the upper city, wherein intercepted by the Russians, and had to capitu- the nobility, a very exclusive class, reside; and late. On the 28th, a vigorous attack was made by the Russians on the French on both sides of the river, but too late to prevent the latter securing the road to Zembin. The Russians, however, established a battery of twelve pieces to command the bridge; and the panic and confusion of their enemies now became dreadful. The artillery bridge broke, and all rushing to the other, it was soon choked; multitudes were forced into the stream, while the Russian cannon played on the struggling mass. On the 29th, a considerable number of sick and wounded soldiers, women, children, and sutlers, still remained behind, despite the warnings of Marshal Victor and General Eblé, until preparations were made for burning the bridges. Then a fearful rush took place; and as the fire seized the timbers, men, women, and children threw themselves in desperation into the flames or the river. 12,000 dead bodies found on the shores of the river, when the ice thawed, attested the magnitude of the French disaster. The Russians took 16,000 prisoners and 25 pieces of cannon. BERE'TTYO-UJFALU', a market-town of Hun-Italian Literature, were natives of Bergamo. B. is gary, county Bihar, with a pop. of 5500.

BEREʼZNA, a town of Russia in the government of Tchernigov, on the Desna, with a pop. of 5500. BEREZO'V, or BERES'OFF (the town of birchtrees'), a town of Siberia in the government of Tobolsk, on the left bank of the Sosva, a branch of the Obi, in lat. 63° 30′ N. It is a small place, but important as the sole fur and skin trading station in a vast extent of country. Its annual fair is largely attended. It is the favourite residence of the Ostiaks and Voguls. Prince Menschikoff, the favourite of Peter the Great, who was banished to B., died and was buried here in 1731. His grave was opened 90 years afterwards, when his body, clothed in the uniform of the time, was found as free from decay as on the day it was buried, the frost, which at B. penetrates the soil to the depth of several feet, having preserved it.

BERG, BURG, BURGH, roots entering into the composition of many names of places. Berg (Ger.), Beorg (Ang.-Sax.), means 'hill,' mountain; and burg or burgh, means 'fort,' 'castle,' 'citadel,' probably from being situated on a hill or eminence. See BOROUGH, Burgh.

the Borgo, a suburb where all business is transacted. B. is well built, has a castle, occupying the most elevated part of the town, and a massive cathedral. Silk, cotton, linen, and woollen fabrics and iron goods, are manufactured. It has also an extensive trade in grindstones, quarried in the vicinity. Annually, in the month of August, the largest fair in Northern Italy is held here, at which money to the estimated amount of £1,200,000 is turned over. Under the Roman empire, B. became a municipal town of importance. It was destroyed by Attila, 452 A. D.; and after the fall of the Roman empire, it became one of the chief towns of the Lombard kings in this part of Italy, and capital of a duchy. After numerous changes, its inhabitants placed themselves under the protection of the Venetian Republic in 1427, and formed an integral portion thereof (with one exception of 9 years) until the subversion of the republic by Napoleon in 1797. Bernardo Tasso, the father of Torquato, and Tiraboschi, author of The History of

the capital of the province of the same name, which has an area of 928 square miles, a population of 364,000, and good pasturage for sheep and goats; iron, marble, lignite, and whetstones, are also found.

BE'RGAMOT is the name of various kinds of

pear, to which, however, no common distinctive character can be assigned. The name is used both in Britain and upon the continent of Europe. The proper B. pear is probably the B. Crasanne, a flattish, rough-skinned pear with a long stalk. It has a very juicy pulp, as soft as butter, of an extremely pleasant flavour, and is esteemed as one of the best dessert pears. Metzger, in his work on the pomaceous fruits (Kernobstsorten) of the south of Germany (Frankfort, 1847), describes no fewer than 47 kinds of pears, which all bear the name of B., although some of them differ very widely from each other.

BE'RGAMOT is also the name of a species or variety of the genus Citrus (q. v.), also called the B. ORANGE, or MELLAROSA; by some botanists regarded others, as a variety of the lime (C. Limetta); and as a variety of the orange (C. Aurantium.); by elevated by Risso to the rank of a distinct species, under the name of C. Bergamia. Of its native country or origin, nothing can be told, except that it was probably derived, like its congenors, from the East. It is now cultivated in the south of Europe; and from the rind of its fruit, the well-known OIL OF B. is obtained, which is extensively used in making pomades, fragrant essences, eau de Cologne, liqueurs, &c. The fruit is pear-shaped, smooth, of a paleyellow colour, and has a green, subacid, firm, and fragrant pulp. The essential oil is obtained by distillation, or by grating down the rinds, and then subjecting them to pressure, which is the better method. The oil is also obtained from other varieties or species of the same genus. It is of a pale-yellow colour, or almost colourless. One hundred B. oranges are said to yield about 24 ounces of oil. Oil of B. is frequently employed for diluting or adulterating the very expensive blue volatile oil of chamomile (q. v.).

BERG, formerly a duchy of Germany, now incorporated with the Prussian dominions and divided into the circles of Düsseldorf, Solingen, Elberfeld, Lennep, and Duisburg. After various vicissitudes, B. had merged in the electorate of Bavaria. In 1806, Bavaria ceded it to France; and Napoleon the same year adding to it large adjoining territories, made its area about 6700 square miles, and erected it into a grand duchy, constituting his brother-in-law, Murat, sovereign. Two years afterward, Murat, being transferred to the throne of Naples, Napoleon's nephew, then Crown Prince of Holland, was made grand duke. The peace of 1815 gave B. to Prussia. BERGA'MA (ancient Pergamos), a city of Asiatic Turkey, pashalic of Anatolia, situated in a beautiful and fertile valley, on the right bank of the Caicus, about 40 miles north-north-east of Smyrna. Lat. 39° 4' N., and long. 27° 12' E. In early times, the BE'RGEN, a seaport town of Norway, in the city was the capital of the kingdom of Pergamus province of the same name, situated on a promontory (q. v.). Many ruins still exist to attest the former at the head of a deep bay, called Vaagen. Lat. 60° magnificence of Bergama. The present population 24' N., long. 5° 18' E. With the exception of the of B. is about 15,000, four-fifths of whom are Turks. north-east side, where lofty mountains enclose it, BE'RGAMO (the ancient Bergomum), a fortified B. is surrounded by water. It is walled, and town of Lombardy, situated on some low hills additionally protected by several forts, mounting between the Serio and the Brembo, about 29 miles in all upwards of 100 guns. The entrance to

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Sir Thomas Graham, attempted to surprise the fortress on the night of the 8th of March, with a force of 4000, but after carrying the greater part of the works, they were, through remissness in sending support, overpowered by the brave garrison, and either slain or forced to surrender. The French gave up the fortress under the Treaty of Paris. B. has manufactures of earthenwares, and a large trade in anchovies. Pop. 9,900.


BERGERAC, a town of France, in the department of Dordogne, about 25 miles south-south-west of Périgueux. It is situated in a fertile plain on the right bank of the river Dordogne, which is here crossed by a fine bridge of five arches. Its principal manufactures are paper, serges, hosiery, hats, earthenware, and iron and copper articles. It is the entrepôt of the trade of the department. department of Dordogne is celebrated for its wine, which is called B. wine, and also small champagne. It is both white and red in colour, and takes a high place among the Garonne and Bordeaux wines. B. was taken and fortified by the English in 1345, who, after being driven out by Louis of Anjou, again got possession of it, and retained it until 1450. It was dismantled by Louis XIII. in 1621. Pop. about 8000. suffered greatly in the religious wars.


the harbour is dangerous without a pilot; but it was blockaded by the English in 1814, who, under within it is safe and commodious. B. is built in a semicircular form round the harbour, and has a picturesque appearance from the sea. A close inspection discovers it to be generally well and substantially built, but many of the streets are crooked and narrow. It has a cathedral, various churches, hospitals, refuges for the poor, public libraries, &c; is the seat of a secondary judicial tribunal, of one of the three national treasuries, the diocese of a bishop, and the station of a naval squadron. Its chief manufactures are tobacco, porcelain and cordage. It has numerous distilleries, and some ship-building yards. The principal trade of B., however, is its export of stock-fish (dried fish of the cod family) and cod-liver oil, which it obtains from the northern provinces. Twice a year, the Norlandmen come to B. with their fish, receiving in exchange for them such articles of necessity or luxury as they require. In March and April, as many as 600 or 700 vessels are to be seen in the harbour of B. at once, laden with the produce of the winter-fishing, and with skins and feathers. The summer-fishing is not quite so productive. The annual value of the stock-fish exported from B. is about 2,000,000 specie dollars (£450,000). In addition, it exports about half a million barrels of herrings, and 20,000 barrels of cod-liver oil, the finest of which is used for medicinal purposes and for lamps, the coarsest for dressing leather. The chief imports are brandy, wine, corn, cotton, woollens, hemp, sugar, coffee, &c. The climate of B. is exceedingly humid, but not unhealthy. B. was founded in 1069 or 1070, by Olaf Kyrre, who made it the second city in his kingdom, and it was soon raised to the first rank. In 1135, King Magnus had his eyes put out here by his rival, Harald Gille, who was himself murdered in B. a year after. In 1164, the legate of the pope crowned King Magnus Erlingson here; and here, a century afterwards, King Hakon was crowned. The black pestilence, which ravaged Norway, first made its appearance in B. in 1348, and the city has since been several times devastated by it. The first treaty entered into with any foreign nation by England, was made with B. in 1217. But the English and Scottish traders were soon displaced by the merchants of the Hanse towns, who continued to exercise and abuse their monopoly until their supremacy was broken by an act issued by Frederick II. of Denmark, in 1560; and in 1763, their last warehouse fell into the hands of a citizen of Bergen. B. is still the most important trading-town of Norway, but Christiania is rapidly making up to it. Pop. in 1865. 27,703.

BE'RGEN-OP-ZOOM, a strong fortress in the province of North Brabant, Holland, about 20 miles north of Antwerp, stands on the little river Zoom, at its entrance into the east branch of the Scheldt. Lat. 51° 29′ N., long. 4° 17′ E. The importance of its position has rendered it the object of many a contest. The Netherlanders made it one of their strongholds in their struggles with Spain. The Prince of Parma besieged it in vain in 1588; three assaults by the Spaniards in 1605 also failed, as did the siege by the marquis of Spinola, in 1622, which, after a duration of 78 days and a loss of 10,000 men was raised on the arrival of Prince Maurice of Orange. The fortifications were afterwards strength ened by the engineer Coehorn, so as to give it the reputation of being impregnable. Yet the French, under Count Löwendal, in 1747, after a siege of two months, and the springing of 41 mines by the assailants, and 38 by the defenders, took the place by storm. In the winter of 1794, it capitulated to Pichegru. Being incorporated with France in 1810,


BERGHAUS, HEINRICH, one of the most active promoters of geographical knowledge, was born at Cleves, in Rhenish Prussia, 3d May 1797, and educated at the gymnasium of Münster. As conductor of the road and bridge corps in the department of the Lippe, then (1811) part of the French empire, and afterwards in the Prussian army, he had opportunity to advance his knowledge of geodesy. 1816, he was made 'geographical engineer' in the war department in Berlin, and was employed on the trigonometrical survey of Prussia, and became (1824) professor of mathematics in the Architectural Academy of Berlin, and (1836) director of the Geographical School in Potsdam. The productiveness of his pen has been extraordinary. The best known of his chartographical works is his Physical Atlas (90 plates, Gotha, 1838-1848), which forms the basis of Johnston's work with the same title published in Edinburgh. He has been employed on an ethnographical map of Germany since 1848. As a writer, he has edited several geographical periodicals. His Geog. Jahrbuch (Geog. Annual), published since 1849, forms a supplement to the Physical Atlas. Of a more popular nature are his Physicalische Erdbeschreibung (Physical Description of the Earth), Grundlinien der Staatenkunde (Outlines of the Political Character of States), and Ethnographie, all of which appeared at In 1855, Stuttgard between the years 1846-1850. he published a work entitled Was man von der Erde weiss (What is Known of the Earth), in which B. takes a survey of the present condition of geographical science. In 1855-1856, appeared an Atlas der Oesterreichischen Monarchie, and Landbuch der Mark Brandenburg.

BERGHEM, NICHOLAS, one of the finest of the Dutch painters, was born at Haarlem, 1624, and studied painting first under his father, afterwards under Van Goyen, Weenix the Elder, and other masters. He soon acquired an extraordinary facility of execution; and his industry, naturally great was stimulated by the cravings of his avaricious wife, who thought he, never could earn too much. Accordingly, he scarcely ever left his studio, and we might wonder where he found all the materials for his landscapes, which now decorate the best collections of Europe; but he had carefully studied nature during his long residence at the castle of Bentheim.


Warm colouring, natural and original grouping, and | Dunkirk. It is situated on the Colme, at the foot of

a general happy arrangement, are the leading features in B.'s landscapes. Strict criticism may object to some traces of lightness in execution, and may demand greater natural truth in some points, especially the outlines of animals; but these defects are lost in the general excellence of B.'s pictures. His etchings are highly esteemed. B. died in his native place, 1683.

BERGLER, JOSEPH, an historical painter of considerable note, was born at Salzburg, 1753. Having studied under Martin Knoller at Milan for several years, B. went to Parma, where in 1784, his picture of Samson being delivered by Delilah into the hands of the Philistines, obtained the chief prize of the academy there. Returning to Germany, he, in 1786, settled at Passau, where he was appointed painter to Cardinal Auersperg, prince-bishop, and in this capacity painted many fine altar-pieces. B., having been made director of the Academy of Prague in 1800, removed to that city, where he continued to reside until his death in 1829. The impetus which he gave to the fine arts in Bohemia was very marked, and his school furnished a goodly number of eminent artists. His principal works are a Cyclus, or series of important events drawn from the history of Bohemia, in sixty-six sheets: 'Libissa, Queen of the Fairies, deciding a Dispute between two Brothers for the heritage of their Father;' 'The Deliverance of Charles IV.;' and 'Hermann and Thusnelda.'

BERGMAN, TORBERN OLOF, a celebrated chemist of the 18th c., was born at Katharinberg, West Gothland, Sweden, March 9, 1735. He was sent at seventeen years of age to the University of Upsala, with a view to prosecute studies qualifying him either for the church or the bar; but disliking both these professions, he devoted himself to natural history, physics, and mathematics, and soon made some interesting discoveries in entomology, while he also distinguished himself as an accurate astronomical observer. In 1767, B. was elected to the chair of chemistry at Upsala, and continued to fill it until his death, which took place at Medevi, in July 1784. B. published a vast number of dissertations, the most important of which are collected into six octavo volumes under the title of Opuscula Torberni Bergman Physica et Chemica (Leip. 1779-1781). His essay on Elective Attractions was translated into English by Dr. Beddoes.

BE'RGMEHL, or or MOUNTAIN-FLOUR, is a recent deposit of a white or cream-coloured powder of extreme fineness, composed almost entirely of the indestructible silicious frustules or cell-walls of Diatomaceæ (q. v.). From its resemblance to flour, it has been mixed with ordinary food, in seasons of scarcity, and thus used by the inhabitants of Norway and Sweden, who suppose it to be nutritious. When subjected to a red heat, it loses from a quarter to a third of its weight, the loss consisting probably of organic matter, and this would make it in itself nutritious; but it seems to derive its chief value from its increasing the bulk of the food, and rendering the really nutritious portion more satisfying. On the other hand, there have been experiments tending to shew that B. does contain a very small proportion-3 or 4 per cent.-of positive


In Maryland and Eastern Virginia an extensive bed of microscopic organisms occurs nearly 100 miles long, and in some places 30 feet thick, which is referred to the Eocene Tertiary of marine origin. Peat bogs and fresh ponds often abound with the remains of Diatoms.


BERGUES, a town of France, in the department of the Nord, about 5 miles south-south-east from

a hill, was strongly fortified by Vauban, and has the
means of laying the valley under water. The canal
of B., which admits vessels of 300 tons burden,
unites it with Dunkirk and the sea, and its favour-
able situation makes it the entrepôt of the produce
of the adjoining country. It has manufactures of
soap, tobacco, and earthenware, and also sugar and
salt refineries. B. was first walled and fortified by
Baldwin II., Count of Flanders; and Baldwin IV.
erected a splendid abbey, of which two towers
only remain, in honour of St. Winnoc, who retired
here in the beginning of the 10th c.
the 13th and 16th centuries, B. suffered much
from wars, and changed masters several times.
Pop. 5455.

BE'RGYLT (Sebastes Norvegicus or Scorpœna Norvegica), a fish of the Mailed Cheek family, or Sclerogenidæ (q. v.)- the family to which gurnards and sticklebacks belong-but so much resembling a perch in appearance, that it was formerly called Perca Marina, or Sea-perch. It is sometimes called the Norway Haddock, although it has no resemblance to the haddock. It is an inhabitant of all the northern seas, and is occasionally found on the British coasts at least as far south as Berwick. It is of a red colour, dark on the upper parts, reddishwhite beneath. Its gill-covers are armed with short spines; the anterior rays of the dorsal fin are strong spines, the posterior portion of the fin has soft rays. The B. attains a length of two feet and upwards. It is good for food, and the Greenlanders use it not only in a fresh but in a dried state. They take it by long lines and baited hooks in the deep bays of their coast.

BERHAMPO'RE, the name of two towns in British India.—1. B., in the presidency of Madras, is a military station in the district of Ganjam. It is in N. lat. 19° 20′, and E. long. 84° 50', being 525 miles to the north-east of Madras, and 325 to the south-west of Calcutta. The cantonments, themselves on a rocky ledge, have to the south and east a plain of considerable extent, on the nearer edge of which is the native town, with a population of about 20,000.-2. B. or Burhampore, in the subpresidency of Bengal, is in the district of Moorshedabad, being on the left bank of the Bhagirathi or Bhagruttee, which, itself the first great offset of the Ganges, afterwards joins another great offset, the Jellinghee, to form the Hoogly. B. is in N. lat. 24° 5', and E. long. 88° 17', being distant from Calcutta by land and water respectively 118 miles and 161. It has long been one of the principal military stations in British India. The grand square, enclosing a spacious parade-ground, is particularly striking; and the quarters of the European. officers form handsome ranges of brick-built and stuccoed edifices. B. is the seat also of a civil establishment; and the houses of its chief members, erected in convenient spots in the neighbourhood, give the place an air of grandeur and importance. B., though at one time extremely unhealthy, from its low and moist site on the delta of the Ganges, has yet been so much improved by sanitary measures, as to be second to no spot of Bengal in salubrity. In the spring of 1857, B. acquired an nnenviable celebrity, as being the cradle of the disaffection which so speedily led to the massacre of Meerut.

BE'RJA, a town of Spain, in the province of Andalusia, at the foot of the Sierra de Gador, about

22 miles west of Almeira. It has manufactures of linen fabrics, hats, hardware, and leather, and a trade in wine and oil. Population about 8000, who are chiefly engaged in mining lead, which is plentiful in

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