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coagulates (as the glaire of egg does), owing to the presence of albumen, and exposed to the air, it dries up, and leaves a film of caoutchouc. In the preparation of pure C., the natural juice is mixed with five or six times its bulk of water, and then either heated or mixed with common salt or hydrochloric acid, when the pure C. separates as a white opaque substance, which becomes transparent when dry. The chemical composition of pure C. is regarded as CH; and it is therefore a compound of carbon and hydrogen alone.

Commercial C. is a tough fibrous substance, possessing elastic properties in the highest degree. Reduced to the temperature of freezing water (32° F.), it hardens, and in greater part, if not entirely, loses its elasticity, but does not become brittle. When heated, as by placing in boiling water, it softens, and becomes very much more elastic than at ordinary temperatures, though it does not in any degree dissolve in the water. If suddenly stretched to seven or eight times its original length, it becomes warm; and if kept in this outstretched form for several weeks, it appears to lose, in great part, its elastic properties, and in this condition is readily cut into those thin threads which are used in the elastic put in gloves, bonnets, &c., and the elasticity of which is readily renewed by the application of gentle heat. Commercial C. is insoluble in water and alcohol, is not acted upon by alkalies or acids, except when the latter are concentrated, and heat is applied; but is soluble in ether, chloroform, bisulphuret of carbon, naphtha, crude petroleum, benzol, and the essential oils of turpentine, lavender, and sassafras. Many other essential and fixed oils, when heated with C., cause it to soften, and produce thick glutinous compounds, especially linseed oil, which, in the proportion of 14 lb. of the oil to 4 oz. C. in thin strips or films, yields a solution which, when strained, is of great use in rendering shoes, cloth, &c., waterproof. When heated to 248° F., C. fuses; and at 600° it is volatilised, at the same time undergoing decomposition, and yields a liquid called Caoutchoucine or Caoutchisine, with the specific gravity 680, and possessing great solvent powers over C. and other substances. Caoutchoucine is necessarily very expensive, and hence its use is limited; but cordage steeped in it and dried acquires great supple and tenacious properties, and cloth saturated with it, and dried by exposure to the air, becomes watertight.

In the employment of C. as a branch of manufacture, the first operation is the purification of the crude material as it comes from abroad. The crude material is cut into minute shreds, and washed by powerful machinery, immersed in water, which releases the solid impurities, and the pure C. being removed, is placed on iron trays, and dried in a room heated by steam. The material then undergoes a process of kneading under very heavy rollers, which causes the adhesion of the various pieces of C. to each other, and ultimately yields a mass or block of C. in which the condensation is so perfect that all air-holes, and other cells and interstices, disappear. The block of C. is then cut under water by powerful knives or shears into sheets, from which the pieces sold by stationers may be shaped out, or from which C. bands or thread may be obtained. In the manufacture of square threads, mere cutting is had recourse to; and the delicacy of the operation may be understood when it is stated that one pound of C. will yield 32,000 yards of thread. The round thread elastic is prepared from C. which has been treated with about double its weight of bisulphide of carbon, containing about 5 per cent. of alcohol, which yields a soft

material resembling in consistence bread-dough or putty; and this being squeezed through a series of small holes, is obtained in minute round threads, which are first received on an endless piece of velvet, and ultimately on an endless web of common cloth 500 to 600 yards long, during the transit of the threads across which, the solvent or bisulphide of carbon evaporates, and leaves the caoutchouc. When it is wished to weave these threads into cloth, they are wound upon bobbins, taking care to stretch the C. as much as possible, so as to deprive it, for the time being, of its elasticity; and after it has been woven into the cloth, a hot iron is passed over the fabric, and immediately the C. resumes its elasticity.

In the manufacture of water-proof clothing, or Mackintoshes (see MACKINTOSH), the C. is treated with one or other of the solvents already mentioned; but that generally employed, from its cheapness, is ordinary spirits of turpentine. An objection to the use of the latter is, that the odour of it never altogether leaves the fabric. The employment of ether as the solvent, which would leave the fabric without offensive odour, has hitherto been prevented by the expense. The solution, which is in the form of a somewhat thick liquid, is laid on the cloth with a wooden spatula, after which the cloth is passed through rollers, which cause the equal distribution of the C.; and the cloth being subsequently carried over rollers, and suspended in a shed to dry, is again and again treated with the solution, till the coating of C. is sufficiently thick. This process yields single waterproof cloth; but if two pieces of cloth be similarly treated, and the surfaces with the covering of C. be laid face to face, and the whole passed through heavy rollers, the two coatings of C. adhere together, and the compound fabric constitutes double water-proof cloth. The C. which is thus left on cloth is much softer than ordinary C., and is more liable to become glutinous and sticky, when slightly heated. But experiments show that if the juice, in its natural state, were applied to cloth, the C. left would be of the harder variety. It is found that when the juice, as it exudes from the tree, is mixed with about an ounce of liquor ammonia to the pound of juice, and enclosed in hermetically sealed vessels, it can be exported, and retains its properties for years.

One objection to the use of water-proof clothing is, that while the rain is excluded, the escape of the moisture from the skin is prevented. The disagreeable smell usually adhering to the fabric, is considerably diminished by exposing it to the fumes of certain essences, such as chamomile, verbena root, lavender, whorl-flowers, &c.; or to the gases given off during the heating of sublimed sulphur with ammonia and alcohol, and subsequent airing. The latter process is resorted to in the deodorising of mattresses and air-cushions. Among the more uncommon uses of C., is its employment in the paving of the carriage entrance-court at Windsor Castle, the Admiralty courtyard, and the stables at Woolwich. It has likewise been used for lobbies, staircases, &c.

VULCANISED C.-Important as the applications of pure C. are, its employment in the arts and manufactures was limited, till the introduction of the compound of sulphur and C., known as Vulcanised C., and which was first discovered by Goodyear, in America, who kept his process a secret, till the same material was discovered independently by Hancock, in England, and patented by him. The usual process of vulcanising is to mix the C., previously reduced to a state of fine division by grinding, with sublimed sulphur, and submit the mixture to a heat of 800° F.,


when sulphur and C. unite to form a sulphide of | pencil-cases, and other ornamental and useful articles. C., which is so far a chemical compound, that neither the sulphur nor the C. can be dissolved out by their ordinary solvents. The vulcanised C. obtained in this way is never entirely homogeneous, owing to the difficulty of thoroughly incorporating the ingredients before heating; and hence, in the preparation of the finer sorts, the C. is first immersed for a few minutes in bisulphide of carbon, containing 2 or 3 per cent. of its weight of chloride of sulphur, and then heated; the sulphur thus becomes more thoroughly incorporated with the C., and the product is a fine variety of vulcanised caoutchouc. In this manner, India-rubber overshoes are manufactured, as well as many other articles. A more effectual combination of the sulphur and C. is supposed to be obtained by treating the C. with kermes mineral, or the sulphuret of antimony (SbS,), and applying a temperature of 250° to 280° F.

The properties of vulcanised C. are-1. It possesses elasticity at all ordinary temperatures, even at the freezing and boiling points of water. 2. It is not dissolved by turpentine, bisulphide of carbon, naphtha, or any other known solvent, and is scarcely affected by acids or alkalies. 3. It resists compression in the highest degree. The uses to which the ordinary form of vulcanised C. is put, are almost endless. Elastic rings or bands for letters, flexible gas-pipes, water-pipes for brewery and other purposes, fire-hose, life-boats, ocean and river electric cables, springs for doors and windows, buffers for railway carriages, open-worked mats, and rugs for doors and rooms, and washers for the largest used engines, as well as hats, braces, boots, shoes, machinery-belts, harness, saddle girths, and noiseless carriage-wheels, are a few of the many appliances of this substance. Modifications of vulcanised C. are obtained by mixing silicate of magnesia, pipe-clay, ground porcelain, oxide of lead, and magnesia, with the sulphur and caoutchouc. These substances all give density and compactness to the finished material. The oxide of lead also imparts a smoothness of skin to the manufactured article, which is taken advantage of in the preparation of goloshes or India-rubber shoes. The magnesia imparts hardness, and yields a material so rigid, that it can be manufactured into buttons, combs, picture frames, knife handles, &c., and be made into slates for schools, and veneers for furniture, &c. Another kind of vulcanised C. is obtained by the addition of vegetable or mineral tar, or natural bitumen, to the sulphur and caoutchouc. Coal-tar can be used, and is first boiled for two or three hours till the adherent water and naphtha are driven off, and the whole becomes not unlike soft pitch, and this, when allowed to cool, acquires the consistence of ordinary caoutchouc. If this substance be added in considerable proportion to sulphur and C., and heated to about 300', a compound is obtained which resembles ordinary vulcanised C. in properties, possessing great elasticity, &c., and which may be similarly employed in the manufacture of numberless articles. A mixture of two parts of the prepared tar to one of C. is used for rendering coarse fabrics water-proof, though, for finer articles, the proportion of tar is diminished. A mixture of tar and

At the present time (1860), these articles are rare; but there is little doubt-from their resemblance to jet in lightness, colour, and high polish, and their elasticity, which prevents them from being broken when allowed to fall-that such things will very shortly command public attention and approbation. Several other modes of employing C. require to be mentioned. Heated with sulphur and finely divided sand, and made into small cakes, it is now sold in shops as an ink-eraser. When one pound of C. in shavings or fragments is mixed with four gallons of coal-tar naphtha, and allowed to stand for ten or twelve days, a liquid of the consistence of cream is obtained, which, treated with twice its weight of shell-lac, and heated, yields a thickish substance, capable of being obtained in slabs when spread out. If this mixture be heated in an iron vessel to 248° F., and brushed over the surface of two pieces of wood, it causes them to adhere so firmly, that, when fractured, the wood gives way at other parts rather than those which are cemented together. The consumption of C. is rapidly increasing from year to year. In 1830, only 446 cwts. of the crude material was imported into Britain; in 1853, the quantity had risen to 19,607 cwts.; and in 1857, it was 22,000 cwts.

Notwithstanding the numerous uses to which C. is already applied, it is believed by every one at all connected with the manufacture, that it is as yet only in its infancy; and that singly, or coupled with gutta-percha, and other substances, new fields of application for it will shortly be opened up.

wood fixed near the top of each mast; it has a hole CAP, in Ship-building, is a strong, thick block of another to receive the lower end of the topmast, to receive the upper end of the lower mast, and with eyebolts to aid in hoisting the topmast. There another to receive the lower end of the topmast, is also a C. of smaller size at the point of junction between the topmast and the top-gallant-mast. When made of iron, the C. is called a crance. CAP. See PERCUSSION CAP.

CAP OF MAINTENANCE, or DIGNITY, is a cap worn by noble and royal personages on certain state occasions. Such a cap was sent by Pope Julius II. to King Henry VIII., for writing his book against Martin Luther.

CAPA CITY, LEGAL, is such a condition of individuals, in regard to their natural qualities and actual position under the constitution of the country, as fits them for the application of the laws civil and criminal. Generally speaking, all persons have this legal capacity excepting aliens, persons attainted, convicts, insane persons, and to some extent also infants, femmes coverts or married women, and persons under duress; see these heads. See also CONVEYANCE, CONTRACT, PLAINTIFF, Defendant,


CAP-A-PIE' (Fr. head to foot), in the military language of the middle ages, was applied to a knight or soldier armed at all points, or from head to foot, with armour for defence and weapons far attack.

completely furnished for the field is said to be caCAPA'RISONED, in Heraldry. A war-horse parisoned.

C. with fully more than their weight of sulphur, heated for about six hours, at a temperature of 230°, and afterwards to 300° and 320°, yields a material, which can be cast into moulds, or rolled CAPE, in Geography, the extremity of a portion into sheets, and which, when cold, admits of the of land projecting into the sea beyond the general finest polish, and is so hard and black, that it rivals line of the shore. On a low sandy coast, a cape the expensive substance, jet, in appearance and other generally forms an obtuse angle, being merely a properties, and can be similarly cut and fashioned change in the trending of the land. On rocky into the most elaborately carved bracelets, shawl- shores, capes usually form acute angles, and are here pins, thimbles, hair-combs of all shapes, cork-screws, I sometimes called points or promontories.


CAPE BRETON, a rocky island of irregular | peninsula. Here the united English and Dutch form in British North America, stretching in N. lat. fleets defeated the French in 1692. between 45° and 47°, and in W. long. between 60° and 61° 30'. It is separated from the peninsula of Nova Scotia by Chebucto or Chedabucto Bay and the Gut of Causo, contains 3120 square miles, and has a population of 35,000. Its principal exports are pine, oak, birch, maple, fish and coal. Though the island produces maize and other grains, yet it depends for its bread-stuffs chiefly on the United States. C. B., originally a French possession, was taken by the English in 1745; but being subsequently restored to France, it was again captured in 1758, and ceded in 1763. After having been for a time a distinct colony, it now forms part of the province of Nova Scotia. The towns are Sydney, Arichat, and Port Hood, the once famous Louisbourg, stripped of its fortifications, having become merely a village.

CAPE COAST CASTLE, the chief settlement of Great Britain in North or Upper Guinea, lat. 5° 5' N., and long. 1° 13′ W. The place, as its name implies, is defended by a fort, or rather by three forts. It has a population of 10,000. During 1858, the external trade of the entire Gold Coast, C. C. C. being the capital, was as follows: imports, £118,270; exports, £124,394: total, £242,664. Under the latter

head, the principal articles were palm-oil, gold-dust,

tortoise-shell, and maize.

CAPE COD, properly a narrow peninsula of Massachusetts, which, with a length of 65 miles, forms the south-east boundary of the great bay of that state. The northern extremity, marked by a revolving light 155 feet high above the level of the sea, is in lat. 42° 3′ 40′′ N., and long. 70° 14′ 48′′ W. CAPE HATTERAS, a dangerously low point of North Carolina, United States, in lat. 35° 14' N., and long. 75° 30′ W. It forms the eastern extremity of the insular banks of the same name, projecting virtually into the Florida Stream, and marking the spot where the coast-line abruptly turns from the direction of north-east to that of due north.

CAPE HA'Y TIEN (formerly called Cape Français and Cape Henri), a seaport town, of the island of Hayti, on its north coast, in lat. 19° 40′ N., long. 72° 54′ W. It is pleasantly situated on a small bay, partly encircled by hills, has wide and well-paved streets, and some handsome squares. A great portion of it, however, is in ruins, the effects of the revolutionary wars at the end of last century. Safe anchorage is found within the harbour, which, however, is rather difficult of access. C. H. carries on a considerable trade with the United States. Population stated at from 12,000 to 16,000.

CAPE HORN, or HOORN, the most southerly point of America, terminating an island of its own name, in the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego. It is in lat. 55° 58′ 40" S., and long. 67° 16′ W., having a perennially antarctic climate, and being in itself merely a detached link, bare and rugged, of the chain of the Andes. It was discovered by Schouten, a native of Hoorn in Holland, about 90 years later than the Strait of Magellan, and since then the course of navigation has been round the cape instead of through the strait.

CAPE LA HAGUE, a promontory of France, forming the north-west extremity of the peninsula of Cotentin, in the department of Manche. It juts out into the English Channel, opposite the island of Alderney, and about 16 miles north-north-west of Cherbourg, and 50 miles south of St. Alban's Head,

in Dorsetshire.

CAPE LA HOGUE, often confounded with Cape la Hague, is situated on the east side of the same


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, popularly regarded as the most southerly promontory of Africa, though it is half a degree to the north of Cape Agulhas. The latter is merely a projection on a coast-line, which diverges inconsiderably from a parallel; but the former is really the turning-point from south to east on the voyage from Europe to India. This celebrated promontory is in lat. 34° 22' S., and long. 18° 29′ E., being the termination of Table Mountain, which, as it recedes towards the bay of its own name, rises from the height of 1000 feet above the sea to that of 3582. Cape (for so it is called by way of eminence) was discovered and doubled by Diaz, a Portuguese navigator, as early as 1486-six years before Columbus, in aiming at the same goal by a different route, led the way to America. But it was only in 1497 that Vasco de Gama realised the value of Diaz's discovery, by rounding it on his adventurous voyage from Lisbon to Calicut. The result was not merely to open a new channel for the traffic of the East, but it was also to transfer trading superiority from the republics of Italy to the states of Western Europe.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, a colony of the
United Kingdom, which takes its name from the
The Portuguese,

promontory above mentioned.
possessing in Brazil a more central house of cali
in the direction of India, were comparatively inde-
pendent of Table Bay as a halting-place. În like
manner the Dutch, who had supplanted the original
discoverers at once in India and In Brazil, must
have felt something of the same indifference. It was,
therefore, only in 1652, when they were on the very
point of being expelled from South America, that
they founded Cape Town (q. v.), as the first settle-
The Dutch
ment of Europeans in South Africa.
contemplated at first but little more than what
they found among the Hottentots, the tending of
flocks and herds, and this would be all the more
likely to provoke and aggravate animosities and
collisions between the intruding strangers and
the natives. Certainly the civilisation, such as it
was, involved at least an average amount of
injustice and inhumanity, until, with the aid of
illusory purchase and violent occupation, it had,
before the close of the 18th c., spread, with an
indefinite boundary to the north, as far to the east
as the Great Fish River, comprising within its
extreme range a population of about 20,000 whites,
and an area equal to that of the British Isles. In
1795, this dependency of Holland, threatened with
the revolutionary tide which had already over-
whelmed Holland itself, was seized by a British
force on behalf of the Prince of Orange. Restored,
in 1802, to the Dutch under the treaty of Amiens,
the Cape Colony was once more captured, and that
finally and permanently, by the English in 1806.
The new masters of the country, inheriting, in this
respect, from their predecessors a ready-made feud,
fronted on the east the Kafirs, a warlike and
proud race, which, with the exception of pastoral
pursuits, had nothing in common with the Hotten-
tots. The almost inevitable results followed-a
normal state of insecurity and strife on the border,
diversified by at least three actual wars.
twice advancing to the Kei, the colony, as a whole,
has receded to the Keiskamma, retaining, however,
the port of East London; while the rest of the
intermediate region has been placed, as British
Kaffraria, under the military authorities of the
empire. From the source of the Keiskamma, the
eastern limit runs onward, as against Kaffraria


Proper, to the Orange, which thence down to the Atlantic forms the northern line-the western and southern confines being washed by the two adjacent


But, during brief periods, the country extended further, embracing, from 1842 to 1847, Port Natal (see NATAL) beyond Kaffraria, and, from 1848 to and, from 1848 to 1854, what is now the Free State (q. v.) between the Orange and its main affluent the Vaal. Across the last-mentioned stream, too, discontented or adventurous settlers, almost exclusively of Dutch origin, have planted, under the name of the Trans-Vaal Territory (q. v.), an apparently prosperous republic. Without reckoning the outlying harbour in British Kaffraria, the colony stretches in S. lat. from 28° 10' to 34° 51′, and in E. long. from 16° 20′ to 27° 30′— the longest meridian, that of Cape Agulhas, being about 450 miles, and the longest parallel, pretty nearly that of the mouth of the Keiskamma, measuring about 100 more. Independently, therefore, of its offshoots, it cannot contain less than 200,000 square miles. For purposes, however, of administration, as distinguished from legislation, this immense area is divided into the Western and Eastern Provinces the point of separation on the coast being about midway between the Cape itself and the Keiskamma. Each of the two contains 11 divisions. These 22, again, are broken up, according to size, into more or fewer field cornetcies; while some of them, on the ground of populousness or extent, constitute two, or perhaps three, magisterial or judicial districts. Each province, moreover, is a diocese of the Church of England-Cape Town and Graham's Town, the respective capitals, being the Episcopal A considerable portion of the community belong to the Dutch Presbyterian Church.


The two provinces have, to a certain extent, distinct administrations-the western being under the governor-in-chief, and the eastern under a lieutenant-governor. The two together are under one and the same legislature-a council of 15 nominated members, and an assembly of 46 elected representatives.

The population in 1865 was 566,168, of whom 91,098 were Hottentots, 124,536 Kaffirs, 204,859 Europeans, and 145,655 of other races. As the country from its earliest settlement in 1652 to 1795, and again from the peace of Amiens in 1802 to 1806, belonged to Holland, the white inhabitants are in a considerable proportion of Dutch descent. To judge roughly from the names of members of assembly, the two races are probably almost equal in numbers. Two causes have steadily been leading to this result. While the English element has, of course, been positively recruited by immigration from Europe, it has also been relatively strengthened by that overland emigration, which, almost exclusively under Dutch impulses, has poured swarm after swarm into the Free State, the Trans-Vaal Territory and the colony of Natal.

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ing winds, the north-west and the south-east. Great efforts, however, are making to improve the harbours generally; in Table Bay, a breakwater has been commenced. Hardly any of the ports command navigable communications with the interior.


The dividing ridge runs parallel with the coast, at a distance of about 100 miles. The opposite faces of this water-shed are as unlike to each other, in kind if not in degree, as those of the Andes. While the inner slope pours out its tribute exclusively towards the Orange, with its course of 1500 miles, the outer declivity sends down numberless streams, remarkable chiefly for their rapidity, at once to the sea. these last, moreover, the characteristics become more and more conspicuous in the north-east, for in that direction the dividing ridge rises gradually from about 3000 feet, till, amid the sources of the Orange, it attains fully thrice that height. The streams of the outer declivity, too, reach either ocean, not by a regular descent, but by successive leaps, for all round, to the west and south of the dividing ridge, there run parallel with it two subordinate ranges, each supporting its own terrace. On these plateaus, more particularly in the northern half of the Western Province, there is found many an arid and irreclaimable waste, styled karoo in the indigenous tongue. In other localities, likewise, throughout the colony, water appears to be scarce at certain seasons. Much may be done, and something has been done, to remedy the evil, both by digging and by irrigation. Such undertakings seem to be invaluable; even the parched mud of the karoos, when borne down the Oliphant by inundations, is said to rival in fertility the alluvial sediment of the Nile.

The three chains of mountains present serious impediments to the opening of roads, being passable only through natural breaks or kloofs. Still many highways, generally good ones, have been laid outdepending partly on tolls and partly on assessments. Some of them penetrate from the south coast to the Free State; while, in the direction of west and east, the principal thoroughfare carries the mail in 12 days between the metropolis and Port Natal-soon to be connected also by the telegraphic wires.

The prevalent winds-the south-east in summer, and the north-west in winter-mitigate each the rigour, whether heat or cold, of its own seasonand in spite of occasionally sudden and great changes, render the temperature, as a whole, perhaps the most salubrious, as well as the most delightful, in the world. The water-shed, again, with its ascending levels, crowds, as it were, into one every region in Europe from Scicily to Scotland. Every locality, in a measure, has its own staple production. If the Western Province yields nearly all the wine that is exported, the Eastern greatly preponderates in wool; while the southern shore, more especially at Plettenberg Bay and Knysna Inlet, excels in the growth of timber.

Perhaps the best summary view of the resources and capabilities of the country may be gathered from the list of exported articles. These, when arranged in order of value, stand thus: wool, wine, copperore, hides, goat-skins, sheep-skins, horses, flour, aloes, fish, fruits, oats, bran, beans and peas, wheat, barley, and maize. The whole of the exported articles exhibit a small increase in value during the last three years of authentic returns:

Hydrographically, the country is, as a whole, decidedly superior to most parts of Africa. The sea-board presents several comparatively safe and commodious harbours. Of these, however, two Table Bay in the Western Province, and Algoa Bay in the Eastern-absorb nearly the whole-fully 97 per cent.-of the foreign trade. The others areSt. Francis Bay, in the latter division; and in the former, Plettenberg Bay, Knysna Inlet, Mossel Bay, St. Sebastian's Bay, and False Bay, on the Indian Ocean, with Saldanha Bay and St. Helena Bay on the Atlantic. All these, as well as East London in British Kaffraria, are used chiefly in the coasting Within the same period the imported articles were traffic. Even for this purpose, most of them-per- but slightly increased in value: haps all of them but Saldanha Bay, and a part of False Bay—are safe against only one of the prevail









is in progress.

The colonial revenue had in the same time aug- | A telegraphic line from C. T. to the eastern frontier mented from £536,347 to £565,556. In 1867 the total tonnage of the colony amounted to 528,230 tons, of which 435,370 was British. In 1869 the public debt had risen to. £1,101,650. The discovery of a rich gold country north of the Limpopo river, on the borders of the Transvaal Republic and Portuguese settlements, in 1868, has been fully confirmed. This new fielĺ has been named the "Victoria diggings.”

[blocks in formation]

CAPE ST. VINCENT, a headland forming the south-west extremity of Portugal, in lat. 37° 2′ N., long. 9° W., is celebrated on account of two naval battles in which British ships were engaged, fought off it, one in 1693, the other in 1797. In the former, Admiral Rooke, who with some 20 English and Dutch men-of-war was convoying a fleet of some 400 merchantmen, was attacked off this point by the French Admiral De Tourville, and after a running fight lost several ships, and 80 merchantmen. In February 1797, Sir John Jervis, with a fleet of 15 sail, gave battle to a Spanish fleet of 27 sail of the line, and defeated them, capturing four ships and driving the rest into Cadiz Bay, where they were blockaded.


CAPE VERD, the most westerly headland in Africa, jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean, between the rivers Gambia and Senegal, in lat. 14° 43′ N., long. 17° 34' W. It was discovered by the Portu guese about 1445, and is said to have derived its name from a group of gigantic baobab-trees which adorns its summit.

CAPE VERD ISLANDS (Ilhas Verdes), a group of islands belonging to Portugal, lying in lat. 14° 45'-17° 19' N., and long. 22° 45'-25° 25′ W., and distant about 320 miles west of the cape from which they take their name. The principal islands are ten-viz., Santiago, the largest and most important, Fogo, Brava, Maio, Boavista, San Nicolao, San Antonio, San Vicente, San Luzia, and Sal. There are besides four islets, barren and uninhabited. The total area is about 1700 square miles, with The islands are a population (1857) of 85,393. all very mountainous, and owe their origin to the action of submarine volcanoes. The highest elevation is reached in a volcanic peak, 9157 feet above the sea, on the island of Fogo, and which is still active. The climate is unhealthy during the rainy season. Though water is deficient, vegetation is luxuriant, yielding African and southern European products. Sugar, cotton, coffee, tobacco, and indigo are grown, and the trade in archil, monopolised by government, has in some seasons yielded as much as £24,000. Several of the European domestic animals thrive well. Turtles are abundant in the surrounding seas, and whales also are fished by British and American vessels. Amber is found on the coasts, and great quantities of salt formed by solar evapora tion is obtained from the lagunes on the shores, especially on the island of Sal. The inhabitants, who are mostly negroes, indolent but harmless, speak a corrupted form of Portuguese, called Lingua Creoula. The revenue for 1857--1858 was estimated at about £24,000, and the expenditure for the same year at £31,000. The islands are under a governor-general, exercising both civil and military authority. The chief ports are Porto Praya, on the island of Santiago, and Porto Grande, the best harbour in the whole group, on the island of San Vicente. The islands were discovered about the middle of the 15th c. by the Portuguese, who shortly after colonised them.

CAPE WRATH, a pyramidal promontory of unrivalled wildness and grandeur, forming the northwest extremity of Scotland and of Sutherland, and running out into the Atlantic, in lat. 58° 38′ N., and It consists of gneiss, with long. 4° 58′ 5′′ West.

CAPE TOWN, the capital of Cape Colony, takes its name, like the colony, from the grand turningpoint between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It faces the south-west, or best sheltered side, of Table Bay, having at its back Table Mountain. Of the observatory, the lat. and long. respectively are 330 56′ W., and 18° 28' 7" E. The mean temperature is 58.3° F. for the winter, 76-6° for the summer, and 67-3° for the whole year. In 1849 the population was 23,749; and now, in 1860, it cannot be much less than 30,000. The city, originally Dutch, abounds in straight lines and right angles, the principal streets being threaded by canals. houses generally are flat-roofed, with terraces in front. The castle, a regular fortification, with bastions and outworks, occupies the extreme east. Of the other public establishments, the most important are the exchange, the college, a literary institution, a public library, a botanic garden, a gas factory, several banks, various insurance companies, and 15 places of worship. There are two immigration agencies a private society for introducing juve-beds of dark hornblende rock, is intersected by comnile servants' from Holland, and a public board, plex granite veins, and presents deep fissures and supported by an annual grant of £50,000, for giving tall pinnacles. From it a reef of rocks, perforated free passages to certain classes of settlers from the with arches and caverns, juts out into the sea. United Kingdom. C. T. has a municipal body of 12 C. T. has a municipal body of 12 the cape is Stag Rock, a pillar 200 feet high. C. W. commissioners and 48 ward-masters, and it returns is 600 feet high, and there is a light-house near it, 400 4 representatives to the colonial assembly, other feet above the sea, and seen 25 miles off. constituencies electing only 2 each; and further, it Cape can be seen N. Rona, 50 miles off; Hoy Head, has, since 1847, been the see of a bishop of the Orkney; the Butt of Lewis; and a grand panorama Church of England. In 1857, it had 44 registered of mountains in Sutherland. vessels, ranging from 878 tons to 13-surpassing, CAPEFIGUE, BAPTISTE HONORÉ RAYMOND, a in this respect, all the other ports of the colony at French publicist and historian, was born, 1802, at least sevenfold. It is the neigbourhood of C. T. Marseille. He studied law at Aix, and in 1821 that produces all the genuine Constantia wine. proceeded to Paris, for the purpose of completing That wine, however, bears a very small proportion his juridical course, but soon betook himself to to the other wines. The official returns of exports journalism and authorship. He held a post in the for 1855 stood as follows: Constantia wine, 2983 foreign office until 1848. This, however, did not Besides gallons-£891; other wines, 613,766 gallons. In interfere with his amazing activity. 1866 but 23,686 gallons were exported. C. T. forms contributing extensively to many of the Parisian a convenient place of rest and refreshment for journals, he has manufactured' not less than a hunvessels on the route between Europe and India. I dred volumes of history—not, indeed, intrinsically


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