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CASE'RTA, a town of Naples, in the province of Terra di Lavoro, is situated on a plain about 17 miles north-east of Naples. It is chiefly remarkable on account of its magnificent palace, one of the finest in Europe, and the frequent residence of the Neapolitan court. During 1860, C. acquired celebrity as the head-quarters of Garibaldi and his army. A royal silk manufactory has been established in the neigh-fixed sum is borrowed, for in that case interest bourhood. Population, with adjoining hamlets, about 20,000.

CA'SE-SHOT, or CANISTER-SHOT, is an assemblage of bullets or small balls, enclosed in a cylindrical case or canister. The diameter of this canister is a little less than the bore of the gun from which it is to be discharged. According to the size of the canister, the balls vary from 1 lb. to oz. each, from 30 to 280 in number, and from 3 lbs. to 85 lbs. in total weight. The canister bursts immediately on leaving the gun, and the balls spread out into an irregular sort of cone. Within a range of 500 yards, they work great execution among troops; they are generally used at 200 or 300 yards.

In a more modern and effective kind, called spherical case, the bullets are enclosed, along with a charge of powder, in an iron shell, instead of a tin canister. It is often called shrapnel shell, from the name of its inventor. A spherical case-shot for a 68-lb. carronade, or for an 8-inch howitzer, contains 337 balls; for a 24-pounder gun, 128; and for an 18-pounder, 90. It is exploded by a fuse, the length of which depends on the distance of the point where the destructive effect is to be wrought. Its effect is something like that of a prolonged musket-fire. The shrapnel shell is not of much use against the hull of a ship; but is very destructive against masses of men on shore, or on the decks of a ship, with a greater range than that of ordinary canister. Artillerymen prefer just such an amount of charge as will burst the sphere, without scattering the balls very widely.

CASH (Fr. caisse, a chest for containing money) is sometimes used as synonymous with money, as distinguished from produce, in which sense it includes all immediately negotiable paper-bills, drafts, and bonds, as well as coin and bank-notes. At other times, it is used, in a limited sense, to denote coin and bank-notes, as distinguished from negotiable instruments which pass by indorsation.


be, of £500. In the origin of the system, the bank may be said to have been influenced by three considerations-first, the necessity for making advantageous use of its capital; second, the desire to extend its issues of small notes; and third, the nature of the security offered. Since Sir Robert Peel's act restricting circulation of notes, the second of these reasons no longer operates; for the banks hold an equal amount of coin against the surplus. are now much above their authorized issue, and must What the bank particularly wants, is a customer who will be constantly depositing sums in notes of other banks, and drawing out sums in its own notes. The C. A. system aids this process. It secures a customer who will be frequently operating on his account, according to the exigencies of his business, and whose overdraughts, as well as deposits, tend to benefit the concern. Obviously, for the Debtor, the system works more advantageously than when a would run on for the whole amount, whereas by a C. A. the trader merely draws what he requires; and by paying in his surplus money in small sums, he is charged with interest only on the sum actually at his debit from day to day. In negotiating a C. A., a bond is prepared by the bank stating the amount and the nature of the security, the cost of which is borne by the borrower. Banks often, in security, accept heritable property and policies of life insurance, but more commonly two persons in good credit become cautioners, or co-obligants along with the principal. Unless the liability of the cautioners respectively be expressly limited in the bond, each is liable for the whole amount. If the bank liberates one cautioner without the consent of the other, it loses its recourse. This recourse is not lost by accepting a dividend from the sequestrated (bankrupt) estate of a principal or cautioner; but it will be lost by accepting a composition from either of these persons without consent of the other. The bank can at any time stop the credit, and call for payment of the balance due. A cautioner can at any time withdraw his name from the credit, on paying up the balance, and the bank is bound to assign the debt to him. While cash accounts may be of great service to traders who act upon them discreetly, it is found that, in too many instances, these accounts are used as a dead-loan to the entire amount stipulated for; and for this, as well as a reason above assigned, banks care now very much less for this kind of business than formerly. Properly, traders are to look on the money procured on cash credits not as an addition to capital, but merely a temporary substitute for current business purposes while the capital is out with customers, and to be replaced accordingly until again required. It may be added, that the progress of commercial wealth in Scotland, now greatly lessens the necessity for having recourse to the C. A. system.

CA'SHEL, a town of Ireland, in Tipperary county, and 105 miles south-west of Dublin by rail. It is CASH ACCOUNT, or CASH CREDIT, a form irregularly built on the south and east slopes of of account with a bank, by which a person is an isolated height, rising abruptly from a rich and entitled to draw out sums as required by way of extensive plain. Pop. 1841, 7036; 1851, 4798. C. loan to a stipulated amount. The practice began is a bishop's see, and returns one member to parliaabout 1729 in Scotland, with the banks of which ment. The ancient kings of Munster resided here. country it is still peculiarly identified; but it is not The top of the height, or 'Rock of Cashel,' is occuunknown elsewhere, though on a somewhat different pied by an assemblage of the most interesting ruins plan. In connection with the Scotch banks, the in Ireland, which have a grand effect from the C. A. system is placed on a distinct and secure country around. a distinct and secure country around. The ruins consist of a cathedral, basis, which we shall briefly describe. The persons the largest and most remarkable in the country, procuring a credit of this kind are for the most part founded 1169, burned 1495, and afterwards repaired; retail-dealers, tradesmen, and farmers, who possess a stone-roofed chapel, built 1127 by Cormac Maca limited capital, and need occasional loans. Instead Carthy, king of Munster, and the most perfect of borrowing money by bills or mortgages, they specimen of the kind in the country; Hore Abbey, apply to a bank for a C. A. to the extent, it may founded 1260; the palace of the Munster kings;


and a round tower, 90 feet high and 56 in circum- | esteemed for its flavour. A gum which exudes from ference. The round tower is built of freestone, but the bark of the tree, quite distinct from the milky the other ruins of limestone. At C., in 1172, the juice already mentioned, is bland, and very similar great synod was held in which the Irish prelate first to gum-arabic. acknowledged the authority of the English king and church.

CASHEW' NUT (Anacardium occidentale), a tree of the natural order Anacardiacea, a native probably of the tropical parts of both hemispheres, although it has been commonly regarded as of American origin. It is a spreading tree of no great height. It abounds in a clammy, milky juice, which turns black on exposure to the air, and is used in India for varnishing, but is so acrid as to produce painful inflammation when it comes in contact with the skin of some persons, or when they are exposed to its fumes. Others are comparatively unsusceptible of its influence. The fruit of the tree is a kidney-shaped nut, about an inch long, seated on the thicker end of a pear-shaped fleshy stalk, from which the botanical character of the genus is derived. The

CASHGA'R, or KASHGAR, a city of Chinese Turkestan, 140 miles north-west of Yarkand, in lat. 39° 25' N., long. 73° 57' E. It is surrounded by an earthen rampart, pierced with four gates, and being the most westerly place of importance in the Chinese empire, it is strongly garrisoned. It is the residence of an Uzbeck chief, and has manufactures of cotton, gold and silver cloths, carpets, &c.; and an extensive trade with Central Asia. Population variously estimated at from 16,000 to 80,000. C. is said to have been an important commercial town before the Christian era, and was at one time the capital of Turkestan. It has been about a century in the pos session of the Chinese.

CASHIE'RING is a punishment for officers in the army and navy. It is a severe form of dismissal from the sovereign's service, and implies that the officer, by some disgraceful conduct, has deserved not only dismissal, but disqualification for ever again entering the service. Sometimes there are words added, implying still deeper ignominy and degradation. On some rare occasions, when a court-martial has awarded C., the commander-in-chief has mitigated the punishment to simple dismissal. 'Scandalous and infamous conduct,' and 'Conduct unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman,' mark two degrees of offence which may lead, the one to C., the other to dismissal.

CASHMERE, a valley of the Himalaya, between India Proper and Middle Tibet, stretching between lat. 33° 15' and 34° 35' N., and long. 74° 10' and 75° 40′ E. Its bottom, a comparative level of about 2000 square miles, is about 5500 feet above the sea; while the enclosure, as a whole, from ridge to ridge, besides fully doubling the area, attains at some points, nearly thrice the altitude. The mountain-wall of this secluded region presents but few passes, and most of these too lofty to be practicable in winter. In fact, the Baramula itself does not admit a wheeled vehicle. Through this single open-ing, situated at the south-west, the Jhelum carries down towards the Punjab the gathered streams and lakes of the entire basin, and is navigable for the This net-work of waters, last 70 miles of its course. without swelling into inundations, affords everywhere a perennial supply for the purpose of irrigation. Besides the copious rains of spring, the snows of winter, covering even the plains to a depth of two feet for four months, accumulate, in every gorge and on every declivity, reservoir above reservoir, C. is traditionally against the demands of summer. believed to have been a vast upland lake, and alluvial deposits beyond the reach of existing influences would seem to confirm the idea.


Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale). shell is double, the outer shell being ash-coloured, and very smooth; and between it and the inner is a layer of very caustic black juice. The kernel is oily, and very pleasant and wholesome, and is in common use as an article of food in tropical countries, being made into puddings, roasted, and in various ways prepared for the table. In the West Indies, it is put into wine, particularly old Madeira wine, to which it is thought to communicate a peculiarly agreeable flavour, and for this use it is sometimes imported into Britain. It is also for the same reason sometimes an ingredient in choco- In regard to climate, moderate but steady frost late. Yet the vapour which arises from it in prevails from November to March; and again, the roasting, but which is derived from the coating of heat, ranging from 75° F. in June, to 85° in August, the kernel, and not from the kernel itself, is so is often disproportionately oppressive, through the The acrid as to cause erysipelas and other painful affec- stagnation of the landlocked atmosphere. tions of the face in those who conduct the process, staple production is rice, which, from the singular unless great caution is used.-The fleshy stalk, facilities of irrigation, is an all but sure crop, yieldsometimes called the Cashew Apple, varies in size, ing, even in a tolerable season, 30 or 40 returns; being sometimes not much larger than a cherry, and and in the abundance and excellence of its fruits, sometimes as large as an orange, and is white, C. is said to surpass all the rest of the world. The yellow, or red. It is perfectly free of the acridity valley is, in general, considered to be remarkably characteristic of the natural order, is acid and healthy. The inhabitants, almost universally held eatable, very pleasant and refreshing, and much to be models of strength and beauty, amounted, used by the inhabitants of the countries in which before 1828, to 800,000, or to 400 in a square mile. the tree grows. A very pleasant vinous liquor But by casual famine and pestilence they have since is obtained from it by fermentation; and this been reduced to 200,000. The people are mostly by distillation yields a spirituous liquor, highly Mohammedans, divided between the Sunnite and



Shiite sects. The manufactures-all superior of their | Towers. Dr. Davis, of Columbia, S. C., introduced kind—are shawls, leather, firearms, and attar of the Tibetan goats into the U. States in 1849, where roses. The principal towns are Serinagur, Islamabad, they have thriven. The Angora goat has also sucShupayon, Pampur, and Baramula. The history ceeded in the U. States, and in 1867 $100,000 was paid goes back, through colossal monuments chiefly for goats of pure and mixed breeds. See reports of of marble, beyond the dawn of authentic annals. the Commissioner of Agriculture of 1857 and 1863. In 1315, C. first received Mohammedanism; in 1586, it was annexed to the Mogul empire; in 1752, it fell under the power of the Afghans; and in 1819, it was subjugated by the Sikhs. Lastly, being ceded, at the close of the first war of the Punjab, to the British, it was by them transferred to Gholab Sing, as the nucleus of a state of its own name, which comprised also Jamu, Bulti, Ladakh, Chamba, &c. This new principality, with 25,000 square miles, and 750,000 inhabitants, is said to have a force of about 24,000 men of all arms.

CASHMERE GOAT, a variety of the common goat, remarkable for its very long, fine, and silky hair, from which the highly valued Cashmere shawls are made. It is not so much in Cashmere that this variety of goat is to be found, as in Tibet, from which the finest goat-hair is imported into Cashmere, to be there manufactured into shawls. The hair is even longer than that of the Angora goat, and not, like it, curled into ringlets, but straight. It is about eighteen inches long. A single goat

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CASIMIR, properly Kazimierz, was the name of many Polish princes and kings. With the establishment of the power of Casimir I. in. 1040, the predominance of Christianity was decided in Poland. But the most distinguished of this name was Casimir III., called Casimir the Great, who succeeded his father, Vladislaus Loketek, as king of Poland in 1333. He added Little Russia and Red Russia to his dominions; repelled the Tatars, who then threatened Poland; and waged successful war in Silesia, which he conquered but did not retain. He shewed great anxiety for the advancement of the arts and of learning in his kingdom, and for the improvement of the condition of the most oppressed classes, which won him the title of King of the Peasants. A Jewish mistress obtained from him liberties for the Jews, which they have since retained in Poland. He died in consequence of the falling of his horse. in 1370.

CASI'NO, an Italian diminutive of casa, a house, signifies a place for social reunions. The Italian nobles have long had casinos detached from the palaces in which they live, whither they can retreat and enjoy themselves, and it is probable that the public casinos were the result of an attempt made by the middle classes to imitate their superiors. In Italy, a C. is generally close by a theatre, and is a place where musical or dancing soirées are held, containing a conversation-room, billiard-room, and rooms for other kinds of amusement, as well as small apartments where refreshments may be had. Casinos are numerous in Italy and Germany, and have been introduced into England. In general, they are not supposed to exert an edifying influence on the community.


does not yield more than three ounces, and the fleeces of ten goats are requisite for the manufacture of a shawl a yard and a half square. The hair is spun by women, and dyed after it is spun. It is said that 16,000 looms are kept in constant employment in Cashmere, producing annually about 30,000 shawls. The shawls are woven in rudely constructed looms, a pair of shawls sometimes occupying three or four men a whole year in weaving. C. shawls, of the finest quality, are sold in London at from £100 to £400 each. Plain shawls are simply woven in the loom, but those with variegated patterns are worked with wooden needles, a separate needle being used for each colour. These shawls are in the highest request in India; but the hair of several other breeds of goat inferior to that of Tibet is employed for the manufacture of shawls called by the same name. Imitations of

CASINO, or MONTE-CASINO, a mountain overhanging the town of San-Germano (the ancient Casinum), in the Neapolitan province of Terra di Lavoro, between 50 and 60 miles north-north-west of Naples, is celebrated on account of the monastery founded here by St. Benedict (q. v.) in 529 a. D. This monastery is remarkable for its noble architecture, its ancient wealth, its library and archives, and in modern times for the learning of its monks, who have a printing-press, from which several important works have issued. The beautiful situation of the abbey, and the reputation of the monks as masters of the healing art, formerly made MonteCasino a favourite resort of pilgrims. Luigi Tosti, the librarian of the abbey, has given an account of its literary treasures in his Storia della Badia di Monte-Casino (3 vols., Nap. 1841-1843).

these are manufactured in France rather extensively, some from the Tibet wool entirely, and others of a mixture of this with silk and cotton. And the manufacture of Cashmere shawls, once so flourishing in Asia, has been greatly impaired, and in many places discontinued.

Attempts have been made to introduce the C. G. into Europe. Baron Alstroemer attempted, in the end of last century, to naturalise it in Sweden; and a very spirited attempt to introduce it into Britain has recently been made by Mr.

CA'SOLI, a town of Naples, in the province of Abruzzo Citra, situated on a hill 17 miles south of Chieti. It has two normal schools. Population between 5000 and 6000.

CASO'RIA, a town of Naples, 5 miles northnorth-east from the capital. Silk is produced in the district. Pop. 8000.

CA'SPÉ, a town of Spain, in the province of Sara gossa, 57 miles south-south-east of the city of that name. It is situated near the Ebro, has manufac tures of oil and soap, and a trade in the agricultural produce of the district. Pop. 7500.

CA'SPIAN SEA, an inland sea or great salt-lake, the largest in the world, on the boundary between Europe and Asia, extending from lat. 36° 40′ to 47° 20' N., and long. 46° 50′ to 55° 10′E. Its length from north to south is about 700 miles, and its average


breadth about 200 miles. Its total area is estimated at 140,000 square miles. The coast-line is irregular, and on the east side especially there are several bays and indentations of coast, the principal being those of Mertvoi, Mangushlak, Kenderlinsk, Karabugos, and Balkan. From the west, the naphtha-impregnated peninsula of Apsheron stretches into the C. opposite the Balkan Gulf; Mount Caucasus also rises on its west side. On the south rises the lofty range of the Elburz Mountains, between which, however, and the coast, on this side almost unbroken, extends a low flat plain of from 15 to 20 miles in breadth. On the north, it is bordered by great steppes, and the country eastward is a vast plain. It is probable that at one time its waters, which are said to be still diminishing, covered great part of the adjacent | steppes. Some singular changes appear to take place in the level of the Caspian. Various measurements have made its depth and elevation different. One Russian measurement made it 348 feet below the level of the Black Sea, another only 84 feet. The latest estimate makes it only 38 feet below the Black Sea. It has no tides, but its navigation is dangerous because of violent storms, especially from the south-east, by which its waters are some times driven for many miles over the adjacent plains. The depth near the southern end is about 600 feet, and in some places near the centre it attains a depth of nearly 3000 feet; but near the coast it is very shallow, seldom reaching a depth of more than 3 feet at 100 yards from the shore, and in many places a depth of 12 feet is not reached within several miles of the beach. On the northeast and east it is especially shallow. It receives the waters of a number of large rivers, of which the greatest is the Volga. The Ural, the Tereh,

and the Kur also fall into it. The water of the


this capacity he made himself popular by his replies, in Galignani's Messenger, to the attacks of the English press on the claims of the Union with regard to its north-east boundaries, and by his protest against the measures of Guizot; but the treaty concluded by Daniel Webster with Lord Ashburton was so much opposed to the views maintained by C., that he resigned his post, and in 1843 returned to America, where he was received with marks of popular favour. He now aimed at the presidency, and in 1844 was a prominent candidate for the democratic nomination, but being unsuccessful, he was shortly afterward chosen U. S. Senator from Michigan. He soon became prominent in the discussion of the Oregon question, insisting upon the claims of the United States to the parallel 54° 40′ as a boundary. Gen. Cass is understood to have favoured the Wilmot Proviso in the early discussion of that question, but subsequently evinced a determined opposition to it. In 1848 he was the democratic nominee for president, but was defeated by Gen. Taylor. In 1851 he was returned to the U. S. Senate, where he supported the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, on the principle of leaving the inhabitants of the territories the power to regulate their own institutions in their own way.' He was Secretary of State under President Buchanan until near the close of the administration. He died June 17, 1866, aged 83 years. He is author of the History, Tradition, Languages, &c., of Indians in the United States; of France: its King, Court, and Government; and other works.

CASSA'NDER, king of Macedonia, and son of When young, Antipater, was born about 354 B. C. he is said to have been ill used by Alexander the Great, and to have consequently conceived a mortal his father, he expected to succeed to the regency; hatred to that monarch's family. On the death of C. S. is salt, but much less so than that of the which so dissatisfied him, that he resolved to contest but Polysperchon received the honour instead, Its northern parts are covered with ice the sovereignty with his opponent. He was comduring winter. It abounds in fish, and very valuable fisheries are carried on, especially for pletely successful; but while pursuing his career of sturgeon and salmon. By a canal uniting the head-conquest in the south of Greece, he learned that waters of the Volga with the rivers Tvertza and Schlina, the C. is united with the Baltic Sea. It belongs in part to Russia, in part to Persia, and in part to the Turkomans. The Russians have some vessels of war upon it, and the most of its commerce is in their hands. Steam-packets have been established on it. The chief Russian town upon its shores is Astrakhan, at the mouth of the Volga. Derbend, Guriev, Baku, and Krasnoi-yar are also Russian towns upon the Caspian Sea. Balfrush, Reshd, and Astrabad are Persian towns. The Turkomans have only a few fishing-villages on the

eastern shore.

The C. S. was known to the Greeks and Romans. According to Strabo, it derived its name from the Caspii, a tribe inhabiting its western shores. The name Caspian was afterwards limited to the western portion of the lake—the eastern being designated the Hyrcanian Sea.


CASS, LEWIS, an American statesman, born at Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1782. He was educated for the law, but quitting that profession, he entered the army in 1812, and rose rapidly to the rank of general, though his merit was not very conspicuous. In 1813, he was elected governor of Michigan, in which State he settled. During his governorship, he kept himself apart from party politics, yet all his measures had a decidedly democratic tendency. In 1881, C. was made minister at war under General Jackson, and in 1836 he was sent as plenipotentiary to Paris. In

Olympias, mother of Alexander, was committing
havoc in the north, and consequently hurried back
to Macedonia. In less than a year, Olympias was
taken prisoner, and put to death. Only Roxana,
wife of Alexander, and her son Egus, now stood
between him and the throne of Macedon; but he
these two until several years had passed.
did not find it convenient to make away' with
while, he married Thessalonica, half-sister to Alex-
ander, in whose honour he founded, about 316 B. C.,

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the town which bears her name. In the follow

ing year he caused Thebes, which Alexander had destroyed, to be rebuilt. He next became involved in a war with Antigonus, king of Asia, which, with an intervening peace of one year, lasted from 315 to 301 B.C., in the last of which years Antigonus was defeated and slain at the battle of Ipsus. Along with his auxiliaries Seleucus, Ptolemy, and Lysimachus, he seized and shared the dominions of the vanquished. The rest of his life was spent in intrigue and military enterprise. He died 297

or 296 B. C.

CASSA'NDRA, according to Homeric legend, was the fairest daughter of Priam and Hecuba, and the twin-sister of Helenus. The children playing in the court of the temple of the Thymbræan Apollo, not far from Ilium, till it was too late for them to return home, a bed of laurel-twigs was made for them in the temple; and there, in the morning, two snakes were found licking their ears, from which resulted such an acuteness of hearing, that they could hear the voice of the gods. C. afterwards attracted the love of Apollo by her


beauty, and he taught her the secrets of prophecy; but displeased by her rejection of his suit, laid upon her the curse that her vaticinations should never be believed. Accordingly, she prophesied in vain of the treachery of the Grecian horse and the destruction of Troy. On the capture of the city, she fled to the temple of Minerva, but was torn from the altar by the Locrian Ajax, and ravished in the temple. She afterwards, in the distribution of the prey, fell to the share of Agamemnon, to whom she bore twin sons, but was murdered by Clytemnestra.

CASSANDRA, a peninsula in the province of Roumelia, European Turkey, situated between the Gulfs of Salonica and Cassandra, in lat. 40° N., long. 23° 30′ E. The ancient name of this headland was Pallene. Grain of superior quality is raised here; wool, honey, and wax are produced; and silk-worms are extensively reared. The Gulf of Cassandra (ancient Toronaicus Sinus) has a length of 33 miles from south-east to north-west, and a

Its staff

the Court of C. for the public interest. Criminal as well as civil judgment may be reviewed by the Court of C., the only exceptions being the judgments of justices of the peace and of courts-martial, military and naval. The delay allowed for bringing a civil case before the Court of C. is three months for persons domiciled in France, six months for those in Corsica, a year for American colonists, and two for all persons resident beyond the Cape of Good Hope. In criminal matters, the procedure is greatly more prompt, three full days only being allowed to the person condemned to bring his action of C., and the same space being given to the procureur-général. In all criminal and police cases, the Court of C. may pronounce judgment immediately after the expiry of these days, and must do so within a month. The Court of C. is divided into three sections, one of which is devoted to criminal matters. consists of a president, who has the title of first president, and three vice-presidents, who are called presidents; 45 counsellors or ordinary judges; a procureur-général, or public prosecutor; 6 substitutes, inferior officers. The presidents and counsellors are who have the title of advocates-general; and several named by the sovereign for life, the other officers being removable at pleasure. No judgment can be pronounced unless 11 judges are present, the decision being determined by the majority. Where the numbers are equally divided, 5 judges are called in; and cases of peculiar difficulty may be judged of by CASSANO, a town of Northern Italy, 17 miles the three sections united. The whole court, when east-north-east of Milan. It is situated on the presided over by the minister of justice, possesses right bank of the Adda, here crossed by a bridge also the right of discipline and censure over all on the railway to Brescia, and has extensive silk-judges for grave offences, not specially provided for mills. C. was the scene of two sanguinary battles-by the law. one in 1705 between the French under the Duke de Vendôme, and the Imperialists under Prince Eugene, in which the latter was defeated; the other in 1799, when the Russians and Austrians under Suwarow defeated the French under Moreau. Pop. 1200.

breadth of 10 miles.

CASSA'NO, a town of Naples, in the province of Calabria Citra, 34 miles north of Cosenza. It is situated in a valley in the midst of the most beausituated in a valley in the midst of the most beautiful scenery, has a cathedral, an old castle built on an imposing mass of rock in the midst of the city, and manufactures of linen, leather, silk, cotton, and macaroni. Pop. 6000.

CASSATION, Court of. In the law of France, the act of annulling the decision of a court or judicial tribunal is called cassation, from the verb casser, to break or annul (Lat. quatere; Eng. quash); and the function of cassation, as regards the judgments of all the other courts, is assigned to a special tribunal called the Court of C., which may thus be regarded, in a certain sense, as the last and highest court of appeal for the whole country. But as everything is excluded beyond the question whether or not the view taken of the law, and of the proper method of administering it by the inferior tribunal, has been the right one, the idea


by the law. When thus constituted, the Court of C. may suspend the judges of the imperial courts from the exercise of their functions, and call them to its bar. The procureur-général of the Court of C. likewise possesses a surveillance over the procureursgénéraux of the imperial courts.

The members of this august tribunal wear a red gown with a violet toque, or cap of velvet; the robes of the presidents and of the procureur-général being doubled with white fur.

CASS ́AVA, a West Indian name of the plant also called MANIOC (q. v.), and of the starch produced from it, which is otherwise called Brazilian arrow-root, and is popularly known in Britain as TAPIOCA (q. v.).


CASSAY', or MUNEEPOO'R, a country in Farther India, to the south-east of Upper Assam, stretching from 23° 49′ to 25° 41′ N. lat., and from 93° 5′ to 94° 32′ E. long., and containing, with an area of 7584 square miles, a population variously estinated at 30,000 and upwards. It is important to England merely from its being on the Burmese it was occupied by the British; and, being permafrontier. Accordingly, before the war of 1825 began, nently ceded at the close of the contest, it was The inhabitants are handed over, free from tribute, to the native rajah. than Buddhists. The productions are tea, rice, more generally Brahmanists tobacco, indigo, cotton, sugar, opium, and mustard; and the manufactures are muslins, silks, and a few sometimes gives name to the principality. The chief town is Muneepoor, which

attached to this institution is less that of a court
in the ordinary sense, than of a department of
government to which the duty of inspecting the
administration of justice is assigned. By the 65th
article of the constitution of the year VIII., it
was enacted that there shall be for the whole of
France a tribunal of cassation, which shall pro-
nounce on demands for cassation against judgments
in the last resort pronounced by the tribunals;
and the following article of the same constitution
bears that this supreme tribunal shall pronouceiron wares.
no judgment on the foundation or merits of the
cause, but that, in case of its breaking the judg-
ment pronounced, it shall remit to the tribunal
appealed from to pronounce another. The title of
tribunal was afterwards changed for that of court,
by a senatus consultum of the year XII.; but sub-
stantially the institution has retained its original
character, notwithstanding all the changes of
government which have occurred in France. The
demand for cassation can be made only by the
parties of the suit, or by the procureur-général of

CA'SSEL, the capital of the electorate of Hesse, pleasantly situated on both sides of the Fulda, here a navigable river, 120 miles by rail, northnorth-east of Frankfurt on the Main. It contains (1864) 40,228 inhabitants, besides about 4000 soldiers, and 2500 servants and labourers connected with the military. The oldest part of the town consists of a few very narrow, crooked streets, close on the banks of the Fulda; the more modern parts are

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