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scarlet colour, like that worn by the bishops when assembled in convocation, and when the sovereign attends parliament.

CHIMES, music performed on bells in a church tower, either by the hands of a performer or by mechanism. The most perfect C. are to be found in Holland and Belgium.

by the lower part with the cooler air around it, the greater weight of the latter pushes the warm air upwards, and thus an ascending current is proof a C. will thus be proportional to its perpendicular duced. Other conditions being equal, the draught height, and the difference between the temperature within and without it. The straighter and more perpendicular the C., the stronger will be the draught, because the friction of the ascending current will be less, and the cooling effect of a long or tortuous course will be saved. The maximum efficiency of a given C. is attained when all the air that passes up it enters by the bottom of the fire. In this case, its temperature is raised to the uttermost by passing through the whole of the fire, and the fire is at the same time urged to vivid combustion by the blast thus obtained. A powerful furnace may be constructed by connecting a suitable fireplace, capable of being closed all round excepting at the bottom, with a tall C.; and the amount of draught may be regulated by decreasing or diminishing the aperture through which the air is admitted to the bottom of the fireplace, or by an adjustable opening above the fireplace, which will diminish the effective draught as its size is increased, or by a combination of both of these contrivances.

CHIMNEY (Fr. cheminée, Lat. caminus). There seems reason to believe that the C. in its present sense of a funnel from the hearth or fireplace to the roof of the house, is a modern invention. In Greek houses it is supposed that there were no chimneys, and that the smoke escaped through a hole in the roof What the arrangement was in houses in which there was an upper story, is not known; perhaps the smoke was conveyed by a short funnel through the side-wall of the house, which seems to have been the first form of C. invented in the middle ages. The Roman caminus, again, was not a C., but a sort of stove; and it has been a subject of much dispute, whether the Romans had any artificial mode of carrying off the smoke, or whether it was allowed to escape through the doors, windows, and openings in the roof. As the climate and the habits of the people both led to the houses of the ancients being very much more open than ours are, it is probable When the fireplace can be enclosed thus, there that the occasional fires which they had of wood is little liability to descending currents or smoky or charcoal may have given them no great incon- chimneys,' as they are called, even when the C. is venience. It is known, besides, that the rooms in very short, or has a tortuous course. It is chiefly Roman houses were frequently heated by means with open fireplaces that this defect occurs, and the of hot air, which was brought in pipes from a means of prevention and cure is a subject of some furnace below. In England, there is no evidence interest and importance. As with most other evils, of the use of C.-shafts earlier than the 12th century. the prevention is far easier than the cure; for by In Rochester castle (circa 1130), complete fireplaces properly constructing the C. in accordance with the appear; but the flues go only a few feet up in principles above stated-by placing the opening of the thickness of the wall, and are then turned the C. as nearly over the fire, and contracting the out through the wall to the back of the fireplace, open space above the fire, as much as possiblethe openings being small oblong holes. The downward smoking may in most cases be easily earliest C.-shafts are circular, and of considerable prevented. When a C. is in the neighbourhood of height. Afterwards, chimneys are found in a great a wall or building nearly as high as itself, orvariety of forms. Previous to the 16th c., many of what is still worse-higher, it is apt to smoke on them are short, and termi- account of the eddies and other complex currents nated by a spire or pinnacle, in the air, caused by the interference which such having apertures of various an obstacle presents to the regular movement of shapes. These apertures are the wind. In towns, such tortuous movements sometimes in the pinnacle, of the atmosphere are very common, and the sometimes under it, the contrivances for preventing the wind from blowing smoke escaping as from some down the chimneys are very numerous, and often modern manufacturing C.- grotesque. Revolving cowls of various forms, but stalks which are built in the alike in having a nearly horizontal outlet, which form of an Egyptian obelisk. is so turned by the wind, that the mouth shall Clustered C.-stalks do not always present itself in the direction in which appear until late in the 15th the wind is blowing, are the most common, and c., when they seem to have usually the most effectual. They are generally been introduced simultane- constructed of sheet-zinc, with an arrow, a flattened ously with the use of brick pigeon, or other device, as a vane, to determine the for this purpose. Each of rotation of the cowl. The curing of smoky chimneys, the earlier clustered chim- in conjunction with the economising of fuel, was one neys consists of two flues of the favourite subjects of investigation of that very From Parker's Glossary. which adhere to each other, practical philosopher, Count Rumford. He says: and are not set separate, as afterwards was the practice. Long after they were invented, and in use for other rooms, our ancestors did not generally introduce them into their halls, which, till the end of the 15th, or beginning of the 16th c., continued as formerly to be heated by a fire on an open hearth in the centre of the hall, the smoke escaping through an opening in the roof known by the name of louvre. In many of the older halls in which chimneys exist, they have evidently been inserted about this period.


Tisbury, Wilts:

The action of a C. depends upon the simple principle, that a column of heated air is lighter than a cooler column of equal height; when therefore a flue full of heated air communicates freely

Those who will take the trouble to consider the nature and properties of elastic fluids-of air, smoke, and vapour-and to examine the laws of their motions, and the necessary consequences of their being rarefied by heat, will perceive that it would be as much a miracle if smoke should not rise in a chimney-all hindrances to its ascent being removed

-as that water should refuse to run in a siphon, or to descend a river. The whole mystery, therefore, of curing smoky chimneys is comprised in this simple direction: find out and remove those local hindrances which forcibly prevent the smoke from following its natural tendency to go up the chimney; or rather, to speak more accurately, which prevent its being forced up by the pressure of the heavier



air of the room. He then goes on to speak of above 500 smoking chimneys that he has had under his hands, and which were supposed incurable, and states that he was never obliged,' except in one single instance, to have recourse to any other method of cure than merely reducing the fireplace and throat of the chimney, or that part of it which lies immediately above the fireplace, to a proper form and just dimensions.'

The figures illustrate his method of proceeding. Fig. 1 is a side view of a vertical section of a C. and fireplace before alteration; fig. 2, the same after

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the reduction of the fireplace and throat of chimney. ab is the opening of the fireplace in both; this is lowered by the piece at a, fig. 2, and the depth diminished by the brickwork, ce, behind; cd is a movable tile, to make room for the C.-sweeper. Figs. 3 and 4 are plans of the fireplace, looking down upon the hearth; the original opening of the fireplace is shewn by ACDB, fig. 3; the contracted opening, by acdb, in fig. 4. The dark space is filled with rubbish and faced with brickwork.

The slope of ac and bd, fig. 4, is better adapted for radiation into the room than the square opening of fig. 3: the fire being brought further forward, has also more heating effect; the space of the fireplace being smaller, the air within it will with a given sized fire become hotter, and therefore have more ascending power; while in the contracted throat widening downwards, and having its sides strongly heated, there is a rapid rush of heated air, which carries the smoke upwards, and resists the passage of temporary down-draughts. Most modern chimneys and fireplaces are now constructed in accordance with Count Rumford's suggestions. See GRATE.

One frequent cause of smoky chimneys is the want of sufficient inlet for air to the room. Sandbugs placed under doors, and other devices for preventing ventilation, may cause a well-constructed C. to smoke. Openings must exist somewhere, of sufficient capacity to supply the air which is to ascend the chimney. If the air enters the room on the same side as the fireplace, and sudden gusts of air pass across the front of the fireplace, a temporary

* Essays: Political, Economical, and Philosophical, by Benjamin Count Rumford, vol. í. p. 299.

descending current is likely to be produced. The openings are best opposite the fire. For the methods of arranging and regulating such openings for the admission of air, see VENTILATION.

Tall factory-chimneys, usually built of brick, are very costly structures, many of them rivalling in height our loftiest cathedral spires. Their construction has been considerably economised by building from the inside, and thus saving the expensive scaffolding. Their walls are built very thick at the base, and gradually thinner upwards: recesses are left at regular intervals in the inside, and stout wooden or iron bars rest upon these to form a sort of temporary ladder for the workmen to ascend; the materials are hoisted by ropes and pulleys.

Sheet-iron chimneys are largely used in Belgium. They are much cheaper but less durable than brick, and are objectionable on account of their rapid cooling by the action of the external air.

CHIMPANZEE (Troglodytes niger), a species of ape; one of those which in form and structure exhibit the greatest resemblance to man. It is a native of the warmest parts of Africa; to which also the Gorilla (q. v.), a larger species of the same genus, belongs. The C. is sometimes called the Black Orang; but differs from the Orang (q. v.) (Pithecus) of Asia in the proportionately shorter arms, which, however, are much longer than those of man; in the possession of an additional dorsal vertebra, and an additional or thirteenth pair of ribs; and in other particulars, in some of which it more nearly resembles, and in others more widely differs, from the human species. In both, the difference from man is very wide in the general adaptation of the structure for movement on allfours and for climbing and moving about among branches, rather than for erect walking, although the C. is able to move in an erect posture more easily than any other ape, usually, however, when so doing, holding its thighs with its hands; and still more in the form of the skull, and consequent aspect of the countenance, the facial angle being as low as 35° in the C. when it is measured without regard to the high bony ridges which project above the eyes; the jaws excessively projecting, and the outline of the face rather concave. There is also an important difference from the human species in the dentition; although the number of teeth of each kind is the same, the canine teeth of the apes is elongated, so as to pass each other, and corresponding intervals are provided for them in the opposite jaw. An interesting point of difference of the anatomy of the C. and Orang from that of man, is in the muscle which in man terminates in a single tendon, and concentrates its action on the great toe, terminating in the apes in three tendons, none of which is connected with the great toe or hinder thumb, but which flex the three middle toes; part of the adaptation of the foot for clasping as a hand. The great toe both of the C. and Orang is shorter than the other toes, and opposed to them as a thumb.

The C. does not seem to attain a height of quite four feet when in an erect posture. Its skin is thinly covered with long black hair in front; the hair is thicker on the head, back and limbs. The ears are remarkably prominent, thin, and naked, not unlike human ears in shape. The nose appears as little more than a mere wrinkle of the skin. The thumb of the hand is small and weak, that of the foot comparatively large and powerful. In a wild state, the animal appears to be gregarious, but its habits are not well known. Truth and fable have been so mixed up in the accounts of it, that new information must be obtained from reliable



sources, before even things not in themselves very improbable can be believed. In a state of confinen ent, it exhibits, at least when young, considerable

CHINCHI'LLA, a town of Spain, in the province of Albacete, 10 miles south-east of the city of that name. It is situated on an abrupt rocky hill crowned by a castle, and is surrounded by walls. The town is in general well built, with good streets, and a fine parish church, containing some excellent works of art. It has manufactures of cloth, linen, leather, earthenware, and glass, and a trade in the agricultural produce of the district. Pop. 12,000.

CHINCHILLA (Chinchilla, Eriomys, or Callomys), a genus of South American quadrupeds, of the order Rodentia; the type of a family, Chinchillida, allied to Cavies (Cavide), but differing from them in possessing clavicles. The general aspect is somewhat rabbit-like. There are several genera of Chinchillida, distinguished in part by the number of toes; the true chinchillas having four, with the rudiment of a fifth on the fore-feet, and four on the

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CHINA, or CHINA-WARE. See PORCELAIN. CHINA BARK, a name of Cinchona (q. v.) Bark, often to be met in books, and in common use on the continent. It is derived, not from the empire of China, but from Kina or Quina, the Peruvian name of cinchona.


CHINA GRASS, or CHINESE GRASS, the popular name of a fibre used in China for the manufacture of a beautiful fabric known as Grass-cloth. The name appears to have originated in the belief that the fibre was that of a grass; but this is not the case, it being chiefly obtained from Behmeria (q. V:) v.) nivea, a plant allied to the nettle. Besides this and other species of the natural order Urticacea, other plants, as species of Corchorus (q. v.) and Sida (q. v.), are believed to yield fibres employed in

the same manufacture. The fibres are said not to

be spun after the European manner, but joined into long threads by twisting their ends together. Grasscloth is now brought in considerable quantity to Europe, especially in the form of pocket-handkerchiefs. It has a fine glossy appearance and a peculiar transparency. See Rep. of Com. of Ag. 1865–67. CHINA ROOT, the root, or rather the rhizome (root-stock) of Smilax China, a climbing shrubby plant, closely allied to sarsaparilla, and belonging to the same genus; a native of China, Cochin-China, and Japan. See SARSAPARILLA and SMILACEE. The stem is round and prickly, the leaves thin and roundish oblong; the rhizome tuberous and large; subastringent and diaphoretic. It is occasionally used in medicine, and is imported in a dry state into Europe; but it is also employed in the East as an article of food. It abounds in starch.


hind-feet; whilst in the genus Lagidium or Lagotis there are four on each foot; and in the Lagostomus, four on the fore-feet and three on the hind-feet. All the species of this family are gregarious; feed much on roots, for which their strong and sharp incisors are particularly adapted; and live either in holes, which they select for themselves in rocky districts, or in burrows, which they excavate. They are valued for their fur, particularly the CHINCHILLA of the Andes (C. lanigera), of which the fur constitutes an important article of commerce. numbers are said to be sensibly decreasing in consequence of the demand for the fur. The ancient Peruvians were accustomed to employ the wool of the C. for the manufacture of fine fabrics. Molina suggests, that it might easily and profitably be kept in a domesticated state.

that name.


of Madrid, 25 miles south-south-east of the city of CHINCHO'N, a town of Spain, in the province It is pleasantly situated on a hill near the Tagus, and is well built, with wide, regular, and clean streets. Agriculture forms the chief occupation of the inhabitants, but leather, linen, and earthenware are manufactured to a small extent. Pop. 5400.

CHINDWA'RA, a town of Nagpore, in Hindustan, in lat. 22° 3' N., and long. 78° 58′ E. It occupies a plateau amid the Deoghur Mountains, Its | standing 2100 feet above the level of the sea. climate is consequently one of the most agreeable and salubrious in India, attracting many visitors in search of health or recreation.

CHINE, LA, a village of Lower or East Canada, on the south side of the island of Montreal, and about 7 miles to the west of the city of that name. Both the city and the village stand on the left bank of the St. Lawrence, or rather, of a branch of the Ottawa; for here, and at least 10 or 12 miles further down, these united rivers keep their waters unmingled. As the intermediate portion of the

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