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cases as those of Jeremiah the prophet, and John the Baptist. We, who believe in the doctrines of this Confession, do not conceive ourselves as prevented, in good faith, from believing, so far as we can be said to believe without positive information, that all infants, whether Christian or heathen, dying in infancy, belong to the election of God. But as this is not revealed, it is right in public Confessions of Faith to go no farther than the written word. Therefore in the West. Confess. "elect infants" are mentioned, not however to constrain the supporters of that Confession, to believe that there are any infants reprobate. The great truths recognized in the Calvinistic system are these. "There is but one way of salvation, that is, through Christ; they who hear and are capable of improving this way, and reject it, shall perish; they who, though born in a Christian land, are incapable from infancy or idiocy, of improving this way, may be saved." Upon the same principles, without relinquishing one single article of our faith, we consider that God may apply to all infants dying in infancy, and to the dying pagan, the blood of Christ. We state it hypothetically; merely to show that Dr. H. has not sufficiently examined the standards of the Calvinistic Churches.

But we must draw to a conclusion, assuring our readers that when the proper occasion offers, we are not unwilling to enter the lists in defence of Calvinism.

Though we have declined taking a part in the Episcopal controversy, yet we cannot resist the temptation which the present address affords us, to endeavour to teach the author a little wisdom, prudence, and moderation in the controversy. In p. 28 he says, "In the ecclesiastical history of Eusebius, composed within 200 years of the Apostolick age, the lists in question (viz. of Bishops) will be found as copied from the records of the different Churches by Eusebius himself." Then in a note our author gives the succession of the Bishops of Jerusalem, as given by Eusebius, who he says, transcribed the same from the Church records. As Dr. H. has not referred to the place in Eusebius where be found the above account, we had to search for it as well as we could. It is in the fifth book and twelfth

chapter of his history we meet with these words, ai Tay autóé. dia adoxai regisxs, episcoporum series, quæ in archivis illius ecclesiæ, servantur, ostendunt, in plain English, "after whom the successions of the (Bishops) there do show." Upon this passage, Valesius, the editor of Eusebius, after mentioning that the Churches founded by the apostles, did keep a record of their bishops with great care, adds, "these our Eusebius had diligently examined, as appears from this place: and he has digested the Bishops of the principal sees from these tables only." Thus then Dr. How has palmed upon his hearers and readers Valesius for Eusebius, the Editor for the Historian. Besides the plain import of the words quoted, we have more decisive authorities from Eusebius himself, concerning these said Bishops of Jerusalem, so imposingly introduced in the note to p. 28. In the fourth book and fifth chapter of his history, Eusebius says, "moreover, the space of time which the Bishops of Jerusalem spent in their presidency over that see, I could in no wise find preserved in writing: for as report says, they were very short-lived: But thus much I have been informed of from old records, that unto, &c." Such then is the fact as stated by Dr. H. from Valesius, contradicted by Eusebius himself. Of this contradiction, see Pearson de success. prim. Rom. Episc. c. 2, p. 8, as quoted in Reading's Cambridge ed. of Eusebius by Valesius, p. 225.

We now conclude our long review. Nothing but the standing of the author, and the credit which he has with his party. would have excited us to pay so much attention to so short a pamphlet. The style is better than that of the author's other productions. The characteristic fault of the man appears throughout, to make assertions without proving them, and to discolour, for the purpose of exciting disgust, doctrines which be does not understand. Many things are introduced, not for giving unity to the whole, but to disclose party views. We honour his honesty in avowing his sentiments, and respect his motives; but wish he may in future afford a better specimen of his talents, and the correctness of his reading.



ECCLES. xii. 7, 8.

OH sweet is heaven's cerulean light,
Fair from the blue vault gleaming,
And sweet, the golden radiance bright,
That from the sun is streaming.
Yet live, fond man, thy little hours,
Of earthly bliss a lover,

And cull the charms of earthly flowers-
Death shall thy path discover!

The days of darkness soon shall brood,
Thy transient pleasures blasting,
Death sweeps his waves of solitude-
Dark, and for ages lasting.

For all is vanity on earth

Then seek the joys of heaven;

There, flow'rets of celestial birth
Shall to thy hand be given!


DOWN from the hill of Calv'ry flows
A living stream of joy and love,
Whose gentle wave the shepherd knows,
And every traveller longs to prove.

O'er barren fields and sandy wastes
It spreads, to bless the sterile land,

And o'er the dreary desert hastes

To crown with life, by Christ's command.

L. S.

chapter of his history we meet with these words, ai twy autól, dia adoxai wıçiıxu, episcoporum series, quæ in archivis illius ecclesiæ, servantur, ostendunt, in plain English," after whom the successions of the (Bishops) there do show." Upon this pas sage, Valesius, the editor of Eusebius, after mentioning that the Churches founded by the apostles, did keep a record of their bishops with great care, adds, "these our Eusebius had diligently examined, as appears from this place: and he has digested the Bishops of the principal sees from these tables only." Thus then Dr. How has palmed upon his hearers and readers Valesius for Eusebius, the Editor for the Historian Besides the plain import of the words quoted, we have more decisive authorities from Eusebius himself, concerning these A said Bishops of Jerusalem, so imposingly introduced in the note to p. 28. In the fourth book and fifth chapter of his his tory, Eusebius says, "moreover, the space of time which the Th Bishops of Jerusalem spent in their presidency over that see I could in no wise find preserved in writing: for as report say Dea they were very short-lived: But thus much I have been infor ed of from old records, that unto, &c." Such then is the fact For stated by Dr. H. from Valesius, contradicted by Eusebius hi Th self. Of this contradiction, see Pearson de success. prim. Ro There Episc. c. 2, p. 8, as quoted in Reading's Cambridge ed. of Sha sebius by Valesius, p. 225.

We now conclude our long review. Nothing but the sta ing of the author, and the credit which he has with his pa would have excited us to pay so much attention to so she pamphlet. The style is better than that of the author's o productions. The characteristic fault of the man app throughout, to make assertions without proving them, ar discolour, for the purpose of exciting disgust, doctrines be does not understand. Many things are int

giving unity to the whole, but to disclo honour his honesty in avowing his sent

motives; but wish he may in future

his talents, and the correctness





A living hose ge And eve

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ECCLES. xii. 7, 8.

OH sweet is heaven's cerulean light,
Fair from the blue vault gleaming,
And sweet, the golden radiance bright,
That from the sun is streaming.
Yet live, fond man, thy little hours,
Of earthly bliss a lover,

And cull the charms of earthly flowers-
Death shall thy path discover!

The days of darkness soon shall brood,
Thy transient pleasures blasting,
Death sweeps his waves of solitude-
Dark, and for ages lasting.

For all is vanity on earth

Then seek the joys of heaven;
There, flow'rets of celestial birth
Shall to thy hand be given!

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