| 1791 - 610 pages
...refpeitivc fubjecls ihall not be difturbed or molefted either in navigating, or carrying on their fiiheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South Seas, or in landing on the coafts of thole feas, in places not aiready occupied, for the purpofe of carrying on their commerce... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1791 - 754 pages
...refpeclive fubjecls fliall not be difturbed ormolefted, either in navigating or carrying on their fiflieties in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South Seas, or in landing on the coafts of thofe feas, in places not already occupied, forthepurpofe of carrying on their commerce with... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens - 1791 - 416 pages
...fubjeïïs fhall not be dijlurbed or molefted, either in navigating or carrying on their Fifheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South Seas, or in landing on the Coafts of thofe Seas, in Placer not already occupied, for the Purpofe of tarrying on their commerce... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1793 - 542 pages
...South Seas, or in landin¿ on the coals of thom feas, in p¿aces not-already orupicd, for t¿e purpofe of carrying on their commerce with the natives of the country, or of making fettlements S an¿t of. erefting thereon huts, and or, aldcrnsen¿ and ¿çñni¿ionsof the . other... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1816 - 728 pages
...their respective subjects shall not be disturbed or molest» ed, either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South...natives of the country, or of making settlements there, the whole subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions and provisions specified in the three following... | |
| Great Britain, Lewis Hertslet - 1820 - 418 pages
...that their respective subjects shall not be disturbed or molested, either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South...natives of the country, or of making settlements there ; the whole subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions and provisions specified in the three following... | |
| Joseph Chitty - 1824 - 994 pages
...that their respective subjects shall not be disturbed or molested, either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South...natives of the country, or of making settlements there ; the whole subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions and provisions specified in the three following... | |
| Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - 1828 - 598 pages
...molested, either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South Seas, in places not already occupied for the purpose...natives of the country or of making settlements there.' By the fifth article, ' it is agreed, that as well in the places, which are to be restored to the British... | |
| 1844 - 722 pages
...that their respective subjects shall not be disturbed or molested, either in navigating or carrying on their fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, or in the South...coasts of those seas in places not already occupied, fur the purpose of carrying on their commerce with the natives of the country, or of making settlement!... | |
| Henry Wheaton - 1836 - 420 pages
...respective subjects should not be disturbed in their navigation and fisheries in the Pacific Ocean or the South Seas, or in landing on the coasts of those seas, not already occupied, for the purpose of carrying on their commerce with the natives of the country,... | |
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