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before them. This will be peculiarly gratifying to those who, like myself, feel a more than ordinary measure of cordial attachment to that land of liberty. Germany also, in which the great religious Reformation first had its rise, is prosecuting the good work of circulating the holy Scriptures with more than common ardour. Germany is imitating our example, and emulating us with a rivalry which knows nothing of base or vulgar competition. This blessed flame, which we have happily kindled on the Continent, has spread into much darker regions. We see it even infusing life and action into the immense and torpid mass of the Russian empire, and awakening Siberia herself into motion, and communicating to it a kindly warmth.

"Thus, my lord, we proceed in our blessed course, carrying along with us, from country to country, a rich donative of light and happiness, love and joy; and behold fresh prospects of peace and comfort continually opening before us. With these delightful views it is impossible not to be thankful to God for our having been engaged in such a service. It is a work which we may truly affirm is co-extensive with the earth we inhabit; and our labours may be said, in some humble measure, to resemble those of that great Being whose word we circulate, and who . spreads undivided, operates unspent.' "My Lord, I must not attempt, for I am unable, to express the feelings which animate me; but I cannot sit down, without stating for myself, and it is a feeling in which I doubt not every one else will participate, that I propose the printing of this Report with the more pleasure, from the kind manner in which it mentions our dear and excellent friend, whose absence we so much regret; I mean, the Rev. Mr. Owen. In that afflicting dispensation, which has prevented him from having the gratification of continuing to labour in our cause, we must, at the same time, recognise the mercy of Providence, which did not lay him by till he had gone through an almost unequalled amount of labour and service. He laid the foundation; he was permitted to see the superstructure rise to heaven itself; and still more, he was enabled to complete the history of our achievements, in a work which, though laborious, could not, even to the compiler himself, be without gratification. For it is always gratifying to

trace any great work from its outset to its consumination; to mark its gradual progress; to see the obstacles it has overcome. And this work of our friend's will hereafter, I doubt not, be justly accounted, through succeeding ages, an imperishable record of one of the most extraordinary dispensations of Providence which ever was vouchsafed to enlighten and to bless the world.

"Under this impression, it is with delight I see the Report pay this tribute of affection and gratitude to a man to whom we owe so much. When he is no longer able to come to us, we go, as it were, to him, into our sick friend's chamber, and there endeavour to pour the strains of gratitude and consolation into his ear, when that tongue, which has so often delighted us, is silent."

This motion being seconded by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, the Bishop of Gloucester moved thanks to the President, and pointed out the duty of joy and gratitude to God, who, in the midst of unexampled difficulty and universal distress, had maintained the prosperity of the Society; inferring from this circumstance, in conjunction with the general tenor of the Report which had been read, the propriety of persevering in patient hope. Had difficulties arisen, had opposition increased in any part of their sphere of operations, had their funds in any instance appeared to lessen, or to be directed to other channels, surely they ought to derive from these little checks the right lessons of humility, and become more anxious to pursue their work in a Christian spirit, and to compensate for partial failures by more strenuous efforts, and, if possible, by greater sacrifices. With this determination to persevere should be associated the firm principle of faith and implicit dependence upon God. "Is it nothing," said his lordship, "that bigotry in one part of Christendom, and superstition in another; that Mahometan pride and Pagan idolatry have begun in various quarters to give way? Has not the hand of God been almost visibly with us for good, and his presence among us of a truth! Has the Sun of Righteousness shone so long with uninterrupted splendour, and shall an occasional cloud make us doubt his continued favour for a moment? ShaH we not rather cast ourselves still more simply and unreservedly upon his long experienced protection, and be assured that the cause of his word will find in

him a rock which shall never be shaken -the Rock of Ages, against which all the force or the devices of the powers of darkness shall never prevail ?" His lordship ended his remarks with a forcible and affectionate address to the members of the Society to make a spiritual and practical use of the sacred Volumes which they distributed to others; especially as the infidel, the careless, and the worldly-minded were apt to measure the value of the Society by the effect which this professed regard to the Bible produced upon the life and deportment of its adherents.

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland particularly alluded to the co-operation and sympathy of that happy land of liberty and simplicity, of loyalty and religion, which had so admirably seconded the efforts of the Society, and whose best feelings were almost identified with our own. In his progress through that country, he had frequently the happiness to hear his native land mentioned in a manner most gratifying to his national feelings, and to public spirit and generous conduct; a successful struggle in the cause of justice, and the glory of its arms, were topics which called forth continually a well-earned praise; but a praise in some countries diminished by the imputation of selfish interest, or grudg ingly yielded, and mixed perhaps with somewhat of jealousy of her pre-eminence, and anxiety respecting her influence and authority. But there were two topics which, in Switzerland especially, excited unqualified admiration; first, the emancipation of Africa from the slavery of the body; and, secondly, the emancipation of the world from the darkness and ignorance of the mind. When it was said, with gratitude and praise, that England had abolished the Slave Trade, and established the Bible Society, there remained behind no petty sorrow for her acknowledged superiority, but a desire to imitate her conduct, and emulate her benevolence. The guiding spirits, and providential instruments of these two achievements, were present before the Society; and he could add, from his own experience, and he believed there were those dear to his lordship, who, at this moment, experienced the same, that the name of his lordship, as President of the Bible Society, was a passport, not through Switzerland alone, but he believed through every nation in Europe.

Lord Teignmouth replied: "For thir-

teen years it has been my pleasing office to report the progress of an institution, continually advancing in interest, respectability, and usefulness-such, by the Divine favour, has been the effect of the disinterested benevolence of its principle, the catholic spirit of its constitution, the restrictive wisdom of its regulations, and the integrity with which its concerns have been administered. The British and Foreign Bible Society is no longer an experiment: experience has decided for it more favourably than its warmest advocates ever anticipated, and has pronounced it one of the greatest blessings to the human race, that Christian charity ever devised.

"Permit me for a moment to take a light view of that magnificent scene which it has been the means of exbibiting to the world, and which has been most amply delineated in the Report. We may behold princes and potentates, the noble, the wise, the learned, and valiant of the earth, proclaiming their homage to the word of God, and aiding and encouraging the circulation of it, by their influence and example. We may see dignitaries and pastors of every church, Christians of all confessions, cordially uniting, and contributing, according to their several means, their talents, their time, their labour, their wealth, or their pittance, to promote this beneficent work, animating and encouraging each other in the career of benevolence, themselves animated and supported by the prayers and benedictions of thousands, who have benefited by their charitable labours. If I were to name a particular instance, out of many, in which the benevolent spirit of our institution shines with particular lustre, I would advert to the affectionate intercourse which it maintains with kindred Societies all over the world, exciting emulation without envy, and provoking each other to love and good works. And may we not hope that this kind and harmonious feeling, so cordially displayed in the Correspondence and Reports of Foreign Bible Societies, may gradually extend its benign influence, softening the asperity of national jealousies, and insinuating that spirit of conciliation and good will among nations towards. each other, which the whole tenor of the Gospel inculcates, and the interests of humanity require? If such should ever be the blessed result of our endeavours to promote the happiness of mankind, 3 G

through the medium of that holy Book, in which only the knowledge for obtaining it is to be found, the British and Foreign Bible Society will then have acquired a triumph more splendid, more honourable, more useful, than ever was achieved by arms; and the word of God, which has had such free course, will then indeed be glorified. But, without expatiating on this cheering hope, which all present will, I am sure, be inclined to participate, I may venture to affirm that, if it were possible to trace, in all its variety and extent, the good produced by the British and Foreign Bible Society, the result would incontestably prove, that public liberality was never more profitably directed, was never applied to better or holier uses, than to support an institution which breathes peace and good will to men, without distinction of colour or country, Christian or heathen. But so much of that good has appeared, that I cannot but offer my devout thanksgiving to Almighty God, who has been pleased to make me in any degree instrumental to the production of it; and if I were to name a day of my life attended with a peculiar blessing, I should fix on that in which I became a member of this institution."

W. T. Money, Esq. M. P. assured the meeting, that the services of this Society were not less appreciated in the East than at home. He had lately returned from that quarter; and among the delightful enjoyments which awaited his return to his native land, one of the most gratifying to the best feelings of his heart was to be associated with that excellent institution, whose exertions among the nations of India he had had the happiness to witness, and, as far as depended upon his humble efforts, to promote. The first great step for the spread of the Gospel on the Western side of the Indian peninsula was the establishment of a Bible Society at Bombay, which, under the zealous and well-directed patronage of Sir Evan Nepeau, had amply succeeded. The natives were at first somewhat hostile to the measure; but upon its objects being clearly explained, all apprehension vanished from their minds. The character and examples of the Europeans in India had been hitherto considered as the bane of Christian instruction among the natives; but he could bear testimony that the morals of every description of British residents had now greatly improved: a zeal for religion had begun

very generally to prevail, accompanied with a line of conduct more in unison with our doctrine, and better calculated to diffuse it. The change was to be attributed to the circulation of the Bible, to the ecclesiastical establishments which Dr. Buchanan recommended, to the labours of the Missionaries, and the example of some of the highest resident authorities. He inferred from the great diversity of native dialects from Cape Comorin to the Isthmus of Suez, the necessity not only of translations, but of teaching the inhabitants our language, as the best vehicle of religious communication. The Portuguese had adopted this plan, and their language had survived their empire, and still continued to be the medium of propagating their mode of worship with a success with which we, in the zenith of our power, cannot keep pace. After a va riety of useful remarks and interesting anecdotes, Mr. Money concluded with the following relation :

"Between two and three years ago I went from Bombay into the Mahratta country, for the health of my family, and we encamped in the bosom of a beautiful grove at Lanocoly, about thirty miles from Poonah. One day, as our little girl, not three years old, was walking through the grove with her native servant, they approached an ancient and deserted Hindoo temple; the man, quitting the little child, stepped aside, and immediately paid his adorations to a stone idol, that was seated at the door of the temple. When he returned, the following dialogue took place between them;-Saumy, what for you do that?'

"Oh, Missy, that my god.-Your god! -Why your god a stone-your god no can see no can hear--no can move. My God see every thing: my God make you-make me-make every thing.'

"We remained at this sequestered place for four months, and the scene I have described was frequently repeated, Saumy never failed to repair to the temple, and the child never failed to rebuke him for his idolatry. He became, notwithstanding, very much attached to her; and when he thought she was going to Europe, he said to her, 'What will poor Saumy do when Missy go England?


Saumy no father, no mother." instantly replied, 'Oh, Saumy, if you love my God, he will be your Father and Mother too."

"The old man, with tears in his eyes, promised to love her God. 'Then,' said she,' you must learn my prayers;1

and she taught him the Lord's Prayer, the Belief, and her morning and evening Hymns. One morning, when we were assembled to family worship, Saumy, of his own accord, quite unexpected, came into the room, took his turban from his head, laid it on the floor, and kneeling down, audibly repeated after me the Lord's Prayer. From thenceforward there was a visible change in his whole conduct, particularly in his regard for truth. He became anxious to learn English, that he might read the Bible, and, in a little time, he accomplished the task."

The Rev. George Clayton remarked"When I look at this Society, not as I behold it to-day in this crowded hall, where all is acclamation and triumph, but when I view it in the calm retire ment of the study, and as I have lately done through the curtains of a sick chamber, I can truly say, I am wrapt in admiration of its constitution and movements: it comes over me in those forms of grandeur and majesty, which I have really no language to describe. I look with amazement and delight at the unencumbered simplicity of its plan, for it gives the Bible, and the Bible only at the amplitude of its range-for the field is the world; at the multitude of its agents, for these are not easily calculated at the vastness of its resources, which exceed the most sanguine expectations-at the magnificence of its successes, for these are now emblazoned in every dialect of the earth, and quar tered on the escutcheon of almost every crowned head in Christendom. But, gentlemen, it is not precisely in these views, that the institution strikes my mind most forcibly-it is the characteristic spirit which it breathes-it is the evangelical aspect which it wears-it is the moral power it exerts, which render it the wonder of the world."

Mr. Clayton then proceeded to point out, with much eloquence, the unanimity of the Society's friends, their candour and forbearance towards their opponents, and the religious disinterestedness of its agents, and concluded as follows: "Never does this Society charm me so much, as when it humbles itself and its achievements, and says, Not unto us, not unto us, O Lord, but to thy Name, be all the glory.' It was a gratifying circumstance, which is reported to have occurred at the coronation of our beloved Sovereign, (whom may God long preserve, and speedily restore!) When the youthful Monarch

passed through that ceremony, he is reported to have inquired, whether it was customary to receive the memorial of our Saviour's death with the crown upon the head; to which the officiating Archbishop replied, that there was no established law on the occasion: upon which the Sovereign immediately put off the crown, and deposited it at the foot of the altar, while he prostrated himself in a posture of profound humiliation. This is precisely what this Society has done to-day, and will continue to do, as I hope, till the latest day of its existence. Let it not be forgotten, that it was when Nebuchadnezzar swelled on the lofty turrets of that city, which he had raised as a monument of his glory, that a watcher, and a holy one from heaven, was sent to rebuke his pride, and to terminate his dominion. It was when Herod, on a set day, arrayed in gorgeous apparel, made an oration unto the people, and they cried, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man! that the angel of the Lord smote him, and he was eaten of worms, because he gave not to God the glory. And so soon as the worm of pride shall eat into the heart of this Society, so soon as this canker shall corrode that spreading tree, under whose shade the nations are reposing, so soon may we bid farewell to the prosperity of our institution. But while harmony prevails, and forbearance is exemplified, while disinterestedness reigns, and the glory of all that is accomplished is unreservedly ascribed to the King of Heaven, so long this institution will realize, what I am sure is the wish of its warmest admirers and best friends, Esto perpetua ! "

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The Hon. Sir George Grey stated the readiness and pleasure with which foreign vessels, as well as our own, received the sacred gift of the Scriptures. He was followed by John Weyland, jun. Esq. who expressed his great attachment to the Society, as one of the wisest and noblest efforts which God ever put it in the heart of man to make for the promotion of his glory, and the good of our fellow creatures. It was founded, he remarked, on the only solid principle of human improvement, the moral equality of mankind; that principle which acknowledged that the poorest man in the poorest cottage, the wildest savage in the remotest desert has a soul as valuable in the eyes of his Creator, and which should be as valuable in the eyes of those who have the power of protecting and instructing him, as the greatest mo

'narch on his throne. "It is this feeling," remarked Mr. Weyland, which sooths the mind of the philanthropist, in contemplating the political inequalities of the human condition, which he must necessarily admit to be an essential part of the ordination of Providence towards a fallen world. It is the principle of moral equality, too, as it is acted on by this Society, which more than compensates to the man who is suffering under the consequences of political inequality, all the supposed hardships of his lot. For put the Bible into his hand, make him feel the objects we all feel, and instead of being the lowest in the escale, he is raised to the highest point of human happiness and usefulness; be becomes the member of an aristocracy, to which I heartily pray, that I, and those whom I love, may belong." Mr. W. having dwelt on the principle of the Society, felt desirous, as a country, to bear witness to its excellent practical effects; which he forcibly illustrated by circumstances which had occurred, within his own observation, of immoral and profligate persons becoming useful and active members of the community by means of their connexion with Bible Associations. One man, in particular, had thus saved 4s. 6d. a week to his family; he was accustomed to spend weekly 5s. at a public-house; but a Bible being put into his hand he came to the penny association, and subscribed his penny: in six months from that period he increased it to 6d.; and when told that it was not wished to deprive his family of the money, he gratefully acknowledged that he had gained 4s. 6d. by means of the Association, and had to thank its conductors, not only for saving his money, but for making him a better man, and giving him the enjoyment of happiness, which he never before possessed, and for which he should never be able to repay them.

(To be concluded in our next.)


At the seventeenth anniversary of this institution, which was held May 6th, the Rev. D. Wilson preached the Annual Sermon, and forcibly pointed out from John iv. 35, 36, First, the present state of this country with respect to the means and disposition for communicating the Gospel; and, secondly, the openings in the heathen world for its reception. The meeting for receiving the Report and conducting the annual business of the Society, was af

terwards held at Freemasons'-hall; the right honourable Lord Gambier in the chair; attended by the Bishop of Gloucester, several of the Vice-Presidents, and other officers of the Society, a large number of clergymen, and more than 1,200 other members, both ladies and gentlemen.

The report, which was by far the most encouraging yet presented to the Society, mentioned, among other interesting circumstances, the baptism of twenty-one adults in one day, from among the recaptured Negroes in the Colony of Sierra Leone. The income of the Society, instead of being diminished, as might have been expected from the circumstances of the times, bad increased during the last year more than 3,000l.; amounting to nearly 20,0002. Owing to the increased demands on the Society, the expenditure had not been much less than 22,000l.

The principal speakers on this occa sion were, the right honourable Lord Gambier; the Bishop of Gloucester; the Rev. John Paterson; the Rev. Dr. Thorp; R. H. English, Esq.; the Rev. J. Bickersteth; Charles Barclay, Esq. M. P.; the Rev. R. P. Beachcroft ; the Rev. J. W. Cunningham; the Rev. D.Hughes; the Rev.D. Wilson; the Rev. E. Burn; and the Rev. Hans Hamilton. Never have we witnessed, at any public meeting, a style of eloquence more solemn, chastised, and appropriate, or a spirit more devotional and ardent, yet at the same time humble and affectionate, than on this occasion;-and indeed it is but justice to add, that in general the anniversary meetings of the various religious charitable societies have been characterized this year more than ever, by these laudable qualities-qualities which do no less credit to the correct taste and judgment of the speakers than to their piety and indifference to worldly motives. It is gratifying to observe, and it ought surely to be viewed as a mark of the Divine blessing, and an omen for good-that those human feelings which are but too apt at all times to intrude themselves even into the best of men engaged in the best of causes are seen more and more to yield to the hallowed influence of Christian principle; and that our charitable meetings are thus rendered scarcely less beneficial to those employed in conducting them, than to those for whose benefit they are convened.

The Rev. Daniel Corrie has returned to his labours in India. His presence

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